!peak script for a bot

By PuNkTuReD on May 21, 2008

replace #YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME_HERE with your channel name

on *:text:*:*: {
  if ($$1 = !peak) && (%peakwait == wait) { msg $chan 4,8Please wait 30seconds before checking Peak Users again. }
  if ($$1 = !peak) && (%peakwait == $null) {
    set -u30 %peakwait wait
  msg %botchan 7Most users to chat on4 $chan 7is4 %mostusers }

on *:load: {
  echo -a Welcome to !peak script By PuNkTuReD
  echo -a Type !peak to check Channel Peak
  set %mostusers 0
  if (%mostusers < $nick($chan,0)) { set %mostusers $nick($chan,0) }
  else { halt }


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Stewie1k94   -  May 01, 2011

anyone got a peak script that shows how many regular users ops halfops voiced owners and admins are in achannel ?

napa182   -  Apr 25, 2010

um this should make it like that just after you load the code type /hfree peak so you can start fresh..

#Peak on
on $@*:text:/^@peak$/iS:#:if ($nick isop #) msg # $iif(!$hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),Sorry No count yet.,Most users on04 # was04 $gettok($hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),1-11,32) before $+($duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),12,32)),1),!))
on !*:join:#: { 
  if ($nick(#,0) > $gettok($hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),1,32) || !$hget(Peak,$+($network,#))) { 
    .hadd -m Peak $+($network,#) $nick(#,0) Users on04 $date(m/d/yy) at04 $time(h:nn tt) with last joiner $+($nick,$chr(44)) $ctime
    msg # !!New User Peak Record Reached!! In04 # With04 $gettok($hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),1-7,32) 
#Peak end
on *:start:{ $Peakstartup } 
on *:connect:{ $Peakstartup }
on *:exit:{  $Peakclose } 
on *:disconnect:{ $Peakclose }
alias -l Peakclose { .hsave Peak $qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh)  } 
alias -l Peakstartup {  
  if (!$hget(Peak)) { .hmake Peak 100 } 
  if ($exists($qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh))) { .hload Peak $qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh) } 
menu Channel,menubar {
  .Turn Peak $iif($group(#Peak) = On,Off,On): $iif($group(#Peak) = On,.disable,.enable) #Peak | echo -a Peak Script is now $group(#Peak)
Cheiron   -  Apr 25, 2010

ah i know what i spotted missing that i wanted to ask to be added.. on Noutorius's version you had

05<02:43pm> -Titan_Bot- Most users on #Socialchat were 10 with last joiner Sleeping_On_The_Job, before 5secs! on the @peak command..

can you edit yours to include this ?

 with last joiner $+($gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),2,124),$chr(44))

thats the bit on Noutorius's that did that

Cheiron   -  Apr 24, 2010

yeah i didnt look at the trigger right when i loaded it hence why it took me 2 attempts lol.. but it works fine :)

napa182   -  Apr 24, 2010

um I don't use ! in my triggers for the most part cuz of conflicts with anope. I mostly use @ ,but if you want to use ! just change the @ to a ! or if you want to use both @ and ! you can do..

for !

 on $@*:text:/^!peak$/iS:#:

for @

 on $@*:text:/^@peak$/iS:#:

for either or

 on $@*:text:/^[!@]peak$/iS:#:
Cheiron   -  Apr 24, 2010

nice edit. ty napa.. there may be another edit coming up soon.
see below for the results so far.

12<20812:208pm12> * Joins: Lanceallen (Lanceallen@)
12<20812:208pm12> !!New User Peak Record Reached!! In04 #roleplayofallkinds With04 81 Users on04 4/24/10 at04 8:08 pm

12<20812:209pm12> ChanServ sets mode: +qo Cheiron Cheiron
12<20812:209pm12> !!New User Peak Record Reached!! In04 #Socialchat With04 9 Users on04 4/24/10 at04 8:09 pm
12<20812:209pm12> <angel{MQ}> wb Cheiron
12<20812:209pm12> woo hoo
12<20812:210pm12> !peak
12<20812:210pm12> hmmm
12<20812:210pm12> that still dont work though
12<20812:210pm12> hmm
Melly grrs
12<20812:210pm12> @peak
12<20812:210pm12> Most users on04 #Socialchat was04 9 Users on04 4/24/10 at04 8:09 pm

i will add another post here once i work out what edit we need so keep eyes peeled :)

napa182   -  Apr 24, 2010

um it's

on @*:text:*:#:

but that is for the bot or who ever is running the code. for the nicks triggering the code it's

if ($nick isop #)


if ($nick(#,$nick,o))

here is a one i made awhile back using hash...

