Venom Easy control

By blackvenomm666 on Feb 12, 2010

as with all my scripts this is meant for chatspace only load into remotes access via menubar nicklist or in the channel its an easy mod/admin box with tabs for diff levels i tested it all out it works great on chatspace servers. let me know what you think. updated it and added more commands for general users such as whois admin stats query nick reg/dereg ghost and a couple others. ok i updated it it now does not have to be closed to be used on diff servers the first one i made could only be used on the server it was opened on that is now fixed. updated again added a modes tab

.Venom Control system.
.Coded  By.

Menu Menubar,Nicklist {
  Control System
  .VenomControSys: dialog $iif($dialog(Control.System),-v,-md Control.System) Control.System 
Dialog Control.System {
  Title "VenomControlSystem"
  Size -1 -1 275 90
  Option dbu
  ;-----general user Controls Tab 100
  Tab "+ User " ,100, 02 02 170 22, tab 100
  edit "enter nick ", 101, 02 29 41 10, autohs tab 100
  Button "whois" 102, 02 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter nick,or ip", 103, 02 62 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "ignore ", 104, 02 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter nick,or ip ", 105, 50 29 41 10, autohs tab 100
  Button "unignore " 106, 49 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter pass ", 107, 50 62 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "identify ", 108, 49 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  Button "info " 110, 96 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter nick ", 111, 97 62 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "p2p ", 112, 96 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  button "admin stats ", 113, 145 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter pass ", 114, 145 62 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "reg nick ", 115, 145 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  button "dereg ", 116, 190 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "enter nick then pas  ", 117, 190 62 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "ghost ", 118, 190 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  edit "invite who  ", 119, 236 29 41 10, autohs tab 100
  button "invite ", 120, 236 40 37 15, flat tab 100
  button "clear text ", 121, 236 74 37 15, flat tab 100
  ;-----Mod Controls Tab 200
  Tab "+ Mod " ,200, 02 02 170 22, tab 200
  edit "enter nick or ip", 201, 02 29 41 10, autohs tab 200
  Button "kickban " 202, 02 40 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "enter nick or ip", 203, 02 62 41 10, autohs tab 200
  button "kick ", 204, 02 74 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "enter nick or ip", 205, 50 29 41 10, autohs tab 200
  Button "unban " 206, 49 40 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "mod who ", 207, 50 62 41 10, autohs tab 200
  button "mod ", 208, 49 74 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "demod who", 209, 97 29 41 10, autohs tab 200
  Button "demod " 210, 96 40 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "voice who ", 211, 97 62 41 10, autohs tab 200
  button "voice ", 212, 96 74 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "devoice who", 213, 145 29 41 10, autohs tab 200
  Button "devoice " 214, 145 40 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "quiet who ", 215, 145 62 41 10, autohs tab 200
  Button "quiet " 216, 145 74 37 15, flat tab 200
  edit "unquiet who ", 217, 190 29 41 10, autohs tab 200
  button "unquiet ", 218, 190 40 37 15, flat tab 200
  ;-----Owner Controls Tab 300
  Tab "+ Owner " ,300, 02 02 170 22, tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 301, 02 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  Button "addaop" 302, 02 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick", 303, 02 62 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "delaop ", 304, 02 74 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 305, 50 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  Button "addsop " 306, 49 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 307, 50 62 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "delsop ", 308, 49 74 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick", 309, 97 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  Button "addmem " 310, 96 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 311, 97 62 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "delmem ", 312, 96 74 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 313, 145 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "addvop ", 314, 145 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter nick ", 315, 145 62 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "delvop ", 316, 145 74 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter pas ", 317, 190 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "soppas ", 318, 190 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "enter pas  ", 319, 190 62 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "aoppas ", 320, 190 74 37 15, flat tab 300
  edit "reset what room ", 321, 236 29 41 10, autohs tab 300
  button "Reset ", 322, 236 40 37 15, flat tab 300
  ;-----Admin Admin Tab 400
  Tab "+ Admin " ,400, 02 02 170 22, tab 400
  edit "enter nick,ip ", 401, 02 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  Button "kill" 402, 02 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "enter ip", 403, 02 62 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "kline ", 404, 02 74 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "enter ip ", 405, 50 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  Button "unkline " 406, 49 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "enter ip ", 407, 50 62 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "akill ", 408, 49 74 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "enter ip ", 409, 97 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  Button "remakill " 410, 96 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "shun ip ", 411, 97 62 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "shun ", 412, 96 74 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "unshun ip ", 413, 145 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "unshun ", 414, 145 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "admin who ", 415, 145 62 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "admin ", 416, 145 74 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "deadmin who ", 417, 190 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "deadmin ", 418, 190 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "oper who  ", 419, 190 62 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "oper ", 420, 190 74 37 15, flat tab 400
  edit "deoper who  ", 421, 236 29 41 10, autohs tab 400
  button "deoper ", 422, 236 40 37 15, flat tab 400
  ;-----Modes Modes Tab 500
  Tab "+ Modes " ,500, 02 02 170 22, tab 500
  Button "secret" 501, 02 29 37 15, flat tab 500
  Button "de secret" 502, 02 48 37 15, flat tab 500
  Button "invite" 503, 02 67 37 15, flat tab 500
  Button "de invite" 504, 43 29 37 15, flat tab 500
  Button "mem only" 505, 43 48 37 15, flat tab 500
  Button "de mem" 506, 43 67 37 15, flat tab 500
  edit "password ", 507, 85 29 36 10, autohs tab 500
  Button "passroom " 508, 84 40 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "depass ", 509, 84 67 37 15, flat tab 500
  edit "roomlimit ", 510, 126 29 36 10, autohs tab 500
  button "roomlimit ", 511, 125 40 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "removelimit ", 512, 125 67 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "moderated ", 513, 165 40 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "demoderate ", 514, 165 67 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "admincloaking ", 515, 205 40 37 15, flat tab 500
  button "decloak ", 516, 205 67 37 15, flat tab 500
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:102:{
  if (!$did(101).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .whois $did(101).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:104:{
  if (!$did(103).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .ignore $did(103).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:106:{
  if (!$did(105).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .ignore -r $did(105).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:108:{
