Op Commands / scramblegame / fun commands

By JonB_ on Mar 16, 2008

just copy and paste into your mIRC remotes

Commands are for scramble game:
!scram or [!.]scramble to start the game
!guess (word here) to guess the word
!addword (words seperated by spaces) to add new words to the file
!endscram to end the current game
!scrampoints to view your current points or
!scrampoints (name) to view that persons current points

Commands for Op

Fun Commands
just type !commands

DEMONDEREK666 for !Op commands

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) { .msg $chan Theres already a scramble game going! The current scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) }
  else {    
    set $+(%,scram.origword.,$chan) $read(ScrambleWords.txt)
    set $+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan) $scramble(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
    .msg $chan Scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . To guess at what the word is type !guess (Your guess here)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]guess/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    if ($2 != %scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan Sorry that isn't right! Keep trying! }
    else {
      writeini Scramble.ini points $nick $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$calc($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) + 5),5)
      .msg $chan That's correct! Great job $nick $+ ! You now have $readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) Points.
      unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]addwords?/Si:#: {
  var %x = 1
  while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
    if (!$read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
      write ScrambleWords.txt $gettok($2-,%x,32)
      var %added = %added $gettok($2-,%x,32)
    inc %x
  .msg $chan $iif(!%added,No new words added.,Words added: $replace(%added,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](rem(ove)?|del(ete)?)words?/Si:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    var %x = 1
    while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
      if ($read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
        var %deleted = %deleted $gettok($2-,%x,32)
        write $+(-dl,$readn) ScrambleWords.txt
      inc %x
    .msg $chan $iif(!%deleted,None of those words were in the file.,Words deleted: $replace(%deleted,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
  else { .notice $nick Access denied. }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](end|stop)scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan Ended the current game. Word was $qt(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . Better luck next time.
    unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scrampoints?/Si:#: {
  if (!$2) {
    .msg $chan You have $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),0) points $nick $+ .
  else {
    .msg $chan $2 has $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),0) points.
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]hint$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan The first two letters of the current word are $qt($left(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ],2))
alias scramble {
  while ($len(%scrambled) < $len($1)) {
    var %current = $r(1,$len($1))
    if ($istok(%used,%current,32) == $false) {
      var %scrambled = %scrambled $+ $mid($1,%current,1)
      var %used = %used %current
  return %scrambled
on *:JOIN:#scamblegame:/Notice $nick 1,9HEY! 9,1 Welcome To ScrambleGame Have FUN! And how to use the game is up there ^^^
on *:JOIN:#Chattercenter:/Notice $nick HEY! 9,1Welcome to ChatterCenter! Please follow ALL the server Rules and you will have a GREAT time on here! To register your NAME please ask a Admin!
on *:text: *fuck*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2 Please do not curse!12� }
on *:text: *did you go to the mall yesterday?*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2 Yes and it was so fun!12� }
on *:text: *lol*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2lol12� }
on *:text: *are you a bot*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2No...But thats funny that you ask..i want one lol12� }
on *:text: *same*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2cool12� }
on *:text: *sup*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2nm u12� }
on *:text: *Hi*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2Hello12� }
on *:text: *good*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2cool.12� }
on *:text: *How are you*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2good and your self.12� }
on *:text:is anyone here*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2Hello, sorry we are not here right now please leave when you will get back on and we will get back to you..sorry for the inconvence..Tnank You...12� }
