Ritchel commented on a mIRC Script, Android Warscript  -  Dec 30, 2011

; Script name : JaGuaR (Android) Technology ;
; Script description : Modern one Against all (Renovation) ;
; Script copy : © 2002-2011 ;
; Scripter : Ritchel a.k.a ^DaRk^SoUl^ ;
; Script Message : This is my last Script Made at (Unreal Ircd - Jaguar Server) ;
; Script Dedicated : Hex Niel Alter (My one and Only Son) ;

;=============================<------Script starts here------>===================================
on @darklist:join:%chan: {
if ($hsh(warmodex)) && (!$istok(%ally,$nick,32)) {
if (%imop) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) kick $hsh(chan) $nick 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14- }
if (($hsh(deopx) == $true)) { android deop $hsh(chan) $nick }
if (!$hfind(foes,$nick,0,W)) { hadd -m foes $nick }
on 1:kick:%chan: {
if ($hsh(warmodeX) == $true) && ($knick == $sock(
,%next)) { .auser darklist $wildsite }
on :op:%chan: {
if ($hsh(warmodex) == $true) && ($hsh(deopx) == $true) {
var %rawlist = $nick($hsh(chan),0)
while %rawlist {
if (($hfind(foes,$nick($hsh(chan),%rawlist),0,W)) && ($nick($hsh(chan),%rawlist) != $gettok($sockname,%next,32))) { android deop $hsh(chan) $nick($hsh(chan),%rawlist) }
dec %rawlist
:sockopen:: {
if (!$sockerr) {
sockwrite -nt $sockname USER $rn $right($rn,-3) $left($rn,-3)
sockwrite -nt $sockname NICK %s
sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE +iR
se info $sockname is registering to %serv
:sockread:: {
if ($sockerr) { return } | var %read | sockread %read
if (!$sockbr) { return }
tokenize 32 %read
if ($regex($1,^ERROR)) { sockclose $sockname }
elseif ($regex($1,^PING$)) { sockwrite -nt $sockname PONG $2 }
elseif ($regex($2,^(432|433)$)) { sockwrite -nt $sockname NICK $rn }
elseif ($regex($2,^NICK$)) { sr $sockname $1- }
elseif ($regex($2,^001$)) { sc $sockname $1- }
elseif ($regex($2,^(303|401|441|404|372|406|481|482|375|409|442|484|403|notice)$)) { haltdef }
elseif ($regex($2,^(471|473|474|475|477)$)) { if ($hsh(warmodex)) && ($hsh(antiban)) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%attacker) cs invite $4 | sockwrite -nt $sock(,%attacker) cs unban $4 | sock.shift } }
else {
if ($hsh(warmodex)) {
var %g goto end
if ($istok(%trig,$2,46)) { goto $left($2,3) } | %g
:kic | hshadd dongskie kick | hexnielalter $sockname $1- | %g
:mod | hshadd dongskie mode | hexnielalter $sockname $1- | %g
:joi | hshadd dongskie join | hexnielalter $sockname $1- | %g
:par | hshadd dongskie part | hexnielalter $sockname $1- | %g
:353 | hshadd dongskie 353 | hexnielalter $sockname $1- | %g
:367 | hshadd dongskie 367 | hexnielalter $1- | %g
:368 | hshadd dongskie 368 | hexnielalter $1- | %g
:346 | hshadd dongskie 346 | hexnielalter $1- | %g
:348 | hshadd dongskie 348 | hexnielalter $1- | %g
;===============================< Alias Multiple Socket Reading >========================================
alias hexnielalter {
if ($hsh(dongskie) == 353) {
set %imop $true
var %nicklist = $numtok($7-,32)
while %nicklist >= 0 {
if ($hfind(foes,$remove($gettok($7-,%nicklist,32),@),0,W)) {
sockwrite -tn $sock(
,%next) kick $hsh(chan) $remove($gettok($7-,%nicklist,32),@) 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14-
android deop $hsh(chan) $remove($gettok($7-,%nicklist,32),@)
dec %nicklist
if ($hsh(banning) == $true) {
if (%wban) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) mode $hsh(chan) $+(+,$str(b,$numtok(%wban,32))) %wban }
