caplock and ascii kicker regex

By AnDyWong on Jan 07, 2009

caplock and ascii kicker... using regex
just copy and paste in new remote..

alias addCaps {
  if (%capslockmode == off) { return no | halt }
  var %xcappcnt $calc($calc($regex($strip($3-),/[A-Z]/g)/$len($strip($3-))) * 100)
  if (%xcappcnt > %caplockmaxpcnt) {
    inc -u120 $+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2)
    if (%caplockwarning == off) && ($($+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2),2) = 2) { .ban $(-ku $+ %caplockbantime) $1 $2 1 12Caps Lock Kick::2 Turn off you Caps Lock 4[ $+ $round(%xcappcnt,0) $+ % $+ ][Ban time %caplockbantime $+ sec(s)] | unset $+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2) | halt
    if ($($+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2),2) = 2) { msg $1 Warning 1 for $2 :: Turn off you Caps Lock $iif(c !isin $chan($1).mode,4) [ $+ $round(%xcappcnt,0) $+ % $+ ] | halt }
    if ($($+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2),2) = 4) { msg $1 Last Warning for $2 :: Turn off you Caps Lock or you are banned $iif(c !isin $chan($1).mode,4) [ $+ $round(%xcappcnt,0) $+ % $+ ] | halt }
    if ($($+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2),2) = 6) { .ban $(-ku $+ %caplockbantime) $1 $2 1 12Caps Lock Kick::2 Turn off you Caps Lock 4[ $+ $round(%xcappcnt,0) $+ % $+ ][Ban time %caplockbantime $+ sec(s)] | unset $+(%,caps.,$1,.,$2) | halt   }
    return yes
  return no

alias Isasciikick {
  if (%asciikickmode == off) { return no | halt }
  if ($len($1-) < 5) { return no | halt }

  var %xasciicnt $calc($calc($regex($strip($1-),/[¢-ÿ]/g)/$len($strip($1-))) * 100)
  if (%xasciicnt >= %asciimaxpcnt) {
    return yes
  return no

on 1:text:*:#:{

 if ($nick isop #) { return }
 if ($nick isvo #) { return }
  if ($me !isop #) { return }
  if ($addCaps(#,$nick,$1-) == yes) { halt }
  if ($Isasciikick($1-) == yes) {
    if ($($+(%,asciik,.,#),2) != $null) && ($istok($($+(%,asciik,.,#),2),$nick,32) == $true) { return }
    set -u3 $+(%,asciik,.,#) $addtok($($+(%,asciik,.,#),2),$nick,32)
    ban $(-ku $+ %asciikickbantime) # $nick 2Ascii kick:: 10Ascii Code $round($calc($calc($regex($strip($1-),/[¢-ÿ]/g)/$len($strip($1-))) * 100),1) $+ % ::5Max allowed less then %asciimaxpcnt $+ 7%


on *:load:{
set %capslockmode on
set %caplockbantime 120
set %caplockmaxpcnt 65
set %caplockwarning off

set %asciikickmode on
set %asciimaxpcnt 65
set %asciikickbantime 120

menu channel {
Channel PRO
  .Caps Lock
  ..Mode- $+ $(%capslockmode):set %capslockmode $iif(%capslockmode == on,off,on)
  ..Max Percent- $+ $(%caplockmaxpcnt):/set %caplockmaxpcnt $$input(Percent 1-100,-e,Max,%caplockmaxpcnt)
  ..Ban Time(s)- $+ $(%caplockbantime):/set %caplockbantime $$input(Ban time(s),-e,Ban time,%caplockbantime)
  ..Warning- $+ $(%caplockwarning):/set %caplockwarning $iif(%caplockwarning == on,off,on)

  .Ascii Kick[162-255]
  ..Mode- $+ $(%asciikickmode):/set %asciikickmode $iif(%asciikickmode == on,off,on)
  ..Max Percent- $+ $(%asciimaxpcnt):/set %asciimaxpcnt $$input(Max Percent,-e,Percent 1-100,%asciimaxpcnt)
  ..Ban Time(s)- $+ $(%asciikickbantime):/set %asciikickbantime $$input(Ban time Sec(s),-e,Ban,%asciikickbantime)



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