Protection script

By xelent on Jul 15, 2008

Channel protection script:
Kick/ban/flood/repeat/Joinflood protections

Install: Just Copy/Paste in remote (ALT+R) then it works, after you loaded it check out Menus, channel & nick list etc.

;This security bot made by xelent
;Date of creation: 25/4/08
;please dont change credits!.
;Joinflood protection.
on !*:join:%sec.chan: {
  if (%sec.clone == ON) && (** !iswm $wildsite) {
    hinc $+(-mu,$iif($hget(jflood,join).unset,$ifmatch,2)) jflood join
    if (!$read(clones.txt, w ,$wildsite)) { write clones.txt $wildsite 
      if (%clones1 != ON) { .timerzxc654 1 4 .remove clones.txt }
    if (!$read(nicks.txt, w ,$nick)) { write nicks.txt $nick 
      if (%clones1 != ON) { .timerzxc655 1 4 .remove nicks.txt }
    if ($hget(jflood,join) >= 4) && (!%split) && (%clones1 != ON) {
      .timerzxc65* off
      mode %sec.chan +mr
      set %sec.adv OFF | set %clones1 ON | set %text-flood OFF | set %reapet OFF
      .timer 1 1 clonesbans
;End of Joinflood protection.
;Advertise protection.
on !*:text:*#*:%sec.chan: {
  if (%sec.adv == ON) {
    if ($nick isreg %sec.chan) { inc -u4 %adv }
    if (!$read(advertise.txt, w ,$wildsite)) { write advertise.txt $wildsite 
      if (%adv1 != ON) { .timerzxc656 1 4 .remove advertise.txt }
    if (!$read(advertisenicks.txt, w ,$nick)) { write advertisenicks.txt $nick 
      if (%adv1 != ON) { .timerzxc657 1 4 .remove advertisenicks.txt }
    if ($nick isreg %sec.chan) && (%adv < 4 ) {
      .timeref 1 1 ban %sec.chan $nick 2 | .timeref2 1 1 kick %sec.chan $nick 1Banned! You are violating Network Rules. [Advertise] ( $+ $date $time $+ )  ID: %num $+ .
    if (%adv >= 4) && (%adv1 != ON) {
      .timere* off | .timerzxc65* off
      mode %sec.chan +mr
      set %adv1 on
      .timer 1 1 advertisebans
;End of advertise protections.
on !*:quit: {
  if (*.net *.split isin $1-) && (!%split) {
    set -u1200 %split on | halt 
;NetSplit Ends
;Anti kicks protection.
on !*:kick:%sec.chan: {
  if (%takeover == ON) {
    if ($knick == $me) {
      if ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && ($nick != $logged($nick)) && ($nick != Q) {
        .timers off | unset %clones1 | .remove clones.txt | unset %adv1 | .remove advertise.txt | .remove advertisenicks.txt | .remove nicks.txt | .msg q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Don't Ever Kick The Guard.  | .msg q unbanme %sec.chan | .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | .timer 1 1 .msg Q invite %sec.chan | .timer 1 2 join %sec.chan | halt
      elseif ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) isin %masow) || ($nick == $logged($nick)) || ($nick == Q) {
        .timers off |  unset %clones1 | .remove clones.txt | unset %adv1 | .remove advertise.txt | .remove advertisenicks.txt | .remove nicks.txt | .msg Q invite %sec.chan | .msg Q unbanme %sec.chan | .timer 1 1 join %sec.chan | halt
    if ($knick != $me) {
      if ($nick != Q) && ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && (($gettok($address($knick,2),2,64) isin %masow) || ($knick == $logged($knick))) {
        .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | .msg Q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Banned! Reason:Kick-Protected. | halt
      if ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && ($gettok($address($knick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && ($nick != Q) && ($nick != $logged($nick)) && ($knick != $logged($knick)) {
        if (%kicks [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $calc(%allow-kick.times -1)) { .msg q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Banned! Reason:Don't Ever Takeover here. | .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | halt }
      inc -u10 %kicks $+ $nick
;Anti kicks protection end.
;Anti bans protection.
on !*:ban:%sec.chan: {
  if (%takeover == ON) {
    if ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && ($nick != $logged($nick)) && ($banmask !iswm $address($me,6)) && ($nick != Q) {
      if (%bans [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $calc(%allow-ban.times -1)) {