if (%nvxa) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) mode $hsh(chan) $+(-,%nvxa) %nvxb }
if ($hsh(antiban)) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) mode $hsh(chan) +Ie %my.ip %my.ip }
if ($hsh(android.360) == $true) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) part $hsh(chan) } | halt
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == mode) {
var %n $sn($2), %sockets $left($5,2)
if (%sockets == -o) && ($6 == $1) {
unset %imop
if ($hsh(striker) == $true) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) part $hsh(chan) }
elseif (%sockets == +o) && ($6 == $1) {
if ($hsh(warfreak) == $true) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) part $hsh(chan) }
elseif (%f == -b) && ($wildtok(%dark,$6,1,32)) && ($hsh(banning) == $true) {
var %b $v1
set %wban $addtok(%wban,%b,32)
if (%imop) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) mode $4 +b %b }
else {
var %temp.foes = $nick($hsh(chan),0)
while %temp.foes {
if (($hfind(foes,$nick($hsh(chan),%temp.foes),0,W)) && ($nick($hsh(chan),%temp.foes) != $gettok($sockname,%next,32))) { android deop $hsh(chan) $nick($hsh(chan),%temp.foes) }
dec %temp.foes
se mode %n sets mode: $5-
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == join) {
var %c $right($4,-1), %n $sn($2)
if (!$istok(%ally,%n,32)) && ($istok(%dark,$mask($2,2),32)) && ($1 != %n) && (%c == %chan) {
if (%imop) { sockwrite -nt $1 kick %c %n 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14- }
if (%n) { android deop %c %n }
if (!$hfind(foes,%n,0,W)) { hadd -m foes %n }
if ($hfind(foes,%n,0,W)) { android deop %c %n }
if ($1 == %n) && (%c == %chan) { if (!$istok(%my.ip,$mask($2,2),32)) { set %my.ip $addtok(%my.ip,$mask($2,2),32) } }
se join %n joins %c
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == kick) {
var %n $sn($2), %p $right($4-,-1)
if ($5 == $1) && (!$istok(%ally,%n,32)) {
if ($hsh(transformer) == $true) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) nick $rn }
if (!$hfind(foes,%n,0,W)) { hadd -m foes %n }
if (!$istok(%dark,$mask($2,2),32)) { set %dark $addtok(%dark,$mask($2,2),32) }
if ($hsh(banning) == $true) { set %rban $true | set %wban %dark }
unset %nvxa %nvxb
;clear %chan
hshinc km 1
inc %next 1
%attacker = $calc(%number_of_kickerx / 2)
if (%next > %attacker) { %next = 1 }
sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) join $hsh(chan)
else {
if ($1 == %n) {
hshinc kt 1
if ($hsh(android.360) == $false) { sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) part $hsh(chan) }
se kick $iif($5 == $1,4You were,$5 was) kicked from $4 by %n $+($chr(40),$iif($left($6,1) == :,$right($6-,-1),$6-),,$chr(41))
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == part) {
var %n $sn($2), %c $right($4,-1),
if (%n == $1) {
unset %nvxa %nvxb | if ($hsh(banning) == $true) { set %rban $true | set %wban %dark }
if ($hsh(transformer) == $true) { sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) nick $rn }
set %number_of_kickerx $sock(
inc %next 1
%attacker = $calc(%number_of_kickerx / 2)
if (%next > %attacker) { %next = 1 }
sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) join $hsh(chan)
se part %n parts %c
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == 367) { if (%rban) { rb $5 } }
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == 368) { if (%rban) { rb } }
elseif ($hsh(dongskie) == 346) || ($hsh(dongskie) == 348) {
if ($4 == %chan) {
if ($left($6,$calc($pos($6,!) - 1)) != $sock(
,%next)) && ($istok(346.348,$2,46)) {
