mSLChampagne commented on a Page, mIRC Arrays v3  -  Jan 16, 2011

Here, this differs from the last one I pasted in that I simplified it. It also has an example at the end of it to better show it's usage.

It does require that you have .NET 2.0 at least I believe, which is really standard to have these days. Unless you're using linux. :> If that's the case then COM will only work (and terribly I might add) through the use of WINE or some other similar emulation.

alias -l inherits if (!$com($1)) halt
alias -l object { if (!$com($2)) .comopen $2 $1 
  return $iif($com($2).progid == $1,$2,$null)

alias array { 

  ; REM ## Object initialization ##
  inherits $object(system.collections.arraylist,$1)

  ; REM ## Method handling ##
  if ($2 == sort    ) noop $com($1,sort,1)
  if ($2 == clear   ) noop $com($1,clear,1)
  if ($2 == append  ) noop $com($1,add,1,string,$3)
  if ($2 == remove  ) noop $com($1,remove,1,int,$3)
  if ($2 == insert  ) noop $com($1,insert,1,int,$3,string,$4)
  if ($2 == removeat) noop $com($1,removeat,1,int,$3)
  if ($2 == reverse ) noop $com($1,reverse,1)
  if ($2 == delete  ) .comclose $1

  ; REM ## Property handling ##
  if ($2 == item  ) return $null($com($1,item,3,int,$3)) $com($1).result
  if ($2 == count ) return $null($com($1,count,3)) $com($1).result
  if ($2 == exists) return $null($com($1,contains,3,string,$3)) $com($1).result


alias test { 

  var %a = example, %b = 10

  ; REM ## Create an array by the name of "example."
  noop $array(%a)

  ; REM ## Populate the array with some data.
  while (%b) {
    noop $array(%a,append,%b)
    dec %b

  ; REM ## Reverse the array.
  noop $array(%a,reverse)

  ; REM ## Enumerate and echo each item in the array.
  %b = 0
  while ($array(%a,item,%b)) { 
    echo -a Item %b $+ : $v1
    inc %b

  ; REM ## Determining the size and whether an item (data) exists or not.
  echo -a Count: $array(%a,count)
  noop $array(%a,append,z)
  echo -a Exists("z"): $array(%a,exists,z)

  ; REM ## Bit sorting the array is the built-in default method shown here.
  noop $array(%a,sort)
  %b = 0
  while ($array(%a,item,%b)) {
    echo -a Item %b $+ : $v1
    inc %b

  ; REM ## Clearing and deleting an array.
  noop $array(%a,clear)
  noop $array(%a,delete)

  ; REM ## End of test.
  echo -a End of test.

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