ShoutCast Script v1.6

By Xerrion on Mar 15, 2009

Here is my answer to a ShoutCast Script. You may like to update and correct and make new in it. As long as the "Script made by XERRiON @ #NordicHouseRadio - Remember to change the variables in the script." not removed and that I will be contacted with the changes you make. This can be done by writing a mail to me: Lasse.S.Nielsen @

It is not very professionally done because I just did it so well as I could remember the various commands.
But as above you may freely modify as long as I get the message about what the change and that you do not delete credits

I will not create a Great info but commands can be found through !Commands !Djcommands !Managercommands !Ownercommands
But remember that "/ guser 500 ditnick 2 CEO" To make you owner.

It contains an on-/offair ability. Plus Query Shoutout Request Song and timerscript (for fetching info)

It also has a staff command witch you can allow users to gain access to different commands


500 - Owner
200 - DJ/Manager

ADDED: An anti-idle function (So the bot wont timeout if idle). Can be activated through, the menubar. Credits goes to Bigmomma for the script.
FIXED: Fixed the theme variables in the text.
FIXED: The !command didn't return any notice.
FIXED: Minor bug
ADDED: Ability to change the message theme by variables. Thanks to request by Jakob.
FIXED: The help command that deny you to write a blank message.
FIXED: Minor msg bug
FIXED: Now more notice $nick insted og msg $chan keeps the spam at a low rate.

on *:load:{
  // Husk at sætte disse
  set %channel #NordicHouseRadio
  set %ip
  set %port 8000
  set %tegn.1 8(14
  set %tegn.2 8)
  set %tegn.midt 0×
  set %radio.navn #NordicHouseRadio
  set %max.listeners 100
  set %staff.chan #NHRadio
  echo ShoutCast Script v1.4 made by XERRiON @ #NordicHouseRadio - Remember to change the variables in the script.
menu menubar {
  .On:/timeridle 0 120 anti-idle | Set %anti-idle $true
  .Off:/timeridle off | Set %anti-idle $false
on *:connect: { if (%anti-idle == $true) { .timeridle 0 120 /raw pong FD411636 }
on *:JOIN:%channel {
  notice $nick %tegn.1#NordicHouseRadio %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Welcome to %channel Where we bring music to you 24/7 %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1#NordicHouseRadio %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Type !Commands to see a list of commands %tegn.2
  if ($ulevel >= 100) {
    var %info $ulist($address($nick,1),$ulevel,1).info
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick $+ , is %info %tegn.2
on *:NICK:# {
  if ($nick == %dj) {
    set %dj $newnick
    amsg %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ $nick changed his name to $newnick %tegn.2
on *:TEXT:!commands:# {
  notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ Commands $+ %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Stream - !stream %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Song - !song %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Listeners - !listeners %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Dj - !dj %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Shoutout - !shoutout %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Request - !request %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 Cut - !cut %tegn.2
  notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
on *:TEXT:!dj:# {
  if (%dj) {
    if ($nick == %dj) {
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Your the dj that is annihilating the radio waves eh? %tegn.2
    else {
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ %dj is on air, annihilating the radio waves %tegn.2
  else {
    msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No DJ is on %tegn.2
on 200:TEXT:!onair*:# {
  if ($nick == %dj) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Your on air already %tegn.2
  elseif (%dj !== $null) {
    msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ %dj is on air %tegn.2
  else {
    set %dj $nick
    msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ %dj is now on air, $iif($2,with $2-,$null) %tegn.2
    topic $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ %dj is now on air, $iif($2,with $2-,$null) %tegn.2

