Script Loader

By Cold_Fussion on Jan 09, 2011


This is a Script Loaded/Unloader/Editor...

I made this when mirc misteriously unloaded all my scripts... 56 of them :)
i made this for myself but decided to share it with the rest of u...
hope u like this...
i have tested this and it works 100%
if u want things added to it... let me know... if u can make the code shorter please do post updates...
Load to remotes and then right click > Script Loader to start it
Example: BINARY.mrc >> Renamed to Binary.mud << if mud extension isnt in the list, it will be added and then the dialog will scan for that file type and load them into the dialog ***
EDIT: took out haltdef... no idea y it was in there... sorry
EDIT: redid most of the code to allow adding/deleting custom file extensions...
EDIT: made code shorter, took out the double code where it could have been used once... hopefully made it faster... this is the last edit till more ppl reply
EDIT: Updated Dialog Spacing to show full date of creation time... < was minor but now its perfect
Please Report Any Bugs To me thanks :D

;Script Loader By Hyperion (Cold_Fussion on
menu * {
  Script Loader:/Sloader
alias SLoader {
  if !%Sloader.x { %Sloader.x = -1 | %Sloader.y = -1 }
  if !%ScriptLoader.filetypes { %ScriptLoader.filetypes = mrc mud }
  if !$dialog(Sloader) { dialog -m Sloader Sloader }
dialog SLoader {
  title "Script Loader - By Hyperion"
  size %Sloader.x %Sloader.y 275 278
  option dbu
  list 1, 1 38 122 186, size
  list 2, 152 38 122 186, size
  button "Load", 3, 126 43 23 12
  button "Unload", 4, 126 61 23 12
  text "Scripts Not Loaded", 5, 2 6 120 8, center
  text "Loaded Scripts", 6, 153 6 120 8, center
  button "Edit File", 7, 126 124 23 12
  button "Reload Everthing", 8, 114 22 46 12
  text "Path of Script:", 9, 4 230 39 8
  text "Rename Script:", 10, 4 241 40 8
  text "-", 11, 54 230 180 8, center
  edit "", 12, 54 240 145 10
  button "Rename", 13, 203 240 28 10
  text "File Size:", 14, 4 257 69 8
  text "Lines of Code:", 15, 4 267 60 8
  text "File Attr:", 16, 76 257 78 8
  text "Created:", 17, 67 267 94 8
  button "Delete", 18, 126 192 23 12
  text "Total Lines:", 19, 162 17 103 8, center
  text "Total Lines:", 20, 8 17 103 8, center
  text "Total Size:", 21, 8 28 103 8, center
  text "Total Size:", 22, 162 28 103 8, center
  text "Extension:", 23, 157 257 36 8
  text "-", 24, 198 257 22 8, center
  text "Extension:", 25, 165 267 28 8
  button "Add", 26, 231 267 20 8
  edit "", 27, 197 266 33 10, center
  button "Del", 28, 253 267 20 8
on *:dialog:SLoader:*:*: {
  if $devent == close {
    unset %load.suf %unload.suf
  if $devent == mouse {
    %Sloader.x = $dialog($dname).x
    %Sloader.y = $dialog($dname).y
  if $devent == init {
    if $did == 0 {
  if $devent == sclick {
    if $did == 1 {
      did -e $dname 3,7,12,18
      did -b $dname 4,13
      did -u $dname 2
      did -r $dname 12
      did -ra $dname 11 $remove($findfile($mircdir,$did($dname,1).seltext,1),$did($dname,1).seltext)
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: $replace($file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext)).attr,a,Archive)
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: $bytes($lines($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext)),b)
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: $bytes($file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext)).size).suf
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: $asctime($file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext)).ctime)
      did -ra $dname 24 $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,2,46)
    if $did == 2 {
      did -e $dname 4,7,12,18
      did -b $dname 3,13
      did -u $dname 1
      did -r $dname 12
      did -ra $dname 11 $remove($script($did($dname,2).seltext),$did($dname,2).seltext)
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: $replace($file($script($did($dname,2).seltext)).attr,a,Archive)
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: $bytes($lines($script($did($dname,2).seltext)),b)
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: $bytes($file($script($did($dname,2).seltext)).size).suf
