DarthReven commented on a Page, Geolocator  -  Jun 25, 2005

i got it to work though i had to change a few things:
alias trace {
echo 12 -a [Geolocator] - Tracing $1 $+ ...
sockopen trace www.dnsstuff.com 80
sockmark trace $1
on :SOCKOPEN:trace: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/city.ch?ip= $+ $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: mIRC $+(v,$version)
sockwrite $sockname $crlf
:SOCKREAD:trace: {
sockread %tmp
if ($gettok(%tmp,1,32) == IP:) { echo 4 -a [Geolocator] - $gettok(%tmp,2,32) }
else {
tokenize 32 %tmp
if ($1 == Country:) { echo 12 -a [Country] - $2- }
if ($1-2 == Country Code:) { echo 12 -a [Country Code] $3- }
elseif ($1 == City:) { echo 12 -a [City] - $2- }
elseif ($1 == Currency:) { echo 12 -a [Currency] - $2- }
elseif ($1-2 == Private IP?) { echo 12 -a [Private IP] - $3 }
elseif ($1-2 == Known Proxy?) { echo 12 -a [Known Proxy] - $3 | echo 4 -a [Geolocator] - Trace Complete | halt }

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