Noutrious commented on a Page, !peak script for a bot  -  May 22, 2008

¬ 03:19:26pm| Neisen: !peak
¬ 03:19:27pm| --> NOTICE: From [ testyu ] : Sorry, #test hasn\'t got it\'s peak yet.
¬ 03:19:28pm| * Attempting to rejoin channel #test
¬ 03:19:29pm| --> JOIN: You are now talking in #test
¬ 03:19:30pm| Neisen: !peak
¬ 03:19:31pm| --> NOTICE: From [ testyu ] : Most users on #test were 3 with last joiner Neisen, before 1sec!

on *:JOIN:#:if ($+(%peak,$chan) <= $nick($chan,0)) set $+($chr(37),peak,$chan) $+($nick($chan,0),$chr(124),$nick,$chr(124),$ctime)
on *:TEXT:*:*:if ($1 == !peak) && ($chan) notice $nick $iif($numtok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),124) = 3,Most users on $chan were $gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),1,124) with last joiner $+($gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),2,124),$chr(44)) before $+($duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),3,124)),1),!),$+(Sorry,$chr(44)) $chan hasn\'t got it\'s peak yet.)

Here you go! :)

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