Modes & commands

By Ahmed Zaggoudi on May 12, 2011

Sometimes we forget function of some modes or commands
that's why i made this snippet i wish you like it :)
SyntaX : /chmodes , /usmodes or /ircop

on 1:START:{
  echo -a 10type /chmodes /usmodes /ircop
  echo -a 7H14awkee 12

alias chmodes {
  echo -a 10[Mode]      14-|-     7[Function]
  echo -a 10v = 7Gives Voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
  echo -a 10h = 7Gives HalfOp status to the user (Limited op access)
  echo -a 10o = 7Gives Operator status to the user
  echo -a 10a = 7Gives Channel Admin to the user
  echo -a 10q = 7Gives Owner status to the user
  echo -a 10b = 7Bans the nick!ident@host from the channel.
  echo -a 10c = 7Block messages containing mIRC color codes [o]
  echo -a 10U = 7Block messages containing mIRC formatting codes [o]
  echo -a 10e = 7Overrides a ban for matching users [h]
  echo -a 10I = 7Overrides +i for matching users [h]
  echo -a 10f = 7Flood protection (for more info see channel flood protection tutorial) [o]
  echo -a 10i = 7A user must be invited to join the channel [h]
  echo -a 10j = 7Throttle joins per-user to ‘joins’ per ‘sec’ seconds [o]
  echo -a 10k = 7Users must specify to join [h]
  echo -a 10l = 7Channel may hold at most of users [o]
  echo -a 10m = 7Moderated channel (only +vhoaq users may speak) [h]
  echo -a 10n = 7Users outside the channel can not send PRIVMSGs to the channel [h]
  echo -a 10p = 7Private channel [o]
  echo -a 10r = 7The channel is registered (settable by services only)
  echo -a 10s = 7Secret channel [o]
  echo -a 10t = 7Only +hoaq may change the topic [h]
  echo -a 10z = 7Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join [o]
  echo -a 10A = 7Server/Net Admin only channel (settable by Admins)
  echo -a 10C = 7No CTCPs allowed in the channel [o]
  echo -a 10G = 7Filters out all Bad words in messages with [o]
  echo -a 10M = 7Must be using a registered nick (+r), or have voice access to talk [o]
  echo -a 10K = 7/KNOCK is not allowed [o]
  echo -a 10L = 7Channel link (If +l is full, the next user will auto-join ) [q]
  echo -a 10N = 7No Nickname changes are permitted in the channel [o]
  echo -a 10O = 7IRC Operator only channel (settable by IRCops)
  echo -a 10Q = 7No kicks allowed [o]
  echo -a 10R = 7Only registered (+r) users may join the channel [o]
  echo -a 10S = 7Strips mIRC color codes [o]
  echo -a 10T = 7No NOTICEs allowed in the channel [o]
  echo -a 10V = 7/INVITE is not allowed [o]
  echo -a 10u = 7Auditorium mode (/names and /who #channel only show channel ops) [q]
  echo -a 10Key :
  echo -a [h] requires at least halfop, [o] requires at least chanop, [q] requires owner
alias usmodes {
  echo -a 10[Mode]      14-|-      7[Function]
  echo -a 10o = 7Global IRC Operator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10O = 7Local IRC Operator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10a = 7Is a Services Administrator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10A = 7Is a Server Administrator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10N = 7Is a Network Administrator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10C= 7Is a Co Administrator (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10d= 7Makes it so you can not receive channel PRIVMSGs (Deaf)
  echo -a 10D= 7Makes it so you cannot receive private PRIVMSGs (Deaf to PMs)
  echo -a 10g= 7Can read & send to GlobOps, and LocOps
  echo -a 10h= 7Available for Help (Help Operator)
  echo -a 10i= 7Invisible (Not shown in /WHO searches)
  echo -a 10p= 7Hide all channels in /whois and /who
  echo -a 10q= 7Only U:lines can kick you (Services Admins/Net Admins only)
  echo -a 10r= 7Identifies the nick as being Registered (settable by services only)
  echo -a 10s= 7Can listen to Server notices
  echo -a 10t= 7Says that you are using a /VHOST
  echo -a 10v= 7Receive infected DCC send rejection notices
  echo -a 10w= 7Can listen to Wallop messages
