Slubs Menu: Edit: V10 22/12//09

By slub77 on Sep 12, 2009

My menu script has s some commands that you may like.

Various commands including information for your self like GMT ip address etc.

Random set of action list.

Host list read host and others.

And lot's more

Latest update 22/12/09


Menu * {

  ...My ip:/echo $ip
  ...My timezone:/echo GMT $timezone 
  ...My other name:/echo Your other name is curently set as: 4,2 $anick

  .$iif($Me !isop $chan,$style(2)) Channel and op
  ..Current modes
  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(m !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Moderated : noop
    if $me isop $chan { 
      if (m isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -m }
      if (m !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +m }
    else { echo Sorry you can't change this }

  ...Invite only
  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(i !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to invite only : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (i isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -i }
      if (i !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +i }
    else { echo Sorry you are not an op and can't change this }

  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(p !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to Private : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (p isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -p }
      if (p !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +p }
    else { echo Nope can't change this have to be an op }

  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(l !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to limit only : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (l isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -l }
      if (l !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { 
        $$?"To how many users?" 

        if $! isnum 0-100 { mode $chan + l $! }
        elseif $! isalnum { echo Pleae enter Only a number }
    else { echo You are not an op :/ so you can't change it }

  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(s !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to Secret : noop
    if $me isop $chan { 
      if (s isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -s }
      if (s !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +s }
    else { echo Well your not an op so this is not to be changed by you }

  ...Password Protected
  ....$style(2) The channel does $iif(k !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} have a password : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (k isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -k $chan($chan).key  }
      if (k !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +k $$?"Password" }
    else { echo :O You can't change this, because your not an op }

  ...External Message
  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(n !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to no external messages : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (n isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -n }
      if (n !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +n }
    else { echo >_< Nope can't do that aint an op >_< }

  ...change topic
  ....$style(2) The channel is $iif(t !isincs $chan(#).mode,not)} Set to have only op's change the topic : noop
    if $me isop $chan {
      if (t isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan -t }
      if (t !isincs $chan(#).mode)} { mode $chan +t }
    else { echo Nope sorry no op }

  ..$iif(!$1,$style(2) no one highlighted) Kick  Ban Voice
  ...Kick $1 :/k $1
  ....ban $1:{
    $?!="Shall I continue?"
    if $! = $true { /mode $chan +b $address($1,1) }
    else { echo Did not ban $1 after all :( }
  ....Unaban:/mode $chan -b $?!="unban who?" List:/run host.txt
  ....Voice $1:/mode $chan +v $1
  ....Devoice $1:/mode $chan -v $1

  ..$iif(!$1,$style(2)) Warnings
  ...$style(2) $readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2))
  ...$iif(!$readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($2,2)),$style(2)) Reset $1 : {
    remini Warn.ini $chan $address($2,2)
    echo Reset $1 to 0
    notice $1 Your warning level is now 0
    if ($address($1,2) == $address($me,2)) {
      echo you cannot warn $1 | halt
    else if ($me isop $chan) {
      if ($2 ison $chan) {
        if ($readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) == $null) {
          writeini Warn.ini $chan $address($1,2) 1
          notice $1 5You currently have3 15 warning, you now have3 25 warnings remaining, Reason for warning: $3-?="Reason"       notice $nick $2 has been warned about their 3first offence. | halt
          echo Warned $1
    if ($me isop $chan) {
      if ($1 ison $chan) {
        if ($readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) == 1) {
          writeini Warn.ini $chan $address($1,2) $calc( $readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) +1)
          writeini ban.ini $chan $address($1,2) $calc( $readini(ban.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) +1)
          notice $1 You currently have7 25 warnings, you now have7 15 warnings remaining, Reason for warning: $3-?="Reason"
          echo $1 has been warned about their 7second offence. | halt
    if ($1 ison $chan) {
      if ($readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) == 2) {
        writeini Warn.ini $chan $address($1,2) $calc( $readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) +1)
        writeini ban.ini $chan $address($1,2) $calc( $readini(ban.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) +1)
        notice $1 You currently have7 35 warnings, you now have7 15 warnings remaining, Reason for warning: $3-?="Reason"
        echo $1 has been warned about their 7Third offence. | halt
    if ($me isop $chan) {
      if ($1 ison $chan) {
        if ($readini(Warn.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) == 3) {
          if ($readini(ban.ini,$chan,$address($1,2)) == 2) {
            set %reason. you had 3 warnings and didn't learn you have been banned for 2 minutes. your next ban will be for 24 hours.
            ban -ku120 $chan $$1 2 Reason: $?="reason" %reason.
            Unset %reason. 
            remini Warn.ini $chan $address($1,2)