#Peak off
on $@*:text:/^@peak$/iS:#:if ($nick isop #) msg # $iif(!$hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),Sorry No count yet.,Most users on04 # was04 $hget(Peak,$+($network,#))) 
on !*:join:#: { 
  if ($nick(#,0) > $gettok($hget(Peak,$+($network,#)),1,32) || !$hget(Peak,$+($network,#))) { 
    .hadd -m Peak $+($network,#) $nick(#,0) Users on04 $date(m/d/yy) at04 $time(h:nn tt) 
    msg # !!New User Peak Record Reached!! In04 # With04 $hget(Peak,$+($network,#)))
#Peak end
on *:start:{ $Peakstartup } 
on *:connect:{ $Peakstartup }
on *:exit:{  $Peakclose } 
on *:disconnect:{ $Peakclose }
alias -l Peakclose { .hsave Peak $qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh)  } 
alias -l Peakstartup {  
  if (!$hget(Peak)) { .hmake Peak 100 } 
  if ($exists($qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh))) { .hload Peak $qt($scriptdirPeak.hsh) } 
menu Channel,menubar {
  .Turn Peak $iif($group(#Peak) = On,Off,On): $iif($group(#Peak) = On,.disable,.enable) #Peak | echo -a Peak Script is now $group(#Peak)
Cheiron   -  Apr 24, 2010

bleugh... i've done something wrong somewhere... it wont trigger when i alter the on text event to on @:TEXT: to prevent non ops triggering it. i got brain mush atm.. can someone lend me a hand lol sorry
using Noutorious's edit for the @ version .. or trying too btw

Cheiron   -  Apr 24, 2010

nice script works very well :)

RicJames   -  Mar 20, 2010

Thx for the script napa182 :) would it be possible to add a bit of code to the script to msg the chan when a new peak is set?

napa182   -  May 24, 2008

on Noutrious code you should also add a ! to the on join so it dont reset the var back to 1 when the bot joins.

on !*:JOIN:#:
PuNkTuReD   -  May 24, 2008

thats very nice noutrious, cheers.

Noutrious   -  May 23, 2008

Okay, better replace every 124 in my version with 255 for example, forgot that Nei|sen ($chr(124)) can be in nicknames - causing it functioning wrongly. :)

Noutrious   -  May 22, 2008

¬ 03:19:26pm| Neisen: !peak
¬ 03:19:27pm| --> NOTICE: From [ testyu ] : Sorry, #test hasn\'t got it\'s peak yet.
¬ 03:19:28pm| * Attempting to rejoin channel #test
¬ 03:19:29pm| --> JOIN: You are now talking in #test
¬ 03:19:30pm| Neisen: !peak
¬ 03:19:31pm| --> NOTICE: From [ testyu ] : Most users on #test were 3 with last joiner Neisen, before 1sec!

on *:JOIN:#:if ($+(%peak,$chan) <= $nick($chan,0)) set $+($chr(37),peak,$chan) $+($nick($chan,0),$chr(124),$nick,$chr(124),$ctime)
on *:TEXT:*:*:if ($1 == !peak) && ($chan) notice $nick $iif($numtok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),124) = 3,Most users on $chan were $gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),1,124) with last joiner $+($gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),2,124),$chr(44)) before $+($duration($calc($ctime - $gettok($($+(%,peak,$chan),2),3,124)),1),!),$+(Sorry,$chr(44)) $chan hasn\'t got it\'s peak yet.)

Here you go! :)

PuNkTuReD   -  May 22, 2008

ahh thank you so much napa . i have it as %botchan because
coz of my script , and nice work on the date too i didnt think of that lol

napa182   -  May 22, 2008

um you have msg %botchan and there is no way of setting that on ur script.
or you can do it all like this

on *:text:!peak:#: {
  msg $chan $iif($($+(%,peak,$nick,$chan),2),4 $+ $chr(44) $+ 8Please wait 30seconds before checking Peak Users again.,7Most users to chat on4 $chan 7is4 $($+(%,mostusers,$chan),2) 7on4 $($+(%,$chan,mostusers),2)) 
  set -u30 $+(%,peak,$nick,$chan) wait
on *:load: {
  echo -a Welcome to !peak script By PuNkTuReD
  echo -a Type !peak to check Channel Peak
on !*:join:#: { 
  if ($nick($chan,0) > $($+(%,mostusers,$chan),2)) || (!$($+(%,mostusers,$chan),2)) { 
    set $+(%,mostusers,$chan) $nick($chan,0) 
    set $+(%,$chan,mostusers) $date(mm/dd/yy)

but anyway nice work 6/10

PuNkTuReD   -  May 22, 2008

cool cheers napa182

napa182   -  May 22, 2008

Returns T or F depending on whether the evaluation of the Conditional C is true or false.

/help $iif

criminal   -  May 21, 2008

Same way

PuNkTuReD   -  May 21, 2008

you would use

on *:JOIN:#: { 
  if ($($+(%,mostusers,$chan),2) < $nick($chan,0)) { set %mostusers $+ $chan $nick($chan,0) }
  else { halt }

on *:text:*:*: {
  if ($$1 = !peak) && (%peakwait == wait) { msg $chan 4,8Please wait 30seconds before checking Peak Users again. }
  if ($$1 = !peak) && (%peakwait == $null) {
    set -u30 %peakwait wait
  msg %botchan 7Most users to chat on4 $chan 7is4 $($+(%,mostusers,$chan),2) }
criminal   -  May 21, 2008

I\'ve got a question, you can use this for all channels you\'re in, right?
If you change %mostusers to %mostusers. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]

Just a question :D

PuNkTuReD   -  May 21, 2008

niice so

$iif(%peakwait,4 $+ $chr(44) $+ 8

checks if variable exists ?

and if it doesnt it displays the text after \" , \" ?

napa182   -  May 21, 2008

you could make the on text like this

on *:text:!peak:#: {
  msg $chan $iif(%peakwait,4 $+ $chr(44) $+ 8Please wait 30seconds before checking Peak Users again.,7Most users to chat on4 $chan 7is4 %mostusers) 
  set -u30 %peakwait wait
Vox91   -  May 21, 2008

Easy but usefull :)

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