if ($len(%nvxa) < 6) {
set %nvxa $+(%nvxa,$iif($2 == 346,I,e))
set %nvxb %nvxb $5
;==========-----------==========< Various Aliases of the script >=======----------------================
alias sock.timer {
inc -u2 %antiflood
if (%antiflood < 2) && (%rest == $true) {
unset %rest
clear @Timer
.echo @Timer 4,1Timer Start now
.timerpingmaster 1 60 pingmaster
;auto clear enemy list in 5 minutes has been disabled due to public demand ;
;.timerclearfoes 1 600 clearfoes ;
alias clearfoes {
if ($hget(foes)) { hfree foes }
.echo @Log 13,1Auto War List Clear

alias pingmaster {
ping $me
.echo @Log 8,1Auto Ping Master Nick
set %rest $true
alias rb {
if ($1) { if ($wildtok(%dark,$mask($1,2),1,32)) { set %wban $remtok(%wban,$v1,1,32) } }
else { unset %rban }

alias fx { return $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) }
alias rn { return $+(|[,AndRoiD,]|,$r(A,Z),x,$r(10,99),$r(A,Z),$r(a,z)) }
alias sx { sockwrite -nt $1- }
alias se { echo -ct $1 @Warfield $2- }
alias sn { return $iif($pos($1,!),$mid($1,2,$calc($v1 - 2)),$right($1,-1)) }
alias f12 { if (!$dialog(hex.niel.alter.android)) dialog -m hex.niel.alter.android hex.niel.alter.android }
alias hsh { return $hget(hashdatax,$1) }
alias spac { return $+($1,$str($chr(160),$calc(30 - $len($1)))) }
alias hshadd { hadd hashdatax $1- }
alias hshdel { hdel hashdatax $1 }
alias hshdec { hdec hashdatax $1- }
alias hshinc { hinc hashdatax $1- }
alias spac { return $+($1,$str($chr(160),$calc(30 - $len($1)))) }
alias hex.niel.alter.android { $iif(!$dialog(hex.niel.alter.android),dialog -m hex.niel.alter.android hex.niel.alter.android,dialog -v hex.niel.alter.android hex.niel.alter.android) }
alias mixhybrid {
hshadd sock_nick1 ]xXx[
hshadd bpass1 xclshex
hshadd chan #war
hshadd warmodex $false
hshadd Striker $true
hshadd antiban $true
hshadd deopx $true
hshadd serv
hshadd port 4090
hshadd number_of_kicker 20
window -en @Warfield
window -en @Sockstats
window -en @Log
hshadd km 0
hshadd kt 0
hshadd serverlist,,,
hshadd portlist 4090,7000,6668,6667
alias hybrid {
if ($hget(hashdatax)) { hfree hashdatax | hmake hashdatax }
else { hmake hashdatax }
alias sr {
var %n $sn($2), %nn $right($4,-1)
if ($1 == %n) {
sockrename %n %nn
set %ally $reptok(%ally,%n,%nn,1,32)
elseif ($istok(%ally,%n,32)) { set %ally $reptok(%ally,%n,$4,1,44) }
else { if ($hfind(foes,%n,44)) { hshadd foes $reptok($hsh(foes),%n,$4,1,44) } }
.echo @Sockstats 2[Sockets Stats]10 nick %n is now known as %nn $+ .10 Socket
alias sc {
var %n $sn($2), %px $hsh(bpass1)
sx $1 ns identify $hsh(sock_nick1) $hsh(bpass1) | .echo @warfield 4,1nick $1 already Identified 9,1Password: 
sx $1 nick $r_nick
set %number_of_kickerx $sock(
inc %number_of_kickerx 1
if (%number_of_kickerx <= $hsh(number_of_kicker)) {
sockopen $rn $hsh(serv) $hsh(port)
se info $sockname is now trying to connect $hsh(serv)
se notice $1 is now connected on server $hsh(serv)
clear @Sockstats
if ($1 == $sockname) && (!$istok(%ally,$1,32)) { set %ally $addtok(%ally,$1,32) }
if (!$istok(%ally,$me,32)) { set %ally $addtok(%ally,$me,32) }

alias sock.shift {
if ($hsh(warmodex) == $true) {
set %number_of_kickerx $sock(,0)
if (%number_of_kickerx <= $hsh(number_of_kicker)) { sockopen $rn $hsh(serv) $hsh(port) }
inc %next 1
%attacker = $calc(%number_of_kickerx / 2)
if (%next > %attacker) { %next = 1 }
sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%next) join $hsh(chan)
alias android {
inc %helper
if (%helper > $sock(,0)) { set %helper $calc(%attacker + 1) }