  if (!$did(107).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services identify $active $did(107).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:110:{
  scid $activecid .services info $active  
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:112:{
  if (!$did(111).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .query $did(111).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:113:{
  scid $activecid .stats o   
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:115:{
  if (!$did(114).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services register $me $did(114).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:116:{
  scid $activecid .services Drop $me  
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:118:{
  if (!$did(117).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services ghost $did(117).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:120:{
  if (!$did(119).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .invite $did(119).text $active } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:121:{
  scid $activecid .clear $active 
on *:dialog:Control.system:sclick:202:{
  if (!$did(201).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .ban $active $did(201).text | .kick $active $did(201).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:204:{
  if (!$did(203).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .kick $active $did(203).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.system:sclick:206:{
  if (!$did(205).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active -b $did(205).text }  
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:208:{
  if (!$did(207).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active +o $did(207).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:210:{
  if (!$did(209).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active -o $did(209).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:212:{
  if (!$did(211).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active +v $did(211).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:214:{
  if (!$did(213).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active -v $did(213).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:216:{
  if (!$did(215).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active +q $did(215).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:218:{
  if (!$did(217).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active -q $did(217).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:302:{
  if (!$did(301).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services aop $active add $did(301).text | .mode $active +o $did(301).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:304:{
  if (!$did(303).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services aop $active del $did(303).text | .mode $active -o $did(303).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:306:{
  if (!$did(305).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services sop $active add $did(305).text | .mode $active +o $did(305).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:308:{
  if (!$did(307).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services sop $active del $did(307).text | .mode $active -o $did(307).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:310:{
  if (!$did(309).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services mem $active add $did(309).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:312:{
  if (!$did(311).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services mem $active del $did(311).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:314:{
  if (!$did(313).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services vop $active add $did(313).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:316:{
  if (!$did(315).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services vop $active del $did(315).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:318:{
  if (!$did(317).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services set $active SopPass $did(317).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:320:{
  if (!$did(319).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services set $active AopPass $did(319).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:322:{
  if (!$did(321).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .services reset $did(321).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:402:{
  if (!$did(401).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .kill $did(401).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:404:{
  if (!$did(403).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .kline $did(403).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:406:{
  if (!$did(405).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .unkline $did(405).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:408:{
  if (!$did(407).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .Akill $did(407).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:410:{
  if (!$did(409).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .rakill $did(409).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:412:{
  if (!$did(411).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .shun $did(411).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:414:{
  if (!$did(413).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .shun - $+ $did(413).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:416:{
  if (!$did(415).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .setoper $did(415).text +admin } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:418:{
  if (!$did(417).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .setoper $did(417).text -admin } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:420:{
  if (!$did(419).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .setoper $did(419).text +oper } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:422:{
  if (!$did(421).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .setoper $did(421).text -oper } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:501:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active +s 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:502:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -s 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:503:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active +i
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:504:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -i
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:505:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active +j
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:506:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -j
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:508:{
  if (!$did(507).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active +k $did(507).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:509:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -k
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:511:{
  if (!$did(510).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  else { scid $activecid .mode $active +l $did(510).text } 
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:512:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -l
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:513:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active +ml
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:514:{
  scid $activecid .mode $active -m
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:515:{
  scid $activecid .mode $me +j
on *:dialog:Control.System:sclick:516:{
  scid $activecid .mode $me -j


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D34th   -  Feb 15, 2010

On :Dialog:Name:Sclick::{
if ($did = id) {

^ That is how i do it take a look at a few of my dialogs sometime also if u need help im WraithRIOT from FlySolo's Server

blackvenomm666   -  Feb 15, 2010

yes i heard about making it smaller the other day im not that great of a scriptor yet once i figure out how to do it and all i will. for now i stick with what i know and learn slowly

D34th   -  Feb 15, 2010

I would suggest cleaning it up a bit by grouping the Sclick's together with $did i find it easyer to read through like that but very nice.

Souljaa   -  Feb 15, 2010

Very nice WELL DONE! :)

Shanker09   -  Feb 14, 2010

Nayce, I like it.

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