on *:text:I need advice*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2Hello, How May We help you?.12� }
on *:text:i need advice*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2Hello, How May We help you?.12� }
on *:text:I need help*:#:{ msg $chan 12�7,2Hello, How May We help you?.12� }
on *:text:i need help*:#:{ msg $chan 7,2Hello, How May We help you?. }
on *:text:!cut*:#:{ describe $chan 2[1Grabs $2's hand and cuts it. 2] }
on *:text:!Warn*:#:{ describe $chan 4/!1Warning4/!12,1 $2 , If you do not behave i wil Kb you and your sorry ass. }
on *:text:!eat*:#:{ describe $chan �15,1Eats $2 and soon gets food poisoning, and dies.� }
on *:text:!metallboy100:#:{ describe $chan 9�15,1 0wNzZ YoUuUu!9� }
on *:text:!time:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1The time is $time .12� }
on *:text:!ryan:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Ryan walks in and shoots himself...Painfull death 12� }
on *:text:!smack*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 32 bitch slapps.12� }
on *:text:!fuck*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Shows $2 hes finger 12"15f��K �ff12"15.12� }
on *:Text:!punch*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Punches $2 in the face "Freak".12� }
on *:Text:!beer*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a cold beer.12� }
on *:Text:!Whiskey*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a shot of whiskey.12� }
on *:text:!hello:#:{ msg $chan 12�15,1Hello $nick i am $me and the time is $time . 12� }
on *:text:!chop*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Chops $2 head off, and starts eating on it.12� }
on *:text:!game:#:{ describe $chan 1[12�15,1 Your dead $nick 12�1][12�15 Game Over 12�1] }
on *:Text:!drpepper*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a Cold glass of 4,5 DR. PEPPER.12� }
on *:Text:!coke*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a cold glass of 0,4 Coke.12� }
on *:Text:!Pizza*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a Hot Pizza from 0,4PiZzZzZa HuTtTtT.12� }
on *:Text:!Chips*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a bowl of 0,8Lays chips.12� }
on *:Text:!Cereal*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 a bowl of 0,2cereal.12� }
on *:Text:!Kicks*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Kicks $2 0,8In Leg.12� }
on *:Text:!Cookie*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 7,1 A Cookie.12� }
on *:Text:!looser*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Yells $2 0,8Is a looser.12� }
on *:Text:!MD*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 0,8A Moutain Dew.12� }
on *:Text:!Christmas*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Yells $2 9,4 Merry Christmas.12� }
on *:Text:!Halloween*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Yells $2 7,2Happy Halloween.12� }
on *:Text:!skittles*:#:{ describe $chan 12�15,1Gives $2 7,24S9K13I8T1113T7L3E9S Taste the RAINBOW!.12� }
on *:Text:!Advice101*:#:{ describe $chan 12�2,1A12,1D10,1V11,1I10,1C12,1E2,1_12,1C10,1H11,1A10,1T $2 1,11We Are The #1 Best Advice Chat On The Web!12� }
on *:text:!commands:#:{ msg $chan 15,1!skittles, !cookie, !looser, !md, !Christmas, !halloween, !drpepper !coke !pizza !chips !cut, !warn, !eat, !metallboy100, !time, !ryan, !smack, !fuck, !punch, !beer, !hello, !chop, !game, !cereal, !Kicks }
on owner:TEXT:*:#:{
  If ($strip($1) == !op) mode $chan +o $2
  If ($strip($1) == !deop) mode $chan -o $2
  If ($strip($1) == !voice) mode $chan +v $2
  If ($strip($1) == !devoice) mode $chan -v $2
  If ($strip($1) == !ban) mode $chan +b $adress ($2,4)
  If ($strip($1) == !owner) { auser owner $2 | notice $nick 14,1Hey $2 You got Mod from $nick }
  If ($strip($1) == !delowner { ruser owner $2 | notice $nick 14,1Sorry $2 You don't have ownership anymore. }
  If ($strip($1) == !master { auser master $2 | notice $nick 14,1WOO!!!! CONGRADULATIONS $2 YOU GOT BOT MASTER } 
  If ($strip($1) == !delmaster { ruser master $2 | notice $nick 14,1 Sorry $2 You don't have master anymore }
  If ($strip($1) == !shit { auser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 you pissed off $nick | Kick $chan $2 YOU FUCKED UP BITCH by $nick}
    If ($strip($1) == !delshit { ruser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 wow $nick is way too forgiving | invite $chan }
    else { halt }
  on master:TEXT:*:#:{
    If ($strip($1) == !op) mode $chan +o $2
    If ($strip($1) == !deop) mode $chan -o $2
    If ($strip($1) == !voice) mode $chan +v $2
    If ($strip($1) == !devoice) mode $chan -v $2
    If ($strip($1) == !ban) mode $chan +b $adress ($2,4)
    If ($strip($1) == !shit { auser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 you pissed off $nick | Kick $chan $2 YOU FUCKED UP BITCH by $nick}
      If ($strip($1) == !delshit { ruser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 wow $nick is way too forgiving | invite $chan }
      else { halt }
      on Shitlist:join:*:#:{ kick $Chan $nick you screwed up bitch get out }


