Apoc's Away System (p00f)

By apoc137 on Dec 19, 2008

Go easy on me I'm new to scripting and this is one of my first full scripts.

This is an away system that is able to be personalized without editing the lines of the script at all.

--Has an auto-away on idle that you can set how many minutes it waits before setting you as away

--Allows you to make an AWAY nick, and an ONLINE nick, and it automatically switches between the two as you go from away to online or vice versa.

--Allows you to create up to 5 unofficial nicknames (ie: apoc instead of apoc137), when you are away if anyone says these it will message you and tell you who, what time, and what line was said.

--Tells everyone when you come back, why you were gone, and how long you were gone

--If anyone says your online nick, your away nick, or any of yoru unofficial nicks, it will send them a notice explaining that you are away, why you're gone, and how long. It also has a flood limit so it only sends them a notice one time every 30 minutes they say you're name.

Please tell me of any suggestions, problems, etc I am enjoying this quite a bit and would like to improve it.

To start, load it and type /p00fsetup to personalize the settigns for you!
/p00fhelp displays the help system

EDIT: Regarding the issue that was seen as this:

  • Your nick is now Nick|a
  • Nick|a{gone} No such nick/channel

Fixed this issue :)

Edit2: Added a right click thing. Right click in the channel to see the commands listed, much more convenient!

//***----_Apoc's Away System "p00f"_----***
//type /p00fhelp  for a list of commands and instructions!
//First type /p00fsetup, it will get your system set up!
//For help, suggestions, and everything in between use following:
//IRC: Apoc137 or Mudkipz137 in #mudkipz
//MSN: apocalypse137@hotmail.com
//Yahoo: apocalypse_seer