sockwrite -nt $sock(
,%helper) cs $1 $2 $replace($3-,$chr(44),$chr(32))
alias list_ally: {
did -r $dname $1
var %n = $numtok(%ally,32)
while (%n) {
did -a $dname $1 $gettok(%ally,%n,32)
dec %n
did -z $dname $1
alias list_ip: {
did -r $dname $1
var %n = $numtok(%dark,32)
while (%n) {
did -a $dname $1 $gettok(%dark,%n,32)
dec %n
did -z $dname $1
alias list_enemy: {
did -r $dname $1
var %n = $hget(foes,0).item
while (%n) {
did -a $dname $1 $hget(foes,%n).item
dec %n
did -z $dname $1
alias sockcon {
sockopen $rn $1 $2
set %cserv $1
se info $sockname initialized connection to $1 $+(:,$2)
;================================< here are the Script dialog codes >========================================
dialog hex.niel.alter.android {
title "Android WarScript (Renovation)"
size -1 -1 152 133
option dbu
tab "Configuration", 1, 4 2 144 112
check "War Mode", 6, 13 24 58 10, tab 1 push
check "Warfreak (Level 2)", 7, 11 53 63 10, tab 1 push
check "Android 360 (Level 3)", 8, 11 63 63 10, tab 1 push
check "Striker (Level 1)", 44, 11 42 63 10, tab 1 push
check "Nick Transformer", 9, 80 38 62 10, tab 1 push
edit "", 10, 13 82 50 10, tab 1 autohs
box "", 4, 7 18 138 93, tab 1
box "Channel", 13, 8 74 59 20, tab 1
box "War Style", 11, 9 35 66 39, tab 1
check "Deop ON OP (DeOP-X)", 35, 80 62 62 10, tab 1 push
check "IPs Ban Locker", 22, 80 26 62 10, tab 1 push
check "Anti Ban (Invex)", 14, 80 50 62 10, tab 1 push
button "Attack", 12, 9 96 29 12, tab 1
button "Part", 15, 39 96 29 12, tab 1
button "Score", 16, 74 80 29 12, tab 1
button "Timer Data", 18, 110 80 29 12, tab 1
button "Hastable", 19, 74 94 29 12, tab 1
box "", 24, 70 72 73 36, tab 1
button "Thanks to:", 23, 110 94 29 12, tab 1
tab "Database", 2
box "", 25, 8 18 137 93, tab 2
list 30, 10 34 42 66, tab 2 size hsbar vsbar
list 34, 56 34 42 66, tab 2 size hsbar vsbar
list 37, 102 34 42 66, tab 2 size hsbar vsbar
text "Ip's List", 38, 104 24 25 8, tab 2
text "Ally's List", 40, 20 24 25 8, tab 2
text "Nick's List", 39, 58 24 25 8, tab 2
button "Default", 41, 16 100 29 8, tab 2
button "Clear", 43, 108 100 29 8, tab 2
button "Clear", 42, 64 100 29 8, tab 2
tab "Socket Portal", 3
combo 47, 74 24 55 42, tab 3 size drop
box "Port's", 48, 72 16 66 34, tab 3
box "Server's", 49, 72 58 66 34, tab 3
box "Nick Access", 54, 8 16 58 26, tab 3
edit "", 55, 10 26 52 10, tab 3 multi
button "Connect", 58, 8 80 58 12, tab 3
button "Disconnect", 59, 8 96 58 12, tab 3
combo 50, 74 66 56 66, tab 3 size drop
edit "", 57, 10 60 52 10, tab 3 pass multi
box "Nick Pass", 56, 8 50 58 26, tab 3
edit "", 20, 112 96 26 10, tab 3
text "Total Socket", 45, 75 96 33 8, tab 3
tab "Account", 400
box "About", 26, 8 18 137 41, tab 400
text "AndroiD (Renovation)", 27, 11 25 131 9, tab 400 center
text "^DaRk^SoUl^", 28, 11 42 131 8, tab 400 center
text "All Rights Reserved © November 2011", 29, 11 49 131 8, tab 400 center
text "Stat,Insomnia,Ramzkie, Kenneth", 31, 11 70 131 8, tab 400 center
box "Updates, Questions and Script Requests", 33, 8 90 137 21, tab 400
text "The Hex Niel Alter Learner Materials", 21, 11 32 131 8, tab 400 center
box "Testers/Evaluators", 17, 8 60 137 29, tab 400
link "rate_sale@yahool.com", 36, 46 99 59 8, tab 400
text "Fredfoxs,Nelfoxs", 32, 11 77 131 8, tab 400 center
button "Close Dialog", 5, 99 118 41 12, flat ok
on 1:dialog:hex.niel.alter.android:::{
var %x = $dname, %y = $did
if ($devent == init) {
if ($hsh(warmodeX) == $true) { did -c %x 6 } | else { did -u %x 6 }
