sunslayer commented on a Page, Op & Oper Dialog  -  Nov 04, 2009


alias nickcon { dialog -m nickcon nickcon }

on *:DIALOG:nickcon:init:0: {
  did -ra nickcon 2 $snick($active,1)
dialog nickcon {
  title "Op Control"
  size -1 -1 247 357
  option pixels
  tab "Op control", 100, 10 10 235 350
  tab "Oper control", 200
  box " Nick ", 1, 15 37 225 45
  edit %tmp.var, 2, 26 54 202 20, disable center
  box "", 4, 15 78 133 164, tab 100
  text "Owner", 5, 35 93 30 15, tab 100
  box "", 6, 27 85 47 25, tab 100
  button "+q", 7, 75 90 30 20, tab 100
  button "-q", 8, 106 90 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 9, 27 127 47 25, tab 100
  text "Protect", 10, 34 114 35 15, tab 100
  button "+a", 11, 75 111 30 20, tab 100
  button "-a", 12, 106 111 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 13, 27 106 47 25, tab 100
  text "Op", 14, 43 135 30 15, tab 100
  button "+o", 15, 75 132 30 20, tab 100
  button "-o", 16, 106 132 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 17, 27 148 47 25, tab 100
  text "HalfOp", 18, 35 156 40 15, tab 100
  button "+h", 19, 75 153 30 20, tab 100
  button "-h", 20, 106 153 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 21, 27 169 47 25, tab 100
  text "Voice", 22, 38 177 30 15, tab 100
  button "+v", 23, 75 174 30 20, tab 100
  button "-v", 24, 106 174 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 25, 150 78 90 145, tab 100
  button "Ban", 26, 154 90 81 20, tab 100
  button "UnBan", 27, 154 111 81 20, tab 100
  button "Kick", 28, 154 132 81 20, tab 100
  button "Ban/Kick", 29, 154 174 81 20, tab 100
  button "Ban/Kick (R)", 30, 154 153 81 20, tab 100
  button "OK", 36, 154 325 81 20, cancel
  text "Except", 38, 35 198 35 15, tab 100
  button "+e", 39, 75 195 30 20, tab 100
  button "-e", 40, 106 195 30 20, tab 100
  button "IP Ban/Kick", 31, 154 195 81 20, tab 100
  box "", 32, 27 190 47 25, tab 100
  box "", 33, 15 269 225 45
  edit %razlog, 34, 26 290 202 20, tab 100
  box "", 41, 27 211 47 25, tab 100
  text "Invites", 42, 35 219 35 15, tab 100
  button "+I", 43, 75 216 30 20, tab 100
  button "-I", 44, 106 216 30 20, tab 100
  box "", 45, 15 238 133 35, tab 100
  text "Time", 46, 33 250 35 15
  edit %vrijeme, 47, 75 248 60 20, tab 100
  text "Reason:", 48, 26 275 150 15
  button "Temp Ban", 49, 154 228 81 20, tab 100
  box "", 50, 150 219 90 54, tab 100
  button "Temp Ban/Kick", 51, 154 249 81 20, tab 100
  box "", 52, 15 78 225 164, tab 200
  box "", 53, 15 238 225 35, tab 200
  edit %vrijeme.oper, 54, 75 248 153 20, tab 200
  edit %razlog.oper, 55, 26 290 202 20, tab 200
  edit %sajoin, 56, 25 87 110 20, tab 200 center
  button "SaJoin", 57, 144 86 81 20, tab 200
  edit $active, 58, 25 107 110 20, tab 200 disable center
  button "SaPart", 59, 144 106 81 20, tab 200
  button "SVSNick", 60, 144 126 81 20, tab 200
  edit %svsnick, 61, 25 127 110 20, tab 200
  button "Kill", 62, 144 170 81 20, tab 200
  button "G-Line", 63, 144 195 81 20, tab 200
  button "Z-Line", 64, 144 220 81 20, tab 200
  button "Kick", 65, 41 170 81 20, tab 200
  button "Ban", 66, 41 195 81 20, tab 200
  button "Ban/Kick", 67, 42 220 81 20, tab 200
  edit %shun, 3, 25 147 110 20, tab 200
  button "Shun", 35, 144 146 81 20, tab 200
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:34: {
  set %razlog $did(34)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:47: {
  set %vrijeme $did(47)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:54: {
  set %vrijeme.oper $did(54)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:55: {
  set %razlog.oper $did(55)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:56: {
  set %sajoin $did(56)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:edit:61: {
  set %svsnick $did(61)
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:7:{ /mode $active +q $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:8:{ /mode $active -q $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:11:{ /mode $active +a $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:12:{ /mode $active -a $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:15:{ /mode $active +o $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:16:{ /mode $active -o $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:19:{ /mode $active +h $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:20:{ /mode $active -h $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:23:{ /mode $active +v $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:24:{ /mode $active -v $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:26:{ /mode $active +b $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:27:{ /mode $active -b $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:28:{ /kick $active $did(2) %razlog }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:29:{ /mode $active +b $did(2) | /kick $active $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:30:{ /mode $active +b $did(2) | /kick $active $did(2) %razlog }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:39:{ /mode $active +e $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:40:{ /mode $active -e $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:57:{ /sajoin $did(2) %sajoin }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:31:{ /ban $active $did(2) 2 | /kick $active $did(2) %razlog }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:43:{ /mode $active +I $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:44:{ /mode $active -I $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:49:{ /ban -u $+ $calc(%vrijeme * 60) $active $did(2) 2 }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:51:{ /ban -u $+ $calc(%vrijeme * 60) $active $did(2) 2 | /kick $active $did(2) %razlog }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:59:{ /sapart $did(2) $active }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:60:{ /os svsnick $did(2) %svsnick }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:65:{ /os kick $active $did(2) %razlog.oper }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:66:{ /os mode $active +b $did(2) }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:67:{ /os mode $active +b $did(2) | /os kick $active $did(2) %razlog.oper }
on *:DIALOG:nickcon:sclick:35:shun $+(+,$did(3)) $calc(%vrijeme.oper *60) %razlog.oper
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