on *:CONNECT: {
  if (%p00fruncount != 1) {
    set %p00fruncount 1
    //echo 4,1Thank you for loading Apoc's p00f System, the best and a more complicated away system than any decent human being could possibly desire!!!!
    //echo 8,1This system will not function until you run the setup.
    //echo 8,1Do this by typing 7/p00fsetup 8and follow the instructions!
  elseif ((%p00fnick != $null) && (%afktimerswitch == on)) {
    timer 0 %afktimer idlecheck
    set %lastword on
menu channel {
  .Set Away :/p00f $?:"Please say why you're leaving!"
  .Set Online :/f00p
  ..Idle Off :/afktimer off
  ..Idle On :/afktimer on
  ..Idle Time :/afktimer $?:"How many minutes before you automatically get set as away?"
  ..Away Nick :/awaynick $?:"What would you like your nick to be while you're away?"
  ..Online Nick :/onlinenick $?:"What would you like your nick to be while you're online?"
  ..Other Nicks :/othernick $?:"What would you like to be an unofficial nickname?"
on *:INPUT:*: {
  set %lastword off
  if (%idle1 == on) {
    //echo 15,1You're idle away has ended since you're now here!
    set %idle1 off
alias idlecheck {
  if ((%lastword == on) && (%afktimerswitch == on)) {
    p00f Auto-Away after being idle for like 30 minutes or so
    //echo 14,1You are now set as away due to being idle for 30 minutes!
    set %idle1 on
    set %lastword on
alias p00fhelp {
  //echo |
  //echo 11,1Apoc's p00f System Help:
  //echo |
  //echo 9,1Right Click a Channel to see the functions without needing commands!
  //echo |
  //echo 11,2Commands:
  //echo 8,1/p00fsetup 9-- Sets the p00f system up so it will work!  Just follow the instructions it gives you!
  //echo 8,1/p00f [Reason for being away] 9--Sets you as away!
  //echo 8,1/f00p 9-- Returns from being 4away 9and tells everyone that you're back.
  //echo 8,1/afktimer on 9--Turns the auto-away system on (default 30 minutes)
  //echo 8,1/afktimer off 9--Turns the auto-away system off
  //echo 8,1/afktimer [Number of Minutes] 9--Sets the number of minutes for the auto away system to any number you want.
  //echo 8,1/awaynick [nick] 9--Sets your AWAY nick
  //echo 8,1/onlinenick [nick] 9--Sets your ONLINE nick
  //echo |
alias p00finfo {
  //echo 4,1***----_9Apoc's Away System "p00f"4_----***
  //echo --type /p00fhelp  for a list of commands and instructions!
  //echo --First type /p00fsetup, it will get your system set up!
  //echo --For help, suggestions, and everything in between use following:
  //echo --IRC: Apoc137 or Mudkipz137 in #mudkipz on Cyanide-x.net
  //echo --MSN: apocalypse137@hotmail.com
  //echo --Yahoo: apocalypse_seer
alias p00fsetup {
  //echo |
  //echo 15,1Welcome to Apoc's p00f system, follow these few steps to set up your new away system!
  //echo 9,1Please set what your 4AWAY nickname will be by typing 7/awaynick [Desired Away Nick]
  //echo |
alias awaynick {
  set %p00fnick $1
  //echo |
  //echo 9,1Your 4p00f 9nick has been set as 7 %p00fnick $+ 9, if this is wrong type 4/p00fsetup 9again to fix it!
  //echo 11,2Please set what your 4ONLINE nickname will be by typing 7/onlinenick [Desired ONLINE Nick]
  //echo |
  set %p00fnickonlineswitch on
alias onlinenick {
  set %p00fnickonline $1
  set %nextnick 1
  //echo 9,1Your 4online 9nick has been set as 7 %p00fnickonline $+ 9, if this is wrong type 4/p00fsetup 9again to fix it!
  //echo |
  //echo 7,1--Now it's time to set up what unofficial nicknames you wish to alert you (shortened versions of your nick people use).
  //echo 7,1--Use the command 4/othernick [insert nick here] 7for up to 5 nicknames that will alert you when they are said and you're away.
  //echo 7,1--When you're done setting up nicks, use the command 4/stopnicks
  //echo |    
alias othernick {
  if (%nextnick == 1) {
    set %othernick1 $1
    set %nextnick 2
    //echo |
    //echo 8,1Stored 7 $1 8as your first unofficial nickname!
    //echo 8,1Use 4/othernick [insert nick here] 8to store up to 4 more unofficial nicks      //echo 8,1If you are done storing nicks, type 4/stopnicks !
    //echo 8,1If you are done storing nicks, type 4/stopnicks !      
    //echo |
  elseif (%nextnick == 2) {
    set %othernick2 $1
    set %nextnick 3
    //echo |
    //echo 8,1Stored 7 $1 8as your second unofficial nickname!
