Relek-IRC LagSys

By Aurora801 on Jul 28, 2009

Just load into Remotes... It says basically everything when it loads... Accessable also through menus. :]

;--Relek Lagsys--

on *:LOAD: {
 echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1You have Loaded the 4,1Relek 2,1L12,1ag2,1S2,1ys14,1.4,1)7,1-4,1)
 echo $color(info) -a The Commands Are:
 echo $color(info) -a /Lagsys ::This Opens the Lag Window.::
 echo $color(info) -a /LagSys -a ::This sets the Lag Window to the Active.::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lagsys -w ::This sets the Lag Window to the LagWin::
 echo $color(info) -a /LagSys -m ::This sets the Lag Timing to MiliSeconds::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lagsys -s ::This sets the Lag Timing to MiliSeconds::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lagsys -c ::This Closes the Lag Window.::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lag ::This Checks your Lag::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lag -t [Timing] ::This sets how long the Lag system waits before checking lag again.::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lag -o ::This Activates the Auro-Lag checker, to do this you must first set the Timing.::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lag -n ::This Deactivates the Auto-Lag Checker.::
 echo $color(info) -a /Lag -p ::This allows for One public display of the Lag on the Current server.::
 set %time-5 (-(5 Seconds)-)
 set %time-10 (-(10 Seconds)-)
 set %time-15 (-(15 Seconds)-)
 set %time-c (-(Custom)-)
 set %Window-A (-(Active)-)
 set %Window-w (-(Window)-)
 set %WinOpen (-(Open)-)
 set %WinClose (-(Close)-)
 set %AutoLag-a (-(On)-)
 set %AutoLag-b (-(Off)-)
 set %Lag-Ms (-(MiliSeconds)-)
 set %Lag-Sec (-(Seconds)-)
 set %Menu-PubShow (-(Show Plublic)-)

alias LagSys {
 if ($1 = -a) { set %LagWin Active | halt }
 if ($1 = -w) { set %LagWin Window | halt }
 if ($1 = -m) { set %LagTim MS | halt }
 if ($1 = -s) { set %LagTim Sec | halt }
 if ($1 = -c) {
  if ($Window(@LagSys)) { window -c @LagSys | halt }
 if ($1 = $null) {
  if (%LagWin = Active) { echo -a Lag Info Will Display In the Active window. | halt }
  elseif (%LagWin = Window) {
   if (!$window(@LagSys)) { window -e @LagSys | halt }

alias Lag {
if ($1 = $null) { CheckLag | halt }
if ($1 = -t) { set %Lag_LLS $2 | halt }
if ($1 = -o) {
 if (%Lag_LLS != $null) { .timerLag 0 %Lag_LLS LagCheck | set %LagAuto on }
if ($1 = -n) { .timerLag Off | set %LagAuto off | halt }
if ($1 = -p) { set %LagPub On | halt }

alias CheckLag {
set %Ticks $ticks
.raw Ping 123

on ^*:PONG: {
if ((%Ticks) && (*123 iswm $1-)) {
 if (%LagTim = Sec) { set %Lag $calc( ($ticks - %Ticks) / 1000 ) Seconds. }
 if (%LagTim = MS) { set %Lag $calc($ticks - %Ticks) MiliSeconds. }
  if (%LagWin = Active) { echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(3,1L14,1ag0,1:0,1 $space  $+ %Lag $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1) }
  elseif (%LagWin = Window) {
   if ($window(@LagSys)) { echo @LagSys $timestamp 4,1(7,1-4,1(3,1L14,1ag0,1:0,1 $space  $+ %Lag $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1) }
   elseif (!$Window(@LagSys)) { window -e @LagSys | echo @LagSys 4,1(7,1-4,1(3,1L14,1ag0,1:0,1 $space  $+ %Lag $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1) }
  elseif (%LagPub = On) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(3,1L14,1ag0,1:0,1 $space  $+ %Lag $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1) | set %LagPub Off }

menu * {
.(-(Check Now)-):/Lag
.. $iif(%Lag_LLS = 5,$style(1) %time-5,%time-5):/Lag -t 5
.. $iif(%Lag_LLS = 10,$style(1) %time-10,%time-10):/Lag -t 10
.. $iif(%Lag_LLS = 15,$style(1) %time-15,%time-15):/Lag -t 15
.. $iif((%Lag_LLS != 5) && (%Lag_LLS != 10) && (%Lag_LLS != 15),$style(1) %time-c,%time-c):/Lag -t $$?"Number?"
. $iif(%PubShow = on,$style(1) %Menu-PubShow,%Menu-Pubshow):/Lag -p
.. $iif(%LagWin = Active,$style(1) %Window-a,%Window-a):/LagSys -a
.. $iif(%LagWin = Window,$style(1) %Window-w,%Window-w):/LagSys -w
.. $iif($window(@LagSys),$style(1) %WinOpen,%WinOpen)(-(Open)-):/LagSys
.. $iif(!$window(@Lagsys),$style(1) %WinClose,%WinClose)(-(Close)-):/Lagsys -c
.. $iif(%LagAuto = on,$style(1) %AutoLag-a,%AutoLag-a):/Lag -o
.. $iif(%LagAuto = off,$style(1) %AutoLag-b,%AutoLag-b):/Lag -n
.. $iif(%LagTim = ms,$style(1) %Lag-Ms,%Lag-Ms):/LagSys -m
.. $iif(%LagTim = sec,$style(1) %Lag-Sec,%Lag-Sec):/LagSys -s


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