warBLITZ Base System

By Aurora801 on Jun 28, 2009

It's just a little script I made... I'd really rather people not mess with any of it. It's fine if you take stuff out of it for other scripts, but I would like credit for the parts that you use. :] I call it warBLITZ, for no apparent reason. One of the options for it requires Admin or IRCop status on a server. Paste in Remotes. I will be adding a Addon as another script. The Addon just adds some functions, not much. Still working on what the addon's featured userlist will do.


on *:START: {

  if ($version >= 6.20) {

    echo -a You Are Using mIRc $version and are Able to use this system.

    echo -a Thank You For Using warBLITZ.
    set %warBLITZ.Log BlitzCheck.txt

    set %warBLITZ.User BlitzUser.txt

    set %warBLITZ.RunLog BlitzRuns.txt

    set %warBLITZ.Version warBLITZ v2.0

    set %warBLITZ.Started.time $atime

    set %warBLITZ.Started.Date $day $adate

    set %warBLITZ.ChanChecks.Log ChanChecks.txt

  if ($version < 6.20) {

    echo -a You are using an Older verision of mIRC ( $+ $version $+ ). Some features may not work properly.


  if ($exists(BlitzCheck.txt) = $true) {

    echo -a You Already Have A warBLITZ Checks log.


  if ($exists(BlitzUser.txt) = $true) { 

    echo -a You Already Have a warBLITZ Users Log.


  if ($exists(BlitzRuns.txt) = $true) {

    echo -a You Already Have a warBLITZ Run Log.


  if ($exists(BlitzCheck.txt) = $false) {

    echo -a You Do Not Have A Blitz Check Log. Creating Now.

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Loaded $day $adate at $atime


  if ($exists(BlitzUser.txt) = $false) {

    echo -a You Do Not Have A Blitz User Log. Creating Now.

    write BlitzUser.txt $ip ( $+ $address($me,5) $+ ) Owner.


  if ($exists(BlitzRuns.txt) = $false) {

    echo -a You Do Not Have A Blitz Run Log. Creating Now.

    write BlitzRuns.txt warBLITZ Started. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )



on *:JOIN:*: {
 if (%warBLITZ.LockDown. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = Active) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© LockDown is Enabled for this channel. You are being kicked.
 kick $chan $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Room is in LockDown.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
on *:MODE:*: {
 if (%warBLITZ.LockDown. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = Active) {
  mode $chan - $+ $1-
  mode $chan +m
  mode $chan +s
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©Room is in LockDown.
  notice $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please do not change the modes until LockDown is Deactivated.

