Event script Automessage and Lookup

By Bielie on Dec 17, 2010

Event spam snippet:

You can set/unset events. You can set spam message on/off.

Check !event help after submitting the snippet in your remote with alt+r thank you ;)

;;;;; Event script by Bielie 2010© ;;;;;

on $*:text:/^[!.@]event/i:#:{
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if (%floody [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { halt }
  set -u3 %floody [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true

  if ($acc.num($chan,$nick) >= 1) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      if (!%event [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $nick There is no event set for $chan $+ . | halt }
      notice $nick The current event for $chan is set to: %event [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    if ($2 == help) {
    notice $nick Event Help: !event set/clear <event> -> Sets or clears an event. -- !event spam on/off <delay in seconds> -> Will spam the event info every <delay seconds> or will turn it off. | halt }

  if (!$acc.num($chan,$nick) >= 3) { halt }

  if ($2-3 == spam off) { 
    if (!%eventspam [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { /notice $nick The eventspam option is already off! | halt }  
  notice $nick The eventspam option is now turned OFF. | $+(timer,$chan) off | unset %eventspam [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | halt }

  if ($2-3 == spam on) { 
    if (!$4) { notice $nick Please provide the delay in seconds. Syntax: !event spam on <delay in seconds> | halt }
    else { 
      if (%eventspam [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { The eventspam option is already on! | halt }   
      if (!%event [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $nick There is no event set for $chan $+ . | halt }
      if ($4 !isnum) { notice $nick Please use only numbers. The delay you entered was $4 $+ . Wich isnt correct. | halt }
      if ($4 <= 29) { notice $nick I wont spam with less then 30 seconds delay. | halt }
      notice $nick The eventspam option has been turned ON for channel $chan (The message will repeat every $4 seconds!)  
      $+(timer,$chan) 0 $4 /msg $chan The current event for $chan is:  %event [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 
      set %eventspam [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on     
  if ($2 == clear) {
    if (!%event [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $nick There is no event set for $chan $+ . | halt }
    else { unset %event [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | $+(timer,$chan) off | notice $nick The event for $chan has been cleared. | return }
    notice $nick You have no rights to do that!
  if ($2 == set) {
    if (!$3) { notice $nick Please provide what event you want to set. Syntax: !event set <event> | halt }
    if (%event [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $nick There is already a event set for $chan $+ . Unset it with !event clear. | halt }
    else { set %event [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $3- $+ . ( $+ Set by $nick $+ ) | notice $nick The event for $chan has been set. ( $+ $3- $+ ) | return }     
    notice $nick You have no rights to do that!
  else { notice $nick The command you tried to trigger isnt correct. (You entered: $1- $+ ) Check !event help for more info. | halt }

alias acc.num {
  if ($1 ischan) {
    if ($2 ison $1) {
      var %pre = $remove($nick($1,$2).pnick,$2)
      ; 0 = Reg; 1 = Voice; 2 = HOp; 3 = Op; 4 = SOp; 5 = Founder
      if ($prop == pre) return %pre
      if ($prop == p) return $left(%pre,1)
      if (~ isin %pre) || ($1 isowner $2) return 5
      elseif (& isin %pre) return 4
      elseif (@ isin %pre) || ($1 isop $2) return 3
      elseif (% isin %pre) || ($1 ishop $2) return 2
      elseif (+ isin %pre) || ($1 isvo $2) return 1
      else return 0


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Jethro   -  Dec 23, 2010

Yes, you have done it correctly. And good work, Bielie.

Bielie   -  Dec 23, 2010

Jethro_ i dont know how to use tokensize so tell me if i did it wrong. Btw that line you mentioned is to make sure only 1 bot of my scons reacts on a trigger. I deleted it since it doesnt applies for public use indeed. Just something i forgot to delete after testing ;)

Jethro   -  Dec 22, 2010

Bilie, What is this?> if ($me != Snuffy) && ($chan == #Snuffy) { return }Once you submit a snippet, be sure it's suitable for the general public. Also, add

tokenize 32 $strip($1-)

under the text event. Then remove the S modifier from the regex.

Bielie   -  Dec 22, 2010

I didnt get a thing of what you said.. But ok thanks i guess ;)

macs-rock   -  Dec 18, 2010

yeh this code is cool i think you did well 1 thing you did well i know all the code from the description and i will use this code

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