if ($hsh(warfreak) == $true) { hshadd warstyle warfreak | did -ec %x 7 | did -b %x 8 | did -b %x 44 } | else { did -u %x 7 }
if ($hsh(android.360) == $true) { hshadd warstyle Android360 | did -ec %x 8 | did -b %x 7 | did -b %x 44 } | else { did -u %x 8 }
if ($hsh(striker) == $true) { hshadd warstyle Striker | did -ec %x 44 | did -b %x 8 | did -b %x 7 } | else { did -u %x 44 }
if ($hsh(transformer) == $true) { did -c %x 9 } | else { did -u %x 9 }
if ($hsh(chan) != $null) { did -a %x 10 $hsh(chan) }
if ($hsh(antiban) == $true) { did -c %x 14 } | else { did -u %x 14 }
if ($hsh(number_of_kicker) != $null) { did -a %x 20 $hsh(number_of_kicker) }
if ($hsh(banning) == $true) { did -c %x 22 } | else { did -u %x 22 }
if ($hsh(deopx) == $true) { did -c %x 35 } | else { did -u %x 35 }
if ($hsh(sock_nick1) != $null) { did -a %x 55 $hsh(sock_nick1) }
if ($hsh(bpass1) != $null) { did -a %x 57 $hsh(bpass1) }
list_ally: 30 | list_enemy: 34 | list_ip: 37
hshadd serverlist $remtok($hsh(serverlist),$hsh(serv),1,44)
hshadd portlist $remtok($hsh(portlist),$hsh(port),1,44)
didtok %x 50 44 $hsh(serverlist)
didtok %x 47 44 $hsh(portlist)
did -ca %x 47 $hsh(port)
did -ca %x 50 $hsh(serv)
hshadd serverlist $addtok($hsh(serverlist),$hsh(serv),44)
hshadd portlist $addtok($hsh(portlist),$hsh(port),44)
if ($devent == sclick) {
if (%y == 35) { hshadd deopx $iif($hsh(deopx),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1 Deop On Mode is9,1 $hsh(deopx) | return }
if (%y == 50) { hshadd serv $$did(50).seltext | return }
if (%y == 47) { hshadd port $$did(47).seltext | return }
if (%y == 6) { hshadd warmodex $iif($hsh(warmodex),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1
War Mode is9,1 $hsh(warmodex) | return }
if (%y == 9) { hshadd transformer $iif($hsh(transformer),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1 Nick Transformer Mode is9,1 $hsh(transformer) | return }
if (%y == 22) { hshadd banning $iif($hsh(banning),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1
Ip's Banlocker Mode is9,1 $hsh(banning) | return }
if (%y == 7) { hshadd warfreak $iif($hsh(warfreak),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1 WarFreak Style is9,1 $hsh(warfreak) | dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android | f12 | return }
if (%y == 8) { hshadd android.360 $iif($hsh(android.360),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1
Android 360 Style is9,1 $hsh(android.360) | dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android | f12 | return }
if (%y == 44) { hshadd striker $iif($hsh(striker),$false,$true) | echo -act info 4,1 Striker Style is9,1 $hsh(striker) | dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android | f12 | return }
if (%y == 12) {
if ($input(Do you want to attack chan)) {
.echo -act ctcp
Attacking $hsh(chan) in 5 seconds...
set %chan $hsh(chan)
set %next 1
sockwrite -nt $sock(,1) Join $hsh(chan)
else { echo -act ctcp
Attacking channel $hsh(chan) was cancelled }
if (%y == 15) {
if ($hget(foes)) { hfree -w foes }
unset %dark | rlevel darklist | sockwrite -nt $sock Part $hsh(chan) 4,1|Warlist||Clear|
if (%y == 16) {
window -ae @Score
clear @Score
var %e echo -t @Score, %z $calc($hsh(km) - ($hsh(kt) + $hsh(kt))), %y $calc($hsh(km) - ($hsh(kt)))
%e $str(=,58)
%e $str($chr(160),13) 4Stats Report
%e $str(=,58)
var %x 97
while (%x < 123) {
if ($hsh($chr(%x)) || ($v1 == 0)) { %e $+($chr(%x),:) $v1 }
inc %x
%e .. 4You have connected $sock(,0) sockets.
%e ..
