My Blacklist

By chadbdurham on Jul 10, 2010

My blacklist
Do "/info" to see the commands

on *:JOIN:#:.timer 1 1 bc $nick $chan
alias -l bc {
  if ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$1)) || ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$address($1,2))) {
    var %rd = $readn
    if (($me !isop $2) && ($me !ishop $2)) || (($me ishop $2) && ($1 isop $2)) echo -st /!\ Blacklist match! Channel: $2 Nick: $1 Address: $Address($1,2) Match: $iif($chr(64) isin $ifmatch,Address,Nick) Reason: $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd)) NOTE: I cannot kick this user!
    else {
      echo -st /!\ Blacklist match! Channel: $2 Nick: $1 Address: $Address($1,2) Match: $iif($chr(64) isin $ifmatch,Address,Nick) Reason: $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd)) Banning $1
      if ($me isop $2) { mode $2 -Q }
      ban -k $2 $1 2 1¤10Blacklisted1¤ (11Reason1:12 $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%rd)) $kickc
alias bl {
  if ($2) {
    write BlackList.txt $iif($1 ison $active,$address($1,2),$1)
    write BlackListReason.txt $2-
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Successfully written $1 to blacklist. Reason: $2-
    if ($1 ison $active) {
      if (($me !isop $active) && ($me !ishop $active)) || (($me ishop $chan(%x)) && ($nick($chan(%x),%y) isop $chan(%x))) echo -st I cannot kick $1 from $active $+ !
      else {
        mode $active -Qohv+b $1 $1 $1 $address($1,2) | kick $active $1 1¤10Blacklisted1¤ (11Reason1:12 $iif($2,$2-,Unspecified) 1 $kickc
  else {
    write BlackList.txt $iif($1 ison $active,$address($1,2),$1)
    write BlackListReason.txt Null
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Successfully written $1 to blacklist. No reason specified.
    if ($1 ison $active) {
      if (($me !isop $active) && ($me !ishop $active)) || (($me ishop $chan(%x)) && ($nick($chan(%x),%y) isop $chan(%x))) echo -st I cannot kick $1 from $active $+ !
      else {
        mode $active -Qohv+b $1 $1 $1 $address($1,2) | kick $active $1 2 1¤10Blacklisted1¤ (11Reason1:12 $iif($2,$2-,Unspecified) $kickc
alias blclear {
  echo -ta [Blacklist] Cleared Blacklist.
  remove Blacklist.txt
  remove BlacklistReason.Txt
alias bldel {
  if (!$1) { echo -ta [Blacklist] Error: Invalid syntax. Use: /bldel <Address/Nick>. | halt }
  if ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$address($1,2))) || ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$1)) || ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$($+(%Address.,$1),2))) {
    echo -ta [Blacklist] $1 was found on the blacklist on line $readn $+ . Match: $read(BlackList.txt,$readn) $+ .
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Blacklist reason: $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,$readn) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,$readn))
    echo -ta [Blacklist] To delete: /yes. To stop: /no.
    set %B $readn
  else echo -ta [Blacklist] Sorry: $1 was not found on the blacklist.
alias yes {
  if (%B) {
    set -u600 %r $read(BlackList.txt,%B)
    set -u600 %rr $read(BlackListReason.txt,%B)
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Deleting: $read(BlackList.txt,%B) With reason: $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%B) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%B)) from the blacklist.
    write -dl [ $+ [ %B ] ] BlackList.txt
    write -dl [ $+ [ %B ] ] BlackListReason.txt
    unset %B
    GlobalUnban $iif($chr(64) !isin $read(BlackList.txt,%B),$address($v2,2),$v2)
  else echo -ta [Blacklist] Error: No blacklist set to delete. Try /bldel <Address/Nick>.
alias no {
  if (%B) {
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Cancelled: $read(BlackList.txt,%B) Will not be deleted from the blacklist.
    unset %B
  else echo -ta [Blacklist] Error: No blacklist set to delete. Try /bldel <Address/Nick>.
alias rebl {
  if (%r) {
    write BlackList.txt %r
    write BlackListReason.txt %rr
    echo -ta [Blacklist] Successfully re-written %rbl to blacklist. Reason: $iif(%rblr == Null,Unspecified,%rblr) $+ .
    unset %r %rr
  else echo -ta [Blacklist] Error: No user was recently un-blacklisted.
alias bllist {
  if ($lines(BlackList.txt) >= 30) $iif($?!="30+ Blacklists found. Continue? $crlf $+ Doing so will echo $lines(BlackList.txt) lines into $active $+ .",,halt)
  echo -ta [Blacklist] Blacklisted user list $+([,,$lines(BlackList.txt),/,$lines(BlackListReason.txt),]:) (Latest first)
  if ($lines(BlackList.txt) == 0) echo -ta [Blacklist] None.
  else {
    var %la = $lines(BlackList.txt)
    var %lc = $lines(BlackList.txt)
    while (%lc >= 1) {
      echo -ta $+([,$calc((%la - %lc) + 1),]) User: $read(BlackList.txt,%lc) Reason: $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%lc) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%lc))
      dec %lc
alias BlCheck {
  var %x = 1, %z = 0, %w = 0
  while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
    var %y = 1
    while (%y <= $nick($chan(%x),0)) {
      if ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$nick($chan(%x),%y))) || ($read(Blacklist.txt,w,$address($nick($chan(%x),%y),2))) {
        var %q = $readn
        inc %z
        echo -s /!\ Blacklist match: Channel: $chan(%x) Nick: $nick($chan(%x),%y) Match: $ifmatch
        if ($me !isop $chan(%x)) && ($me !ishop $chan(%x)) || (*Q* iswmcs $chan($chan(%x)).mode) || (($me ishop $chan(%x)) && ($nick($chan(%x),%y) isop $chan(%x))) echo -s I cannot kick $nick($chan(%x),%y) from $chan(%x) $+ !
        else ban -ku300 $chan(%x) $nick($chan(%x),%y) 2 1¤10Blacklisted1¤ (11Reason1:12 $iif($read(BlackListReason.txt,%q) == Null,Unspecified,$read(BlackListReason.txt,%q)) $kickc
      inc %w
      inc %y
    inc %x
  echo -s Finished checking %w users on $chan(0) $+ $iif($chan(0) == 1,channel,channels) $+ , blacklists found: %z
alias GlobalUnban {
  if (!$1) halt
  var %x = 1, %z = 0
  while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%x)) || ($me ishop $chan(%x)) mode $chan(%x) -b $1
    inc %x
  echo -s Globally unbanned $1
alias info {
  echo -ta [Blacklist] Blacklists found: $+([,,$lines(BlackList.txt),/,$lines(BlackListReason.txt),].)
  echo -ta [Blacklist] Commands: /Bl <Address/Nick>, /Bldel <Address/Nick>, /Yes, /No, /Rebl, /Bllist.
alias kickc { inc %kickcounter | return » $bytes(%kickcounter,db) « }


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