(Mash) Advanced !Quote SYSTEM ( Intended for a [BOT] )

By MashhitDK on Oct 21, 2010


Advanced Quote System - Intended for a BOT ooO( BOT POWER! )
Including "LastSaid" for Stoners that don't feel like moving the mouse to copy & paste quotes ?
This is a / My stoner version of !Quote... ooO( Hoping this wont get deleted like first script I posted :P )

1. FiXeD... ( And thanks for the heads up cupcake not to mention sorry iFAIL :P )... must have been quite stoned when posting.
2. Posted screenshot... + changed small things.

  • Now when using !AddQuote it will add the time it was said also + what said of cause ;)
    3. ( Thanks to DragonFlare ? ) I've added the option to delete quotes ( !DelQuote / !DeleteQuote )
    4. ( Thanks to Tidum ? ) I've added the option to search threw the quotes
    5. ( Thanks to Jethro_ ? ) I've limited it so it's the person that had added ( the guy who said ) the quote, that can delete it. ( OP's will also be able to )
    - NOTE: That as long as you're nickname is in the quote you can delete it
    [size=14]And thanks to Gira ;) I do believe it was his script I started with...
  • So thanks for getting Me started[/size] [size=18]:D[/size]

This should be FiXeD and running like a charm ;D

  • But if you find any problems... let Me know and I'll get right on it ;)


  1. ALT+R ( - in mIRC / Goto Remote )
  2. Copy and paste the code below ( into a new file unless you know what you are doing )
  3. Make sure you have a folder called Quote under mIRC txt folder ( Located under AppDate )
    • On Windows 7 the path looks something like this C:\Users\%USERNAMA\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\
    • On XP the path looks something like this -> C:\Documents and Settings\%USER-NAME\Application Data\mIRC\
      Make sure you have a folder called txt and inside that a folder called Quote
  4. Enjoy ?

!AddQuote [21:20:31] <%SRU> It's 4:20 in Finland! Woot for Northern Lights! - Will add the quote to the database
!AddQuote SRU - Will add the same quote as above ^ (NOTE: If the nick hasn't typed anything since above 4 words in a sentences)
!AddQuote - Will add the last thing you said (NOTE: If you have typed anything above 4 words in a sentences)
!DelQuote - Will delete the quote (NOTE: If available)
!Quote SRU - Will give you the last thing he said
!Quote - Will give you that quote (NOTE: If available)
!Quote - Will give you a random quote

If you are... A fellow stoner... Danish... Cultivator... Crazy about weed...
Got any pictures of your own strain / lovely females...
Got free weed... Want to chill... Wanna hang out...
Found bugs... Need help one of My script...