    //echo 8,1Use 4/othernick [insert nick here] 8to store up to 3 more unofficial nicks!
    //echo 8,1If you are done storing nicks, type 4/stopnicks !
    //echo |
  elseif (%nextnick == 3) {
    set %othernick3 $1
    set %nextnick 4
    //echo |
    //echo 8,1Stored 7 $1 8as your third unofficial nickname!
    //echo 8,1Use 4/othernick [insert nick here] 8to store up to 2 more unofficial nicks!
    //echo 8,1If you are done storing nicks, type 4/stopnicks !
    //echo |
  elseif (%nextnick == 4) {
    set %othernick4 $1
    set %nextnick 5
    //echo |
    //echo 8,1Stored 7 $1 8as your fourth unofficial nickname!
    //echo 8,1Use 4/othernick [insert nick here] 8to store up to 1 more unofficial nicks!
    //echo 8,1If you are done storing nicks, type 4/stopnicks !
    //echo |
  elseif (%nextnick == 5) {
    set %othernick5 $1
    set %nextnick 1
    //echo |
    //echo 8,1Stored 7 $1 8as your Fifth and LAST unofficial nickname!
    //echo 8,1You can store no more nicks, if you wish to change the ones you have saved, type 4/p00fsetup 8and restart the setup process!
alias stopnicks {
  set %nextnick 1
  //echo |
  //echo 15,1Thanks for registering your unofficial nicks!
  //echo 9,1You're done installing 7Apoc's p00f System!
  //echo 9,1Type 4/p00fhelp 9for a list of commands and instructions
  //echo 9,1Type 4/p00f 9to start being AWAY (good chance to get a life maybe?)
  //echo |    
alias afktimer {
  if ($1 == on) {
    set %afktimerswitch on
    //echo 15,1You have set the auto-away on idle to on!  The default idle time is 4 30 15minutes, to change this type 7/afktimer [Minutes] . 15To turn it off type 7/afktimer off
  elseif ($1 == off) {
    set %afktimerswitch off
    //echo 15,1You have set the auto-away on idle to off!  To turn it on type 7/afktimer on
  elseif ($1 > 30) {
    set %afktimerswitch on
    set %afkcount $1
    set %afktimer $calc(%afkcount * 60)
    set %afktimer1 $1
    //echo 15,1You're auto idle time has been set to %afktimer1 minutes.  If you would like to change this, type 7/afktimer [number of minutes]
  elseif ($1 < 30) {
    //echo 15,1Sorry, the auto-away system minimum number of minutes is 30.
alias p00f {
  if ((%p00fnick == $null) && (%%p00fnickonline == $null) && (%p00fnick == $null)) {
    //echo |
    //echo 7,1Sorry, you haven't set up an away nick, please do this by typing 4/p00fsetup 
    //echo |
  elseif (%p00fnick != $null) {
    nick %p00fnick
    set %p00fswitch on
    set %p00ftime $ctime
    set %p00freason $1-
    //echo |
    //echo 9,1You are now 4AWAY 9when you return type 8/f00p and your status will return to online!  7Reason: %p00freason
    //echo |
    if (%p00fedcount == $null) {
      set %p00fedcount 1
    elseif (%p00fedcount > 0) {
      set %p00fedcount $calc(%p00fedcount + 1)
alias f00p {
  if (%p00fswitch == on) {
    nick %p00fnickonline
    set %p00fswitch off
    amsg I'm no longer away!  Reason Gone: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)    
    unset -s %p00ftime
    unset -s %p00freason
    msg $me You can read the beeps people did on you while you were away by reading these messages!
  elseif (%p00fswitch == off) {
    //echo |
    //echo 4,1You're not away dope.
    //echo |
alias p00fstats {
  //echo 7,1You've p00fed %p00fedcount times!
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%p00fnickonline isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%othernick1 isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%othernick2 isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%othernick3 isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%othernick4 isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-
  elseif (%othernick5 isin $1-) {
    if (%p00fswitch == on) {
      if (%p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != off) {
        notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I'm currently away!  Check back in 30 minutes by typing my name!  Reason: %p00freason $+ .  Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
        set %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
        timer 1 1800 unset %p00falert [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        msg $me 4,1 $nick just beeped you with the following line:9 $ctime 7 $1-