  echo -a 10x= 7Gives the user a hidden hostname (security)
  echo -a 10z= 7Marks the client as being on a Secure Connection (SSL)
  echo -a 10B= 7Marks you as being a Bot
  echo -a 10G= 7Filters out all Bad words in your messages with
  echo -a 10H= 7Hide IRCop status in /WHO and /WHOIS. (IRC Operators only)
  echo -a 10R= 7Allows you to only receive PRIVMSGs/NOTICEs from registered (+r) users
  echo -a 10S= 7For Services only. (Protects them)
  echo -a 10T= 7Prevents you from receiving CTCPs
  echo -a 10V= 7Marks the client as a WebTV user
  echo -a 10W= 7Lets you see when people do a /WHOIS on you (IRC Operators only)
alias ircop {
  echo -a 10[Name]      14-|-      4[Command]      14-|-      7[Function]
  echo -a 10[Kick] 4/kick #Chan nick reason = 7Kicks a user out of a channel, or channels. A reason may also be supplied.
  echo -a 10[Invite] 4/invite #Chan Nick = 7Invites the given user to the given channel. (Must be a channel Op)
  echo -a 10[Oper] 4/oper userID password = 7Command to give a user operator status if they match an Oper Block
  echo -a 10[WallOps] 4/WALLOPS message = 7Sends a message to all users with umode +w
  echo -a 10[GlobOps]  4/GLOBOPS message = 7Sends a message to all global IRCops
  echo -a 10[ChatOps] 4/chatops message = 7Sends a message to all IRCops (local and global)
  echo -a 10[LocOps] 4/LOCOPS message = 7Sends a message to all local IRCops
  echo -a 10[Kill] 4/kill nick reason =  7Kills a user from the network
  echo -a 10[Kline] 4/kline [+|-]user@host . nick time = 7Bans the hostmask from the server it is issued on. A kline is not a global ban
  echo -a 10[Zline] 4/ZLINE [+|-]*@ip time = 7Bans an IP Address from the local server it is issued on (not global)
  echo -a 10[Shun] 4/SHUN [+|-]user@host / nick time = 7Prevents a user from executing ANY commands and prevents them from speaking 
  echo -at 10[Rehash] 4/REHASH server –flags =  7Rehashes the servers config file. Including a server name allows you to rehash a remote servers config file. Several flags are also available  
  echo -a 10[SetHost ] 4/SETHOST newhost =  7Lets you change your vhost to what ever you want it to be
  echo -a 10[Chghost] 4/CHGHOST nick newhost =  7Lets you change the host name of a user currently on the system!
  echo -a 10[Chgident] 4/CHGident nick newident =  7Lets you change the ident of a user currently on the system
  echo -a 10[Chgname] 4/chgname nick newname = 7Lets you change the realname of a user currently on the system
  echo -a 10[Squit] 4/SQUIT server = 7Disconnects a server from the network
  echo -a 10[Sajoin] 4/SAJOIN nick channel =  7Forces a user to join a channel(s). Available to services & network admins only
  echo -a 10[Sapart] 4/SAPART nick channel =  7Forces a user to part a channel(s). Available to services & network admins only.
  echo -a 10[Samode] 4/SAMODE channel mode = 7Allows Network & Services admins to change modes of a channel without having ChanOps.


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Jethro   -  May 27, 2011

The only annoying aspect of this snippet: echo flood. Not that it matters since this is only an echo print. But it'd be nice to use /play # $me file.txt 2000 to have it output every 2 seconds consecutively. It goes easy on your eyes too.

Additionally, you can put everything in a text file like so with the echo command:

echo -a blahblah1
echo -a blahblah2

then use:

play -c # file.txt 2000

The -c switch will interpret every added line as a command and output 'em every 2 seconds like an active echo.

irchainscriptz   -  May 27, 2011

I like this, find it useful. 6/10

Ahmed Zaggoudi   -  May 13, 2011

Hmmm i think we use also :

alias /chmodes {
echo -a BlaBla1
echo -a BlaBla2
echo -a BlaBla3

Jethro   -  May 12, 2011

What's with the > var %cpteur = 1?

Dani_l11   -  May 12, 2011

/helpop chmodes or /helpop umodes

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