

Dec 05, 2005

mIRC Code Snippets

nfield38 created a Page  -  Jan 29, 2007

This is both a command and an identifier. As a command, you can easily add, change, and remove passwords according to network and nickname:

nfield38 created a Page  -  Jul 05, 2006

These are the complete services popups for Anope services, with every service - OperServ included! Just place in your favorite popup menu or in remotes with the menu function. Enjoy!

nfield38 created a Page  -  May 30, 2006

The main problem with scripts--especially protection--is that some tend to take over the IRC client, and run themselves out of control, be it deopping the wrong people, or simply not stopping. This set of deop, kick, and ban protections are fool proof of this, as they require the user's input to activate! The protocol is as follows:

nfield38 created a Page  -  Apr 23, 2006

This is a simple nick completer that makes calling for a user on IRC a little more noticeable. Just paste this into your remotes - Alt-R. To use, type the name of the user followed by a colon. So, if I wanted to alert Nick1, I would type "Nick1: My message."

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