Basic Flight Lotto Script

By Tripple-D on Feb 12, 2012


Dont know the rest

Original Copy is

ive fixed it now!

;--##################Lotto script v3.0######################--;
alias -l lottorun return $readini(lot.ini,$1,prize)
alias -l loffn return $iif($($+(%,loffn,$1),5),1,0)
alias -l theme return $read(lottotheme.txt, s, $chan)
alias -l lottostarter return $readini(lot.ini,$1,starter)
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($1 == !charter) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ A flight is already ready to take of from $+($chan,.)
    elseif ($2 == $null) msg # $theme $+ Please specify a prize : !charter [prize here].
    else {
      if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ )))
      writeini lot.ini $chan starter $nick
      writeini lot.ini $chan prize $2-
      writeini lot.ini $chan duration $ctime
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) has entered the pilots seat on $+($chan,$chr(44)) with a/an: $lottoprize($chan) on board. Type !ticket to get a ticket to the flight.
  elseif ($1 == !ticket) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) == $nick) msg # $theme $+ Sorry the pilot cannot enter.
    elseif (!$read(ids.txt, s, $nick)) msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) please add your ID: !addid <TornID>.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flight on $chan
    elseif ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) {
      msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) Stop fucking typing !ticket. You already have ticket number $lottoticket($chan,$nick) $+ !
    else {
      write $+(lot,$chan,.txt) $nick
      msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) you have bought a ticket to the flight to win a/an: $+($lottoprize($chan),$chr(44)) you have ticket number $lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) $+ !
  elseif ($1 == !crash) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $+($nick,$chr(44)) only channel ops or the pilot can use this command.
    else {
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
      msg # $theme $+ The current flight has been crashed by $nick $+ .
  elseif ($1 == !fly) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    elseif ($nick != $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)) && (!$nick($chan,$nick,~&)) msg # $theme $+ $nick $+ , your not the fucking pilot.
    elseif ($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) < 1) msg # $theme $+ There must be at least 1 passenger in the flight to take off.
    else {
      writeini lot.ini $chan winner $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) 
      writeini lot.ini $chan winnerticket $readn
      mode # +m 
      msg # $theme $+ The flight has took off......
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) is flying away with a/an $lottoprize($chan) from $lottostarter($chan) with ticket number $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winnerticket) $+ !
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ 's ID is: $+([,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner)),]) $+ .
      if ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize) isnum) {
        msg # $theme $+ Send $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) cash: $+(,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner)))
      if (*trade* iswm $readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) {
        msg # $theme $+ Trade with $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ : $+(,$read($idfl, s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner))) 
      .timer 1 2 mode # -m
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !fprize) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    else {
      msg # $theme $+ The prize on board is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , from $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)
      msg # $theme $+ There $iif($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) == 1,is $v1 passengers,are $v1 entries) in the flight.
      msg # $theme $+ The flight doors have been open for: $duration($calc($ctime - $readini(lot.ini,$chan,duration))))
  if ($1 == !ftheme) 
  elseif (!$readini($chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
  if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|@|&|~)/)) msg # $theme $+ Only channel staff may change this channels flight theme.
  else {
    if ($2 isnum 0-15) || ($gettok($2,1,44) isnum 0-15) && ($gettok($2,2,44) isnum 0-15) && ($regex($2,/^[0-9]{1,2}\54[0-9]{1,2}$/i))))
    write -ds $+ $chan lottotheme.txt | write lottotheme.txt $chan  $+ $2- 
    msg # $theme $+ Flight theme for $chan has been updated!
elseif ($1 == !editprize) {
  if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
  elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
  elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msgg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may use this command.