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AceJunior   -  Aug 14, 2009

JonB, if you cant script your own snippets, dont post.

AHBARAR   -  Jul 30, 2008

yup Scakk Its The Same .. Dunno seems Ripped >:/

Scakk   -  Jul 30, 2008

Why does you Scramble game look so much like this one --> http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/2807/

JonB_   -  Apr 12, 2008


ToadKing   -  Apr 05, 2008

The word scramble game is great - once some minor editing is done. You did not have to include all that extra code with general op commands/slaps/kicks, etc. If anyone wants to add just the scramble game (which is fun), all they need is

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) { .msg $chan Theres already a scramble game going! The current scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) }
  else {    
    set $+(%,scram.origword.,$chan) $read(ScrambleWords.txt)
    set $+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan) $scramble(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
    .msg $chan Scrambled word is $qt(%scram.scramword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . To guess at what the word is type !guess (Your guess here)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]guess/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    if ($2 != %scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan Sorry that isn\'t right! Keep trying! }
    else {
      writeini Scramble.ini points $nick $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$calc($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) + 5),5)
      .msg $chan That\'s correct! Great job $nick $+ ! You now have $readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick) Points.
      unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]addwords?/Si:#: {
  var %x = 1
  while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
    if (!$read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
      write ScrambleWords.txt $gettok($2-,%x,32)
      var %added = %added $gettok($2-,%x,32)
    inc %x
  .msg $chan $iif(!%added,No new words added.,Words added: $replace(%added,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](rem(ove)?|del(ete)?)words?/Si:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    var %x = 1
    while ($gettok($2-,%x,32)) {
      if ($read(ScrambleWords.txt,w,$gettok($2-,%x,32))) {
        var %deleted = %deleted $gettok($2-,%x,32)
        write $+(-dl,$readn) ScrambleWords.txt
      inc %x
    .msg $chan $iif(!%deleted,None of those words were in the file.,Words deleted: $replace(%deleted,$chr(32),$chr(44)))
  else { .notice $nick Access denied. }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.](end|stop)scram(ble)?$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan Ended the current game. Word was $qt(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) $+ . Better luck next time.
    unset $+(%,scram.*.,$chan)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]scrampoints?/Si:#: {
  if (!$2) {
    .msg $chan You have $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$nick),0) points $nick $+ .
  else {
    .msg $chan $2 has $iif($readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),$readini(Scramble.ini,points,$2),0) points.
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]hint$/Si:#: {
  if $($+(%,scram.scramword.,$chan),2) {
    .msg $chan The first two letters of the current word are $qt($left(%scram.origword. [ $+ [ $chan ] ],2))
alias scramble {
  while ($len(%scrambled) < $len($1)) {
    var %current = $r(1,$len($1))
    if ($istok(%used,%current,32) == $false) {
      var %scrambled = %scrambled $+ $mid($1,%current,1)
      var %used = %used %current
  return %scrambled


Two other points: In your introduction above you list !addword <---to add words, when in the script itself it looks for--> !addwords

Anyone else can simply go (in XP) to their C:\Docs and Settings\USERNAME\App Data\Mirc and open the ScrambleWords.txt and add their own words. IF YOU DO: you can only have one word per line!! Hyphenated words work fine, but if you use 2 words (i.e., \'hot dog\') your mirc will lock up when you try to play a game.

All in all, it\'s a fun game - great work!

JonB_   -  Mar 16, 2008

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