Request Lyrics and health (for Radio)

By SpaM on Oct 30, 2010

Name:Jabel Garcia
Servidor:IRC.Mex-Madrid.Org New

this is simple you just have to put the user. addmp3 artist - song for greetings in private after the bot. Greetings A greeting

ATTENTION bot teachers will have to add 30 to their nick auser and the bot in the special commands like. DelMp3. ViewMp3. ViewGreetings .30 to activate them.

Example Bot : .AddMp3 Bad Religion - Punk RoCk Song
Private Bot : .Greetings Greetings SpaM Welcome Your Hawkee


put the commands in the channel (any channel)
Orders Lis
Punk RoCk Song
this is what the channel will be released on the lists of songs this command may change. cho-s or echo-a
Best List
Greetings SpaM Welcome Your Hawkee
this is what the channel will be released on the lists of greetings this command may change. cho-s or echo-a

add a user to use level 30 commands in the master
.30 SpaM ( places the user's nick )

On *:Text:.AddMp3*:#:{
  Set %Mp3 $2- : $nick
  if ( $read -r %Mp3 AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt  != $null ) { Msg $chan 1 The Sorry Song :  3 %Mp3 1 This In My Wish List. } 
  Else { write AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt %Mp3 |  Msg $chan  $nick 1 Is To Add Your Requests With The Lyrics : 3 %Mp3 1 Hold Up A Bit And I Dedicate.  }
  unset %Mp3  

On 30:Text:.DelMp3*:#:{
  if ( $read   AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt != $null ) { Msg $chan 4 Removing List Mp3 | write -c  AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt  }
  Else {  .Notice $nick There is no mp3 on the list }

On *:Text:.Greetings*:?:{
  Set %Sal $2- : $nick
  Msg $nick 1 Your Health Are: 3 $2- | write  addons\Saludos.txt %sal | unset %Sal

On 30:text:.ViewMp3:#:{
  .Msg $Chan 1 Orders List Mp3 | var %a = 1 | while %a <= $lines(AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt) { .Msg $chan  $read(AddOns\PeticionMp3.txt,%a)  | inc %a }
On 30:text:.ViewGreetings:#:{
.Msg $Chan 1 Best List | var %a = 1 | while %a <= $lines(AddOns\Saludos.txt) { .Msg $chan $read(AddOns\Saludos.txt,%a)  | inc %a } }

On 30:Text:.30*:#:{
  .Auser 30 $2

On *:Load:{
  .Auser 100 your-Nick
  .Ame 1 Loading Petitions Radio 3 Spam 1 Enjoy The Moment Enjoy The Radio. lol

On *:Unload:{
  .Ame 1 Removing Radio Requests 3 Spam 1 Lamentable Loss Of Radio. lol

menu channel {
  Radio SpaM
  .$iif($server == $null,$style(2)) Petitions And Greetings
  ...$iif(%Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == on,$style(2)) activity:set %Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on | if (%Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $null) { set %Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0 | set [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $date | echo $chan Channel activity # } | else { echo $chan Reactivated in the channel # }
  ...$iif(%Radui.U [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != on,$style(2)) Disable:set %e.chan.s. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | echo $chan Off In The Canal #


On *:Join:#:{
  if ($nick != $me) {
    if (%Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == on) {
      inc %Radio.U [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
      .Msg $chan 10 Ladies and Gentlemen 1-=[ 4 $nick 1]=- 10 Please note that we have a center to the radio on which you can order his songs 4 .AddMp3 Artist - Song 10El Command In Vista a greeting in Private 4.Greetings Nick Message 1Note: 10Si Your Health does not have Nick will not be sent ( You Can send greetings to all If you Specify Someone Say The Nick Radio
      .Notice $nick 10 Remember The commands within parentheses ( 4.AddMp3 Artist - Song 10) By Private( 4.Greetings Nick Message 10) Command symbols are 1. Radio is


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SpaM   -  Aug 24, 2011

:) is red my red :) changer name

Dark|   -  Oct 31, 2010


SpaM   -  Oct 31, 2010

jajajajaj well that's fine but then we throw crazy

Dark|   -  Oct 31, 2010

i like his name :D SpaM now we need FlOoD and DDoS :P

SpaM   -  Oct 31, 2010

a brother, but if the only thing is that all comment and tell me if one of them and tried the code

Jethro   -  Oct 31, 2010

We have a fighter here, don't we? lol

SpaM   -  Oct 31, 2010

and I say why not try and point you stop criticizing what you do to help to know a little more

Burrito   -  Oct 30, 2010

Who puts multiple scripts in a single file? Really, you shouldn't.

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

noting : )

MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

What do you mean?

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

and the echo perde referred you?

MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

Usted me ha hecho perder.