on 200:TEXT:!offair:# {
  if (%dj) {
    if ($nick == %dj) {
      set %requests on
      set %shoutouts on
      set %cuts on
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ` $+ %dj is now of air. %tegn.2
      topic $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No Dj online right now %tegn.2
      unset %dj
on *:TEXT:!shoutout*:# {
  if (!%dj) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No DJ is on %tegn.2
  else {
    if (!$2) {
      notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You did not submit an actual shoutout %tegn.2
      notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !Shoutout %channel is the best %tegn.2
    else {
      if ($2 == on) {
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          set %shoutouts on
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !shoutout on %tegn.2
          msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !shoutouts on %tegn.2
      if ($2 == off) {
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          set %shoutouts off
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !shoutouts off %tegn.2
          msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !shoutouts off %tegn.2
      if (%shoutouts == off) {
        msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 This command was turned off by DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
      if (%spam.shoutouts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) {
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You can only used this command once every minute %tegn.2
      else {
        set -u60 %spam.shoutouts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You nimrod, you cant send a shouout to your self %tegn.2
        else {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Your shoutout has been sent to DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
          msg %dj %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Shoutout by $nick $+ :  $2- %tegn.2
on *:TEXT:!request*:# {
  if (!%dj) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No DJ is on %tegn.2
  else {
    if (!$2) {
      notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You did not submit an actual request %tegn.2
      notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !request %song1 %tegn.2
    else {
      if ($2 == on) {
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          set %requests on
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !request on %tegn.2
          msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !request on %tegn.2
      if ($2 == off) {
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          set %requests off
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !request off %tegn.2
          msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !request off %tegn.2
      if (%requests == off) {
        msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 This command was turned off by DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
      if (%spam.request. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) {
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You can only used this command once every minute %tegn.2
      else {
        set -u60 %spam.request. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You nimrod, you cant send a request to your self %tegn.2
        else {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Your request has been sent to DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
          msg %dj %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Request by $nick $+ :  $2- %tegn.2
on *:TEXT:!cut*:# {
  if (!%dj) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No DJ is on %tegn.2
  else {
    if ($2 == on) {
      if ($nick == %dj) {
        set %cuts on
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !cut on %tegn.2
        msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !cut on %tegn.2
    elseif ($2 == off) {
      if ($nick == %dj) {
        set %cuts off
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You turned the command !cut off %tegn.2
        msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 DJ- $+ %dj turned the command !cut off %tegn.2
    else {
      if (%cuts == off) {
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 This command was turned off by DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
      if (%spam.cuts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) {
        notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You can only used this command once every minute %tegn.2
      else {
        set -u60 %spam.cuts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        if ($nick == %dj) {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You nimrod, you cant cut your self %tegn.2
        else {
          notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Your cut request has been sent to DJ- $+ %dj %tegn.2
          msg %dj %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Request to cut the song has been sent by $nick %tegn.2
;!server Command

on *:TEXT:!stream:#:{
  if (%dj) {
    set %ask.nick $nick
    set %ask.chan $chan
    sockclose server1
    sockopen server1 %ip %port
  else {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 No DJ is on %tegn.2
on *:SOCKOPEN:server1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:server1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:server1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  else {
    msg %channel %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream: http:// $+ %serverip1 $+ : $+ %port1 $+ /listen.pls × DJ: %dj 8)
    msg %channel %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Song: %song1 × Listeners: %listeners1 $+ / $+ %max.listeners × Peak: %peak1 %tegn.2
;!server Command

on *:TEXT:!song:#:{
  set %ask.nick $nick
  set %ask.chan $chan
  sockclose song1
  sockopen song1 %ip %port
on *:SOCKOPEN:song1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:song1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong1,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:song1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  else {
    msg %channel %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Song: %song1 %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2

;!listeners Command

on *:TEXT:!listeners:#:{
  set %ask.nick $nick
  set %ask.chan $chan
  sockclose listeners1
  sockopen listeners1 %ip %port
on *:SOCKOPEN:listeners1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:listeners1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong1,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:listeners1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  else {
    msg %channel %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Listeners: %listeners1 $+ / $+ %max.listeners %tegn.2