.. 12You have been kicked $+(04,$hsh(km),12 time,$iif($hsh(km) != 1,s.))
%e .. 12You have kicked $+(04,$hsh(kt),12 opponent,$iif($hsh(kt) != 1,s.))
%e ..
.. 14You are $iif(%y > 0,losing by $+(04,$v1,)4 14kicks,$iif(%y == 0,tied with others,winning by $+(04,$abs($v1),) 14kicks.))
%e .. 14Your enemy is $iif(%y > 0,winning by $+(04,$v1,)4 14kicks,$iif(%y == 0,tied with others,losing by $+(04,$abs($v1),) 14kicks.))
%e $str(=,58)
%e $str($chr(160),13) 4End of Report
%e $str(=,58)
if (%y == 18) { dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android | dialog -m timers timers | return }
if (%y == 19) {
dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android
var %e echo @Info
window -ae @Info
font -a 7 fixedsys
clear @Info
%e $str(=,92)
%e                            HYBRID HASHTABLE INFORMATION
%e $str(=,92)
%e 10WarBot Nick Now            :6 $hsh(sock_nick1)
%e 10WarBot Password Now        :6 $hsh(bpass1)
%e 10War Channel                :6 $hsh(CHAN)
%e 10Server Set                 :6 $hsh(SERV)
%e 10Port Set                   :6 $hsh(PORT)
%e 10War Style                  :6 $hsh(warstyle)
%e $str(=,92)
%e 10War Mode                   : $iif($hsh(WARMODEX) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Nick Transformer         : $iif($hsh(tranformer) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Striker Mode          : $iif($hsh(striker) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Warfreak Mode         : $iif($hsh(warfreak) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Android 360 Mode         : $iif($hsh(android.360) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Anti Banlocker         : $iif($hsh(antiban) == $true,12True,4False)
%e 10Ip's Banlocker         : $iif($hsh(banning) == $true,12True,4False)
%e $str(=,92)
if ($hget(foes)) {
%e 10 War listed Enemy Nick 12
var %shift.g = $hget(foes,0).item
while (%shift.g) { %e 4,1 $hget(foes,%shift.g).item | dec %shift.g }
%e $str(=,92)
if (%y == 23) {
dialog -x hex.niel.alter.android
var %e echo @Thanks
window -ae @Thanks
font -a 7 fixedsys
clear @Thanks
%e $str(=,92)
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10;                            ANDROID SCRIPT INFORMATION ;
%e 10; ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Script name : JaGuaR (Android) Technology ;
%e 10; Script description : Modern one Against all (Renovation) ;
%e 10; Script copy : © 2002-2011 ;
%e 10; Scripter : Ritchel a.k.a ^DaRk^SoUl^ - (Script Manager)-(hehehehe ayaw na palag!) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Script Message : This is my last Script Made at (Unreal Ircd - Jaguar Server) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Henry a.k.a Bestwar (My Bestfriend) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : VeiZeix (Author of WarframeX, my MASTER:> ) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Raymund a.k.a Insomnia (AndroiD Script Techniques Idea) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Frederic a.k.a Fredfoxs (My Kumpare) - (Server Manager) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Rhea a.k.a Aikes (My Kumare) - (Finance Manager) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Ryan a.k.a Stats (My Bestfriend) - (My Loyal Tester) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Ronelo a.k.a Nelfoxs (My Kumpare) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e 10; Special Thanks : Chito a.k.a Lil`bone (My Kumpare) ;
%e 10;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
%e $str(=,92)
if (%y == 41) {
unset %ally
var %x 1
while ($sock(
,%x)) { set %ally $addtok(%ally,$v1,32) | inc %x }