      .msg q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Don't Ever Takeover here. | .msg q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | unset %bans [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | halt }
    inc -u10 %bans $+ $nick
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,6)) && ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && ($nick != $logged($nick)) && ($nick != Q) && (%banswtf != ON) {
    set %banswtf ON | .timer 1 15 unset %banswtf | .msg q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Banned! Reason:Don't Ever ban the Guard. | .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | halt
;Anti bans protection ends.
;Joinpart protection.
on !*:part:%sec.chan: { 
  if (%sec.part == ON) && (%clones1 != ON) {
    if (%JoinPart [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2) { mode %sec.chan +b $wildsite | kick %sec.chan $nick 1Banned! You Are Violating Network Rules. ( $+ $date $time $+ ) ID: %num | inc %num  | unset %JoinPart [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | halt }
    inc -u15 %JoinPart $+ $nick
;Joinpart protection end.
;Flood&Reapet protections.
on *:text:*:%sec.chan:{
  if ($nick isreg %sec.chan) {
    hinc $+(-mu,$iif($hget(flood,text).unset,$ifmatch,3)) flood text
    if ($hget(flood,text) > 20) && (%flooding != ON) {
      set %text-flood OFF | set %reapet off | set %flooding ON 
      mode %sec.chan +mr | .timer 1 100 mode %sec.chan -mr | .timer 1 100 set %reapet ON | .timer 1 100 set %text-flood ON | .timer 1 100 unset %flooding | halt
    if (%text-flood == ON) {
      inc -u3 %flood. $+ $nick
      if (%flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $calc(%allow-flood.times -1)) { mode %sec.chan +b $wildsite | kick %sec.chan $nick 1Banned! You are violating Network Rules. [FLood] ( $+ $date $time $+ )  ID: %num $+ . | inc %num | halt }
    if (%reapet == ON) {
      if (%reapet [ $+ [ $nick ] ] [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $calc(%allow-reapet.times -1)) { mode %sec.chan +b $wildsite | kick %sec.chan $nick 1Banned! You are violating Network Rules. [Reapet] ( $+ $date $time $+ )  ID: %num $+ .  | inc %num | halt }
      inc -u3 %reapet $+ $nick $+ $1
  if (* $+ $str(d,1) $+ $chr(105) $+ $str(t,1) $+ $chr(115) iswm $1) && (!%flood) { $getush(%sec.chan) | set -u3 %flood 1 }
;FLood&Reapet protections end.
;Anti deops protection
on !*:deop:%sec.chan:{
  if (%takeover == ON) {
    if ($opnick == $me) {
      if ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && (*quakenet* !iswm $nick) && ($nick != $logged($nick)) && (%banswtf != ON) {
        set %banswtf ON | .timer 1 15 unset %banswtf
        if ($me ison %sec.chan) { .msg Q op %sec.chan | .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | .msg q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Banned! Reason:Don't Ever Deop the Guard. | halt }
      elseif ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) isin %masow) || ($nick == $logged($nick)) || (*quakenet* iswm $nick) {
        .msg Q op %sec.chan | halt
    elseif ($opnick != $me) {
      if ($gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) !isin %masow) && (*quakenet* !iswm $nick) && (Q !iswm $nick) && (($gettok($address($opnick,2),2,64) isin %masow) || ($opnick == $logged($opnick))) {
        .msg Q removeuser %sec.chan $nick | .msg Q ban %sec.chan $wildsite 1Banned! Reason:Don't Deop protected users. | halt
;Anti deops protection end.
;Action protection.
on !*:action:*:%sec.chan: {
  if (%action == ON) && ($nick isreg %sec.chan) && (%clones1 != ON) {
    hinc $+(-mu,$iif($hget(action,$wildsite).unset,$ifmatch,2)) flooding $wildsite
    if ($hget(flooding,$wildsite) >= 4) {
      mode %sec.chan +b $wildsite | kick %sec.chan $nick  1Banned! You are violating Network Rules. [FLood] ( $+ $date $time $+ )  ID: %num $+ .  | inc %num | halt
    if ($chr(35) isin $1-) {
      mode %sec.chan +b $wildsite | 1Banned! You are violating Network Rules. [Advertise] ( $+ $date $time $+ )  ID: %num $+ . | inc %num | halt
;Action protection ends.
;end of protections;
;end of protections;
;end of protections;