;override commands

on 400:TEXT:!override*:# {
  if (!$2) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Please choose a actuall !override command %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1Example %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 !override offair %tegn.2
  if ($2- == requests on) {
    if (%requests == off) {
      set %requests on
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned on !requests %tegn.2
  if ($2- == requests off) {
    if (%requests == on) {
      set %requests off
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned on !requests %tegn.2
  if ($2- == shoutout on) {
    if (%shoutouts == off) {
      set %shoutouts on
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned on !requests %tegn.2
  if ($2- == shoutout off) {
    if (%shoutouts == on) {
      set %shoutouts off
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned off !shoutout %tegn.2
  if ($2- == cut on) {
    if (%cuts == off) {
      set %cuts on
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned on !cut %tegn.2
  if ($2- == cut off) {
    if (%cuts == on) {
      set %cuts off
      msg $chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $nick turned off !cut %tegn.2


on *:OPEN:?: {
  msg $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Hello I'm a bot for #NordicHouseRadio %tegn.2
  msg $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 I will not respond to you, if you need assistance please talk to an op in #NordicHouseRadio %tegn.2
  msg $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Conversation is being closed %tegn.2
  closemsg $nick
on *:TEXT:!HELP*:# {
  if ($ulevel >= 150) {
  if ($2- == null) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You have to write what you'll need help with. %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !help I can't hear anything. %tegn.2
  else {
    msg %staff.chan 8,1-
    msg %staff.chan 8,1-------------------------------
    msg %staff.chan 8,1--0Nick: $nick
    msg %staff.chan 8,1--0Date: $date(dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy)
    msg %staff.chan 8,1--0Time: $asctime(hh:nn:ss TT)
    msg %staff.chan 8,1--0Channel: $chan
    msg %staff.chan 8,1--0Message: $2-
    msg %staff.chan 8,1-------------------------------
    msg %staff.chan 8,1-
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 The Staff Has Been Paged %tegn.2

on 400:TEXT:!addstaff*:# {
  if (!$2) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You need to set a level %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !addstaff8 5000 $nick CEO %tegn.2
  if (!$3) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You need to set a nick %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !addstaff 500 8$nick0 CEO %tegn.2
  if (!$4) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You need to set info %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !addstaff 500 $nick 8CEO0 %tegn.2
  if ($2 > 300) {
    set %setlevel 350
  else {
    set %setlevel 250
  guser $2 $3 $4-
  msg Q chanlev #NordicHouseRadio $3 +gv
  notice $3 %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You have been added to the staff channel %tegn.2

on 400:TEXT:!deletestaff*:# {
  if (!$2) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 You need to add a nick %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Example: !deletestaff 8$nick %tegn.2
  ruser $2 2
  msg Q chanlev #NordicHouseRadio $2 -gv
  notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 $2 has been deleted from the staff %tegn.2
  mode $chan -v $2

on *:TEXT:!djcommands:# {
  if ($ulevel < 199) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Sorry you do not have permission to access this command %tegn.2
  if ($ulevel > 199) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Requests - !requests on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Shoutouts - !shoutouts on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Cuts - !cut on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Onair - !onair %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Offair - !offair %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
on *:TEXT:!managercommands:# {
  if ($ulevel < 199) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Sorry you do not have permission access this command %tegn.2
  if ($ulevel > 199) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Override Requests - !override requests on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Override Shoutouts - !override shoutouts on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Override Cuts - !override cut on/off %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Override Offair - !override offair %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2


on *:TEXT:!ownercommands:# {
  if ($ulevel < 400) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Sorry you do not have permission to access this command %tegn.2
  if ($ulevel > 400) {
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Add Staff - !staff add/delete %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Add Sponsors - !sponsor add/delete %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Add Custom - !custom add/delete %tegn.2
    notice $nick 8( 0Bot Channels - !channel add/delete %tegn.2
    notice $nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
on 400:TEXT:!power:# {
  set %channelpower $chan
alias pwr {
  var %s = $scon(0),%g = 1
  while (%g <= %s) {
    scid $scon(%g)
    var %f = $chan(0),%opped,%voiced,%total
    set %network $network
    inc %total $chan(0)
    while (%f) {
      if ($me isop $chan(%f)) {
        inc %opped
      elseif ($me isvoice $chan(%f)) {
        inc %voiced
      dec %f
      var %regular = $calc(%total - (%opped + %voiced))
    inc %g
    scid -r
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1Network %tegn.2  0× %tegn.1 %network %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1Total Channels %tegn.2  %tegn.midt %tegn.1 %total %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1Opped Status %tegn.2  %tegn.midt %tegn.1 %opped %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1Voiced Status %tegn.2  %tegn.midt %tegn.1 %voiced %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1Regular Status %tegn.2  %tegn.midt %tegn.1 %regular %tegn.2
    msg %channelpower %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2
  unset %network

