Jethro commented on a Page, Simpel CLANBOT  -  Oct 08, 2009

All those on text events can be consolidated into one:

on $*:TEXT:/^(\x21\w+)/i:%clanchan: {
  tokenize 32 $strip($regml(1)) 
  if ($regml(1) == !cmdop) && ($nick isop #) { 
    notice $nick 14,114The 15commands 0for 15@ 14are: 4!14sethp, 4!15setmembers, 4!0setnextwar, 4!15setlinks, 
  if ($regml(1) == !cmd) { 
    msg # 14,114You 15can 0use 15these 14commands. 4!14hp, 4!15members, 4!0nextwar, 4!0links, 4!15shoot, 4!14camp 
  if ($regml(1) == !hp) && (%hp) { msg # $v1 }
  if ($regml(1) == !sethp) && ($nick isop #) { set %hp $2- }
  if ($regml(1) == !members) && (%members) { msg # $v1 }
  if ($regml(1) == !setmembers) && ($nick isop #) { set %members $2- }
  if ($regml(1) == !nextwar) && ($nick isop #) && (%nextwar) { msg # $v1 }
  if ($regml(1) == !setnextwar) && ($nick isop #) { set %nextwar $2- }
  if ($regml(1) == !setlinks) && ($nick isop #) { set %links $2- }
  if ($regml(1) == !links) && (%links) { msg # $v1 }
  if ($regml(1) == !shoot) { $iif($rand(1,2) == 1,describe # $nick was lucky whis time!,describe # To bad now I need to shoot $nick in the Ass!) }
  if ($regml(1) == !camp) {
    var %camp.tal = $rand(10,100)
    msg # $nick is %camp.tal ...

Please take a note of this line:> $+ % Camper . - Camp-O-Meter - $chr($asc) $+ $str(4, $ceil($calc(%camp.tal / 5))) $+ $str(5, $floor($calc($calc(100 - %camp.tal) / 5)))) $+ $chr($asc)
<- this line of code is equivocal and will generate an error.

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