napa182 commented on a Page, Phobia Add-On  -  May 09, 2009

here is a quick socket you can edit it to do what you want or not this is just an example:

on $*:text:/@phobia\s(.+)/iS:#: { if (!$($+(%,phobflood,.,$nick),2)) { set -u3 $+(%,phobflood,.,$nick) on | if ($sock(phob)) .sockclose phob | set -u4 %phob.chan.look $chan $replace($regml(1),$chr(32),$chr(43)) | sockopen phob 80 } }
on *:sockopen:phob: { sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/search.php?p=,$gettok(%phob.chan.look,2,32)) HTTP/1.1 | sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: | sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf }
on *:sockread:phob: {
  var %phobs | sockread %phobs
  if ($regex(%phobs,/<p><b>(.+)<\/b> (.+)<\/p>/)) { msg $gettok(%phob.chan.look,1,32) $regml(1) $regml(2) }
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