napa182 commented on a Page, Admin/ircop user lister  -  Sep 09, 2008

ok here it is for chatspace

dialog lus {
  title "List Users On Server"
  size -1 -1 132 116
  option dbu
  box "User List", 1, 2 2 58 63
  list 2, 4 11 54 51, size vsbar
  box "User's IP", 3, 62 2 68 63
  list 4, 65 11 63 51, size vsbar
  box "Functions", 5, 2 83 128 31
  button "Kill", 6, 4 91 40 10, flat
  button "K-line", 7, 46 91 40 10, flat
  button "Notice", 8, 88 91 40 10, flat
  button "Clipboard", 9, 46 102 40 10, flat
  button "Refresh", 10, 88 102 40 10, flat
  text "", 11, 4 73 54 7, center
  box "User Count", 12, 2 65 58 17
  box "Date/Time", 13, 62 65 68 17
  text "", 14, 65 73 63 7, center
  button "List Chan", 15, 4 102 40 10, flat
dialog lus2 {
  title "ChanList"
  size -1 -1 79 73
  option dbu
  box "Channel's User Is On", 1, 2 2 75 69
  list 2, 4 11 71 39, size vsbar
  button "Close", 3, 4 59 35 10, flat cancel
  text "", 4, 4 51 70 7, center
  button "Join Chan", 5, 40 59 35 10, flat
on *:load: { 
  echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's User Lister
  echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production 
  echo -a 14,1(14,1¯15,1¯0,1¯0,1º $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) º0,1¯15,1¯14,1¯) $+ $chr(153)
alias lus { $iif($countcs($usermode,N,O,C,A,a,o),dialog $iif($dialog(lus),-v,-md) lus lus,noop $input(You Need To Be IRCOP Or Admin To Use This Script,uho,Error)) }
alias lus2 { dialog $iif($dialog(lus2),-v,-md) lus2 lus2 }
menu menubar,channel {
  .User Lister:{ lus }
alias lusdatetime { did -ra lus 14 $time(mmm ddd d h:nn:ss tt) }
on *:dialog:lus:close:0:{ .timerlusdatetime off  }
on *:dialog:lus:init:0:{ did -b lus 6-9,15 | did -a lus 14 $time(mmm ddd d h:nn:ss tt) | if ($timer(lusdatetime)) { haltdef } | else { .timerlusdatetime 0 1 lusdatetime } | trace | lusers }
on *:dialog:lus:sclick:*: { if ($did == 2) || ($did == 4) { did -c lus 2,4 $did(lus,$did).sel | did -e lus 6-9,15 | if ($dialog(lus2)) { dialog -x lus2 lus2 } }
  if ($did == 6) { if ($input(Are You Sure You Want To Kill User $did(2).seltext,uqy,Kill User?)) { kill $did(2).seltext Killed  } }
  if ($did == 7) { if ($input(Are You Sure You Want To K-line User $did(2).seltext,uqy,K-line User?)) { Kline $+(*,$did(4).seltext) 0 K-lined Bitch! } }
  if ($did == 8) { var %lusnotice $input(Enter Notice To Send To $did(2).seltext,uiye,Send Notice) | if (%lusnotice) { .Notice $did(2).seltext %lusnotice | noop $input(Notice Has Been Sent To $did(2).seltext,uio,Notice Sent) } }
  if ($did == 9) { clipboard $did(2).seltext $did(4).seltext }
  if ($did == 10) { did -r lus 2,4,11 | did -b lus 6-9,15 | trace | lusers | if ($dialog(lus2)) { dialog -x lus2 lus2 } }
  if ($did == 15) { lus2 | whois $did(2).seltext | did -r lus2 2,4 | did -a lus2 4 User: $did(2).seltext }
on *:dialog:lus2:sclick:*: { 
  if ($did == 5) {
    if (!$did(2).seltext) { noop $input(Please Highlite A Channel To Join,uho,Error) }
    else { join $remove($did(2).seltext,&,+,%,@,~,!,?) }
raw *:*: {
  if ($dialog(lus)) {
    if ($istok(311 379 307 312 335 317 318 206 310 313 301 251 252 254 265,$numeric,32)) { haltdef }
    if ($istok(205 204,$numeric,32)) { did -a lus 2 $remove($left($4,$pos($4,$chr(91),1)),$chr(91)) | did -a lus 4 $remove($mid($4,$calc($pos($4,@,1) + 0),$calc($len($4))),$chr(93)) | haltdef }
    if ($numeric == 255) { did -a lus 11 $4 User's Online | haltdef }
    if ($dialog(lus2)) && ($numeric == 319) { didtok lus2 2 32 $3- | haltdef }
on *:snotice:*connecting*:{ if ($dialog(lus)) { did -r lus 2,4,11 | did -b lus 6-9,15 | trace | lusers } }
on *:quit:{ if ($dialog(lus)) { did -r lus 2,4,11 | did -b lus 6-9,15 | trace | lusers } }
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