Quick Status for Eggdrop

By sk68 on Apr 19, 2010

Adds public, private, and dcc commands to get (what I believe is) relevant information about channels or about the bot.

Information on channels
-Bot's current level
-Number of ops in the channel
-Number of users in the channel
-Current channel modes

Information on bot
-Bot's current address
-Owners (according to eggdrop.conf)
-Number of channels where the bot is OP, HalfOP, Voice, or Regular
-Channels that are set +inactive
-Channels that the bot is not on because of another restriction
-Channels that are below the user minimum (defined in configuration)

/msg bot quickstatus [channel]
!status [channel]
In DCC: .quickstatus [channel]


#Flags required to use the status command
set pubstats(flags) "m|-"

#Public Command
set pubstats(pub) "!status"

#Allow DCC Command?
set pubstats(dcc) 1

#Allow Privmsg command?
set pubstats(pm) 1

#Log Commands?
set pubstats(log) 1

#Send method for private command
set pubstats(send) "NOTICE"

#Minimum users that must be in a channel before it is considered "empty"
set pubstats(min) 5

bind pub $pubstats(flags) $pubstats(pub) pub:status
if {$pubstats(dcc)} { bind dcc $pubstats(flags) quickstatus dcc:status }
if {$pubstats(pm)} { bind msg $pubstats(flags) quickstatus msg:status }

proc pub:status {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
global pubstats botname owner
set arg [string trim $text]
if {$arg == ""} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Gathering data..."
set chans(noton) ""
set chans(inactive) ""
set chans(lowusers) ""
set chans(op) 0
set chans(hop) 0
set chans(v) 0
set chans(reg) 0
set chans(num) [llength [channels]]
foreach channel [channels] { 
if {[channel get $channel inactive]} { lappend chans(inactive) $channel 
} elseif {![botonchan $channel]} { lappend chans(noton) $channel 
if {[botisop $channel]} { incr chans(op)
} elseif {[botishalfop $channel]} { incr chans(hop)
} elseif {[botisvoice $channel]} { incr chans(v) 
} else { incr chans(reg)
if {([llength [chanlist $channel]] < 15) && (![channel get $channel inactive] && [botonchan $channel])} { lappend chans(lowusers) $channel }
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Current Status:"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Online as $botname"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :My owner(s) (according to my config file): $owner"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I am op'd on $chans(op) channels, halfop on $chans(hop) channels, voice on $chans(v) channels, and regular on $chans(reg) channels"
if {$chans(noton) == "" && $chans(inactive) == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I am currently on all channels in my database" 
} else { if {$chans(inactive) != ""} { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :The following channels are marked inactive: $chans(inactive)"
if {$chans(noton) != ""} { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I am not on these channels for some reason: $chans(noton)"
if {$chans(lowusers) != ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :These channels are below the user minimum: $chans(lowusers)"
} else { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :No channels are below user minimum" }
} elseif {[validchan $arg]} {
if {[channel get $arg inactive]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$arg is marked inactive"
} elseif {![botonchan $arg]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I am not on $arg"
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Information on $arg:"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :My current level: [getbotlevel $arg]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Number of users: [llength [chanlist $arg]]"
set numops 0
foreach checkop [chanlist $arg] { 
if {[isop $checkop $arg]} {incr numops}
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Number of OPs: $numops"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Current mode: [getchanmode $arg]"
} elseif {![validchan $arg]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$arg is an invalid channel" }
if {$pubstats(log)} { return 1 }

