-check (id)

By frederik on May 02, 2012

Hello everyone i made this snippets but im sure it can be scripted shorter OR better.

Its a script made to make a kind of database of fb id its was made for keep a list of Facebook Id/user . To add/del on the ban list ,to add-del specific note everything is saved in txt.files the keep track of the info

And Sorry my english is not very well

Thanks everyone to help me

Command -fbhelp ( For Help With Command )


on *:TEXT:-fbhelp*:#: {
  notice $nick *********************************************************************************************
  notice $nick My available commands for, -getid and -Check Script are, 
  notice $nick -
  notice $nick -getid ( FB USERNAME/UID ) eg:http://www.facebook.com/MMC.ADMIN
  notice $nick Command is -getid MMC.ADMIN >>>>>>> FaceBook Info >> Full Name: Fred Wall >>> ID: 100000696915994 <<<
  notice $nick -
  notice $nick -addfbid ( FB,ID ) To create the profile , -delfbid ( FB,ID ) To delete the profile
  notice $nick -check ( FB,ID )
  notice $nick -
  notice $nick -addname ( FB,ID ) Facebook Name , -delname ( FB,ID )
  notice $nick -addban ( FB,ID ) reason , -delban ( FB,ID ) , 
  notice $nick -addwarn ( FB,ID ) reason , -delwarn ( FB,ID ) , 
  notice $nick -addnote ( FB,ID ) Note , -delnote ( FB,ID ).
  notice $nick *********************************************************************************************

alias fbnumber {
  %cislo = $calc($calc($1 / 1) * 2)
  if (%cislo != $calc($1 * 2) || %cislo == 0) { msg # $nick $+ : Please enter your Facebook ID . | halt }

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To Create the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   
ON *:TEXT:-addfbid *:#: { 
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,fbid,$2),2)) { 
    set $+(%,fbid,$2 ) $2
    msg $chan Done, you just added 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) in DT DataBase. 
    write addfbid.txt Added by $nick - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime -  | load -rs addfbid.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick $+ : Sorry this 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase. Type [-check ( $2 ) ] or [-fbhelp] 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To Delete the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   
ON *:TEXT:-delfbid &:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {

    fbnumber $2
    if ($($+(%,fbid,$2),2)) {
      msg $chan 1[04ID]: $2 has been removed from DT DateBase. by $nick
     write delfbid.txt Facebook ID $2 - Deleted by $nick -  $asctime(hh:nntt) -  | load -rs delfbid.txt
      unset $+(%,fbid,$2)
      unset $+(%,name,$2)
      unset $+(%,ban,$2)
      unset $+(%,warn,$2)
      unset $+(%,note,$2)
    else {
      msg $chan $nick Nothing was found for ID $2 in DT DateBase.  
  else {
    msg $chan $nick $+ : Permission Denied *** You need to be op or higher to perform this command.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To Create the name for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
ON *:TEXT:-addname *:#: { 
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,name,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,name,$2) $3-   
    msg $chan Name $3- has been added to Facebook ID, $2. 
     write addname.txt Added by $nick - Name $3 - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime - | load -rs addname.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick $+ : Sorry this 1[04Name]: ( $3- ) for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase. 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To Delete the name for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
ON *:TEXT:-delname &:#: {
  fbnumber $2
  if ($($+(%,name,$2),2)) {
    msg $chan 1[04Name]: $3- has been removed from DT DateBase. by $nick 
    write delname.txt - Name $3 - Facebook ID $2 - Deleted by $nick -  $asctime(hh:nntt) - | load -rs delname.txt
    unset $+(%,name,$2)
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Nothing was found for Name $3- in DT DateBase. 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To add a ban for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
ON *:TEXT:-addban *:#: { 
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,ban,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,ban,$2) 1[04Reason]: $3 1[04Added by]:  $nick 1[04On]:  $date 1[04At]:  $asctime(hh:nntt)
    msg $chan 1[04Ban Reason]: $3-  ,has been added to Dt Database . by $nick for 1[04ID]: $2 
 write addban.txt Added by $nick - Ban Reson $3- - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime - $date | load -rs addban.txt 
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Sorry this 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase for 1[04Ban Reason]: ( $3 ). 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To delete a ban for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
ON *:TEXT:-delban &:#: {
  fbnumber $2
  if ($($+(%,ban,$2),2)) {
    msg $chan  1[04Ban]: has been removed from DT DateBase for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) . by $nick 
  write delban.txt Ban $3- for Facebook ID $2 - Deleted by $nick -  $asctime(hh:nntt) -  | load -rs delban.txt
    unset $+(%,ban,$2)
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Nothing was found for Bans in DT DateBase. 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To add a warning for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
ON *:TEXT:-addwarn *:#: { 
  write addwarn.txt Added by $nick - Warn $3 - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime -
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,warn,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,warn,$2) $3- by $nick 
    msg $chan 1[04Warn Reason]: $3- ,has been added to Dt Database . by $nick for 1[04ID]: $2  Date : $asctime | load -rs addwarn.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Sorry this 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase for 1[04Warn Reason]: ( $3- ). 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To delete a warning for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ON *:TEXT:-delwarn &:#: {
  fbnumber $2
  if ($($+(%,warn,$2),2)) {
    msg $chan 1[04Warn]: has been removed from DT DateBase for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) . by $nick 
 write delwarn.txt Warn $3- for Facebook ID $2 - Deleted by $nick - $asctime - | load -rs delwarn.txt
    unset $+(%,warn,$2)
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Nothing was found on Warn list for ID $2 .
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To add a note for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ON *:TEXT:-addnote *:#: { 
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,note,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,note,$2) ( $3- ) $asctime 
    msg $chan 1[04Note]: $3- ,has been added to Dt Database . by $nick for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) Date : $asctime 
write addnote.txt Added by $nick - Notes $3 - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime - | load -rs addnote.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Sorry this 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase for 1[04Note]: ( $3- ). 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To delete a note for the Facebook id;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ON *:TEXT:-delnote &:#: {
  /isnumber $2
  if ($($+(%,note,$2),2)) {
    msg $chan 1[04Note]: has been removed from DT DateBase for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) . by $nick
 write delnote.txt Warn for Facebook ID $2 - Deleted by $nick - $asctime - | load -rs delnote.txt
    unset $+(%,note,$2)
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Nothing was found on Note list for ID $2 .
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;To check any id u already added to Facebook id datebase on typing -addfbid(id);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
on *:TEXT:-check*:#: { 
  if ($($+(%,fbid,$2),2 )) { 
    fbnumber $2
    msg $chan >> 1[04FaceBook Link]: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= $+ $2
    if ($($+(%,name,$2),2)) {
      msg $chan >> 1[04FaceBook Name]: $ifmatch 
    else { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04FaceBook Name]: 

