May 08, 2004

mIRC Code Snippets

ReQueST created a Page  -  Sep 20, 2011
1 285 

A simple script that demodes the targeted user of all its modes.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Oct 01, 2005

Its a reaction test. Its to see how long it takes for you to react on a certain event. It highlights the letter A or B or C.Its then up to you to click the matching button.It started by right clicking the channel, and select: Recation Test, or type: /react.Have fun.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Sep 21, 2005

Its easy to use when you have highlights enabled. This means many blinking channels when people need you. This snippet simply cycles trough all channels, so it unhighlights them.Usage:/cycle [-s #channel]The option -s #channel makes the cycle end in the channel (#channel).

  1 Thread   mIRC  
ReQueST created a Page  -  Jul 10, 2005

This script converts 1 currency to another. Easy usage: !conv [amount] [cur1] [cur2] Example: !conv 1000 EUR USD <-- Will convert a thousand Euro's to US Dollars.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Apr 03, 2005

It tells you what channels your on, and on wich network.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Apr 03, 2005

Same as the /aamsg i posted earlier, this is just the /aame version.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Apr 03, 2005

It's just the same as "/amsg text" Only this one is for multiple server surport.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Mar 16, 2005
1 264 

Messages disk options to the channel your on. (Disk as in C:\,.. etc..)

ReQueST created a Page  -  Mar 07, 2005

A basic socket snippets that allows you to check if you need to update your mIRC.exe. It check your IRC, trough a ctcp message. And the one running the script by simply using the $version command.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 31, 2005

Just before people start yelling, it's some sort of double post indeed. But i found this a newer acript, and different from the old one. So i posted it as new. Explaining: It searches your logdir for the "search-string" (The input what your searching for). It lists how many files and the size. It keeps track of the record size. (This is bascly the old one, but now in dialog.) New part: The details,..

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 24, 2005

Gives certain information about your logfiles. Says the amount of files, the size, average size. Keeps track of the biggest log-group. (Tracks nicks and channels.) Usage: /loginfo [nickname|#channel] Also shows an little edit called "Process Time" (I just added that out of boredom. Its fun for slower pc's, then it actually said the time it took to look trough all the log files. Faster pc's is mostly..

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 19, 2005

Bans or removes a userhost address, in all channels on 1 network were you are opped. Usage: /mban [-|+] [userhost] The - is obviously removal, and the + adding. Userhost is in !abba@* form, or any other mask type.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 19, 2005

Change your CTCPREPLY's, when a user either PINGS, FINGERS, or TIME'S you, you cannot change VERSION unfortunatly. Simply add to REMOTE, and your done. You can modify the text ;-)

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 15, 2005

This snippet lets you add/delete randomwords trough a dialog. It could b usefull for something, dunno for what i was bored when i made it. Its a pretty basic dialog. "/randword" to launch dialog. The rest is pretty obvious.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 10, 2005

Its just a little thing i made when i was bored and desided to make people feel good. It sets the word as a cheer: "/cheer word" would give: "" HooRaY! Give me a: w, Give me a: o, Give me a: r, Give me a: d, that gives: word !! HooRaY!""

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jan 07, 2005

Its an easy to easy snippets that allows you to check whats on your Clipboard. (CRTL+C thingy)

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Sep 20, 2004
1 606 

Its a basic stats script. It tracks all words & lines & characters & characters without spaces & average words/line, you have said. You only need to fill in the start date yourself. (It's an option, you can always erase that part.)

ReQueST created a Page  -  Aug 12, 2004

This snippets holds a users ban, and sorts of blacklist him at the same time. Its easy to use, you just ban a user on a channel. And he's in the "ShitList" If someone else attempts to unban that user, address, you'll add the ban back. To unban it, you just remove it. So ONLY YOU can unban a banned user. ( Ban must b set by you! Else every Op can unban.) To view people/addresses who are currently banned:..

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Jul 17, 2004

This just says your Uptime from your PC / IRC and howlong your connected to the network, your on. EDIT: "Added the total online time that your connected to IRC as well."

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ReQueST created a Page  -  Jul 17, 2004

This isnt a line repeat kicker, but this kicks on users that type like this:

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jul 17, 2004

If a person uses more then an x amount of colors, u will kick them, when your an op on the channel ofcourse. Explantion: "if ($regex($1-,/\003/g) > 3)" Determens how much is allowed, the more your increase the number after the ">" the more colors people can use. "(Max 3)" seems logic. It says how much colors are allowed in the kick.

ReQueST created a Page  -  Jun 17, 2004

This script is made to come in handy with the usage of /kickall It check if a user is on one of your channels. And displayes it, it also adds the Op (@) symbol to th nick if opped, and the Voice (+) symbol if voiced. Usage: /sayall nickname Or to say your channels: /sayall

ReQueST created a Page  -  May 26, 2004

If you get kicked, no mather for what reason. And you rejoin within 3 seconds to the channel u were kicked from, it kicks the one that kicked you. Note: Auto Rejoin On Kick is easy for this.

ReQueST created a Page  -  May 26, 2004

It kicks when someone joins a channel 4 times without saying anything. For experienced scripters, (They know what i mean!): The variable in unset 1 minute after the last join.

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ReQueST created a Page  -  May 26, 2004

Paste it in your remote (ALT+R) and then start talking ;-) It changes all normal text, into so called "1337" (Leet) text. Remember: It is anoying, but fun once in a while!

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ReQueST created a Page  -  May 16, 2004

The same as kickall just with a ban included,..

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ReQueST created a Page  -  May 16, 2004

Simply use: /kickall It kicks a specified user from all channels were your at, and the user is at.

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