
By blackvenomm666 on Feb 22, 2011

this dialog is for people l ike me who use proxies but find it annoying that you have to open and close the options menu constantly. ok so load this into a new remotes page then save it. right click in the nicklist or go to your menu at the top of your mirc then click on the proper link in there to open it. once opened you must select a protocol before you can do anything. so socks 4 5 or proxy then once you've done that you can go to sites that have proxies and add them to your list via the edit box up at the top once you've added proxies to your proxy list you can select them from the list on the dialog and click set proxy to set your firewall to use it. then you just have to turn it on. so set it to server or both and then connect to a site uploaded 2 different versions the first is for v6.32 the second im not sure which irc's it works on was told by someone that the newest irc uses /proxy instead of /firewall whereas the older ones use /firewall examples of how to properly put the proxy in
or 27977

version 1 meant for older mirc's not sure exactly which irc's other than v6.32
Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  Venom proxySystem
  .Venomproxy.System: dialog $iif($dialog(proxy.System),-v,-md proxy.System) proxy.System
Dialog proxy.System {
  Title "proxySystem"
  Size -1 -1 120 130
  Option dbu
  list 1, 02 02 80 90, hsbar vsbar
  combo 2, 02 105 30 50, size drop
  combo 3, 53 105 30 50, size drop
  edit "addproxy", 4, 85 02 33 10, autohs
  button "add proxy",5, 85 15 28 15 flat
  button "del proxy",6, 85 32 28 15 flat
  button "set proxy",7, 85 49 28 15 flat
  text "support",8, 02 95 20 8 flat
  text "protocol",9, 55 95 20 8 flat

on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:2: {
  if ($did(2).seltext == both ) { firewall off | firewall +d on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == server ) { firewall off | firewall -d on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == off ) { firewall off 
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:3: {
  if ($did(3).seltext == socks4 ) { firewall -m4 | set %proxylists socks4.txt | %proxylists
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == socks5 ) { firewall -m5 | set %proxylists socks5.txt | %proxylists
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == proxy ) { firewall -mp | set %proxylists proxy.txt | %proxylists
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:5: {
  if (!$did(3).seltext) { noop $input(Please set the protocol to socks4,5, or proxy before you can veiw/edit your proxy lists ,uwo,Error!) }
  else {
    .set %proxy $did(4).text
    var %na $read(%proxylists,w,%proxy)
    if (%na = %proxy) noop $input(You have already added this proxy to your proxy list,uwo,Error!)  halt
    else { write %proxylists %proxy
      did -r proxy.System 1
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:6: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to delete from your proxy list,uwo,Error!) }
  else { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel %proxylists
    did -r proxy.System 1

on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:7: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to use,uwo,Error!) }
  else { firewall $did(1).seltext
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:init:*: {
  didtok $dname 2 124 off|server|both
  didtok $dname 3 124 socks4|socks5|proxy
alias socks4.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks4.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks4.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias socks5.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks5.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks5.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias proxy.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(proxy.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(proxy.txt, %a)
    inc %a

version 2 meant for newer i do not know which ones need this version i have only used the first version since i only have v6.32 but i was told that newer versions have a different comand than the /firewall. 

Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  Venom proxySystem
  .Venomproxy.System: dialog $iif($dialog(proxy.System),-v,-md proxy.System) proxy.System
Dialog proxy.System {
  Title "proxySystem"
  Size -1 -1 120 130
  Option dbu
  list 1, 02 02 80 90, hsbar vsbar
  combo 2, 02 105 30 50, size drop
  combo 3, 53 105 30 50, size drop
  edit "addproxy", 4, 85 02 33 10, autohs
  button "add proxy",5, 85 15 28 15 flat
  button "del proxy",6, 85 32 28 15 flat
  button "set proxy",7, 85 49 28 15 flat
  text "support",8, 02 95 20 8 flat
  text "protocol",9, 55 95 20 8 flat