  ..$iif(!$1,$style(2) no one highlighted) $1
  ...Common Channels $1:notice $me $comchan($1,N)
  ...$iif(!$1,$style(2) no one highlighted ) Call $1:{ notice $1 $me is calling you here is what i have got to say ; $$?"say what?" }
  ..Call someone :/notice $$?"There name here Please" $me is calling you from $chan saying: $$?"What to say to them"

  ..Time & Date
  ...$iif($me ison $chan,$style(2)) For channel:/msg $chan TIME IS $asctime(hh:nn:ss)  & And the date is $asctime(dd/mm/yy) & And the days name is $date  So over all the $fulldate   
  ...$iif(!$1,$style(2) no one highlighted) $1 :/notice $1 4,7TIME IS $asctime(hh:nn:ss)  2,4 & 4,7And the date is $asctime(dd/mm/yy) 2,4 & 4,7And the days name is $date  So over all the $fulldate
  ..Host Infomation
  ...$iif(!$1,$style(2) Please select someone from the Nick list) Add $+($1,s) Host :{
    if !$readini(hosts.ini, host, $address($1,3)) { 
      writeini hosts.ini host  $address($1,3) $1
    Echo 4,2 Added $1 to the host list  }
    else { Echo $1 is in the host list they are saved as 4,2 $readini(hosts.ini, host, $address($1,3)) }

  ...Add all hosts:{
    set %numbers $calc($nick($chan,0,a) + 1 )
    set %x 1

    set %names $nick($chan,%x)

    if %x = %numbers { echo Done }
    else {

      if $readini(hosts.ini, host, $address(%names,3)) { 
        inc %x 1
        goto names 
      else { 
        writeini hosts.ini host $address(%names,3) %names
        echo added %names
        inc %x 1
        goto names
  ...$iif(!$readini(hosts.ini, host, $address($1,3)),$style(2) Highlist to see) $1 Saved host :echo $1 Host has been saved as $readini(hosts.ini, host, $address($1,3))

  ..make a note:{
    echo Adding $?="note"
    if !$exists(notes.ini) { writeini notes.ini notes $! }
    else { 
      writeini notes.ini notes $!
      Echo Added $! to Notes
  ..$iif(!$exists(notes.ini),$style(2)) Read notes:{
    if $! { echo Please only use 1 word }
    else {

      echo Looking up $?="Look up a note"
      if !$readini(notes.ini, notes, $!) {
        echo -----------
        echo No notes for $!
      ----------- }
      else { 
        echo -----------
        echo $! $readini(notes.ini, notes, $!) 
        echo -----------

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;END OF BOT 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ..Group 1
  ...Leaves:/describe $chan Leaves
  ...Light:/describe $chan Turns on the light
  ...$iif(!$1,$style(2)) Dinner
  ....Dinner rules:/echo Dinner is a small action that let's you add items to The menu, But when you give the person the dinner, You may not all ways give them what you wanted ;)
  ....Make dinner:/write Dinner.txt $$?"What do you want to add to the menu?"
  ....Give dinner:/Msg $chan Gives $$?"Who is the customer?" $read(dinner.txt) dinner.txt
  ...$me plays?
  ....Football:/describe $chan Plays football
  ....Soccer:/describe $chan plays soccer
  ....Tennis:/describe $chan Plays tennis
  ....Rugby:/describe $chan Plays rugby $chan Plays hockey
  ....Golf:/describe $chan Plays golf
  ....Cricket:/describe $chan Plays cricket
  ....Other:/describe $chan $$?"Name the other sport"
  ..Random Selection
  ...Info on this:/echo These scripts won't let you choose who you want to do what ever the action is so it is a bit of fun :)
  ...Pray:/describe $chan Prays to the all mighty $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0)))
  ...Slap:/describe $chan slaps $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0)))
  ...kill:/describe $chan Jumps high in to the air and throws Bombs at $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0)))
  ...shoot random amount:/describe $chan Shoots $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $rand(1,100) times
  ...Random letters:/msg $chan $rand(a,z) $rand(a,z) $rand(a,z) $rand(a,z) $rand(a,z)
  ...Random no.:/msg $chan $rand(0,999999999999999999999)
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;END OF ACTIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  ..$iif(!$1,$style(2))  Attack
  ...Shoot:/Describe $chan $me shoots $1 
  ...Stab:/describe $chan Stab $1
  ...Spit on:/describe $chan Spits on $1
  ...Slap with ?:/describe $chan Slaps $1 With a $$?"slap $1 with"
  ...Run over with
  ....A car:/describe $chan Runs over $1 with a car
  ....A lorry:/describe $chan Runs over $1 with a lorry
  ....A moped:/describe $chan Runs over $1 With a moped
  ....A space ship:/describe $chan Runs over $1 with a space ship
  ....A dog on roaler blaeds:/describe $chan Runs over $1 Riding a dog on rolaer blades
  ....A Dinosaur:/describe $chan Runs over $1 with.. OMFG A DINOSAUR
  ....A ?:/describe $chan Runs over $1" $$?"So what are you going to run them over with?" With