;*** !AddQuote [21:20:31] <~SRU> It's 4:20 in Finland! Woot for Northern Lights! - Will add the quote to the database
;*** !AddQuote SRU - Will add the same quote as above ^ (NOTE: If the nick hasn't typed anything since above 4 sentences)
;*** !AddQuote - Will add the last thing you said (NOTE: If you have typed anything above 4 sentences)
;*** !DelQuote <NUMBER> - Will delete the quote (NOTE: If the quote exsist)
;*** !Quote SRU - Will give you the last thing he said
;*** !Quote <NUMBER> - Will give you that quote (NOTE: If available)
;*** !Quote - Will give you a random quote
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  ;****** DON'T DO ANYTHING SECTiON ( NOTE: That if it is any of the onces below it will stop - Place your own nicks, channels, networks and servers below here )
  ;*** DON'T DO ANYTHING IF IT IS ( Place the nick's you DON'T want to be able to use the script below here )
  if (IdleRPG isin $nick) || (NickServ isin $nick) || (ChanServ isin $nick) { halt }
  ;*** DON'T DO ANYTHING IF ON CHANNEL ( Place the channels you DON'T want the script running on below here )
  if ($chan == #IdleRPG) || ($chan == #RANDOM-CHAN) { halt }
  ;*** DON'T DO ANYTHING IF ON NETWORK / SERVER ( Place the network's / server's you DON'T want the script running on below here )
  if ($network == RANDOM-NETWORK) || ($server == RANDOM-SERVER) { halt }
  else { inc -u3 %!Mash-Quote-PRO 1 }
  if (%Mash-Quote-PRO > 1) { halt }
  set %NiCK-QUOTE $replace($nick,[,@,],~,|,-)
  ;******* !DelQuote / !DeletedQuote
  if (($1 == !DelQuote) || ($1 == !DelQ)) && ($read(txt\QUOTE\$+(Quotes-,$network,.txt),$2)) { msg # 4ERROR! 14- Sorry... 4delete is 4not added at this point | halt 
    if ($nick isin $read($+(txt\QUOTE\Quotes-,$network,.txt,$2))) || ($nick isop $chan) { msg # 14[ 4DELETED iRC QUOTE 14]-[ $+(8#,$2,) 14] $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,$2) | write $+(-ds,$2) txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt | halt }
    else { msg # 14[ 4ERROR! 14- You can 4not delete Quote 14]-[ $+(08#,$2) 14] $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,$2) }
  elseif (($1 == !DelQuote) || ($1 == !DelQ)) && (!$read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,$2)) { msg # 14[ 4ERROR! 14- You can 4not delete Quote 14]-[ $+(08#,$2) 14] NOTE: There are currently 14"only14"4 $lines(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt) 7quotes in My database14) }
  ;*** !AddQuote
  elseif ($1 == !AddQuote) || ($1 == !AddQ) {
    set %!Q $readini(txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini,QUOTEs,TOTAL)
    set %!Q-N $readini(txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini,QUOTEs,%NiCK-QUOTE)
    ;*** !AddQuote ( ERROR )
    if (!$2) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\0-Quote- $+ $network $+ .ini,%NiCK-Quote,Quote) == $null) { msg # 4DOH! 14- 3Please 9add3 a quote! | return }
    ;*** !AddQuote
    elseif (!$2) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,Quote-1,cTIME) != $null) { inc %!Q
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+([,%!Q,])
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\0-Quote- $+ $network $+ .ini,%NiCK-Quote,TiME),) $+(3<,%NiCK-Quote,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\0-Quote- $+ $network $+ .ini,%NiCK-Quote,Quote),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] 
    ;*** !AddQuote <NICK>
    elseif (!$3) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) { inc %!Q
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+([,%!Q,])
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14",) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14]
      msg # 9ADDED $+(8#,%!Q,) 14- The $+(4,$ord(%!Q-N),) Quote added by $+(2,$nick,) \o/
    ;*** !AddQuote <NICK> <NICK>
    elseif (!$4) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && (($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null)) { inc %!Q | write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+([,%!Q,])
      if ($2 == $3) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) { 
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14") 4| $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] }
      else { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14") 4| $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14") 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
    ;*** !AddQuote <NICK> <NICK> <NICK>
    elseif (!$5) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && (($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null)) { inc %!Q | write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+([,%!Q,])
      if ($2 == $3 && $3 == $4) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) {
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] }
      elseif ($2 == $4) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) { 
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $3 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] }
      elseif ($3 == $4) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null)) { 
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $3 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $3 14] }
      else { 
      write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $2 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $3 14] 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$4,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $4 14] }
    ;*** !AddQuote <NICK> <NICK> <NICK> <NICK>
    elseif (!$6) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && (($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null)) {
      ;*** ALL SAME NiCK
      if ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,cTIME) != $null) && ($2 == $3 && $3 == $4 && $4 == $5) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TEXT),14") | msg # Working \o/ $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,p) }
      ;*** sNiCK sNiCK sNiCK + NiCK
      elseif ($2 == $3 && $3 == $4) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$5,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      ;*** sNiCK sNiCK + NiCK + sNiCK
      elseif ($2 == $3 && $3 == $5) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$4,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      ;*** sNiCK + xNiCK + sNiCK + xNiCK
      elseif ($2 != $3 && $2 == $4 && $3 == $5) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null)) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      ;*** sNiCK + xNiCK xNiCK + sNiCK
      elseif ($2 != $3 && $3 == $4 && $2 == $5) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME) != $null) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      ;*** ALL DiFFeReNT
      else { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$4,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$5,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
    ;*** !AddQuote <NICK> <NICK> <NICK> <NICK> <NICK>
    elseif (!$7) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-5,cTIME) != $null) && ($2 == $3 && $3 == $4 && $4 == $5 && $5 == $6) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-5,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-5,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT),14") $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),14") | msg # Working \o/ $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,p) }
    ;*** ALL 6 DiFFeReNT NiCKs
    elseif (!$7) && ($2 != $3 && $2 != $4 && $2 != $5 && $2 != $6 && $3 != $3 && $3 != $5 && $3 != $6 && $4 != $5 && $4 != $6) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $6 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) { write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)),]) $+(3<,$2,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$3,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $3 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) $+(15-5>,$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),msg %CHAN-QUOTE) $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$4,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $4 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$5,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $5 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 15-5#15- $+(1409,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $6 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME),]) $+(3<,$6,>) $+(14"09,$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $6 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT),) 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
    ;*** !AddQuote <TEXT>
    elseif ($5 != $null) { 
      if ($left($2,1) == [) { set %QUOTE_TEXT-1 $4- | write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(14,$2,) $+(03,$3,) $+(15"09,$replace(%QUOTE_TEXT-1,$chr(124),$+(15",$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),msg %CHAN-QUOTE),[,14[,],14],<,3<,>,$+(>,$chr(32),15"09 $+)),15") 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      elseif ($left($2,1) == <) { set %QUOTE_TEXT-1 $3- | write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(03,$2,) $+(15"09,$replace(%QUOTE_TEXT-1,$chr(124),$+(15",$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),msg %CHAN-QUOTE),[,14[,],14],<,3<,>,$+(>,$chr(32),15"09 $+)),15") 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
      else { set %QUOTE_TEXT-1 $2- | write txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt $+(15"09,$replace(%QUOTE_TEXT-1,$+($chr(32),$chr(124)),$+(15" -5>,$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),msg %CHAN-QUOTE,$chr(32),15"09),<,3<,>,$+(>,$chr(32),15"09 $+)),15") 14[ 9Added 15(14 $+ $adate $+ 15) 9by3 $nick 14] }
    ;*** ERROR ( Quote to short )
    else { msg # 4ERROR! 14- Quote 2 short | halt }
    ;*** Quote added ( MSG CHANNEL )
    inc %!Q-N
    set %Qr $lines(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini QUOTEs TOTAL %!Q
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini QUOTEs %NiCK-QUOTE %!Q-N
    msg # $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,p,%QR)
    unset %!Q %!Q-N %Qr | halt
  ;*** !Quote / !READ / !ReadQuote 
  elseif ($1 == !q) || ($1 == !quote) || ($1 == !read) || ($1 == !ReadQuote) || (!searchq isin $1) { set %!Q $r(1,$readini(txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini,QUOTEs,TOTAL))
    ;*** !Read ( Quote )
    if (!$2) || ((Quotes isin $2) && (!$3)) { msg # 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,%!Q) 14] $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,%!Q) }
    ;*** READ ( Quotes.txt <NUMBER> )
    elseif ($read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,$2)) && (!$3) { msg # 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,$2) 14] $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,$2) }
    ;*** READ ( Last Quote )
    elseif (last isin $2) && (!$3) { msg # 14[ iRC Quote number 14]-[ $+(08#,$lines(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt)) 14] $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt, $lines(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt)) }
    ;*** !Quote <NICK> ( LAST SAID )
    elseif ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTiME) != $null) && (!$3) && (!searchq !isin $1) { msg # 14,1[ 7QUOTE 14/7 Last Said 14] $+($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TiME),) $+(3<,$2,>) $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ $2 $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT) 4[ To 9add type 3!AddQuote $2 4] }
    ;*** SEACH ( Thanks to Tidum - http://www.hawkee.com/profile/62584/ )
    else { var %search | var %x 1 | set %1 !Q
      if (!searchq !isin $1) { set %1 $1 }
      while ($read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,%x)) {
        if ($2 isin $read(txt\QUOTE\Quotes- $+ $network $+ .txt,%x)) { var %search $addtok(%search,%x,32) }
        inc %x
      if (%search != $null) { msg # 15[14 iRC Quotes matching 15]-[ $+(2,$2,) 15] $+(3,%1) $replace(%search,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),15-5#15-,$chr(32),3,$upper(%1),$chr(32))),) | unset %search }
      ;*** ERROR
      elseif (!$readini(txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini,QUOTEs,TOTAL)) { msg # 4ERROR! 14- 4No quotes matchng $+(2,$2,) 14(NOTE: There are currently no 7quotes in My database14) }
      else { msg # 4ERROR! 14- 4No quotes matchng $+(2,$2,) 14(NOTE: There are currently 14"only14"4 $readini(txt\QUOTE\0-QUOTE- $+ $network $+ .ini,QUOTEs,TOTAL) 7quotes in My database14) }
  if ($4 isin $1-) { set %NiCK-SAVE %NiCK-QUOTE | set %TEXT $1- | MASH-QUOTE }