on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:2: {
  if ($did(2).seltext == both ) { proxy off | proxy +d on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == server ) { proxy off | proxy -d on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == off ) { proxy off 
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:3: {
  if ($did(3).seltext == socks4 ) { proxy -m4 | set %proxylists socks4.txt | %proxylists
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == socks5 ) { proxy -m5 | set %proxylists socks5.txt | %proxylists
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == proxy ) { proxy -mp | set %proxylists proxy.txt | %proxylists
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:5: {
  if (!$did(3).seltext) { noop $input(Please set the protocol to socks4,5, or proxy before you can veiw/edit your proxy lists ,uwo,Error!) }
  else {
    .set %proxy $did(4).text
    var %na $read(%proxylists,w,%proxy)
    if (%na = %proxy) noop $input(You have already added this proxy to your proxy list,uwo,Error!)  halt
    else { write %proxylists %proxy
      did -r proxy.System 1
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:6: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to delete from your proxy list,uwo,Error!) }
  else { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel %proxylists
    did -r proxy.System 1

on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:7: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to use,uwo,Error!) }
  else { firewall $did(1).seltext
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:init:*: {
  didtok $dname 2 124 off|server|both
  didtok $dname 3 124 socks4|socks5|proxy
alias socks4.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks4.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks4.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias socks5.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks5.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks5.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias proxy.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(proxy.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 1 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(proxy.txt, %a)
    inc %a
version 3

Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  Venom Fun Stuff
  .Venom Proxy System: dialog $iif($dialog(proxy.System),-v,-md proxy.System) proxy.System
Dialog proxy.System {
  Title "proxySystem"
  Size -1 -1 120 130
  Option dbu
  list 1, 02 02 80 90, hsbar vsbar
  combo 2, 02 105 30 50, size drop
  combo 3, 53 105 30 50, size drop
  edit "addproxy", 4, 85 02 33 10, autohs
  button "add proxy",5, 85 15 28 15 flat
  button "del proxy",6, 85 32 28 15 flat
  button "set proxy",7, 85 49 28 15 flat
  text "support",8, 02 95 20 8 flat
  text "protocol",9, 55 95 20 8 flat
  button "get proxy",10, 85 66 28 15 flat
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:2: {
  if ($did(2).seltext == both ) { firewall off | firewall +d on | set %firewall on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == server ) { firewall off | firewall -d on | set %firewall on
  elseif ($did(2).seltext == off ) { firewall off | set %firewall off | .set %getproxies on
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:3: {
  if ($did(3).seltext == socks4 ) { firewall -m4 | set %proxylists socks4.txt | socks4.txt | .set %getproxies off
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == socks5 ) { firewall -m5 | set %proxylists socks5.txt | socks5.txt | .set %getproxies off
  elseif ($did(3).seltext == proxy ) { firewall -mp | set %proxylists proxy.txt | proxy.txt | .set %getproxies off
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:5: {
  if (!$did(3).seltext) { noop $input(Please set the protocol to socks4 5 or proxy before you can veiw/edit your proxy lists,uwo,Error!) }
  else {
    .set %proxy $did(4).text
    var %na $read(%proxylists,w,%proxy)
    if (%na = %proxy) noop $input(You have already added this proxy to your proxy list,uwo,Error!)  halt
    else { write %proxylists %proxy
      did -r proxy.System 1
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:6: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to delete from your proxy list,uwo,Error!) }
  else { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel %proxylists
    did -r proxy.System 1
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:7: {
  if (!$did(1).sel) { noop $input(Please select a proxy from the list to use,uwo,Error!) }
  else { firewall $did(1).seltext
    set %proxy.system.proxynumber $did(1).sel
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:sclick:10: {
  did -r proxy.System 1
  set %getproxies on
  .timer 1 1 proxies5
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:dclick:1: {
  if  (%getproxies == on) {
    .set %proxy $did(1).seltext
    var %na $read(socks5.txt,w,%proxy)
    if (%na = %proxy) noop $input(You have already added this proxy to your proxy list,uwo,Error!)  halt
    else { write socks5.txt %proxy


on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:init:*: {
  didtok $dname 2 124 off|server|both
  didtok $dname 3 124 socks4|socks5|proxy
alias socks4.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks4.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 2 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks4.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias socks5.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(socks5.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 2 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(socks5.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias proxy.txt {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(proxy.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    did -r proxy.System 1
    .timer 1 2 did -az proxy.System 1 $read(proxy.txt, %a)
    inc %a
on *:DIALOG:proxy.System:close:*: {
  unset %proxy.system.proxynumber 
  unset %nextproxy 
  unset %nextproxy2

