Help vHosts

By Annia on Nov 30, 2012

You can tell me to my code and add the vhost that only recognize registered users, lest the vhost of users who do not have the record, the code I have so culquiera gives user is or is not basde registered NickServ to you, I can help implement the registration code! vhost for registered users.

The following code is what I have in Spanish

You can tell me to my code and add the vhost that only recognize registered users, lest the vhost of users who do not have the record,
 the code I have so culquiera gives user is or is not basde registered NickServ to you,
 I can help implement the registration code! vhost for registered users.

The following code is what I have in Spanish
The following code is what I have in Spanish

on *:TEXT:!vhost *:#vHosts: {
  if (%ignore. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Usted todavía está en mi lista de ignorados. por favor espere hasta los 10 minutos termina | .ban -u600 #vhosts $address( $nick,1) |  halt }
  if (encrypted- isin $2) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Lo siento que el vhost parece ser un vHost  no valido  y no se puede utilizar como su vhost. | halt }  
  if !$regex($$2,/^(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9.]*)$/) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Lo sentimos, su vhost sólo puede contener ( a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-' & '.' ) | halt }
  if ($chr(32) isin $2-) { .Msg $chan ( $nick )Por favor, escriba el host virtual que quieras sin Espacio(s). | halt }
  if ($chr(46) !isin $2) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Error Detectado:  su vHost solo puede tener simbolos  "." | halt }
  if ($len($2) < 5) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Lo siento que el vhost es demasiado corto, por favor, elija un host virtual mas largo. | halt }
  if ($len($2) > 60) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Lo siento que el vhost es demasiado largo, por favor, elija un vhost más corto. | halt }
  var %ban (NetAdmin)|(Admin)|(SpaM)|(Puta)|(rOOt)|(root)|(Root)|(AmistadChat)|(MindForge)|(Malita)|(Local)|(|(NeoStats)|(Services)|(FuCk)
  if ($regex($2-,%ban)) { .Msg $chan ( $nick ) Lo siento el vhost contiene una palabra O servidor que no se les permite tener en tu vhost, elige otro vhost Gracias. | halt }
  if (!$regex($2-,%ban)) {
    var %x 1,%y,%z | while ($gettok($2,%x,46)) { %y = $ifmatch | if (%y isnum) { inc %z } | inc %x }
    if (%z = 4) { .Msg $cha ( $nick ) Sorry that vhost seems to be an ip address which can't be used as your vhost. | halt }
    if (%z != 4) {
      if (!%ignore. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
        if ($chr(46) isin $2) { .hs set $nick $2 | .msg $chan ( $nick ) Su vhost han cambiado con éxito a  ( $2 ) - Ahora eres ignorado durante 10 minutos. | set -u600 %ignore. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on |  halt }


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Annia   -  Dec 01, 2012

I have it, but I get this error. 01:17 (not in the IRC. Referring whowas information ..

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