  else {
    if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ )))
    writeini -n lot.ini $chan prize $2-
    msg # $theme $+ Prize on board has been changed to: $lottoprize($chan) $+ .
if ($1 == !fcmds) {
  .msg $nick Lotto commands: 
  .msg $nick !charter <prize>, !ticket, !fly. !iflight, !prize, !crash
  if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) .msg $nick !ftheme <color>, !fly <on|off>
elseif ($1 == !peak) msg # $theme $+ Peak for # is: $readini(peak.ini,$chan,peak) set on $readini(peak.ini,$chan,date) $+ .
elseif ($1 == !total) msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b) $+ .
elseif (You sent * to * iswm $1-) && ($remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44)) isnum) {
  inc $+(%,total,$chan) $remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44))
  msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b)
elseif ($1 == !remove) {
  if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled.
  elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ .
  elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may remove someone from the current lotto.
  else {
    noop $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$2)
    write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
    msg # $theme $+ $2 has been removed from the current lotto.
elseif ($1 == !prize) {
  if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled.
  elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ .
  else {
    msg # $theme $+ The prize for the current lotto is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , donated by $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)
elseif ($1-2 == !fli on) {
  if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) {
    msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command.
  else { 
    unset $+(%,loffn,$chan)
    msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Enabled.
elseif ($1-2 == !fli off) {
  if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) {
    msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command.
  else { 
    set $+(%,loffn,$chan) on 
    msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Disabled.
    remini lot.ini $chan
    write -c $+(lotto,$chan,.txt)
on *:QUIT:{
  if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) {
    write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
    msg # $nick has been removed from $&
      the current lotto on Quit.
  if ($lottorun($chan)) {
    if ($nick == $lottostarter($chan)) {
      msg # $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled, $&
        because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $&
        left the channel.
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
on *:PART:#:{
  if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) {
    write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
    msg $chan $theme $+ $nick has been removed from the $&
      current lotto because they left the channel.
  if ($lottorun($chan)) {
    if ($nick == $lottostarter($chan)) {
      msg $chan $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled $&
        because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $&
        left the channel.
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
on *:KICK:#:{
  if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$knick)) {
    write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
    msg $chan $theme $+ $knick has been removed from $&
      from the current lotto on kick.
  if ($lottorun($chan)) {
    if ($knick == $lottostarter($chan)) {
      msg $chan $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled $&
        because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $&
        was kicked from the channel.
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
on *:NICK:{
  var %x 1
  while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
    if ($read($+(lotto,$chan(%x),.txt),w,$nick)) write -l $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan(%x),.txt) $newnick
    if ($lottostarter($chan(%x)) == $nick) writeini -n lot.ini $chan(%x) starter $newnick
    inc %x
alias -l lottoprize {
  var %x $readini(lot.ini,$1,prize)
  if (%x isnum) && (!$2) return $chr(36) $+ $comma(%x)
  else return %x
alias -l lottoticket {
  if ($read($+(lot,$1,.txt),w,$2)) { return $iif($3,$lines($+(lot,$,.txt)),$readn) }
alias -l comma {
  var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a)
  return %a
on *:JOIN:#:{
  if (!$read(ids.txt,s,$nick)) { 
    .notice $nick There is no ID added for your nick, please add it with: !addid <TornID>.
  if ($readini(peak.ini, $chan, peak) < $nick($chan,0)) || (!$readini(peak.ini, $chan, peak)) {
    writeini peak.ini $chan peak $nick($chan,0)
    writeini peak.ini $chan date $date
    msg # $theme $+ New Peak for # set on $readini(peak.ini,$chan,date) is $readini(peak.ini,$chan,peak)


