EL commented on a Page, Whois dialog >_<  -  May 06, 2008

what it works open the dialog first /dialog -m whois whois then /whois Nickname works fine for me need to do the dialog is active check maybe add a nicklist option to snick whois othe rthen that an poor button size it works.Here a fast edit up:

;                  Whois Created by ThLoser.             ;
;                   29 lines and 1137 chars              ;
;                      © ThLoser.org 2008                ;
dialog whois {
  title \"whois (/whois) \"
  size -1 -1 168 96
  option dbu
  text \"Name\", 1, 2 6 25 8, disable
  text \"Address\", 3, 2 16 25 8, disable
  text \"Auth\", 5, 2 26 25 8, disable
  text \"name\", 2, 30 6 133 8, hide
  text \"Address\", 4, 30 16 133 8, hide
  text \"Auth\", 6, 30 26 51 8, hide
  text \"Ircop\", 7, 83 26 17 8, disable
  text \"Yes\", 8, 102 26 13 8, hide
  text \"Away\", 9, 118 26 17 8, disable
  text \"Yes\", 10, 137 26 19 8, hide
  list 11, 1 38 166 50, size
  button \"Join\", 12, 130 88 37 7, disable flat
  text \"Some Random text\", 13, 2 88 125 8, hide disable
  text \"channels\", 14, 26 96 25 8, hide disable
  text \"nickname\", 15, 2 96 25 8, hide disable

on *:DIALOG:whois:SCLICK:11:{
  did -va whois 13 $did($dname,15) $iif($chr(64) == $left($wildtok($did($dname,14),* $+ $did($dname,11).seltext,1,32),1),has op in $did($dname,11).seltext,$iif($chr(43) == $left($wildtok($did($dname,14),* $+ $did($dname,11).seltext,1,32),1),has voice in $did($dname,11).seltext,is regular in $did($dname,11).seltext))
  did -e whois 12 
on *:DIALOG:whois:SCLICK:12:{ 
  join $did($dname,11).seltext 

RAW 301:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  if ($3) { 
    set %whois.away 1    
RAW 311:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  did -vra whois 2 $strip($6)
  did -vra whois 4 $3 $+ $chr(64) $+ $4
RAW 312:*:{
RAW 313:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  if ($2) { 
    set %whois.ircop 1
RAW 317:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
RAW 318:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  $iif(%whois.away == 1,did -vra whois 10 Yes,did -vra whois 10 No)
  $iif(%whois.ircop == 1,did -vra whois 8 Yes,did -vra whois 8 No)
  $iif(%whois.auth != $null,did -vra whois 6 %whois.auth,did -vra whois 6 User is not authed)
  unset %whois.*
RAW 319:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  if (%whois.second == 1) { 
    echo -a $wildtok($3-,*$did($dname,11).seltext, 1, 32) 
  var %x = 1
  did -r whois 11  
  did -ra whois 15 $2
  did -ra whois 14 $3- 
  while (%x <= $numtok($3-,32)) { 
    did -a whois 11 $remove($gettok($3-,%x,32),+,@)
    inc %x
RAW 330:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
  if ($3) {
    set %whois.auth $3 
RAW 338:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }
RAW 431:*:{
  if (!$dialog(whois)) { echo -s $2- | halt }

Menu * {
  Whois: {
    if (!$dialog(whois)) {
      dialog -mei whois whois
      whois $$1
    else { dialog -x whois whois
      dialog -mei whois whois
      whois $$1

I like it.\"Rate it or Hate it?\"...7/10.`-.-´

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