;timer Command
on *:SOCKOPEN:timer1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:timer1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline %tegn.2
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %tstatus1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %tasong $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %tlisteners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %tpeak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %tsong1 $replace(%asong,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:timer1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 0× %tegn.1 Stream Is Offline, Ask a DJ to go on %tegn.2
  else {
    notice %ask.nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Stream: http:// $+ %serverip1 $+ : $+ %port1 $+ /listen.pls × DJ: %dj 8)
    notice %ask.nick %tegn.1 $+ %radio.navn $+ %tegn.2 %tegn.midt %tegn.1 Song: %tsong1 %tegn.midt Listeners: %tlisteners1 $+ / $+ %max.listeners %tegn.midt Peak: %tpeak1 %tegn.2


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ProIcons   -  Jan 14, 2012

/guser 500 Your.IRC.NICKNAME.HERE 2 CEO

TPC   -  Jan 13, 2012

ok how do i make myself owner? ive tried always
i tried using this / guser 500 ditnick 2 CEO"
help please asap

MashhitDK   -  Nov 03, 2011

Remind Me on site StonaJakey will hook you up maybe

StonaJakey   -  Nov 03, 2011

anyone care to edit this so just the command can be used in other channels but not the auto announce? ive tried a few times but ive not been able to finish it without breaking the script due to my minimal code knowledge.

damdman   -  Feb 15, 2011

wait, how do you identify as the owner to the script? i cant seem to figure it out...

MashhitDK   -  Dec 28, 2010

Please note: This isn't My script... just "My edit" all credits goto Xerrion
Also... not all the commands are working... I noticed going threw the commands that some of the "!ownercommands" ain't there all tho listed when doing the !ownercommands

on *:connect: { if (%anti-idle == $true) { .timeridle 0 120 /raw pong FD411636 } }
on *:load:{
  ;* CHANNELs the commands will work on
  set %ShoutCast_CHANNELs #SRU,#GreenRoom,
  ;* IP to the server
  set %ShoutCast_IP
  ;* PORT
  set %ShoutCast_PORT 8000
  set %ShoutCast_SIGN.1 14[03
  set %ShoutCast_SIGN.2 14]
  set %ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD 15-5#15-
  ;* Radio channel
  set %ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN
  ;* Radio name
  set %ShoutCast_Radio.Name 420Project Radio
  ;* Radio link ( Tune in link )
  set %ShoutCast_Radio.Link
  ;* MaX listeners
  set %ShoutCast_MaX.Listeners 32
  ;* Staff CHANNEL
  set %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN #SRU-HiDDEN
  ;*** Original download link
  echo ShoutCast Script v1.4 by XERRiON @ #NordicHouseRadio 15( Modified by The Danish IRC NUB 14aka MashhitDK 15) 4- Remember to change the variables in the script ! ! ! - ALL CREDITs GOTO 2XERRiON @ 3#NordicHouseRadio
menu * {
  .On:/timeridle 0 120 anti-idle | Set %anti-idle $true
  .Off:/timeridle off | Set %anti-idle $false

