Trap v1

By Pass on Mar 26, 2009

This trap script is designed to /sajoin and /sapart a user from a specified amount of channels, occasionally causing them to disconnect from the server. The script is for IRCOps, and is intended for use on personal (or small/friendly) servers.

/trap [N] - Initiates the trapping script on $1 with $2 channels.

/endtrap [user] - Ends the trap for $1, or everyone if not specified.

$istrap(user) - Returns whether or not $1 is being "Trapped".

$totaltrap(user) - Returns the amount of channels $1 is being trapped in.

Everything is accessible through menus, such as detailed trapping information, and commands to start/stop the trapping. Enjoy.

  • Note: There is some spamming with the server notices, and i did try to prevent them, but you're bound to get slightly flooded with the notices.


04/16 Added the ability to trap users upon connecting to the server. x100 chans is the default trap-on-connect setting. Check the menu for options/list modifications.

on ^*:snotice:*:{
  if (sajoin isin $1-) {
    if ($istrap($9)) { 
      if ($4 == $me) { 
        hadd trap $+(chan.,$9,.,$11) 1
        sapart $9 $11 
    elseif ($timer($+(endtrap.,$9))) haltdef
  elseif (sapart isin $1-) {
    if ($istrap($9)) {
      if ($4 == $me) { 
        if ($hget(trap,$+(chan.,$9,.,$11))) { 
          hdel trap $+(chan.,$9,.,$11)
          hinc trap $+(user.,$9)
        sajoin $9 $11 
    elseif ($timer($+(endtrap.,$9))) haltdef
  elseif (exit isin $1-) { 
    if ($istrap($6)) { 
      var %t = $totaltrap($6)
      endtrap $6
  elseif (nickname isin $1-) {
    if ($istrap($4)) { 
      if (!$istrap($11)) trap $11
      endtrap $4
  elseif (connect isin $1-) {
    if ($octswitch) {
      var %addy = $+($9,!,$remove($10,$chr(40),$chr(41)))
      var %n = 1
      while ($gettok($octrap,%n,44)) {
        if ($v1 iswm %addy) { 
          trap $gettok($octrap,%n,44) 100
        inc %n
alias octrap return %octrap
alias octswitch { 
  if (%octswitch == $null) set %octswitch $true
  return %octswitch
alias istrap return $iif($hget(trap,$+(user.,$1)),$true,$false)
alias totaltrap return $hget(trap,$+(user.,$1))
alias trap {
  if (!$istrap($1)) {  
    hadd -m trap $+(user.,$1) 1
    var %n = 1,%total = $iif($2 isnum 1-500,$2,15)
    while (%n <= %total) {
      var %name = $+($chr(35),$qcn)      
      sajoin $1 %name
      inc %n
alias qcn return $remove($($str($!r(a,z) $+ $chr(32),$r(5,20)),2),$chr(32))
alias endtrap { 
  if ($istrap($1)) { 
    var %t = $totaltrap($1)
    hdel -w trap $+(*.,$1,.*)
    hdel -w trap $+(*.,$1)
    .timerendtrap. $+ $1 1 5 $($iif(!$hfind(trap,user.*,0,w),hfree trap,return),2)
    return * Trap stopped. $1 was trapped %t time(s).
  else if ($$?!="End all traps?") if ($hget(trap)) hfree trap
alias octrapsub {
  if ($1 == begin) return -
  var %n = 1
  while ($gettok($octrap,%n,44)) {
    if ($1 == %n) return %n $+ . $gettok($octrap,%n,44) :return
    inc %n
  if ($1 == end) return -

menu nicklist { 
  .$iif($istrap($1),Count $+ $chr(58) $totaltrap($1),Trap (xN)):$iif(!$istrap($1),trap $$1 $$?="How many times?",return)
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),$style(2) Quick Traps,End trap):$iif($istrap($1),endtrap $1,return)
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),x05 channels):trap $$1 5
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),x10 channels):trap $$1 10
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),x30 channels):trap $$1 30
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),x50 channels):trap $$1 50
  .$iif(!$istrap($1),Killer trap!):trap $1 500
menu channel,menubar,status { 
  .$iif($hfind(trap,user.*,0,w) > 0,Currently $+ $chr(58) $v1):return 
  .Trap Someone:trap $$?="Enter nickname:" $$?="Enter channel amount (xN):"
  .$iif($hget(trap),End All):endtrap 
  .On Connect
  ..$iif($octswitch == $true,Disable?,Enable!) : set $+(%,octswitch) $iif($octswitch,$false,$true)
  ..List $iif($octrap,( $+ $numtok($octrap,44) $+ ))
    var %r = $$?="Enter target's nick/address:"
    if (@ !isin %r) {
      if (! !isin %r) && (. !isin %r) var %r = %r $+ ! $+ *@*
      elseif (. isin %r) var %r = *!*@ $+ %r
    if (! !isin %r) var %r = *!* $+ %r
    set $+(%,octrap) $iif(%octrap,$+(%octrap,$chr(44),%r),%r)
  ..$iif($octrap,Delete): set $+(%,octrap) $remtok($octrap,$$?="Enter target's nick/address:",1,44)
  ..$iif($octrap,Clear): unset %octrap


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