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: $asctime($file($script($did($dname,2).seltext)).ctime)
      if $+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext) == $script { did -b $dname 4,7,12,18 }
      did -ra $dname 24 $gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,2,46)
    if $did == 3 {
      did -ra $dname 21 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%unload.suf - $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext).suf))).suf
      did -ra $dname 22 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%load.suf + $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext).suf))).suf
      did -ra $dname 19 Total Lines: $bytes($calc($remove($gettok($did($dname,19),3,32),$chr(44)) + $gettok($did($dname,15),4,32)),b)
      did -ra $dname 20 Total Lines: $bytes($calc($remove($gettok($did($dname,20),3,32),$chr(44)) - $gettok($did($dname,15),4,32)),b)
      did -a $dname 2 $did($dname,1).seltext
      did -ra $dname 5 UnLoaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,5),3,32) - 1)
      did -ra $dname 6 Loaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,6),3,32) + 1)
      load -rs $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext,")
      did -d $dname 1 $did($dname,1).sel
      did -b $dname 3,4,7,13,12,18
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: -
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: -
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: -
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: -
      did -ra $dname 11,24 -
    if $did == 4 {
      did -ra $dname 21 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%unload.suf + $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext).suf))).suf
      did -ra $dname 22 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%load.suf - $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext).suf))).suf
      did -ra $dname 19 Total Lines: $bytes($calc($remove($gettok($did($dname,19),3,32),$chr(44)) - $gettok($did($dname,15),4,32)),b)
      did -ra $dname 20 Total Lines: $bytes($calc($remove($gettok($did($dname,20),3,32),$chr(44)) + $gettok($did($dname,15),4,32)),b)
      did -a $dname 1 $did($dname,2).seltext
      did -ra $dname 5 UnLoaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,5),3,32) + 1)
      did -ra $dname 6 Loaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,6),3,32) - 1)
      unload -rs $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext,")
      did -d $dname 2 $did($dname,2).sel
      did -b $dname 3,4,7,13,12,18
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: -
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: -
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: -
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: -
      did -ra $dname 11,24 -
    if $did == 7 {
      if $did($dname,1).seltext {
        run notepad.exe $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext,")
      else {
        run notepad.exe $+(",$script($did($dname,2).seltext),")
    if $did == 8 {
      did -r $dname 1,2,5,6
      unset %unload.suf %load.suf
    if $did == 13 {
      if $did($dname,1).seltext {
        rename $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext,") $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,12),")
        did -o $dname 1 $did($dname,1).sel $did($dname,12)
      else {
        unload -rs $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext,")
        rename $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext,") $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,12),")
        did -o $dname 2 $did($dname,2).sel $did($dname,12)
        load -rs $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,12),")
      did -b $dname 3,4,7,13,12,18
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: -
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: -
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: -
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: -
      if $filesleft($did($dname,24)) == 0 { set %ScriptLoader.filetypes $remove(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,$did($dname,24)) }
      did -ra $dname 11,24 -
      var %x = 1
      while %x <= $numtok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,32) {