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fahadmehar   -  Oct 17, 2016

I want to change Auto Away after 10 minutes the script does not set after 10 minutes it has 30 minutes by default.

fire_wizard1   -  Dec 31, 2008

thats what i said, he is not being completely harsh, look at the comment i made lol

PuNkTuReD   -  Dec 26, 2008

instead of echoing so much
how about a custom window

window @Logged_Messages <-- opens window
aline @Logged_Messages <-- adds a line to window
pwnisher3   -  Dec 23, 2008

nah napa is just mean. isn't you napa? and he didn't really give me bad comments. that was EL and EUGENIO.

fire_wizard1   -  Dec 23, 2008

pwnisher3 you should know napa182 by now, he is sometimes harsh on the newbs, hell im still a newb at scripting and he gave me somewhat harsh comments, just admit it, he wont let up on it. besides he is looking at the scripts from a good scriptor's point of view mate.

napa182   -  Dec 20, 2008

Aucun50 said

it does the same thing as /away (reason).

this is untrue

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

becuse it is a very good first script. a hell of a lot better than mine

Aucun50   -  Dec 20, 2008

You don't have to be /away (reason) for you to be away, it does the same thing as /away (reason).
Says your away on open
Holds you messages

Plus it lets you have away nicks and 5 other nicks

napa182   -  Dec 20, 2008

pwnisher3 wrote:
come on napa 2/10 is really harsh lol even you should rate better

I scored it a 2 cuz it is incomplete, and when they do update it will prob get a 3 from me just cuz of the way it's coded.
I dont see how you could score this a 9 =/ it dont even set you away.

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

come on napa 2/10 is really harsh lol even you should rate better

napa182   -  Dec 20, 2008

hmm if you are going to make an away code dont you think you sould have it set you away.... 2/10

look into $away $awaymsg $awaytime

^Neptune   -  Dec 20, 2008

Really good for a first script here. However, there's a little niggle that bugs me in the code:


You can simply use


It's just that you have notice on its own and then echo with //. Just looks inconsistent imo.

Other than that good job.

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

yeah dialogs are a whole new window.

to learn dialogs. look at these two



Blitzjager   -  Dec 20, 2008

I think you're thinking of popup menus.
Dialogs are their own window.

apoc137   -  Dec 20, 2008

Thank you for the suggestion pwnisher, sorry this is my first time posting anything on this website so I'm still learning.

Just so I am aware, a dialog box is something like when you right click and see a list of available commands (so you don't have to memorize a command).

If this is the case, I just threw this in there.
These are commands I put in the menu so far:

/afktimer off
/afktimer on
/afktimer [set minutes] 

Works when I tested it, maybe it's not the cleanest if anyone understands how to make this better lemme know I'll do my best.

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

hmm one thing you should learn is to make the code thing

the tags are.


and if you need help making a dialog. use dialog studios. it helps a lot :) but you still have to code the whole thing :P


apoc137   -  Dec 20, 2008

I know what the error is, sorry about that. Here's what happened.

alias f00p {
(edited useless stuff out of here)
msg $me You can read the beeps people did on you while you were away by reading these messages!
(edited useless stuff)

I set it to message yourself because then it opens a query window so you can read your messages and they're all in one spot and not spread throughout the channel like //echo's.

Here's an updated segment (Btw I fixed this in the script above so just copy paste again it'll work)

alias f00p {
if (%p00fswitch == on) {
nick %p00fnickonline
set %p00fswitch off
amsg I'm no longer away! Reason Gone: %p00freason $+ . Time Away: $replace($duration($calc($ctime - %p00ftime)),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s)
unset -s %p00ftime
unset -s %p00freason
//echo 7,1You can read the beeps people did on you while you were away by reading these messages!

etc etc

I am trying to tihnk of a way to make the messages get saved as variables, and when you return have it relay them all back to you (or allow you to use a command to retrieve them) however I am still trying to figure this out so give me some time.

Thank you for the compliments though! I'll fix any further issues

EDIT: pwnisher if you do end up creating a dialog please provide me with a copy, I'm still learning and that'd really help me. I'll research it a bit after I figure out the beep issue!

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

yeah i did. looked through the script and idk what the error is =\

Aucun50   -  Dec 20, 2008

pwnisher3 did you get that no such nick/channel error to?

pwnisher3   -  Dec 20, 2008

wow lol um i havn't tried all of the commands. but this is a great script. amazing for our first script (way better then mine). but i would make it in to a menu or a dialog. i might work on it and turn it into a dialog but prolly not lol.



Aucun50   -  Dec 20, 2008

It all works fine as far as setup goes.
Nice job btw, one thing tho when i went back online it said:

  • Your nick is now Aucun|B
  • Aucun|B{gone} No such nick/channel


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