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

Teen entiendo usted dice eso pero el On Join no es funciona ble entiendes menu channel {
Radio SpaM
.$iif($server == $null,$style(2)) Petitions And Greetings
...$iif(%Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == on,$style(2)) activity:set %Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on | if (%Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $null) { set %Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0 | set [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $date | echo $chan Channel activity # } | else { echo $chan Reactivated in the channel # }
...$iif(%Radui.U [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != on,$style(2)) Disable:set %e.chan.s. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | echo $chan Off In The Canal #

es hay donde el usario lo activa donde quiere, en el canal que quiera esta funcionalidad actua muchos canales, es decir si usted pone un canal ejemplo #Radiohawkee entoences en el menu dice activar para este canal salta el mensaje que esta activado em explico si en los demas canales el On Join no esta activado no da problema alguno.

is there where the user activates it where you want, in the channel you want this functionality acts many channels, that is if you put a channel like # Radiohawkee entoences says activate the menu for this channel skips the message this enabled em explain whether On the Join the other channels not activated does not give any problem

Understand you say that but it is not working On ble Join understand menu

channel {
Radio SpaM
.$iif($server == $null,$style(2)) Petitions And Greetings
...$iif(%Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == on,$style(2)) activity:set %Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on | if (%Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $null) { set %Radio.e [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0 | set [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $date | echo $chan Channel activity # } | else { echo $chan Reactivated in the channel # }
...$iif(%Radui.U [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != on,$style(2)) Disable:set %e.chan.s. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | echo $chan Off In The Canal #


MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

Los usuarios normales suelen tener otro en caso de unirse, así que creo que está equivocado. Haga el favor de dejar de discutir con nosotros? Su molestia, y si simplemente lo cambiaría, que sería grande. CASO CERRADO.

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

no mira traduce esto hermano , ok mi remoto es para un bot simple entiendes se emete en un canal cualquiera de radio ayuda a poner al tanto a los creadores de siertos canales a que vean listas de las mp3 entendido esto es solo funciona poara un bot simple no para usarios normales es un ayuda para el shoucast algo parecidos solo que para mIRC nornal entendido si lo traduce usted entienda mis motivos no digo que es correcto a mi me funciona al 100% y si usted lo viera en mi servidor que esta arriba lo investigaria entendido no lo hice para dañár a ninguna otra persona

This means not looking brother, my remote is ok for a simple bot understand is emetic in any radio channel helps put to both creators of deserts channels to see lists of mp3 understood this is just a simple bot works poara not for normal users is a support for something similar shoucast mIRC just that translates nornal understood if you understand my reasons do not say which is right in works for me 100% and if you saw it on my server that would investigate up I understood not to harm anyone else

_Teen_   -  Oct 30, 2010

MIRE, es necesario especificar, que este script tienes que estar en una nueva ventana de remote (alt + r) xq, si poner el mismo script en la misma página que tiene otro ''on join'' probablemente uno de los eventos no funcionan, por cierto, un paréntesis puede afectar el rendimiento de su script

Translated By google

MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

Let me spell it out to you. - ¿cuál es su programa? - Por cierto, le está enseñando a otros a no script correctamente, y que no es bueno. Se puede echar a perder, pero decir que su camino es el correcto en lugar de formas de otras personas (que son mucho más experimentados en el Mirc) no está bien. Es necesario especificar que este tiene que ir en otro guión, de lo contrario no funcionará para ellos. Caso cerrado. - Its called google translate.

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

looks do not quite understand your lengauge is dificl understand everything, I help a friend but just to explain to translate what I say but I only speak English and 40% of my friend for 70% or 80% and reading it I understand a bit of the non envargo not quite understand what you mean I mean I speak Spanish

MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

what is your show? - BTW, you are teaching others to not script properly, and that is not good. It is ok to mess up, but to say that your way is correct instead of other peoples ways (who are alot more experienced in MSL) is not right. You NEED to specify that this has to go into another script, otherwise it will not work for them. Case closed.

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

if you come to my show the remote server to run smoothly

MatthewsTech   -  Oct 30, 2010

Yep, I totally agree with you Teen

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

ok see if you mean by loading a script rather not most of them have the addon folder by default now only a matter of loading the user know quesabe think that is the lat + r while noting that in mind the parenthesis do not affect the command a test has a meio year or more, ever since the users makeshift think it's easier if I create a text with the explanation radme.txt

_Teen_   -  Oct 30, 2010

LOOK, you need to specify, that this snippet needs to be in a new remote window (alt+r) cause, if someone put, this snippet, in the same page that has another ''on join'' event, probably one of the on join events will not work, by the way, a closing bracket can affect your snippet performance

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

oo not closing bracket in this way is as I have in my bot and tested not pop any error if either way is to turn on any channel in another way if needed to close the jump for errors in my script

_Teen_   -  Oct 30, 2010

no no take a look

On *:Join:#:{
  if ($nick != $me) {
    if (%Radio.O [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == on) {
      inc %Radio.U [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
      .Msg $chan 10 Ladies and Gentlemen 1-=[ 4 $nick 1]=- 10 Please note that we have a center to the radio on which you can order his songs 4 .AddMp3 Artist - Song 10El Command In Vista a greeting in Private 4.Greetings Nick Message 1Note: 10Si Your Health does not have Nick will not be sent ( You Can send greetings to all If you Specify Someone Say The Nick Radio
      .Notice $nick 10 Remember The commands within parentheses ( 4.AddMp3 Artist - Song 10) By Private( 4.Greetings Nick Message 10) Command symbols are 1. Radio is

is missing a closing bracket

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

say it is not necessary to On join? is at the discretion of the user I not?

_Teen_   -  Oct 30, 2010

Bracket missed on event on join

SpaM   -  Oct 30, 2010

any doubt specify the situation

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