menu * {
  Protection Settings
  .Masterpass:set %masterpass $?\"Enter The master pass here."
  .Channel:set %sec.chan $?\"Type your chan here, dont forget #" | .timer 1 5 msg %sec.chan This channel is now beeing protected by me. | join %sec.chan 
  .Sign:set %sec.sign $?\"Type The sign here , ex: !/@/+/-" | echo -a Done the sign has been set to : " $+ %sec.sign $+ "
  .show Protection status: echo -d 7,1The Protection Status Are : Join-Flood = $iif(%sec.clone == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___ Adv = $iif(%sec.adv == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___Anti-Takeover = $iif(%takeover == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___Join/Part = $iif(%sec.part == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___Anti-Flood = $iif(%text-flood == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___Reapet == $iif(%reapet == ON,4ON,3OFF) 7___Action = $iif(%action == ON,4ON,3OFF)  
  .Set Protection ON/OFF
  ..ALL Protections
  ...ON:set %sec.clone ON | echo -a JoinFLood protection are now ON
  ...OFF:set %sec.clone OFF | echo -a JoinFLood protection are now OFF
  ...ON:set %sec.adv ON | echo -a Adv protection are now ON
  ...OFF:set %sec.adv OFF | echo -a Adv protection are now OFF
  ...ON:set %takeover ON | echo -a Anti Takeover protections are now ON
  ...OFF:set %takeover OFF | echo -a Anti Takeover protections are now OFF
  ...ON:set %text-flood ON | echo -a Text Flood protections are now ON
  ...OFF:set %text-flood OFF | echo -a Text Flood protections are now OFF
  ...ON:set %reapet ON | echo -a Reapet protections are now ON
  ...OFF:set %reapet OFF | echo -a Reapet protections are now OFF
  ...ON:set %action ON | echo -a Action protections are now ON
  ...OFF:set %action OFF | echo -a Action protections are now OFF
  ...ON:set %sec.part ON | echo -a Join Part protections are now ON
  ...OFF:set %sec.part OFF | echo -a Join Part protections are now OFF
  .set bot Protected: { set %masow1 $?\"Type The owner Qacc here" | if (%masow1) {
      if (%masow1 $+ !isin %masow) { set %masow $addtok(%masow,%masow1 $+,32) | echo -a %masow1 $+ Is Now Protected }
      elseif (%masow1 $+ isin %masow) { echo -a %masow1 $+ is already Protected } 
  .remove bot Protected: { set %masow1 $?\"Type The owner Qacc That u want to remove" | if (%masow1) {
      if (%masow1 $+ isin %masow) { set %masow $remtok(%masow,%masow1 $+,32) | echo -a %masow1 $+ Is No Longer Protected }
      elseif (%masow1 $+ !isin %masow) { echo -a %masow1 $+ Is Not On The Protected List } 
  .set bot owner:writeini admins.ini $?\"Enter the user here!" password $?\"Enter The Password Here."
  .remove bot owner:remini admins.ini $?\"Enter The user you want to remove here." 
  .show bot protected:echo -d 7,1The protected are( $+ $numtok(%masow,32) $+ ): %masow
  .show bot owners:$iif($exists(admins.ini),run admins.ini,echo -a The owners Table is empty.)
  .Clear all protected:unset %masow | echo -a protected list is now empty.
  .Clear all owners:unset %owners | echo -a owner list is now empty.
  Times Allow
  .Allow flood times
  ..1:set %allow-flood.times 1 | echo -a users will be banned after 1 flood
  ..2:set %allow-flood.times 2 | echo -a users will be banned after 2 flood
  ..3:set %allow-flood.times 3 | echo -a users will be banned after 3 flood
  ..4:set %allow-flood.times 4 | echo -a users will be banned after 4 flood
  ..5:set %allow-flood.times 5 | echo -a users will be banned after 5 flood
  .Allow kick times
  ..1:set %allow-kick.times 1 | echo -a users will be banned after 1 kicks
  ..2:set %allow-kick.times 2 | echo -a users will be banned after 2 kicks
  ..3:set %allow-kick.times 3 | echo -a users will be banned after 3 kicks
  ..4:set %allow-kick.times 4 | echo -a users will be banned after 4 kicks
  ..5:set %allow-kick.times 5 | echo -a users will be banned after 5 kicks
  .Allow ban times
  ..1:set %allow-ban.times 1 | echo -a users will be banned after 1 bans
  ..2:set %allow-ban.times 2 | echo -a users will be banned after 2 bans
  ..3:set %allow-ban.times 3 | echo -a users will be banned after 3 bans
  ..4:set %allow-ban.times 4 | echo -a users will be banned after 4 bans
  ..5:set %allow-ban.times 5 | echo -a users will be banned after 5 bans
  .Allow reapet times
  ..1:set %allow-reapet.times 1 | echo -a users will be banned after 1 reapets
  ..2:set %allow-reapet.times 2 | echo -a users will be banned after 2 reapets
  ..3:set %allow-reapet.times 3 | echo -a users will be banned after 3 reapets
