ToadKing commented on a Page, Op Commands / scramblegame / fun commands  -  Apr 05, 2008

The word scramble game is great - once some minor editing is done. You did not have to include all that extra code with general op commands/slaps/kicks, etc. If anyone wants to add just the scramble game (which is fun), all they need is

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) { .msg $chan Theres already a scramble game going! The current scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) }
  else {    
    set $+(%,scram.origword.,$chan) $read(ScrambleWords.txt)
    set $+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan) $scramble(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
    .msg $chan Scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . To guess at what the word is type !guess (Your guess here)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]guess/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    if ($2 != %scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan Sorry that isn\'t right! Keep trying! }
    else {
      writeini Scramble.ini points $nick $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$calc($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) + 5),5)
      .msg $chan That\'s correct! Great job $nick $+ ! You now have $readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) Points.
      unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]addwords?/Si:#: {
  var %x = 1
  while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
    if (!$read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
      write ScrambleWords.txt $gettok($2-,%x,32)
      var %added = %added $gettok($2-,%x,32)
    inc %x
  .msg $chan $iif(!%added,No new words added.,Words added: $replace(%added,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](rem(ove)?|del(ete)?)words?/Si:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    var %x = 1
    while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
      if ($read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
        var %deleted = %deleted $gettok($2-,%x,32)
        write $+(-dl,$readn) ScrambleWords.txt
      inc %x
    .msg $chan $iif(!%deleted,None of those words were in the file.,Words deleted: $replace(%deleted,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
  else { .notice $nick Access denied. }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](end|stop)scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan Ended the current game. Word was $qt(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . Better luck next time.
    unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scrampoints?/Si:#: {
  if (!$2) {
    .msg $chan You have $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),0) points $nick $+ .
  else {
    .msg $chan $2 has $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),0) points.
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]hint$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan The first two letters of the current word are $qt($left(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ],2))
alias scramble {
  while ($len(%scrambled) < $len($1)) {
    var %current = $r(1,$len($1))
    if ($istok(%used,%current,32) == $false) {
      var %scrambled = %scrambled $+ $mid($1,%current,1)
      var %used = %used %current
  return %scrambled


Two other points: In your introduction above you list !addword <---to add words, when in the script itself it looks for--> !addwords

Anyone else can simply go (in XP) to their C:\Docs and Settings\USERNAME\App Data\Mirc and open the ScrambleWords.txt and add their own words. IF YOU DO: you can only have one word per line!! Hyphenated words work fine, but if you use 2 words (i.e., \'hot dog\') your mirc will lock up when you try to play a game.

All in all, it\'s a fun game - great work!

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