Inactivity Report

By vSkyzv on Dec 28, 2008


This script returns the percentage and names of inactive users. It does this by doing a '/whois' and then using the data.

The instructions are inside the code.

;| Inactivity Report (for mIRC 6.35+) - by vSkyzv                                      |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
;| Usage Instructions:                                                                 |
;| 1. Right click on the "Nicklist" (the list of names on the right)                   |
;| 2. Goto "Control"                                                                   |
;| 3. Click on "Inactivity Report"                                                     |
;| 4. Wait two seconds for the script to start sending "/whois" commands               |
;| 5*. Wait for the data to finish (it may take a long time in large channels).        |
;| * If you want to stop the script before it finishes, close the dialog.              |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
;| Troubleshooting:                                                                    |
;| * If errors are found, please type "/unset %active.*" without the quotes.           |

menu Nicklist {
  ..$iif(%active.trigger,$style(2)) Inactivity Report {
    inc %active.trigger
    set %active.chan $chan
    dialog -m inactivity_report inactivity_report
    names $chan
raw 307:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 310:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 312:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 313:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 319:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 320:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 355:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 361:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 366:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 378:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef } }
raw 311:*:{ if (%active.trigger) { haltdef | inc %active.whoised } }
raw 317:*:{
  if (%active.trigger) {
    if ($3 > 600) { set %active.inactive.list %active.inactive.list $2 ( $+ $round($calc($3 / 60),2) minutes) }
    else { set $2 ( $+ $round($calc($3 / 60),2) minutes) }
raw 318:*:{
  if (%active.trigger) { 
    if (%active.whoised == %active.nicks) {
      var %active.inactive.count = $calc($numtok(%active.inactive.list,32) / 3 / %active.nicks * 100)
      var = $calc($numtok(,32) / 3 / %active.nicks * 100)
      did -i inactivity_report 4 1 Inactive Users ( $+ %active.inactive.count $+ % $+ ): $iif(%active.inactive.list != $null,%active.inactive.list,No users are inactive)
      did -i inactivity_report 4 2 Active Users ( $+ $+ % $+ ): $iif( != $null,,No users are active)
      did -i inactivity_report 4 3 Other*: $calc(100 - (%active.inactive.count + $+ %
      did -i inactivity_report 4 4 *Users that fall into the "Other" category are users who do not submit idle information such as network services.
raw 353:*:{
  if (%active.trigger) {
    set %active.nicks $calc($numtok($1-,32) - 3)
    set %active.loop %active.nicks
    var %delay = 0
    while (%active.loop > 0) {
      inc %delay
      timer 1 $calc(%delay * 2) whois $gettok($remove($4-,:,~,&,@,%,+),%active.loop,32)
      timer 1 $calc(%delay * 2) did -o inactivity_report 2 1 $round($calc(%delay / %active.nicks * 100),0) $+ %
      dec %active.loop
dialog inactivity_report {
  title "Inactivity Report" 
  size -1 -1 300 167
  text "Gathering Data:",1,10 10 80 15
  edit "0%",2,95 7 40 20
  text "Statistics:",3,10 40 80 15
  edit "Edit2",4,10 55 280 80, multi hsbar vsbar
  button "Copy Statistics to Window",5,10 140 280 22
on *:DIALOG:inactivity_report:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    did -d $dname 4 1
    did -b $dname 2
    did -m $dname 4
  elseif ($devent == sclick) && ($did == 5) {
    var %active.inactive.count = $calc($numtok(%active.inactive.list,32) / 3 / %active.nicks * 100)
    var = $calc($numtok(,32) / 3 / %active.nicks * 100)
    echo 5 -a Inactive Users ( $+ %active.inactive.count $+ % $+ ): $iif(%active.inactive.list != $null,%active.inactive.list,No users are inactive)
    echo 5 -a Active Users ( $+ $+ % $+ ): $iif( != $null,,No users are active)
    echo 5 -a Other*: $calc(100 - (%active.inactive.count + $+ %
    echo 5 -a *Users that fall into the "Other" category are users who do not submit idle information such as network services.
  elseif ($devent == close) { unset %active.* }


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NIGathan   -  Dec 30, 2008

Its not inaccurate, its merely channel based. The idle time in the whois is server based. So if they talk anywhere, it changes. Also if you just joined the channel and the person you are getting the idle time for hasnt spoken since youve been in there, it will return the time since you joined.

vSkyzv   -  Dec 29, 2008

For some reason $nick(,).idle is inaccurate when the idle time of a user is in hours.

Example 1:
I whois'd myself and got an idle time of "7 seconds".
I then used $nick and it also echoed "7".

However when I did it to a person who was inactive for 9+ hours, it echoed "1096". If you do the math there are 32,400 seconds in 9 hours, which means something is wrong.

NIGathan   -  Dec 29, 2008

That will return the idle in seconds, to get this into formatted time, use $duration, for more info see: /help $duration and /help $nick

NIGathan   -  Dec 29, 2008

Well, you can setup a while loop to loop through all the users, I dont know what you do with that info, but heres an example of making a token set with every user and there idle time in the "nick=idletime,nick2=idletime" format.

alias idlechan {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $nick($1,0)) {
var %idle $addtok(%idle,$+($nick($1,%x),=,$nick($1,%x).idle),44)
inc %x
return %idle

Use: $idlechan(#channel)

vSkyzv   -  Dec 28, 2008

Thanks for the comments.

Could you give me a general idea on how to use that? I'm always looking forward to shortening my code.

PuNkTuReD   -  Dec 28, 2008

i would say its for channels you are on.
niice snippet vSkyzv
7 from me

NIGathan   -  Dec 28, 2008

Is this for specific channels? Or of the entire server?

If its just a channel, instead of whois'ing everyone, you can use $duration($nick($chan,%x).idle) to return the idle time of a user

vSkyzv   -  Dec 28, 2008

Thanks. Updated.

Kirby   -  Dec 28, 2008
if (%active.trigger != $null)

You could just do:

if (%active.trigger)
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