

Sep 18, 2006
Infantry, U.S. Army
Southern Iraq FOB KALSU
Not interesting :P

Code Snippets

Joystyk created a Page  -  Jan 06, 2010

So, wrote this simple "encryption" using the replace identifier... Serves no REAL purpose other than to keep a conversation fairly private.

  1 Thread   mIRC  
Joystyk created a Page  -  Oct 07, 2008

Okay, we've been having some interesting bits of people coming in to a certain channel. The only people who EVER use the channel are Registered... It's a MINIMUM Prerequisite to be accepted. So like I was saying, we needed a method to stop the unwanted from coming in. This script isn't too Valuable, but it's working well with my bot, to help deter alot of the said unwanted visitors. This only works..

Joystyk created a Page  -  Mar 12, 2007

This little snippet makes for a simple enable/disable section on your menu in which it will tell you weather the section is active, or not. It's useful in large bulky scripts with alot of menu items.

Joystyk created a Page  -  Mar 12, 2007

;I haven't scripted in quite some time. So some of this might not work. I need testing, feedback, criticism, etc. Tell me if you like it, what you'd do to fix it, and the sort. Credits given to everyone who's ever posted dialog based snippets in which I've taught myself from, as well as a few good guys who've encouraged me (begged, pleaded, for their own personal gain:P) to mess around again.

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