on BadBlitzer:TEXT:$me:*: {
 echo -a BadBlitzer $nick is speaking of you in $chan $+ .
 msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1echo -a Bot 1: %BlitzBot.1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $nick $+ , I'm Sorry, but you show up in the system as a Bad Blitzer. This, is not good for you.
 msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© If You Feel That You Have Been Added My Mistake, Please type !Why
on BadBlitzer:TEXT:!Why *:*: {
 if ($2- = $null) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please Give a reason for why you think you should be removed.
  write FailedBadBlitzerWhy.txt $nick ( $+ $address($nick,5) $+ )
else {
 echo -a BadBlitzer $nick is saying they were added as a BadBlitzer by Mistake. Their Reason: $2-
 msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Thank you, $nick $+ . You're Query will be logged on TheRecord as $nick ( $+ $address($nick,5) $+ )
 write BadBlitzerWhy.txt $nick ( $+ $address($nick,5) $+ : $2-
on *:TEXT:!warBLITZ * *:*: {
 if ($2 = ChanStat) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Running ChanStat....
  msg $chan Beginning Channel Check
  write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  write BlitzRuns.txt ChanCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  msg $chan Topic: $chan($3).topic
  msg $chan Modes: $chan($3).mode
  msg $chan Limit: $chan($3).limit
  msg $chan channel Check Complete.
 if ($2 = ChanStat) && ($3 = $null) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please Include a Channel to info.
 if ($2 = ServStat) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© This feature is not availible currently.
 if ($2 = Info) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© warBLITZ is a Server/Channel Whois system and a User levels system.
on *:INVITE:*: {
 notice $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You are being Whoised.
 whois $nick
 msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $nick Invited me to this channel.
 BlitzChan $chan
on *:KICK:*: {
 if ($ulevel($knick) = BlitzBot) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $knick is a Registered BlitzBot, and is under the warBLITZ Protection system.
  kick $chan $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Do NOT kick or ban BlitzBot's.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
on *:BAN:*: {
 if ($ulevel($nick($banmask)) = BlitzBot) {
  mode $chan -b $banmask
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $nick($banmask) Is a Registered BlitzBot and is under the warBLITZ Protection system.
  kick $chan $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1do NOT kick or ban BlitzBot's.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
on *:TEXT:!MyLevel:*: {
 if ($ulevel($nick $+ .Blitz) = $true) {
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $nick $+ , Your warBLITZ Level is: $level($nick $+ .Blitz)
if ($ulevel($nick $+ .Blitz) = $false) {
 msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© $nick $+ , You do not have a warBLITZ Level.
on *:NOTICE: {
 if ($nick = $me) { halt }
  inc %Notices. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  notice $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© If you notice me more that 10 times in the next 2 minutes you will be marked as a Notice Flooder for 5 minutes.
  if (%Notices. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5) {
   notice $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You are being whoised for a Notice Flood.
   whois $nick
   auser NoticeFlooder $nick $+ .BlitzFlood
 timer 1 600 unset %Notices. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
 timer 1 601 notice $nick 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Your Flood Period has Expired.
menu stauts,menubar,channel,query {


  .Run Script Stats: {
    echo -a Running Stats...
    echo -a Getting Info...
    echo -a Retreiving file info...
    echo -a Searching Directories...
    echo -a Preparing Layout.
    echo -a mIRC Version: %mIRC.Version
    echo -a Addon Startup Time: %Startup.Time
    echo -a Addon Startup Date: %Startup.Date
    echo -a Startup Server: %Startup.Server
    echo -a Startup IP: %Startup.IP
    echo -a Startup Address: %Startup.Address
    echo -a Addon Settings Loaded: %SysTrap.SettingsLoaded
    echo -a Startup Nick: %Startup.Nick
    echo -a Current Nick: $me
    echo -a Script has been running for: $duration($ctime(%Startup.Time))
    echo -a --End Of Stats.--
  .Run Stats: {

    echo -a Beginning warBLITZ Info check...

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    write BlitzRuns.txt warBLITZ Stats Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    echo -a Info For warBLITZ

    echo -a Version: %warBLITZ.Version

    echo -a Started At: %warBLITZ.Started.time

    echo -a Started On: %warBLITZ.Started.Date

    echo -a Main BlitzBot: %BlitzBot.Main

    echo -a Your IP: $ip

    echo -a your Address: $address($me,5)

    echo -a Your Nick: $me

    echo -a Your mIRC Version: $version

    echo -a warBLITZ Log File: %warBLITZ.Log

    echo -a warBLITZ User File: %warBLITZ.User

    echo -a warBLITZ Run Log: %warBLITZ.RunLog

    echo -a ---End of Stats---


  .Run ServCheck: {

    echo -a Beginning Server check...

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Server Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    write BlitzRuns.txt ServCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    echo -a Server Name: $server

    echo -a Description: $server.desc

    echo -a Port: $server.port

    echo -a IP (EXPERIMENTAL): $serverip

    echo -a Server check Complete.