on *:JOIN:%ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN: {
  if ($nick == $me) || ($me ison %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN) { JOIN %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN | halt }
  notice $nick %ShoutCast_SIGN.1#NordicHouseRadio $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Welcome to $+(3,%ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN,) Where we bring music to you 24/7 $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Type !Commands to see a list of commands $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  if ($ulevel >= 100) { var %info $ulist($address($nick,1),$ulevel,1).info | notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $nick $+ , is %info $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
on *:NICK: {
  if ($nick == %DJ) { set %DJ $newnick | halt | amsg $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3DJ $+(2,$nick,) changed his name to $+(2,$newnick,) }
on *:TEXT:!*:%ShoutCast_CHANNELs: {
  if (Guest isin $nick) || (IdleRPG isin $nick) || (NickServ isin $nick) || (ChanServ isin $nick) || (Global isin $nick) { halt }
  if ($chan == #SRU.Pre) || ($chan == #SRU.Tracer) || ($chan == #SRU.TorrentInfo) { halt }
  ;*** !Power
  if ($1 == !Power) && ($ulevel >= 400) { set %channelpower $chan | pwr | halt }
  ;*** !Shoutcast / !SC / !COMAMNDs
  elseif ($1 == !shoutcast) || ($1 == !SC) {
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Shoutcast Commands 14- $+(2,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !Stream
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Song $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !Song
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Listeners $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !Listeners
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) DJ $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !DJ
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Shoutout $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !ShoutOut
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Request $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !Request
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Cut $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) !Cut
  ;*** !SHOUTOUT
  elseif ($1 == !shoutout) || ($1 == !SO) && ($chan == {
    ;******* ERROR SECTiON
    ;*** NO DJ
    if (!%DJ) { .notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) No 3DJ is on | halt }
    elseif (%shoutouts == off) || (!$2) {
      if (%shoutouts == off) { msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) This command was turned off by $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
      if (!$2) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You did not submit an actual ShoutOut $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !ShoutOut %ShoutCast_Radio.Name is the bomb $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    ;*** ON/OFF
    elseif (($2 == on) || ($2 == off)) && ($nick == %DJ) {
      if ($2 == on) { set %shoutouts on
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) You turned the command $+(3,$upper($1),) 9on $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$upper($1),) 9on $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      elseif ($2 == off) && ($nick == %DJ) { set %shoutouts off
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) You turned the command $+(3,$upper($1),) 4off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$upper($1),) 4off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    ;*** SPAM ( 1 time every minute )
    if (%spam.shoutouts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You can only used this command once every minute | halt }
    elseif ($nick == %DJ) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You nimrod, you cant send a shouout to your self :P }
    else { set -u60 %spam.shoutouts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Your shoutout has been sent to $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,)
      msg %DJ $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 9ShoutOut by $+(02,$nick,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $2-
  ;*** !REQUEST
  elseif ($1 == !request) {
    ;******* ERROR SECTiON
    ;*** NO DJ
    if (!%DJ) { .notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) No 3DJ is on | halt }
    if (%requests == off) || (!$2) {
      if (%requests == off) { msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) This command was turned off by $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
      if (!$2) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You did 4not submit an actual request $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !Request %song1 $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    ;*** !REQUEST ON/OFF
    elseif (($2 == on) || ($2 == off)) && ($nick == %DJ) {
      if ($2 == on) { set %requests on
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You turned the command $+(3,$1,) 9on
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$1,) 9on
      elseif ($2 == off) { set %requests off
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You turned the command $+(3,$1,) 4off
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$1,) 4off
    ;*** SPAM ( 1 time every minute )
    elseif (%spam.request. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You can 14"only14" used this command once every minute | halt }
    if ($nick == %DJ) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You nimrod, you cant send a request to your self :P }
    else { set -u60 %spam.request. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Your request has been sent to $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,)
