HelGhast warBLITZ addon.

By Aurora801 on Jun 30, 2009

Needs to have the _Roar system... It will be posted separately as to the fact of the _Roar system being a script in itself. Paste in Remotes.



;###warBLITZ HelGhast###
on *:LOAD: {
 set %HelGhast.StartUp $time
 set %HelGhast.Active Yes
 set %HelGhast.Ver 3.0.1
 if ($exists(RoarSys.mrc) = $false) { echo -a Roar system Not Found. }
 if ($exists(Roarsys.mrc) = $true) { echo -a Roar System Found. }

on *:START: {
 if ($exists(warBLITZ.mrc) = $true) {
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1HelGhast Addon.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a Setting warBLITZ Info...
  set %Addon HelGhast
  set %HelGhast.Nick $me
  echo -a Retriving Vital Information....
  set %HelGhast.IP $ip
  set %HelGhast.Address $address($me,5)
  set %HelGhast.Protect $me
  set %HelGhast.Protect.Address $address($me,5)
  set %HelGhast.Roar $address(Tango,5)
  auser HelGhast HelGhast. $+ $address(Tango,5)
  auser Helghast $address(Tango,9)
  auser HelGhast HelGhast. $+ $address($me,5)
  auser Commander HelGhast. $+ $address($me,5)
  auser Co-Commander HelGhast. $+ $address(Tango,5)

alias _HelGhast.Users.Add {
 if ($1 = HelGhast) {
  auser HelGhast $2
  echo -a Added $2 as a User. Adding to UserDataBase.
  auser HelGhast $2 $+ .HelGhast
  auser HelGhast HelGhast. $+ $2
  auser HelGhast $address($2,4)
  echo -a User Added.
if ($1 = Enemy) {
  auser Enemy $2
  echo -a Added $2 as a User. Adding to UserDataBase.
  auser Enemy $2 $+ .HelGhast
  auser Enemy HelGhast. $+ $2
  auser Enemy $address($2,4)
  echo -a User Added.

alias _HelGhast.Users.Del {
 ruser $2
 ruser $2 $+ .HelGhast
 ruser HelGhast. $+ $2
 ruser $address($2,4)
 echo -a User Removed.

alias _HelGhast.X {
 if (%HelGhast.Run = Yes) {
  echo -a Preparing DataBase...
  echo -a Deleting HelGhast Errors
  write HelGhastX.txt Preperation Successfull
  echo -a Announcing to Channel...
  msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Auto Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You Are Being Checked by The HelGhast~X System.. Anything and Everything will be logged is applicable. This includes Channel Name, Topic, Key, Mode, Limit, and so on...
 write HelGhastX.txt Scan For: $chan($1) Produced These Results: Topic Was $chan($1).Topic ; The Modes Were: $chan($1).Mode ; The Limit Was: $chan($1).limit ; The Key Was: $chan($1).key ; This Info Was Gathered at $time Military Time, on $day $adate
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1IChannel Name: $chan($1) 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Channel Topic4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $chan($1).topic
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Channel Limit: $chan($1).limit 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Channel Key: $chan($1).key 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Channel Modes: $chan($1).mode 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Scan Complete.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Auto Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Scan Complete.
 if (%HelGhast.Run = No) { echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You Need To Run HelGhast First. }

alias _HelGhast {
 if ($1 = Run) {
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Starting Up...
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Retriving DataBase Files...
  if ($exists(HelGhastSet.mrc) = $true) { echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©  Setting File Found. }
  if ($exists(HelGhastUsers.txt) = $true) { echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©  Users File Found. }
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© DataBase Files Located.
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Preparing system.
  set %HelGhast.Run Partial
  set %HelGhast.mIRC.Run.Ver $version
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Ran: %HelGhast.Run
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© mIRC Version: $version
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Finalizing System Run...
  set %HelGhast.Roar.Sys %RoarVer
  if (%HelGhast.Roar.Sys = $null) {
   echo -a Roar system Not Found.
  else {
   echo -a Roar Version: %RoarVer
   set %HelGhast.Run Yes
   echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Info4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Ran: %HelGhast.Run
if ($1 = LoadRoar) { load -rs RoarSys.mrc }