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Stewie1k94   -  Feb 13, 2012

You're going to change it to my suggestion right? The one up right now won't work.

Tripple-D   -  Feb 13, 2012

^^^^ Works Great ^^^^^^

Stewie1k94   -  Feb 13, 2012
;--##################Lotto script v3.0######################--;
alias -l lottorun return $readini(lot.ini,$1,prize)
alias -l loffn return $iif($($+(%,loffn,$1),5),1,0)
alias -l theme return $read(lottotheme.txt, s, $chan)
alias -l lottostarter return $readini(lot.ini,$1,starter)
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($1 == !charter) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ A flight is already ready to take of from $+($chan,.)
    elseif ($2 == $null) msg # $theme $+ Please specify a prize : !charter [prize here].
    else {
      if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ )))
      writeini lot.ini $chan starter $nick
      writeini lot.ini $chan prize $2-
      writeini lot.ini $chan duration $ctime
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) has entered the pilots seat on $+($chan,$chr(44)) with a/an: $lottoprize($chan) on board. Type !ticket to get a ticket to the flight.
  elseif ($1 == !ticket) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) == $nick) msg # $theme $+ Sorry the pilot cannot enter.
    elseif (!$read(ids.txt, s, $nick)) msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) please add your ID: !addid <TornID>.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flight on $chan
    elseif ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) {
      msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) Stop fucking typing !ticket. You already have ticket number $lottoticket($chan,$nick) $+ !
    else {
      write $+(lot,$chan,.txt) $nick
      msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) you have bought a ticket to the flight to win a/an: $+($lottoprize($chan),$chr(44)) you have ticket number $lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) $+ !
  elseif ($1 == !crash) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $+($nick,$chr(44)) only channel ops or the pilot can use this command.
    else {
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
      msg # $theme $+ The current flight has been crashed by $nick $+ .
  elseif ($1 == !fly) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    elseif ($nick != $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)) && (!$nick($chan,$nick,~&)) msg # $theme $+ $nick $+ , your not the fucking pilot.
    elseif ($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) < 1) msg # $theme $+ There must be at least 1 passenger in the flight to take off.
    else {
      writeini lot.ini $chan winner $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) 
      writeini lot.ini $chan winnerticket $readn
      mode # +m 
      msg # $theme $+ The flight has took off......
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) is flying away with a/an $lottoprize($chan) from $lottostarter($chan) with ticket number $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winnerticket) $+ !
      msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ 's ID is: $+([,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner)),]) $+ .
      if ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize) isnum) {
        msg # $theme $+ Send $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) cash: $+(,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner)))
      if (*trade* iswm $readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) {
        msg # $theme $+ Trade with $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ : $+(,$read($idfl, s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner))) 
      .timer 1 2 mode # -m
      remini lot.ini $chan
      write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !fprize) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    else {
      msg # $theme $+ The prize on board is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , from $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)
      msg # $theme $+ There $iif($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) == 1,is $v1 passengers,are $v1 entries) in the flight.
      msg # $theme $+ The flight doors have been open for: $duration($calc($ctime - $readini(lot.ini,$chan,duration))))
  if ($1 == !ftheme) { 
    elseif (!$readini($chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|@|&|~)/)) msg # $theme $+ Only channel staff may change this channels flight theme.
    else {
      if ($2 isnum 0-15) || ($gettok($2,1,44) isnum 0-15) && ($gettok($2,2,44) isnum 0-15) && ($regex($2,/^[0-9]{1,2}\54[0-9]{1,2}$/i))))
      write -ds $+ $chan lottotheme.txt | write lottotheme.txt $chan  $+ $2- 
      msg # $theme $+ Flight theme for $chan has been updated!
  elseif ($1 == !editprize) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ .
    elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msgg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may use this command.
    else {
      if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ )))
      writeini -n lot.ini $chan prize $2-
      msg # $theme $+ Prize on board has been changed to: $lottoprize($chan) $+ .
  if ($1 == !fcmds) {
    .msg $nick Lotto commands: 
    .msg $nick !charter <prize>, !ticket, !fly. !iflight, !prize, !crash
    if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) .msg $nick !ftheme <color>, !fly <on|off>
  elseif ($1 == !peak) msg # $theme $+ Peak for # is: $readini(peak.ini,$chan,peak) set on $readini(peak.ini,$chan,date) $+ .
  elseif ($1 == !total) msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b) $+ .
  elseif (You sent * to * iswm $1-) && ($remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44)) isnum) {
    inc $+(%,total,$chan) $remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44))
    msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b)
  elseif ($1 == !remove) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ .
    elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may remove someone from the current lotto.
    else {
      noop $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$2)
      write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt)
      msg # $theme $+ $2 has been removed from the current lotto.
  elseif ($1 == !prize) {
    if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled.
    elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ .
    else {
      msg # $theme $+ The prize for the current lotto is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , donated by $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)
  elseif ($1-2 == !fli on) {
    if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command.
    else { 
      unset $+(%,loffn,$chan)
      msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Enabled.
  elseif ($1-2 == !fli off) {
    if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command.
    else { 
      set $+(%,loffn,$chan) on 
      msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Disabled.
      remini lot.ini $chan | write -c $+(lotto,$chan,.txt)

Should work.

Stewie1k94   -  Feb 13, 2012


Spoof   -  Feb 12, 2012

This script will not work.
Any and all "if or elseif" statements should never touch the far left hand side of your editor.This will not allow the rest of the scripts statements to be read.
Plus you have an extra brace in this script that is causing this problem.
Anyone can copy paste... but knowing how to fix an error when you have copy pasted a script wrong by leaving out a piece of code results in a script like this.
I don't know if you guys are purposely posting scripts that are that have errors for others to post fixes or what, but at least try and post something that's usable by others cause it defeats the purpose of event making the post.

Stewie1k94   -  Feb 12, 2012

You might of fixed it, but it's still basically the same as the one MitchellGled posted, and it's mine. But I don't mind if it's my script posted any way.

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