    if ($($+(%,ban,$2),2)) {
      msg $chan >> 1[04Ban List]: Yes >>> 1[04ID]: $+($2) $ifmatch 
    else { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04Ban List]: 

    if ($($+(%,warn,$2),2)) { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04Warning List]:  $ifmatch 
    else { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04Warning List]:  
    if ($($+(%,note,$2),2)) { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04Notes]:  $ifmatch 
    else { 
      msg $chan >> 1[04Notes]:  
  else {
    msg $chan $nick , Nothing was found in 1[04FaceBook] DataBase FOR >> 1[04ID]: ( $2 )
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End of Check Facebook id script;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


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MoMy   -  May 23, 2012

Since the code makes a control variable( if (!$($+(%,note,$2),2)) ), takes advantage of the variable. :)

ON *:TEXT:-addname *:#: { 
    fbnumber $2
;// if don t exist...continue (message chan + write in the file.txt)
  if (!$($+(%,name,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,name,$2) $3-   
    msg $chan Name $3- has been added to Facebook ID, $2. | load -rs addname.txt
    write addname.txt Added by $nick - Name $3 - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime -

;// esle ...sorry is already in DT DateBase etc etc  ...and not write in the file.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick $+ : Sorry this 1[04Name]: ( $3- ) for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase. 
frederik   -  May 23, 2012

ok i understand what u mean and yes its a big bugs but i dont know how to make it overwrite the line in .txt files and not duplicate

MoMy   -  May 23, 2012

2 i dont understand what u mean ?

ON *:TEXT:-addnote *:#: {
;//  when you type the command ''-addnote word word etc etc'', is adding a line in the file even if the same row already exists.
;// example: frederik type: -addnote MoMy not understand anything about English
;// in the file addnote.txt will add the line '' Added by frederik - Notes MoMy not understand anything about English'' date -
;// If you throw the same command with the same sentence, get the message ''Sorry this [FB ID]: ( -addnote ) is already in DT DateBase for [Note]'' etc etc 
;// because there is a variable %note-addnote(etc-etc) but the file will add a new row duplicates.