alias MASH-QUOTE {
  if (%QUOTE_RESETs >= 5) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET) >= 5) || (!$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) { set %QUOTE_RESETs 0 }
  set %QUOTE_RESETs $calc($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET) +1)
  if (%QUOTE_RESETs >= 6) || ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET) >= 6) || (!$readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) { set %QUOTE_RESETs 1 }
  writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE RESET %QUOTE_RESETs
  ;*** QUOTE 5
  if ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,cTiME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) {
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-5 cTiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,cTIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-5 TiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-5 PLACE $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,PLACE)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-5 TEXT $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-4,TEXT)
  ;*** QUOTE 4
  if ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTiME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) {
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-4 cTiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,cTIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-4 TiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-4 PLACE $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,PLACE)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-4 TEXT $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-3,TEXT)
  ;*** QUOTE 3
  if ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTiME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) {
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-3 cTiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,cTIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-3 TiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-3 PLACE $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,PLACE)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-3 TEXT $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-2,TEXT)
  ;*** QUOTE 2
  if ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME) != $null) && ($readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE,RESET)) {
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-2 cTiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,cTIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-2 TiME $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TIME)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-2 PLACE $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,PLACE)
    writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-2 TEXT $readini(txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini,QUOTE-1,TEXT)
  writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-1 cTiME $ctime
  writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-1 TiME $+(14[,$time,14])
  writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-1 PLACE $+(10,$network,03,$chan,)
  writeini -n txt\QUOTE\ $+ %NiCK-SAVE $+ .ini QUOTE-1 TEXT %TEXT  
  ;*** END QUOTE SECTiON *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