  ..$iif(!$1,$style(2)) Give a present to $iif(!$1,...)
  ...A cookie:/describe $chan Gives $1 A cookie
  ...A present:/describe $chan Gives $1 A present
  ...A car:/describe $chan Runs over $1 A car
  ...A dog:/describe $chan Runs over $1 A dog $chan Gives $1the game $$?"Enter the Game title here"
  ...Game consul
  ....A Nintendo wii:/describe $chan gives  $chan  $1 A nintendo wii
  ....A play Station 3:/describe $chan  gives  $chan  $1 A play Station 3
  ....A Xbox360:/describe $chan  gives  $1 A Xbox360
  ....A Nintendo ds:/describe $chan gives $$?"Put a name here" A nintendo Ds
    //echo $?!="BEWARE THIS IS VERY BIG shall i carry on anyways?"
    if $! = $true { /echo MARIO | /msg $1 0,0xxx4,4xxxxx0,0xxxx | /msg $1 0,0xx4,4xxxxxxxxx0,0x | /msg $1 0,0xx5,5xxx7,7xx5,5x7,7x0,0xxx | /msg $1 0,0x5,5x7,7x5,5x7,7xxx5,5x7,7xxx0,0x | /msg $1 0,0x5,5x7,7x5,5xx7,7xxx5,5x7,7xxx | /msg $1 0,0x5,5xx7,7xxxx5,5xxxx0,0x | /msg $1 0,0xxx7,7xxxxxxx0,0xx | /msg $1 0,0xx5,5xx4,4x5,5xxx0,0xxxx  | /msg $1 0,0x5,5xxx4,4x5,5xx4,4x5,5xxx0,0x | /msg $1 5,5xxxx4,4xxxx5,5xxxx | /msg $1 7,7xx5,5x4,4x7,7x4,4xx7,7x4,4x5,5x7,7xx | /msg $1 7,7xxx4,4xxxxxx7,7xxx | /msg $1 7,7xx4,4xxxxxxxx7,7xx | /msg $1 0,0xx4,4xxx0,0xx4,4xxx0,0xx | /msg $1 0,0x5,5xxx0,0xxxx5,5xxx0,0x |     /msg $1 5,5xxxx0,0xxxx5,5xxxx }
    else { echo Did not echo the mario picture }
  ...BUNNY!:/msg $chan (\__/) | /msg $chan (='.'=) | /msg $chan (")_(") | /echo 7,15 BUNNY :)
  ...$iif(!$1,$style(2)) Notice $1 (highlighted)
  ....MARIO!:/echo MARIO |  /notice $1 0,0xxx4,4xxxxx0,0xxxx | /notice $1 0,0xx4,4xxxxxxxxx0,0x | /notice $1 0,0xx5,5xxx7,7xx5,5x7,7x0,0xxx | /notice $1 0,0x5,5x7,7x5,5x7,7xxx5,5x7,7xxx0,0x | /notice $1 0,0x5,5x7,7x5,5xx7,7xxx5,5x7,7xxx | /notice $1 0,0x5,5xx7,7xxxx5,5xxxx0,0x | /notice $1 0,0xxx7,7xxxxxxx0,0xx | /notice $1 0,0xx5,5xx4,4x5,5xxx0,0xxxx  | /notice $1 0,0x5,5xxx4,4x5,5xx4,4x5,5xxx0,0x | /notice $1 5,5xxxx4,4xxxx5,5xxxx | /notice $1 7,7xx5,5x4,4x7,7x4,4xx7,7x4,4x5,5x7,7xx | /notice $1 7,7xxx4,4xxxxxx7,7xxx | /notice $1 7,7xx4,4xxxxxxxx7,7xx | /notice $1 0,0xx4,4xxx0,0xx4,4xxx0,0xx | /notice $1 0,0x5,5xxx0,0xxxx5,5xxx0,0x |     /notice $1 5,5xxxx0,0xxxx5,5xxxx
  ....BUNNY!:/notice $1 (\__/) | /notice $1 (='.'=) | /notice $1 (")_(") | /echo 7,15 BUNNY :)



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slub77   -  Jan 09, 2010

@Jethro_ i am trying to make it more original, but i am working on other snippets but the latest version of this is better then what i started with.

slub77   -  Nov 19, 2009

Updated:added Channel Moderation
Slubs>your name>channel and op>Channel modes

Allows You to see channel modes and if your op change them
Script can also be fount at:

Jethro   -  Sep 16, 2009

This sort of script has been done more than you can count. Other than that, your effort is commendable.

Cracker200   -  Sep 16, 2009


slub77   -  Sep 12, 2009

Comments needed

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