      msg %DJ $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 9Request by $+(02,$nick,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $2-
  ;*** !CUT
  elseif ($1 == !cut) {
    ;******* ERROR SECTiON
    ;*** NO DJ
    if (!%DJ) { .notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) No 3DJ is on | halt }
    if (%cuts == off) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) This command was turned off by $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) | halt }
    ;******* ON/OFF
    elseif (($2 == on) || ($2 == off)) && ($nick == %DJ) {
      ;*** ON
      if ($2 == on) { set %cuts on
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) You turned the command $+(3,$1,) 9on
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$1,) 9on
      ;*** OFF
      elseif ($2 == off) { set %cuts off
        notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You turned the command $+(3,$1,) 4off
        msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) turned the command $+(3,$1,) 4off
    elseif (%spam.cuts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You can 14"only14" used this command once every minute }
    elseif ($nick == %DJ) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You nimrod, you cant cut your self }
    else { set -u60 %spam.cuts. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Your cut request has been sent to $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,)
      msg %DJ $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 9Request to 4cut14/4skip by $+(02,$nick,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Request to cut the song has been sent by $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  elseif ($1 == !stream) || ($1 == !dj) || ($1 == !song) || ($1 == !np) || ($1 == !listeners) {
    ;*** ERROR ( NO DJ )
    if (!%DJ) { msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) No 3DJ is on | halt }
    set %ask.nick $nick
    set %ask.chan $chan
    ;*** !STEAM
    if ($1 == !stream) {
      sockclose server1
      sockopen server1 %ShoutCast_IP %ShoutCast_PORT
    ;*** !DJ
    elseif ($1 == !dj) {
      if ($nick == %DJ) { set %DJ-MSG $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3DJ $+(2,$nick,) 15ooO( You're the 3DJ that 15) is annihilating the radio waves }
      else { set %DJ-MSG $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 5DJ $+(2,%DJ,) is on air, annihilating the radio waves }
      set %DJ-iNFO ON | sockclose server1 | sockopen server1 %ShoutCast_IP %ShoutCast_PORT
    ;*** !SONG
    elseif ($1 == !song) || ($1 == !np) {
      sockclose song1
      sockopen song1 %ShoutCast_IP %ShoutCast_PORT
    ;*** !CUT
    elseif ($1 == !listeners) {
      sockclose listeners1
      sockopen listeners1 %ShoutCast_IP %ShoutCast_PORT
  ;*** !ONAIR
  elseif ($1 == !onair) && ($ulevel >= 200) {
    ;****** ERROR SECTiON
    ;*** NiCK already DJ'iNG
    if ($nick == %DJ) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You're already on air }
    ;*** Someone else is DJ'iNG
    elseif (%DJ !== $null) { msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) is on air }  
    else { set %DJ $nick
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) is now on air, $iif($2,with $2-,$null)
      ; TOPIC $chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) is now on air, $iif($2,with $2-,$null)
  ;*** !OFFAIR
  elseif ($1 == !offair) && ($ulevel >= 200) && ($nick == %DJ) {
    unset %requests %shoutouts %cuts %DJ
    msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(3DJ-2,%DJ,) is now of air. $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    ;    TOPIC $chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) No DJ online right now
    unset %DJ
  ;*** !OVERRIDE ( Override commands )
  elseif ($1 == !override) && ($ulevel >= 400) {
    ;*** ERROR ( Syntax FAiL )
    if (!$2) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Please choose a actuall $+(3,$1,) command tegn.1 Example !Override Offair $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) | halt }
    ;*** Request ON
    if ($2- == requests on) && ((%requests == off) || && (!%requests)) { set %requests on
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 9on 3!Requests
    ;*** Request OFF
    if ($2- == requests off) && ((%requests == on) || (!%requests)) { set %requests off
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 4off 3!Requests
    ;*** ShoutOut ON
    if ($2- == shoutout on) && ((%shoutouts == off) || (!%shoutouts)) { set %shoutouts on
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 9on 3!Shoutout
    ;*** ShoutOut OFF
    elseif (off isin $3-) && ((%shoutouts == on) || (!%shoutouts)) { set %shoutouts off
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 4off 3!Shoutout
    ;*** Cut ON
    if ($2- == cut on) && ((%cuts == off) || (!%cuts)) { set %cuts on
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 9on 3!Cut
    ;*** Cut OFF
    if ($2- == cut off) && ((%cuts == on) || (!%cuts)) { set %cuts off
      msg # $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$nick,) turned 4off 3!Cut
  ;*** !HELP
  elseif ($1 == !HELP) && ($ulevel <= 150) {
    if (!$2) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You have to write what you'll need help with. $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !help I can't hear anything. $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    elseif ($me ison %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN) {
      msg %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN 9,1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      msg %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN 9,1--3Nick: $+(2,$nick,) 3Channel: $+(3,$chan,)
      msg %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN 9,1--3Time:14 $asctime(hh:nn:ss TT) 3Date:15 $date(dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy)