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MashhitDK   -  Feb 02, 2011

Muhahhaa.... Me fails... I can see I have My own folders instead of just placing it in txt folder... My bad...

Posting fix now...

Remeber to make a folder called Quote in mIRC txt folder ;)

d3oneGeneral   -  Feb 01, 2011

I get this

  • /writeini: error accessing file 'C:\Users\nir\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\txt\1-Mash\Quote\1-USERs\St0rmServ.ini' (line 138, quote.ini)
MashhitDK   -  Jan 29, 2011

Posted new edit...

MashhitDK   -  Jan 27, 2011

Not sure I know what you mean ?

  • What is you're problem ?
    And I'll post a edit later on if this isn't working...
    Sorry to say I haven't got the time for it atm.
    But saw you had written in the IRC ooO( but you where gone before I came back... ), so went here to see if there was a bit more info about you're problem.

Anyways... will be sure to fix what ever it is... and fell free to drop by again if you need help.

  • Will replay more or less at once
Merbo   -  Jan 27, 2011

Yeah, how do i set up whatever files that i also need?

MashhitDK   -  Dec 22, 2010

Yeah... only limitation in above script is the length of the quote.
Has to be over 4 words ( 5 counting the command used to add the quote )

And regarding profane words then yeah... if people think it's quote worthy then sure :P
I'm a "mellow" guy so I trust people

But think I'm gonna look up how / add so the guy that added the quote can also delete it again

  • And thanks for the suggestion... will post a edit shortly with a quick fix.
Jethro   -  Dec 22, 2010

NOTE: That anyone can delete quotesSo users can add and delete quotes whatever and whenever they want? I think it's better to make the quotes be deleted by the same person who adds it in the first place. Don't be surprised some people can add nonsense, profane words if they want.

MashhitDK   -  Dec 22, 2010

All FiXeD ooO( \o/ WOOT \o/ )

Added more stuff plus made it more user friendly...
NOTE: That anyone can delete quotes

  • Please let Me know if you find any problems with it
    same goes it you want anything changed ;)
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