list_ally: 30
.echo $hsh(chan) 4,1|Ally List||Set To Default|
if (%y == 42) {
if ($hget(foes)) { hfree -w foes } | .echo $hsh(chan) 4,1|Enemy List||Clear|
list_enemy: 34 | did -b %x 34
if (%y == 43) {
unset %dark | rlevel darklist
.echo $hsh(chan) 4,1|Host Enemy List||Clear|
list_ip: 37 | did -b %x 37
if (%y == 58) {
{ sockcon $$did(50).seltext $$did(47).seltext | return }
if (%y == 59) { sockclose
| unset %ally | SET %ALLY VHOST $ME SEXYBOT | return }
if ($devent == edit) {
if (%y == 10) { hshadd chan $did(10) }
if (%y == 20) { hshadd number_of_kicker $did(20) }
if (%y == 55) { hshadd sock_nick1 $did(55) }
if (%y == 57) { hshadd bpass1 $did(57) }
dialog -l timers {
title "TIMERS Settings By: Ritchel"
size -1 -1 218 75
option dbu
list 1, 2 8 70 50, size
list 2, 74 8 70 50, size
list 3, 146 8 70 50, size
text "Name", 5, 2 0 14 8
text "Command", 6, 74 0 24 8
text "Time", 7, 146 0 24 8
button "Refresh", 8, 38 60 35 12
button "Info", 9, 74 60 35 12
button "Kill", 10, 110 60 35 12
button "Close", 4, 146 60 35 12, ok
dialog -l info {
title "Timer Info By: Ritchel"
size -1 -1 93 190
option dbu
text "Additional Info", 26, 24 3 35 8
text "Name:", 13, 5 15 22 8
text "Timer ID:", 14, 5 25 22 8
text "Reps:", 15, 5 35 14 8
text "Delay", 16, 5 45 14 8
text "Type:", 17, 5 55 14 8
text "Remaining:", 18, 5 65 27 8
text "Multimedia Timer:", 19, 5 75 42 8
text "anysc:", 20, 5 85 16 8
text "WID:", 211, 5 95 13 8
text "CID:", 22, 5 105 11 8
text "HWND:", 23, 5 115 18 8
text "", 1, 55 15 31 8
text "", 2, 55 25 31 8
text "", 3, 55 35 31 8
text "", 4, 55 45 31 8
text "", 5, 55 55 31 8
text "", 6, 55 65 31 8
text "", 7, 55 75 31 8
text "", 8, 55 85 31 8
text "", 9, 55 95 31 8
text "", 10, 55 105 31 8
text "", 11, 55 115 31 8
box "Command", 24, 4 129 85 44
button "DONE", 25, 27 176 37 12, ok
text "", 12, 6 138 78 31
alias -l ref {
.timerttime 0 1 /ttime
did -r timers 1-3
var %td = $timer(0)
var %t2 = 1
while (%t2 <= %td) {
did -a timers 1 $timer(%t2)
did -a timers 2 $timer(%t2).com
did -a timers 3 $duration($timer(%t2).secs,3)
inc %t2
alias -l ttime {
var %t = $did(timers,1).lines
var %n = 1
while (%n <= %t) {
did -o timers 3 %n $duration($timer($did(timers,1,%n)).secs,3)
inc %n
did -c timers 3 $did(timers,1).sel
on :dialog:timers:init:: {
.timerttime 0 1 /ttime
on :dialog:timers:sclick:: {
if ($did == 1) {
did -c timers 2 $did(timers,1).sel
did -c timers 3 $did(timers,1).sel
elseif ($did == 2) {
did -c timers 1 $did(timers,2).sel
did -c timers 3 $did(timers,2).sel
elseif ($did == 3) {
did -c timers 1 $did(timers,3).sel
did -c timers 2 $did(timers,3).sel
elseif ($did == 8) { ref }
elseif ($did == 9) {
set %ti $did(timers,1,$did(timers,1).sel).text
dialog -m info info
elseif ($did == 10) {
timer [ $+ [ $did(timers,1,$did(timers,1).sel).text ] ] off
on :dialog:timers:close:: {
.timerttime off
on :dialog:info:init:: {
var %n = %ti
unset %ti
did -a info 1 %n
did -a info 2 $timer(%n)
did -a info 3 $timer(%n).reps
if ($timer(%n).mmt) {
did -a info 4 $duration($calc($timer(%n).delay / 1000),3)
else {
did -a info 4 $duration($timer(%n).delay,3)
did -a info 5 $timer(%n).type
did -a info 6 $duration($timer(%n).secs,3)
did -a info 7 $iif($timer(%n).mmt,Yes,No)
did -a info 8 $iif($timer(%n).anysc,Yes,No)
did -a info 9 $timer(%n).wid
did -a info 10 $timer(%n).cid
did -a info 11 $timer(%n).hwnd
did -a info 12 $timer(%n).com
;====================< here are the Script Menu Pop-up codes >=======================
menu * {

x--AndroiD Warscript--x
.Configure Dialog : f12
.Add to Darklist & kick :{
hadd -m foes $$1 | guser darklist $$1 2
sockwrite -nt kick $hsh(chan) $$1 4,1Testing..
