gooshie commented on a Page, Prefix Script   -  Sep 26, 2010

You could
[Alt]+o => IRC => Show mode prefix
And [ALT]+b => Nick Colors => (add $me)
to get simular results.

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if ($left($1,1) != /) {
    if $left($nick(#,$me).pnick,1) isin ~&@%+ {
       echo -mt # 12,1<14,1 $+ $v1 $+ 12,1 $+ $me $+ > $1-
    else { echo -mt # 14,1<12,1 $+ $me $+ 14,1> $1- }
    haltdef | .msg # $1- 

Another method assuming you still want the prefix
colored different than your nickname is:

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if ($left($1,1) != /) {
    var %p $left($nick(#,$me).pnick,1)
    if %p isin ~&@%+ { %p = $+($chr(3),$color(other),$v1) } | else { %p = }
    echo -cmti2 own # $+(<,%p,$chr(3),$nick(#,$me).color,$me,$chr(3),$color(own),>) $1-
    haltdef | .msg # $1- 
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