      msg %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN 9,1--3Message 15(4HELP15) 3:0 $2-
      msg %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN 9,1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 9DONE $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Staff has been paged
  ;*** !AddStaff
  elseif ($1 == !addstaff) && ($ulevel >= 400) {
    if (!$2) || ($2 !isnum) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You need to set a level $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !Addstaff 500 $nick CEO $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    elseif (!$3) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You need to set a nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !Addstaff 500 $nick CEO $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    elseif (!$4) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You need to set info $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !Addstaff 500 $nick CEO $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
    else { MODE %ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN +v $3 | MODE %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN +I $3 | guser $2 $3 $4- | notice $3 $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You have been 9added to the staff channel }
  ;*** DeleteStaff
  elseif ($1 == !deletestaff) && ($ulevel >= 400) {
    if (!$2) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) You need to add a nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Example: !DeleteStaff $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) | halt }
    else { ruser $2 2
      MODE %ShoutCast_Staff.CHAN +k-I $2 $2 | MODE %ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN -v $2
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(2,$2,) has been 4deleted from the staff channel
  ;*** !DJCOMMANDs
  elseif ($1 == !djcommands) || ($1 == !djcmds) {
    if ($ulevel < 199) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Sorry you do not have permission to access this command }
    elseif ($ulevel > 199) {
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Requests - !requests on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Shoutouts - !shoutouts on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Cuts - !cut on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Onair - !onair $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Offair - !offair $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  ;*** !ManagerCommands
  elseif ($1 == !managercommands) && ($ulevel >= 400) {
    if ($ulevel < 199) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Sorry you do not have permission access this command }
    elseif ($ulevel > 199) {
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Override Requests - !override requests on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Override Shoutouts - !override shoutouts on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Override Cuts - !override cut on/off $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Override Offair - !override offair $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Link,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  elseif ($1 == !ownercommands) {
    if ($ulevel < 400) { notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 4ERROR! $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Sorry you do not have permission to access this command }
    elseif ($ulevel > 400) {
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Add Staff - !staff add/delete $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Add Sponsors - !sponsor add/delete $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Add Custom - !custom add/delete $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick 8( 0Bot Channels - !channel add/delete $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
      notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
;!server Command ( !Stream )
on *:SOCKOPEN:server1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:server1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:server1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  if (%DJ-iNFO == ON) { unset %DJ-iNFO
    msg %ask.chan %DJ-MSG | unset %DJ-MSG
    msg %ask.chan 3Now playing: $+(14"09,%song1,14") $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3Listeners: $+(09,%listeners1,14/09,%ShoutCast_MaX.Listeners) 14[3Peak: $+(09,%peak1,14]) 3Stream: $+(2,%ShoutCast_Radio.Link,)
  else {
    msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) 3Stream: $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Link,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %ask.chan 3Now playing: $+(14"09,%song1,14") $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3Listeners: $+(09,%listeners1,14/09,%ShoutCast_MaX.Listeners,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,3Peak: %peak1,%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3DJ: $+(,%DJ,) 
;!server Command ( !Song )
on *:SOCKOPEN:song1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:song1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    notice $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong1,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:song1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) { msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
  if (%DJ-RELAY == ON) { unset %DJ-RELAY | scid 1 msg #SRU 3Now playing: $+(14"09,%song1,14") $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(2,,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
  else { msg %ask.chan 3Now playing: $+(14"09,%song1,14") $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(2,,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }

