

Mar 26, 2008

Code Snippets

Zaiba91 created a Page  -  Apr 07, 2008

This is an in channel right click popup of channel modes for the rizon server. It's not +p or -S or any of that, but the actual names of the mode. Anyway, its all functional. Note: the SSL Only option can only be set by an IRCop, but your welcome to try using it. Enjoy.

  1 Thread   mIRC  
Zaiba91 created a Page  -  Mar 30, 2008

This is a fatality kicker I developed while I was bored. Pretty easy to use, just type fatality <target> thenyes for a ban or `no for a kick. It reads from a txt file called Fatal.txt in your mIRC directory. Here's the link for 110 different fatalities: You will also need to change the on line 6 to your operating nick. Let me know if you want it upgraded or cleaned..

Zaiba91 created a Page  -  Mar 26, 2008

If you can't tell from the topic, it's a little script I made while I was bored that references the Energy Swords the Elites use in the Halo series.

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