proc dcc:status {hand idx text} { 
global pubstats botname owner
set arg [string trim $text]
if {$arg == ""} {
putdcc $idx "Gathering data..."
set chans(noton) ""
set chans(inactive) ""
set chans(lowusers) ""
set chans(op) 0
set chans(hop) 0
set chans(v) 0
set chans(reg) 0
set chans(num) [llength [channels]]
foreach channel [channels] { 
if {[channel get $channel inactive]} { lappend chans(inactive) $channel 
} elseif {![botonchan $channel]} { lappend chans(noton) $channel 
if {[botisop $channel]} { incr chans(op)
} elseif {[botishalfop $channel]} { incr chans(hop)
} elseif {[botisvoice $channel]} { incr chans(v) 
} else { incr chans(reg)
if {([llength [chanlist $channel]] < 15) && (![channel get $channel inactive] && [botonchan $channel])} { lappend chans(lowusers) $channel }
putdcc $idx "Current Status:"
putdcc $idx "Online as $botname"
putdcc $idx "My owner(s) (according to my config file): $owner"
putdcc $idx "I am op'd on $chans(op) channels, halfop on $chans(hop) channels, voice on $chans(v) channels, and regular on $chans(reg) channels"
if {$chans(noton) == "" && $chans(inactive) == ""} { putdcc $idx "I am currently on all channels in my database" 
} else { if {$chans(inactive) != ""} { 
putdcc $idx "The following channels are marked inactive: $chans(inactive)"
if {$chans(noton) != ""} { 
putdcc $idx "I am not on these channels for some reason: $chans(noton)"
if {$chans(lowusers) != ""} { putdcc $idx "These channels are below the user minimum: $chans(lowusers)"
} else { putdcc $idx "No channels are below user minimum" }
} elseif {[validchan $arg]} {
if {[channel get $arg inactive]} { putdcc $idx "$arg is marked inactive"
} elseif {![botonchan $arg]} { putdcc $idx "I am not on $arg"
} else {
putdcc $idx "Information on $arg:"
putdcc $idx "My current level: [getbotlevel $arg]"
putdcc $idx "Number of users: [llength [chanlist $arg]]"
set numops 0
foreach checkop [chanlist $arg] { 
if {[isop $checkop $arg]} {incr numops}
putdcc $idx "Number of OPs: $numops"
putdcc $idx "Current mode: [getchanmode $arg]"
} elseif {![validchan $arg]} { putdcc $idx "$arg is an invalid channel" }
if {$pubstats(log)} { return 1 }

proc msg:status {nick uhost hand text} { 
global pubstats botname owner
set arg [string trim $text]
if {$arg == ""} {
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Gathering data..."
set chans(noton) ""
set chans(inactive) ""
set chans(lowusers) ""
set chans(op) 0
set chans(hop) 0
set chans(v) 0
set chans(reg) 0
set chans(num) [llength [channels]]
foreach channel [channels] { 
if {[channel get $channel inactive]} { lappend chans(inactive) $channel 
} elseif {![botonchan $channel]} { lappend chans(noton) $channel 
if {[botisop $channel]} { incr chans(op)
} elseif {[botishalfop $channel]} { incr chans(hop)
} elseif {[botisvoice $channel]} { incr chans(v) 
} else { incr chans(reg)
if {([llength [chanlist $channel]] < 15) && (![channel get $channel inactive] && [botonchan $channel])} { lappend chans(lowusers) $channel }
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Current Status:"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Online as $botname"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :My owner(s) (according to my config file): $owner"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :I am op'd on $chans(op) channels, halfop on $chans(hop) channels, voice on $chans(v) channels, and regular on $chans(reg) channels"
if {$chans(noton) == "" && $chans(inactive) == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I am currently on all channels in my database" 
} else { if {$chans(inactive) != ""} { 
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :The following channels are marked inactive: $chans(inactive)"
if {$chans(noton) != ""} { 
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :I am not on these channels for some reason: $chans(noton)"
if {$chans(lowusers) != ""} { putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :These channels are below the user minimum: $chans(lowusers)"
} else { putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :No channels are below user minimum" }
} elseif {[validchan $arg]} {
if {[channel get $arg inactive]} { putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :$arg is marked inactive"
} elseif {![botonchan $arg]} { putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :I am not on $arg"
} else {
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Information on $arg:"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :My current level: [getbotlevel $arg]"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Number of users: [llength [chanlist $arg]]"
set numops 0
foreach checkop [chanlist $arg] { 
if {[isop $checkop $arg]} {incr numops}
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Number of OPs: $numops"
putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :Current mode: [getchanmode $arg]"
} elseif {![validchan $arg]} { putserv "$pubstats(send) $nick :$arg is an invalid channel" }
if {$pubstats(log)} { return 1 }

#Note: This proc can be used in other scripts
proc getbotlevel {chan} {
if {[botisop $chan]} { return op 
} elseif {[botishalfop $chan]} { return "halfop" 
} elseif {[botisvoice $chan]} { return "voice"
} else { return "regular" }


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