  .Run BlitzList: {
    echo -a Beginning BlitzList....

    write BlitzRuns.txt BlitzList Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    blitzlist Run
  .Run warBLITZ Systems
  ..Run ModeSys:/BlitzMode
  ..Run SystemServ:/SystemServ Run

menu nicklist,query {


  ..Run BlitzList: {

    echo -a Beginning BlitzList....

    write BlitzRuns.txt BlitzList Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    BlitzList Run


  ..Add To BlitzList(Good):/BlitzList AGB $1

  ..Add To BlitzList(Bad):/Blitzlist ABB $1

  ..Remove From BlitzList(Good):/Blitzlist RGB $1

  ..Remove From BlitzList(Bad):/Blitzlist RBB $1
  ..Add BlitzBot:/BlitzList AddBot $1
  ..Remove BlitzBots:/BlitzList DelBots
  ..List BlitzBots:/BlitzList ListBots
  ..Set Main Bot:/BlitzList SetMainBot $1

 .Notice Flooders
 ..Remove Nick: {
   if ($ulevel($1 $+ .BlitzFlood) = NoticeFlooder) {
    echo -a Removing $1 from the Notice Flooder List.
    ruser $1 $+ .BlitzFlood
    echo $1 Removed from Notice Flood List.

menu channel {


  .Run ChanCheck: {

    echo -a Beginning Channel Check...

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Channel Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    write BlitzRuns.txt ChanCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    echo -a Announcing check.

    msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You are being Checked by warBLITZ.
    echo -a Topic: $chan($chan).Topic
    echo -a Modes: $chan($chan).mode

    write Topics.txt $chan($chan).topic
    echo -a Name: $chan

    echo -a Limit: $chan($chan).limit

    echo -a Key: $chan($chan).key

    echo -a Channel Check Complete.

    msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Scan Complete.
    write ChanChecks.txt $chan $+ : Modes were $chan($chan).mode  Topic was: $chan($chan).topic  Limit Was: $chan($chan).limit  Key was: $chan($chan).key  ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  .Run ChanCheck[Show To Chan]: {
   msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1This is warBLITZ by REALTiME Inc.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
   msg $chan Beginning Channel Check
   write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
   write BlitzRuns.txt ChanCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
   msg $chan Topic: $chan($chan).topic
   msg $chan Modes: $chan($chan).mode
   msg $chan Limit: $chan($chan).limit
   msg $chan channel Check Complete.
   msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Scan Complete.
   write ChanChecks.txt $chan $+ : Modes were $chan($chan).mode  Topic was: $chan($chan).topic  Limit Was: $chan($chan).limit  Key was: $chan($chan).key  ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  .Run ServCheck[Show to chan]: {
    msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1This is warBLITZ by REALTiME Inc.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
    msg $chan Beginning Server check...

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Server Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    write BlitzRuns.txt ServCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    msg $chan Server Name: $server

    msg $chan Description: $server($server).desc

    msg $chan Port: $server($server).port

    msg $chan IP (EXPERIMENTAL): $serverip

    msg $chan Server check Complete.

  ..Disable:/UnLockBlitz $chan
  ...Verify:/LockBlitz $chan

  ..warBLITZ Classic:/topic $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨7,1war4,1BLITZ 3,1[14,1 $+ $$?"Topic?" $+ 3,1]4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©

  ..warBLITZ Flames:/topic $chan 4,1|7,4|7,8|7,4|4,1|3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1 $+ $$?"Topic?" $+ 3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]4,1|7,4|7,8|7,4|4,1|

  ..warBLITZ Ice:/topic $chan 11,1«12,1«11,1«13,1Ø11,1«12,1«3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1 $$?"Topic?" 12,1»11,1»13,1Ø11,1»12,1»11,1»

  ..warBLITZ Central:/topic $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨9,1«7,1«4,1«7,1Ø9,1«0,1«3,1[7,1warBLITZ3,1]14,1 $+  $$?"Topic?" $+ 3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]0,1»9,1»7,1Ø4,1»7,1»9,1»4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©


menu channel,query {
.Info:/say 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1This is warBLITZ by REALTiME Inc.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
.My systems: {
 say 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Systems4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 say 14,1SystemServ, ServCheck [Public and Private], ChanCheck [Public and Private], BlitzList, LockDown, WhoisSys, Invite Whois, and SysTrap.

