Lindrian commented on a mIRC Script, XCept AGreet v1.1  -  Apr 24, 2007

First thing I got when I loaded it:

  • /write: unable to open \'C:\Regularmirc\XCeptAgreet\AG.txt\' (line 3, xceptagreet.ini)

I had extracted all files to the mIRC folder, i shouldnt have hapend.

Secondly, were u drunk while making the readme XD?

If u add a greet, input nothing and just press \"ok\", it just keeps popping up. I would have used another way to do it..

Nah, there are alot of errors in your code, when you press clean, and you havent used the script before, you get an hashtable error. You should try resolving such stuff.

  • /hadd: no such table \'NAG\' (line 132, xceptagreet.ini)
  • /hfree: no such table \'NAG\' (line 151, xceptagreet.ini)
  • /hfree: no such table \'AG\' (line 91, xceptagreet.ini)

Also, utilize $scriptdir instead of making a specefied folder..
And, make the script write the filed needed when loaded, into $scriptdir instead for us to move them etc.

Try using \"did -b/e $dname id\"
to disable and enable stuff. If the list is empty, it\'ll disable delete, clear etc...


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