alias proxyend {
  .set %nextproxy $calc(%proxy.system.proxynumber + 1)
  .set %nextproxy2  $did(proxy.system,1,%nextproxy)
  set %proxy.system.proxynumber %nextproxy
  .timer 1 1 firewall %nextproxy2
  $iif($dialog(proxy.System),did -u proxy.system 1)
  $iif($dialog(proxy.System),did -c proxy.system 1 %nextproxy)

  if ( %firewall == on) && (firewall isin $1-) {
    .timer 1 1 server

on *:ERROR:*Closing Link*: { 
  if ($dialog(proxy.System)) && ( %firewall == on) && (banned isin $1-) {
    .timer 1 1 server
raw 465 :*: { 
  if ($dialog(proxy.System)) && ( %firewall == on) {
    .timer 1 1 server

alias proxies5 {
  if (!$hget(oxy,c)) {
    if ($sock(oxy)) sockclose oxy
    sockopen oxy 80
    sockmark oxy did -az proxy.System 1
    ;sockmark oxy msg #
on *:sockopen:oxy: {
  sockwrite -nt oxy GET /proxy-type-Socks5.htm HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt oxy Host: $+($sock(oxy).addr,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:oxy: {
  var %oxy | sockread %oxy
  if ($regex(%oxy,/<a href='proxy:name=XROXY proxy&host=(.+?)&port=(.+?)&isSocks/)) {
    if ($regex(%oxy,/<a href=.+&host=(.+?)&port=(\d+?)&.+&notes=(.+?)&foxy.+/)) {
      hinc -mu4 oxy c 1
      $sock(oxy).mark $+($regml(1),:,$regml(2) ) 
    if ($hget(oxy,c) = 10) { sockclose oxy }



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blackvenomm666   -  Jun 08, 2011

ok updated. version three is the best one to grab. but still only tested on v6.32 so follow what i said above if you wanna try it on new versions 7.15 or w.e if it doesnt work for you change the FIREWALL commands to proxy so like firewall off would be proxy off. now it comes with a socket to grab socks 5 proxies so if you wanna use it to get some new proxies when you first open it before you do anything else click on get proxies. then just double click on the proxy in the list it will auto add it to the file. after that you may continue as stated in the description on how to use it. ok anyways other updates. i made it so if your akilled/gzlined/klined it will auto change proxies.

blackvenomm666   -  May 26, 2011

if the proxy fails to connect it already moves to the next proxy hence the on connectfail event. and im working on making it change on akill/kline

unseen   -  May 26, 2011

thanks for the update, and sorry for being late..
it works to keep on retrying to connect,
what about jumping to the next proxy if a proxy failed to connect (if it was akilled or unable to connect to it) ?
and if the proxy connected successfully, it remains connected!
i really hope this can be done :)
thanks a lot for ur efforts
best regards.

blackvenomm666   -  May 19, 2011

and as i said i might change it around idk if im going to edit it

blackvenomm666   -  May 19, 2011

umm i couldnt get it to auto go without using mirc's built in retry attempt i already tried to do that. you could change

  if ( %firewall == on) && (firewall isin $1-) {
    .timer 1 1 server


  if ( %firewall == on) && (firewall isin $1-) {
    .timer 1 1 server
else { .timer 1 1 server 

that should make it work even if your not using the proxy dialog

unseen   -  May 19, 2011

i know about the retries in the mirc it self :P but the thing is, if u were using irc without any proxy, and got dc, i prefer not to connect again. so the restriction for the amount of retries would be only for the script.
on the other hand i forgot to mention above, whenever the script is retrying proxy after another, and in case it stopped on a connecting proxy, maybe a fast command to jump to another proxy ex: /pjump
best regards :)

blackvenomm666   -  May 19, 2011

you have to set the number of retries in your mirc settings i have mine set to four alt o then find connect retries. set the number down from 99. and as for the rest ummm mebbe i'll update it i unno i don't even use the thing.