  write addnote.txt Added by $nick - Notes $3 - Facebook ID $2 - $asctime -
  fbnumber $2
  if (!$($+(%,note,$2),2)) {
    set $+(%,note,$2) ( $3- ) $asctime 
    msg $chan 1[04Note]: $3- ,has been added to Dt Database . by $nick for 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) Date : $asctime | load -rs addnote.txt
  else {
    msg $chan $nick Sorry this 1[04FB ID]: ( $2 ) is already in DT DateBase for 1[04Note]: ( $3- ). 

and this thing happens on all the events on text that you wrote

frederik   -  May 23, 2012

for the 1 i didnt make this aliase someone gave it to me but its working

2 i dont understand what u mean ?

frederik   -  May 23, 2012
  1. i dont know how to use $read thats why i do it my .txt

  2. /ISNUMBER $2 replaced by fbnumber $2 is telling people they need to type a facebook id/number

6.if i know how to make that write to file own instead to delete an entry in the file addname.txt or add-equivalent, so that remove an item? i will do it but i dont know how :(

MoMy   -  May 20, 2012

There are some things I do not understand:

  1. line 19, Why divide a number by 1, is not a transaction in more?
    $calc($calc($1 / 1) * 2)

  2. Why in many events on text for it is the control variable (if exist) but does not check whether this file contains the line?
    Thus writes the same text several times

  3. Why are asked to load a txt file?
    It is easier to use $read to check or read the content

  4. What is the command /ISNUMBER $2??

  5. What is the command fbnumber?
    For example, in facebook I do not have a numeric id but alphanumeric id, so I always get an error.

  6. if commands -addname, -addban, -addwarn etc etc write to file own (addname.txt, addban.txt etc etc), why the commands -delname, delban etc etc write to file own instead to delete an entry in the file addname.txt or add-equivalent, so that remove an item?
kiri   -  May 05, 2012

ok je me disais bien ^^
en gros je te conseil de rassembler tout tes event on *text:#:{ en un seul event comme je te l'ai montré
quand tu codes mets pas de salons spécifiques dans les remotes, tu peux pas obligé les gens à aller sur les salons que tu décides toi
au niveau de l'alias tu as fais n'importe quoi lol en gros je te disais de le mettre dans le code mais juste en le rajoutant en dessous de ton code la ton code ne doit surement pas fonctionner
si tu veux discuter viens sur irc.geekshed.net salon #Script-Help

frederik   -  May 05, 2012

i speak french i try to learn mls and english at the same time :P

kiri   -  May 05, 2012

when you post a code you have to think it must be configurable so you can not force people to be on a show for your specific remote functions
look at my example I have used one on *:text:#:{ }

the tags
are to get to the next line is not careful

which language you speak frederik and @MoMy ?

MoMy   -  May 05, 2012

I see this alias repeated several times:

alias isnumber {
  %cislo = $calc($calc($1 / 1) * 2)
  if (%cislo != $calc($1 * 2) || %cislo == 0) { msg # $nick $+ : Please put Facebook ID . | halt  }

I did not understand what is.

And then, if $calc($1 / 1) = $1 (123456789 / 1 = 123456789), why divide by 1?.
if the variables need not be invoked in other events or alias, why not use local variables that dirty minus mirc register?.
set %variable = value and %variable = value, leave traces in the registry and this helps when you need to call a variable with alias or other events.

excuse my bad english

Edit: I do not know why out of the tag
to each line in the code. :\

frederik   -  May 04, 2012

thanks hawkee i updated the description

frederik   -  May 04, 2012

hello kiri i updated for the aliase but i dont understand when u say First put all in one event

can u help me more with that


frederik   -  May 04, 2012

Then why put names of salons in the last two events?
(Select All)

ON *:TEXT:-check &:#sexychat: {

on :TEXT:-check:#teamsevent: {

Thanks to help they have 2 name of salons because in #sexychat it doest post all the info when u do -check like in main chan

What is post in #sexychat

What is post in #teamsevent

kiri   -  May 04, 2012

First put all in one event

on *:text:*:#:{
  if $nick isop $chan {
    if $1 == -chelp { msg # chelp }
    elseif $1 == -addname && $2 { msg # addname }
  else {
    if $1 == -addfbid { msg # addfbid }

Then why put names of salons in the last two events?

ON *:TEXT:-check &:#sexychat: { 
on *:TEXT:-check*:#teamsevent: { 

and you put your alias to an alias instead of asking people to put in the alias section

alias isnumber {
  %cislo = $calc($calc($1 / 1) * 2)
  if (%cislo != $calc($1 * 2) || %cislo == 0) { msg # $nick $+ : Please put Facebook ID . | halt }
Hawkee   -  May 03, 2012

You didn't say what it does in your description.

frederik   -  May 03, 2012

Hi everyone leave your comments please


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