.Show Kick Status : {
window -ae @Score
clear @Score
var %e echo -t @Score, %z $calc($hsh(km) - ($hsh(kt) + $hsh(kt))), %y $calc($hsh(km) - ($hsh(kt)))
%e $str(=,58)
%e $str($chr(160),13) 4Stats Report
%e $str(=,58)
var %x 97
while (%x < 123) {
if ($hsh($chr(%x)) || ($v1 == 0)) { %e $+($chr(%x),:) $v1 }
inc %x
.. 4You have connected $sock(,0) sockets.
%e .. 12You have been kicked $+(04,$hsh(km),12 time,$iif($hsh(km) != 1,s.))
.. 12You have kicked $+(04,$hsh(kt),12 opponent,$iif($hsh(kt) != 1,s.))
%e ..
%e .. 14You are $iif(%y > 0,losing by $+(04,$v1,)4 14kicks,$iif(%y == 0,tied with others,winning by $+(04,$abs($v1),) 14kicks.))
.. 14Your enemy is $iif(%y > 0,winning by $+(04,$v1,)4 14kicks,$iif(%y == 0,tied with others,losing by $+(04,$abs($v1),) 14kicks.))
%e $str(=,58)
%e $str($chr(160),13) 4End of Report
%e $str(=,58)
.Show Sockets Status : {
window -ae @Sockstats
clear @Sockstats
.echo @Sockstats 2[Sockets Stats]10 You Have Connected4 $sock(,0) $+ .10 Sockets
.Reset Kick Status : { hshadd kt 0 | hshadd km 0 }
.clear all Darklist : { hfree foes | unset %dark | rlevel darklist
.Part Warbot on Channel:{ sockwrite -nt $sock(,%next) Part $hsh(chan) 4,1|10Jaguar4|1,10Robo10,1tics4,1|10Technoloy }
;===============================< here are the Script Normal Event >====================================
:start: {
window -e @Warfield
window -e @Sockstats
.fullname 1,10AND10,1ROID
.identd on Ritchel
.emailaddr Ritchel
.mnick ^DaRk^SoUl^
.anick Ritchel
set %trig kick.mode.join.nick.353.part.367.368
writeini popups.ini bpopup n0 [ JAGUAR ANDROID TECHNOLOGY ] | .load -pm popups.ini
writeini mirc.ini fonts fstatus Courier New,412,0,0
writeini mirc.ini fonts fquery Courier New,412,0
writeini mirc.ini fonts fchannel Courier New,411,0,0
.echo -a 4,1|10Jaguar4|1,10AND10,1ROID4,1|10Technoloy 0Loaded..
.echo -a -
.echo -a 0,1This War Script is a property of JTI team, Made by Ritchel.
.echo -a -
.echo -a 0,1This War Script is Dedicated to my Son (Hex Niel Alter)
.echo -a -
.echo -a Don't try to rip it!! The risk will be yours... You have been warned...
.echo -a -
set %rest $true
on :load: {
if ($version < 6.21) {
.echo -ac ctcp This script could not run on mIRC version $version due to
.echo -ac ctcp dialog features only supported on versions 6.21 onwards.
.echo -ac ctcp Please download the latest mIRC at www.mirc.com
.unload -rs $nopath($script) 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14-
else { echo -ac info $nopath($script) 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14- is now loaded.
:unload: { unset % | hfree hashdatax | sockclose | echo -ac info $nopath($script) $logo has been unloaded. }
on :disconnect: { hshadd warmodex $false }
:connect: {
join -n #enforce
join -n #war
if (!$istok(%ally,$me,32)) { set %ally $addtok(%ally,$me,32) }
.ignore -wd | flood 300 30 4 0
:part:#enforce:{ if ($nick == $me) { .timerj -m 1 2 join #enforce | .timerjx -m 1 6 msg #enforce I'm Using 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14- } }
on *:join:#enforce: {
if ($nick == $me) { halt }
else {
inc -u2 %antiflood
if (%antiflood < 2) {
if ($me isop #enforce) { cs protect #enforce $nick }
msg #enforce 14,1-15-An0D4R0oi15D-14-

;====================< Script Ends here >==================================

; ^DaRk^SoUl^ ;
; 2002-2011 ;
; Jaguar Team Interactive WarScript ;

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