unseen   -  May 19, 2011

thanks that worked to load them from a list :).
on the other hand, jumping automatically from a proxy to another when the proxy is akilled or unable to connect,
to show on the dialog which proxy is being used (the same when u click on it with ur mouse) to know where did it reach on the list.
number of automatic retries (doesnt include the akill ) which can be chosen, since the proxy sometimes doesn't connect from the first attempt.
when u close the dialog, and then reopen it, to remember the last step (the last proxy list and to which proxy it was last connecting with)
it'll be nice to include this features :D
thanks a lot for ur effort for this script, it's so useful :)

blackvenomm666   -  May 17, 2011

well first you can just load all the proxies into a txt file and it will load them up. just name the file eiter socks4.txt socks5.txt or proxy.txt depending on the kind you wanna use. secondly it can be seperated by a space or by a : and third umm i'd upgrade to a newer version of mirc sorry to say but im not going back to a really old mirc to learn how to make it work on it. and you gotta make sure you grab the right version anyways i posted 3 or four of em on here

unseen   -  May 17, 2011

the other day i've submitted a comment, but i dunno what went wrong or if any admin deleted it.
anyway, i wonder if u can update the script to accept a list from text files to be loaded in its list. and can accept different formats proxy/port separated by space or ":"
on the other hand i tried it earlier on an old irc 6.17 and wasn't wasn't adding the proxy when i click on "add proxy"
can you make it work on all irc versions ?


blackvenomm666   -  Feb 27, 2011

updated. ok this took a bit of work to do but if the proxy doesnt work it will automatically move on to the next proxy in the list and try that one. it does it after all retry attempts are done. so if you don't wanna wait until its tried it 99 times go into options and set your retry attempts to a lower number. leave the proxy box open when using it. the updated version is version number 3 it was created on v6.31 was not tested on any other versions of mirc. it also echos to you to let you know when you have run out of proxies to try within your proxy list.

blackvenomm666   -  Feb 26, 2011

i just like making dialogs cause i like being able to click the buttons:D

napa182   -  Feb 25, 2011

lol thats ok , tho some people like dialogs. To them it is easy to set up an run things in a dialog.

Jethro   -  Feb 25, 2011

blackvenomm666 the dialog aficionado or enthusiast. :p Literally the majority of his submitted snippets are dialog related.

napa182   -  Feb 25, 2011

nice work blackvenomm666. nice to see you doing better keep it up. ;x
just the dialog it self looks a bit out of alignment, but all in all nice work.
7/10 +like

xdesoto   -  Feb 25, 2011


Sharky_Dude   -  Feb 24, 2011

Meh, not bad. I still wouldn't use it cause of my status on the server.

blackvenomm666   -  Feb 23, 2011

thank you versa

VersaX   -  Feb 23, 2011

nice script :D

Hawkee   -  Feb 23, 2011

Oh, its because you aren't linking to the actual image files. Those urls go to html pages. You should right click the images to get the actual urls.

xdesoto   -  Feb 23, 2011

I think you need to use a lowercase img and remove the last / from your second image. Tried came up as a red x

Jethro   -  Feb 23, 2011

I like to use's:Image

xdesoto   -  Feb 23, 2011

:|: 2:42 :|: |DrizztDoUrden| and you figured it out which seems to mean its easy to use:P
:|: 2:42 :|: |DrizztDoUrden| you did it fast enough to mean its easy to use at least
:|: 2:42 :|: | morbid | Fuck you
:|: 2:43 :|: | morbid | k? k! :)

Hawkee   -  Feb 23, 2011

I think you need to use a lowercase img and remove the last / from your second image.

xdesoto   -  Feb 23, 2011

Tested and worked.

Loaded it, Opened it. Did this

Worked fine Pressed alt e went to Firewall

got this


Work's well Ryan. Keep up the good work

(And thanks for the Help Hawkee)

Jethro   -  Feb 23, 2011

The only time I was biased to rate a snippet a 10 was because someone's unreasonable persona drove me up the That shall not happen again.

Jethro   -  Feb 23, 2011

When it comes to ratings, I always remain impartial, and I believe this should apply to all of us with a good judgment. Of course, there'll always be people with a bad taste and lower the overall score out of spite for no reason and without a reason why...

I'm not gonna bring Dean into blackvenomm666's thread. I see that he's settled down a bit these past few days. I think that's up to a good start for the time being.

blackvenomm666   -  Feb 23, 2011

ty jeth and desoto

xdesoto   -  Feb 23, 2011

I agree. But I am also thinkin that he posted it for the users that actually wanted to use ergo I did rate him a 9. Because of the effort(Didn't rate him a 6 because I didn't want Dean to cry and say I rated it a 10 because he's a "friend")

Jethro   -  Feb 23, 2011

Nice effort goes hand in hand with a good rating. ;- 6+

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