napa182 commented on a Page, simple thanks  -  Feb 05, 2009

you could do somthing like this.
this is one i made along time ago

on *:rawmode:#: {
  if (%thanker && $nick != $me && $2 == $me) {
    inc $+(%,mode,.,$chan,.,$1)
    var %mode $replace($right($1,-1),oq,@~,ao,&@,a,&,o,@,h,%,v,+,q,~) 
    msg $chan $iif($left($1,1) == +,12{14Thank's for the $+(+,%mode) 12}{14 $nick $+ . 12}{14 I have been 12}{14 $+(+,%mode,'ed) In Channel $chan 12}{14 For The 12}{14 $ord($($+(%,mode,.,$chan,.,$1),2)) Time. 12},12{14WTF12}{14 $nick $+ . 12}{14 Why The Hell You Take My Mode! 12}{14 I have been 12}{14 $+(-,%mode,'ed) In Channel $chan 12}{14 For The 12}{14 $ord($($+(%,mode,.,$chan,.,$1),2)) Time. 12}) 
menu channel {
  .Turn Mode Thanker $iif(!%thanker,ON,OFF):{ $iif(!%thanker,set %thanker on,unset %thanker) | echo -a Mode Thanker Is Now $iif(!%thanker,OFF,ON)  }

Jamiie Said:

There's a countless number of these "thank's" scripts.. don't need anymore.

um so what if there is over a million of them. most of every code has been done atlest once.

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