alias BlitzList {
if ($1 = Run) {
 Write BlitzListRunz.txt Executed Successfully.
 echo -a Running Blitz List...
 echo -a Getting Server IP...
 set %warBLITZ.BlitzList.ServIP $serverip
 echo -a Getting Server Name....
 set %warBLITZ.BlitzList.Serv $server
 echo -a Getting You IP...
 echo -a Your IP is $ip
 write ZwarBLITZ.BlitzList.txt $me [ $+ $level($me) $+ [ $+ $address($me,5) $+ [ $+ $server $+ [ $+ $serverip $+ ]
 echo -a Your Info: $me [ $+ $+ $level($me) $+ [ $+ $address($me,5) $+ [ $+ $server $+ [ $+ $serverip $+ ]
 set %warBlitz.BlitzList.Active Yes
 if ($1 = AGB) {
  echo -a Adding Good Blitzer...
  auser GoodBlitzer $2 $+ .Blitz
  set %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Good
  echo -a $2 Blitzer Status: %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
 if ($1 = RGB) {
  echo -a Removing Good Blitzer...
  ruser $2 $+ .Blitz
  set %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] None
  echo -a $2 Blitzer Status: %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
 if ($1 = ABB) {
  echo -a Adding Bad Blitzer...
  auser BadBlitzer $2 $+ .Blitz 
  set %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Bad
  echo -a $2 Blitzer Status: %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 
 if ($1 = RBB) {
  echo -a Removing Bad Blitzer...
  ruser $2 $+ .Blitz
  set %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] None
  echo -a $2 Blitzer Status: %BlitzerStatus. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
 if ($1 = AddBot) {
  echo -a Adding BlitzBot
  auser BlitzBot $2 $+ .BlitzBot
  if (%BlitzBotNum = 6) {
   echo -a All BlitzBot Spots filled.
 else {
  set %BlitzBot. $+ %BlitzBotNum $2
  echo -a BlitzBot $1 added as BlitzBot %BlitzBotNum
  inc %BlitzBotNum 1
 if ($1 = DelBots) {
 unset %BlitzBot.1
 unset %BlitsBot.2
 unset %BlitzBot.3
 unset %BlitzBot.4
 unset %BlitzBot.5
 echo -a BlitzBots Removed.
 set %BlitsBotNum 1
 if ($1 = ListBots) {
  echo -a Main Bot: %BlitzBot.Main
  echo -a Bot 1: %BlitzBot.1
  echo -a Bot 2: %BlitzBot.2
  echo -a Bot 3: %BlitzBot.3
  echo -a Bot 4: %BlitzBot.4
  echo -a Bot 5: %BlitzBot.5
  echo -a End of Bots.
 if ($1 = SetMainBot) {
 echo -a Setting Main Bot...
 set %BlitzBot.Main $2
 echo -a Main BlitzBot Set as: %BlitzBot.Main
alias BlitzChan {
    echo -a Beginning Channel Check...

    write BlitzCheck.txt warBLITZ Channel Info/Check issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    write BlitzRuns.txt ChanCheck Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )

    echo -a Announcing check.

    msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You are being Checked by warBLITZ.
    echo -a Topic: $chan($1).Topic
    echo -a Modes: $chan($1).mode

    write Topics.txt $chan($1).topic
    echo -a Name: $1

    echo -a Limit: $chan($1).limit

    echo -a Key: $chan($1).key

    echo -a Channel Check Complete.

    msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Scan Complete.
    write ChanChecks.txt $1 $+ : Modes were $chan($1).mode ; Topic was: $chan($1).topic ; Limit Was: $chan($1).limit ; Key was: $chan($1).key  ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
alias SystemServ {
 if ($1 = Run) {
  echo -a Starting SystemServ...
  if ($exists(SystemServ.Log.txt) = $false) {
   echo -a SystemServ.Log Not found. Creating...
   write SystemServ.Log.txt SystemServ FirstRun. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  if ($exists(SystemServ.Log.txt) = $true) {
   write SystemServ.Log.txt SystemServ Started. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  echo -a SystemServ Successfully Started.
 if ($1 = ChanCheck) {
  echo -a Starting ChanCheck...
  write SystemServ.Log.txt ChanCheck Issued. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
  echo -a Announcing to channel....
  msg $2 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You Are Being Checked by SystemServ.
  echo -a Channel Topic: $chan($2).topic
  echo -a Channel Modes: $chan($2).mode
  echo -a End ChanCheck.
alias BlitzMode {
 echo -a warBLITZ Mode System Activated.
 enable #warBLITZ.Mode
 write BlitzRuns.txt BlitzMode Executed. ( $+ $fulldate $+ )
alias LockBlitz {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1LockDown4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© A LockDown has been Activated.
 set %warBLITZ.Lockdown. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] Active.
 mode $1 +m
 msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© This Channel Has Been Successfully Locked. Users Attempting to join will be kicked.
alias UnLockBlitz {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1DeLockDown4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© LockDown Over.
 set %warBLITZ.LockDown. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] Off
 mode $1 -m
 msg $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© This Channel Has Been Successfully Unlocked.
#warBLITZ.Mode off
on *:OP:#Hell`sShell`s: {
 if ($ulevel($opnick $+ .Blitz) = BadBlitzer) {
  mode $chan -o $opnick
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please do not op Bad Blitzers.
on *:DEOP:#Hell`sShell`s: {
 if ($ulevel($opnick $+ .Blitz) = GoodBlitzer) {
  if (%warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = $null) { set %warBLITZ.FirstDeop. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Yes }
  BlitzDeops $nick
  mode $chan +o $opnick
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please do not Deop Good Blitzers.
  if (%warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = 5) { BanTheBitch $nick $chan }
 if ($ulevel($opnick $+ .BlitzBot) = BlitzBot) {
  if (%warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = $null) { set %warBLITZ.FirstDeop. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Yes }
  BlitzDeops $nick
  mode $chan +o $opnick
  msg $chan 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Please do not Deop BlitzBots.
  if (%warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = 5) { BanTheBitch $nick $chan }
  if (%warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = 10) { BlitzTheBitch $nick $chan }
alias BanTheBitch {
 echo -a $1 Has Deopped People they shouldn't in $2 $+...
 echo -a Initializing...
 echo -a Getting Address...
 echo -a Getting Room...
 echo -a Room: $2
 echo -a Nickname: $1
 echo -a $1 has Deopped BlitzBots or GoodBlitzers %warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] Times.
 mode $2 +b $address($1,5)
 kick $2 $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© Next time you'll be Blitzed.
alias BlitzTheBitch {
 echo -a $1 has Initiated the BlitzTheBitch System.. Blitzing....
 echo -a Initializing...
 echo -a Preparing Kill message...
 echo -a Preparing Blitz 1...
 echo -a Preparing Blitz 2...
 echo -a Preparing Blitz 3...
 echo -a Dead Man Walking: $1
 msg $2 $1 is a Dead Man Walking...
 msg $2 Prepare to be Blitzed.
 msg $2 You Will be BANNED from this room.
 msg $2 Be advised that the warBLITZ System is merciless, and mostly based on TRIGGERS. Thank You.
 msg $2 Blitzing.........
 kill $1 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Auto-Message4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1© You've Just Been Blitzed. Do not Deop BlitzBots or Blitzers.
 mode $2 +b $address($1,5)
 set %warBLITZ.Blitzed. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] Yes
alias BlitzDeops {
 if (%warBLITZ.FirstDeop. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = Yes) {
  set %warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 
  set %warBLITZ.FirstDeop. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] No
 if (%warBLITZ.FirstDeop. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = No) { inc %warBLITZ.Deops. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 }
#warBLITZ.Mode end


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