        if $gettok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,%x,32) == $gettok($did($dname,12),2,46) {
          goto sloaderend
        inc %x
      %ScriptLoader.filetypes = %ScriptLoader.filetypes $gettok($did($dname,12),2,46)
      did -r $dname 1,2,5,6
      unset %unload.suf %load.suf
      did -r $dname 12
    if $did == 18 {
      if $did($dname,1).seltext {
        did -ra $dname 21 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%unload.suf - $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext).suf))).suf
        remove $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,1).seltext,")
        did -d $dname 1 $did($dname,1).sel
        did -ra $dname 5 UnLoaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,5),3,32) - 1)
        did -u $dname 1
      else {
        did -ra $dname 22 Total Size: $bytes($calc(%load.suf - $file($+($did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext).suf))).suf
        unload -rs $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext,")
        remove $+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,2).seltext,")
        did -d $dname 2 $did($dname,2).sel
        did -ra $dname 6 Loaded Scripts: $calc($gettok($did($dname,6),3,32) - 1)
        did -u $dname 2
      did -b $dname 3,4,7,13,12,18
      did -ra $dname 14 File Size: -
      did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: -
      did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: -
      did -ra $dname 17 Created: -
      if $filesleft($did($dname,24)) == 0 { set %ScriptLoader.filetypes $remove(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,$did($dname,24)) }
      did -ra $dname 11,24 -
    if $did == 26 {
      var %x = 1
      while %x <= $numtok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,32) {
        if $gettok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,%x,32) == $did($dname,27) {
          goto sloaderend3
        inc %x
      %ScriptLoader.filetypes = %ScriptLoader.filetypes $did($dname,27)
      did -r $dname 1,2,5,6
      unset %unload.suf %load.suf
      did -r $dname 27
    if $did == 28 {
      %ScriptLoader.filetypes = $remove(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,$did($dname,27))
      did -r $dname 27
      did -r $dname 1,2,5,6
      unset %unload.suf %load.suf
  if $devent == edit {
    if $did == 12 {
      if $exists($+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,12),")) || $gettok($did($dname,12),0,46) != 2 {
        did -b $dname 13
      if !$exists($+(",$did($dname,11),$did($dname,12),")) && $gettok($did($dname,12),0,46) == 2 {
        did -e $dname 13
    if $did == 27 {
      if $len($did($dname,27)) > 0 { did -e $dname 26,28 }
      else { did -b $dname 26,28 }
      if $did($dname,27) !isalpha {
        did -ra $dname 27 $left($did($dname,27),$calc($len($did($dname,27))-1))
alias -l reload {
  var %x = 1
  while %x <= $numtok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,32) {
    loading $gettok(%ScriptLoader.filetypes,%x,32)
    inc %x
  did -ra $dname 5 UnLoaded Scripts: %unload
  did -ra $dname 20 Total Lines: $bytes(%unload.lines,b)
  did -ra $dname 6 Loaded Scripts: %load
  did -ra $dname 19 Total Lines: $bytes(%load.lines,b)
  did -ra $dname 21 Total Size: $bytes(%unload.suf).suf
  did -ra $dname 22 Total Size: $bytes(%load.suf).suf
  unset %load %load.lines %unload %unload.lines
  did -b $dname 3,4,7,13,12,18,26,28
  did -ra $dname 14 File Size: -
  did -ra $dname 15 Lines of Code: -
  did -ra $dname 16 File Attr: -
  did -ra $dname 17 Created: -
alias -l FilesLeft {
  return $findfile($mircdir,$+(*.,$1),0)
alias -l Loading {
  var %xx = $findfile($mircdir,*. $+ $1,0)
  var %x = 1
  while %x <= %xx {
    var %script = $findfile($mircdir,*. $+ $1,%x)
    if $script($gettok($findfile($mircdir,*. $+ $1,%x),$gettok($findfile($mircdir,*. $+ $1,%x),0,92),92)) {
      did -a $dname 2 $nopath(%script)
      inc %load.lines $lines(%script)
      inc %load
      inc %load.suf $file(%script).size
    else {
      did -a $dname 1 $nopath(%script)
      inc %unload
      inc %unload.lines $lines(%script)
      inc %unload.suf $file(%script).size
    inc %x