alias _HelGhast.Info {
if ($1 = WhoMadeIt) { say warBLITZ HelGhast Addon was made by, guess who. Me. Lol. I made all of the parts in it, and it is a great script. }
if ($1 = WhatsItFor) { say The HelGhast Script was made as a User system, and is mainly for checking channels, whoising people, and generally causing a bit of trouble. :] }
if ($1 = Support) { say For Support on the HelGhast Script, Send me a E-Mail at (xbot@live.com) $+ ! }
if ($1 = Sources) { say This Script is Not currently Released. But It might be soon. (It Wont be Free!) }

alias _Helghast.Whois {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Whois $1 $+ .4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 _Roar.Apw $1

alias _HelGhast.i {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1HelGhast~i System.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a This Is A Experimental System!!
 echo -a Gathering Info...
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1 $1 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Modes: $usermode($1) 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Common Channels: $comchan($1,*))4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1End of Info For4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1 $1 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©

alias _HelGhast.K {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1HelGhast~K Server Whois System.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Announcing To Current Channel/Query.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 say 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1HelGhast~K4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Server Whois System. This Server Is Being Scanned.
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1 Server: $server (IP: $serverip $+ )4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1 End Server Whois for $server 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©

menu channel,menubar {
.Run HelGhast:/_HelGhast Run
..HelGhast~X [ChanCheck]:/_HelGhast.X $chan
.Load Roar:/_HelGhast LoadRoar
..Systems Check:/_Roar sysCheck
..Reload Roar:/_Roar Reload
..Activate Roar:/_Roar Run
..Who Made It?:/_HelGhast.Info WhoMadeIt
..What is it for?:/_HelGhast.Info WhatsItFor
..Support?:/_Helghast.Info Support
..where Can I Get It?:/_HelGhast.Info Sources

menu channel,nicklist,query {
..Server Scan ( $+ $server $+ ):/_HelGhast.K
..HelGhast~i ( $+ $1 $+ ):/_HelGhast.i $1
..Add HelGhast ( $+ $1 $+ ):/_HelGhast.Users.Add HelGhast $1
..Add Enemy ( $+ $1 $+ ):/_HelGhast.Users.Add Enemy $1
..Remove User(Both):/_HelGhast.Users.Del $1
.Whois ( $+ $1 $+ ):/_HelGhast.Whois $1

menu channel {
.HelGhast Chan Control ( $+ $chan $+ )
..Set Modes ( $+ $chan $+ ( $chan($chan).mode $+ ))
...Secret:/mode $chan +s
...Moderated:/mode $chan +m
...Keyed:/mode $chan +k $$?"What is the key?"
...Add SOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services SOP $chan ADD $1
...Add AOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services AOP $chan ADD $1
...Add VOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services VOP $chan ADD $1
...Ban ( $+ $1 $+ ):/mode $chan +b $1
...Ban[Address] ( $+ $address($1,5) $+ ):/mode $chan +b $address($1,5)
...Ban[Address] ( $+ $address($1,4) $+ ):/mode $chan +b $address($1,4)
..Unset Modes ( $+ $chan $+ ( $chan($chan).mode $+ ))
...Secret:/mode $chan -s
...Moderated:/mode $chan -m
...Keyed ( $+ $chan($chan).key $+ ):/mode $chan -k
...Remove SOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services SOP $chan DEL $1
...Remove AOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services AOP $chan DEL $1
...Remove VOP ( $+ $1 $+ ):/services VOP $chan DEL $1
...Unban ( $+ $1 $+ ):/mode $chan -b $1
...Unban[Address] ( $+ $address($1,5) $+ ):/mode $chan -b $address($1,5)
...Unban[Address] ( $+ $address($1,4) $+ ):/mode $chan -b $address($1,4)
.HelGhast Admin Center
..Kill ( $+ $1 $+ ):/kill $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Auto Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You Have Been Removed From The Server.
..K-Line ( $+ $address($1,4) $+ ):/Kline $address($1,4)


on *:JOIN:*: {
 if ($nick = $me) { _HelGhast.X $chan }
 else { halt }

on *:CONNECT: {
echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Successfully Connected to $server 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©

echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1Hel4,1Ghast3,1]14,1Disconnected from $server 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©


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