  ..4:set %allow-reapet.times 4 | echo -a users will be banned after 4 reapets
  ..5:set %allow-reapet.times 5 | echo -a users will be banned after 5 reapets
  .Show all times:echo -d 7,1The time before bans are : bans-allow = %allow-ban.times ____ kick-allow = %allow-kick.times ___ reapet-allow = %allow-reapet.times ___ times text-allow = %allow-flood.times $+ .
  ..av:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 +av q chanlev $chan $$1 +ao
  ..amo:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 +amo
  ..amno:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 +amno
  ..-av:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 -av
  ..-ao:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 -ao
  ..-amo:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 -amo
  ..-amno:.msg q chanlev $chan $$1 -amno
  ..Qwelcome:.msg q welcome $chan $?\"Enter The Topic Here."
  ..settopic:.msg q settopic $chan $?\"Enter The Topic Here."
  ..autolimit:.msg q autolimit $chan $?\"Enter The Topic Here."
  ..recover:.msg q recover $chan
  ..deopall:.msg q deopall $chan
  ..unbanall:.msg q unbanall $chan
  ..unQbanAll:.msg q unbanmask $chan *!*@*
  ..Qban:msg q ban $chan $address($$1,2)
  ..Hello (make a Qacc):set %emaill $?\"Enter Your Full Email here." | msg q hello %emaill %emaill | echo -a Go check ur email.
  .Normal commands:
  ..voice:mode $chan +vvvvvv $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
  ..devoice:mode $chan -vvvvvv $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
  ..op:mode $chan +oooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
  ..deop:mode $chan -oooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
  ..ban:ban $chan $$1 2
  ..kick:kick $chan $$1 1are u still here? o_O ( $+ $time $date $+ )
  ..kick with reason:kick $chan $$1 $?\"Enter The Reason For Kick here."
  ..ban-kick:ban -k $chan $$1 2 1are u still here? o_O ( $+ $time $date $+ )
  ..ban-kick with reason:ban -k $chan $$1 2 $?\"Enter The Reason For Kick here."
  ..kick-times:set %nnkicknn $?\"Enter The Number of times For Kick here." | if (%nnkicknn isnum) { set %kick $+ $$1 %nnkicknn | kick $chan $$1 1 $+ 1/ $+ %kick [ $+ [ $$1 ] ] $nick are u still here? o_O ( $+ $time $date $+ ) } | else { echo -a please enter only numbers. | halt }
  .....+:mode $chan +m
  .....-:mode $chan -m
  .....+:mode $chan +i
  .....-:mode $chan -i
  .....+:mode $chan +r
  .....-:mode $chan -r
  .....+:mode $chan +s
  .....-:mode $chan -s
  .....+:mode $chan +c
  .....-:mode $chan -c
  .....+:mode $chan +t
  .....-:mode $chan -t
  .....+:mode $chan +T
  .....-:mode $chan -T
  .....+:mode $chan +n
  .....-:mode $chan -n
  .....+:mode $chan +N
  .....-:mode $chan -N
  .....+:mode $chan +C
  .....-:mode $chan -C
  .....+:mode $chan +u
  .....-:mode $chan -u
  .....+:mode $chan +D
  .....-:mode $chan -D
  .....+:mode $chan +d
  .....-:mode $chan -d
  .....+:mode $chan +M
  .....-:mode $chan -M
  .....+key:mode $chan +k $?\"Enter The Key Here..."  
  .....-key:mode $chan -k $?\"Enter The Key Here..."
  .....OFF:mode $chan -l
  .....Chose:mode $chan +l $?\"Enter The Limit Here..."
  ....chose modes
  .....chose:mode $chan $?\"Enter The Modes Here... For Ex:+mr-i and etc.."
  .....all +:mode $chan +smtinrDucCNTM
  .....all -:mode $chan -smtinrDucCNTM
  .....ON:mode $me +R
  .....OFF:mode $me -R
  .....ON:mode $me +x
  .....OFF:mode $me -x
  .....ON:mode $me +w
  .....OFF:mode $me -w
  ....selected:mode $me $?\"Enter The Modes Here... For Ex:+ixR"
  ...ignore:ignore $address($$1,2)
  ...unignore:ignore -r $address($$1,2)
  ...ignoreALL:ignore *
  ...unignoreALL:ignore -r *
  ...version:ctcp $$1 version $$1 ping
  ...time:ctcp $$1 time
  ..whois:whois $$1 $$1
  ..Query:q $$1
  ..add:set %black $addtok(%black,$address($$1,2),32) | ban -k %sec.chan $$1 2 1Black listed. ( $+ $date $time $+ )
  ..remove:set %black $remtok(%black,$address($$1,2),32) 
  ..Show blacklist:echo -d 7,1The blacklist is:( $+ $numtok(%black,32) $+ ) %black 
  ..Clear blacklist:unset %black
  .bantag:set -u10 %bantagush  $?\"Type the tag u want to kick&ban here. for ex: [A] / [B]" | bantag %bantagush | mode %sec.chan +b %bantagush $+ *!*@* 
;menu end;


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Cheiron   -  Jul 15, 2008

initially.. just point out on the introduction that this was made for the Quakenet server. that is just the first glance i have had. will have a proper look in a short while once had sleep.

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