;!listeners Command ( !Listeners )
on *:SOCKOPEN:listeners1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:listeners1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %status1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %asong1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %peak1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %song1 $replace(%asong1,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:listeners1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) {
    msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  else { msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) 3Listeners: $+(09,%listeners1,14/09,%ShoutCast_MaX.Listeners,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)


on *:OPEN:?: {
  msg $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Hello I'm a bot for $+(3,%ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN,)
  msg $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Link,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) I will not respond to you, if you need assistance please talk to an op in $+(3,%ShoutCast_Radio.CHAN,)
  msg $nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) Conversation is being closed
  closemsg $nick

alias pwr {
  var %s = $scon(0),%g = 1
  while (%g <= %s) {
    scid $scon(%g)
    var %f = $chan(0),%opped,%voiced,%total
    set %network $network
    inc %total $chan(0)
    while (%f) {
      if ($me isop $chan(%f)) {
        inc %opped
      elseif ($me isvoice $chan(%f)) {
        inc %voiced
      dec %f
      var %regular = $calc(%total - (%opped + %voiced))
    inc %g
    scid -r
    msg %channelpower $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower %ShoutCast_SIGN.1Network $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)  0× $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) %network $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower %ShoutCast_SIGN.1Total Channels $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)  $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) %total $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower %ShoutCast_SIGN.1Opped Status $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)  $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) %opped $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower %ShoutCast_SIGN.1Voiced Status $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)  $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) %voiced $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower %ShoutCast_SIGN.1Regular Status $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)  $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) %regular $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    msg %channelpower $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  unset %network %channelpower

;timer Command
on *:SOCKOPEN:timer1:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /7.html HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:timer1:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
  sockread -f %scasttemp1
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%scasttemp1 == $null) %scasttemp1 = empty
  set %scasttemp1 $remove(%scasttemp1,<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>,</body></html>)
  if ((HTTP/1.* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (content-type* !iswm %scasttemp1) && (%scasttemp1 != empty)) {
    set %ShoutCast_TiMER.STATUS $gettok(%scasttemp1,2,44)    
    set %ShoutCast_TiMER.aSONG $gettok(%scasttemp1,7-,44)
    set %ShoutCast_TiMER.Listeners1 $gettok(%scasttemp1,1,44)
    set %ShoutCast_TiMER.PEAK $gettok(%scasttemp1,3,44)
    set %ShoutCast_TiMER.SONG $replace(%asong,&,$chr(38),',$chr(39))
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:timer1:{
  if (%status1 == 0) { msg %ask.chan $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) 0× $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) Stream Is Offline, Ask a DJ to go on $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) }
  else {
    notice %ask.nick $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Name,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.1,) 3Stream: $+(9,%ShoutCast_Radio.Link,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,)
    notice %ask.nick 3Song: %ShoutCast_TiMER.SONG $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3Listeners: $+(09,%ShoutCast_TiMER.Listeners1,14/09%ShoutCast_MaX.Listeners) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,3Peak: %ShoutCast_TiMER.PEAK,%ShoutCast_SIGN.2,) $+(%ShoutCast_SIGN.MiD,) 3DJ: %DJ

And you might need to go threw the code to edit it a bit... not sure if I removed everything that is custom made to suit Me.

  • But the above script will work..

[size=16]Remember to replace the variables to "you're" server[/size]

MashhitDK   -  Dec 28, 2010

I got it working here...

I'll post My edit when I've finished making it to one on *:TEXT:

Puma-Lee   -  Dec 20, 2010

doesnt works on my room who can help me ?

SnoooP   -  Jul 22, 2010

I used this a while back and it worked fine for me, i'll load it again and see if it gives me an error

Raicho Ichisada   -  Jul 21, 2010

work fine 10/10 :D

Hottwire   -  Jan 03, 2010

ok i figured it out :) 10/10 for it :)

xplo   -  Oct 19, 2009

Great script, but needs a bit of improvement, and levels vary too much.
There should be 3 levels.

  • = everyone
    Admin = Radio admins
    Dj = Radio Djs

less confusing. :)

ProIcons   -  Jul 25, 2009

It seems good:) I have do one of my self and on Grnet has ranked like the Best:D 10/10 Mine, I Don't user yours, I will and i rank it:D

DJ_Sims   -  Apr 04, 2009

Great script and very adaptable, would be nice if it was more user friendly though for newbie scripters.

DJ_CJ   -  Apr 04, 2009

1 of the best shoutcast scripts ever just 1 or 2 problems which i have sorted but its a very very very good script

Fossa   -  Mar 16, 2009

Internet radio,

PATX   -  Mar 15, 2009

eh... whats is shoutcast script? i dont get the point.

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