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Vegitha   -  Mar 08, 2011

awesome code, keep up the good work :D

FangBanger   -  Jan 24, 2011

Kingc44 i can't kill your ant!! :) Anyways Very nice Cold_Fussion not to mention your so cute! :) I'm trying to Work on a Decent Blackjack, VideoPoker, Card game that does not flood channels and sends all the nick playing's cards etc in /onotice Plus to set a timer so each player can only play like 2 games per 3 minutes er so but my channel is a lil more laid back than that. But if It was to go to a big channel, i need to let it set there own timers. Anyhoo my nick is Sookie, im on Dalnet and on the channel #TrueBlood of coarse :D HAppy coding all :D

Cold_Fussion  -  Jul 29, 2017

You still on here?

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Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 20, 2011

Firstmate... thanks for the input, sorry just had family shit this side.... flew back from Cape Town aswell... but i will look into making the code faster now... thanks again...

im sure 100 ticks isnt alot on fast machines, but not everyone has a fast machine, will post the update as im done :D

Sorry about my shit reply earlier

Firstmate   -  Jan 20, 2011

Actually I benchmarked it myself, they are about the same ticks (my method being on average faster)

But hey, your code. Do what you want.

Firstmate   -  Jan 16, 2011

Version 6.21 did not do anything to your $mircdir directory path. There is no need for that code you wrote (/help $qt by the way).

And you still are making the code longer than it needs to be. $findfile can accept multiple file extensions. Rather the code should be re-written to allow multiple directories.

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 15, 2011

could be something i'm doing....but, it doesn't work for me! :( for some reason it doesn't show all of the only shows 3. (2 unloaded and 1 loaded - of hundreds) These scripts are located in the same place as all my other scripts
and yes, i read comments and noticed that all scripts need to be in the $mircdir* so I made sure that is where they are. any idea as to why it would do this?

[i]concur...... as i said its cos or ur $mircdir.........
if u use mirc higher than 6.21 i think it changes ur mirc directory to something hectic like: /users/so forth...... get all ur scripts to where ur mirc.exe is and this code could help u change ur default folder for $mircdir

on *:START: {
  if !$exists($+($remove($gettok($mircexe,1-,92),mIRC.exe),Sounds)) {
    run $+(",$mircexe,") -r" $+ $remove($gettok($mircexe,1-,92),mIRC.exe) $+ "
    exit -n

that code needs ur mirc.ini and servers.ini file in with ur mirc.exe or else it will create new ones and u would need to config mirc again.......
*NB also i take no responsibility to change ur mirc directory for $mircdir...

Firstmate   -  Jan 14, 2011

/help $findfile

You can specify multiple wildcards by separating them with semi-colons, eg. .exe;.txt;*.hlp.

[i]concur   -  Jan 14, 2011

could be something i'm doing....but, it doesn't work for me! :( for some reason it doesn't show all of the only shows 3. (2 unloaded and 1 loaded - of hundreds) These scripts are located in the same place as all my other scripts
and yes, i read comments and noticed that all scripts need to be in the $mircdir* so I made sure that is where they are. any idea as to why it would do this?

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 12, 2011

lol... napa i dnt use it though... when i do its for testing my servers security...

napa182   -  Jan 12, 2011

lmao @ having Clonesxs in there ffs

Kingc44   -  Jan 11, 2011

nice indeed 10/10

chorao   -  Jan 10, 2011

good ideia! =)

eNkIL   -  Jan 10, 2011

9/10 :)

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 10, 2011

that's the way it should be... coding is passion... without the need to want to code, its not worth it... :D glad u doing ur thing

xdesoto   -  Jan 10, 2011

you got me trying to make my own Scriptloader

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 10, 2011

:) the all out war script is a script i made to auto play All out War irc game for me... but thats the old one, i made a proper dialog version aswell...... with custom sounds and so on... but thats another story

xdesoto   -  Jan 10, 2011

eh that's where all my mrc's anyways, So I have no problem with that.
I like your theme though..
And you have a lot of mrc's
I have only 20 :/
Oh and loL @ ALL OUT WAR SCRIPT.mrc

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 10, 2011

sweet man, glad i could help.... remember the scripts it scans for atm is in ur $mircdir* but ill add in functionality for other folders 2...

xdesoto   -  Jan 10, 2011

Ah, A lifesaver... for some reason my script on my thumbdrive doesn't like to load the mrc's
so yeah *uses and votes 10/10

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 10, 2011

thanks Clayton... this feedback makes me want to code new scripts for here...

Clayton   -  Jan 10, 2011

Very nice snippet.

10/10 :)

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 09, 2011

Firstmate - this script allows for loading of scripts in ur $mircdir directory... maybe later on ill add what u asked for...

Firstmate   -  Jan 09, 2011

The ability to load scripts from multiple locations would be better.

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 09, 2011

sunslayer its a theme i used in windows 7...
this is the full image and info on what u are requesting >

cupcake   -  Jan 09, 2011

very nice snippet impressive :)

sunslayer   -  Jan 09, 2011

what theme is that in your screen shot?

Cold_Fussion   -  Jan 09, 2011

thanks man... will add in a place where u can add user defined extensions for loading different types of scripts... and an alias tab....

_Teen_   -  Jan 09, 2011

nice script, 8/10

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