Typo commented on a Page, Hippie Test Game Script  -  Jul 16, 2008

Not bad but I\'m going to make a few more changes incase you want them.

I\'m going to get rid of the | halt from the line that says to chose a name thats in the channel then I added an else to the if on the next line to make it an elseif to make up for the missing halt. It\'s the same thing, says, if that happened, don;t do this but if it didn\'t happen, do do it. lol.

I\'m going to combine you var\'s to one line.

I\'m going to Tokenize $strip($1-) so u can not use the repetetive $strips.

I\'m going to take all the repetetive \"msg $chan %Hippie is %Test-Precent hippie -\" and make the a variable to use so we save space.

I also added a percent sign to the percent number so it says 40% hippie instead of 40 hippie.

I added punctuation and fixed some grammar and some small wording changes.

I fixed the line for flood protection that said \"Please wait.....\"
to \"Pleas try again in a moment\" since its supposed to say something like that.

Here is what the output looks like now.

Now Testing typo\'s Hippiness
Please wait..........
typo is 0% hippie. - Finnally! Someone Is just like me. NO HIPPIE NESS!


Now Testing typo\'s Hippiness
Please wait..........
typo is 50% hippie. - WTF, how can u be 50% of each.

And here is the new code.

;;; Hippie test v 1.0 ;;;
;;;        by         ;;;
;;;      Batman       ;;;
;;;   Thanks to EL    ;;;
;;;    4 fixing up    ;;;
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($strip($1) == !hippietest) {
    tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
    inc -u10 $+(%,_Hippie_F,.,$chan,.,$nick) 
    if ($($+(%,_Hippie_F,.,$chan,.,$nick),2) == 3) { .notice $nick Please wait... | halt }
    if ($($+(%,_Hippie_F,.,$chan,.,$nick),2) >= 4) { halt }
    if (!$2) { .notice $nick Please choose a nickname to test.Syntax:  !hippietest Nickname | halt }
    elseif ($2 !ison $chan) { .notice $nick Please choose a nickname in the channel. }
    elseif ($2) {
      msg # Now Testing $2 $+ \'s Hippiness | msg # Please wait..........
      var %Hipp = 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100, %Test-Precent $gettok(%Hipp,$r(1,10),44)), %Hippie $2, %test-message = msg $chan %Hippie is %Test-Precent $+ % hippie. -
      if (%Test-Precent == 0) { %test-message Finnally! Someone Is just like me. NO HIPPIE NESS! }
      if (%Test-Precent == 10) { %test-message You are only 10% hippie, a little rap can fix that. }
      if (%Test-Precent == 20) { %test-message Ok, your good now. All u need 2 do is not smoke next 2 me and it\'s all good. }
      if (%Test-Precent == 30) { %test-message Damn, your really close 2 being at 0%. You need more rap.  }
      if (%Test-Precent == 40) { %test-message You are getting Close to normal. }
      if (%Test-Precent == 50) { %test-message WTF, how can u be 50% of each. }
      if (%Test-Precent == 60) { %test-message Ok, this is still weird.  }
      if (%Test-Precent == 70) { %test-message Dude, listern 2 more rap.  }
      if (%Test-Precent == 80) { %test-message Wtf? You are fuckin 80% hippie!  }
      if (%Test-Precent == 90) { %test-message Hmm not quite 100% but wayyyyyyy too close!  }
      if (%Test-Precent == 100) { %test-message Stay the fuck away from me! }

Good job tho.

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