sunslayer commented on a Page, mIRC Arrays v3  -  Jan 11, 2011

not meaning to hi-jack your post but here's my method of using arrays, supports multi-dimensional arrays, and multi-type keys(int or string)

alias array {
  * Start of data parsing
  * Do not edit
  .noop $regex(prop,$prop,/^(\w+)(\x28(.+)?\x29)?/)
  var %this = $+(ARRAY.,$$1),%prop = $iif($regml(prop,1),$regml(prop,1),init),%param = $iif($regml(prop,3),$v1,$null),%addData = .hadd %this
  if (%param) { .tokenize 44 %param }
  if (!$hget(%this) && %prop != init) { echo -a * Error: Object not initialized | halt }
  if ($isalias($+(%this,.,%prop,.PRIVATE))) { echo -a * ERROR: Unable to access Method $qt(%prop) | halt }
  if ($regml(prop,0) == 1) { $iif($1,.hadd %this %prop $1,return $hget(%this,$prop)) | halt }
  $iif($isalias($+(%this,.,%prop)),noop $+($,%this,.,%prop,$chr(40),%prop,$chr(44),$1-,$chr(41)),.goto %prop)
  halt  | ; prevent script from passing this point

  * Class methods
  * Start editing here
  if ($hget(%this)) {
    echo -a * Error: Array already exists
  .hmake %this 10
  return 1

  if (!$3) {
    echo -a * ERROR: insufficient parameters
  var %index = $replace($($+($,2-,$calc($0 -1)),2),$chr(32),$chr(243)),%data = $($+($,$0),2)
  .hadd %this %index %data
  return 1

  if (!$2) {
    echo -a * ERROR: insufficient parameters
  var %index = $replace($($+($,2-,$0),2),$chr(32),$chr(243))
  echo -a $iif($hget(%this,%index),$v1,$null)
  return 1

  if ($hget(%this) && $2 == 1) { .hfree %this }
  return 1

  echo -a $iif($error,$v1,Unknown error) in Class: $qt(%this)
  return 0

$array() ; creates the array
$array(,index,data).set() ; sets data
$array(,index).get() ; retrieves data

$array(test,1,this is stored in index 1).set()
$array(test,2,1,this is stored in index 2[1]).set()
$array(test,1).get() returns "this is stored in index 1"
$array(test,2,1).get() returns "this is stored in index 2[1]"
$array(test,4).get() returns $null

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