Halo 3 Service Record Look Up

By napa182 on Oct 23, 2008

copy/paste into a new remote. either click ur menubar or in a channel to open.
add ur friends nicks in the halo3 player list or do a quick look up..
i made this dialog for a friend Inprince.

feel free to rip butcher and strip this code how ever you want idc


dialog h3 {
  title "Halo3 Service Record's"
  size -1 -1 182 114
  option dbu
  box "Add/Rem Player", 1, 2 2 67 33
  edit "", 2, 4 12 63 9, autohs
  button "Add", 3, 4 23 31 10, flat
  button "Rem", 4, 36 23 31 10, flat
  box "Halo3 Player List", 5, 2 37 67 53
  list 6, 4 46 63 42, size vsbar
  box "Players Stats", 7, 71 2 109 88
  list 8, 73 11 105 77, size hsbar vsbar
  box "Quick Look Up", 9, 101 91 79 21
  edit "", 10, 103 100 49 9, autohs
  button "Look Up", 11, 154 100 24 10, flat
  box "Functions", 12, 2 91 98 21
  button "Look Up", 13, 3 100 24 10, flat
  button "Echo", 14, 27 100 24 10, flat
  button "Msg", 15, 51 100 23 10, flat
  button "Clear", 16, 74 100 24 10, flat
alias -l afree { var %b,%p | %p = $regsub($1-,/[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*/g,$chr(32),%b) | %b = $remove(%b,&nbsp;,&bull;,&lt;,&gt;) | return %b }
alias -l lHalo3 { if (%halo.dat) { did -rza h3 8 Halo 3 Service Record's For $iif($did(h3,6).seltext,$did(h3,6).seltext,$did(h3,10).text) | did -za h3 8 $gettok(%halo.dat,1,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.dat,2,124) | did -a h3 8 %halo.bat | did -a h3 8 %halo.cat | did -a h3 8 %halo.sat | did -a h3 8 %halo.xat | did -a h3 8 %halo.pat | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,1,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,2,124) | did -a h3 8 $gettok(%halo.wat,3,124) | unset %halo.* | .sockclose halo } }
alias -l spam.halo3 { did -za h3 8 $+($chr(160),Welcome to Napa182's Halo3 Service Record) | did -a h3 8 $+($str($chr(160),15),A Script0rs Inc. Production) | did -a h3 8 $+($str($chr(160),18),Powered By Bungie.net) | did -za h3 8 $str($chr(160),6) $+($chr(40),$chr(31),$str($chr(175),3),$chr(176),$chr(32),$chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187),$chr(32),$chr(176),$str($chr(175),3),$chr(31),$chr(41),$chr(153)) }
menu menubar,channel {
  .Halo3 Service Record's:{ dialog $iif($dialog(h3),-v,-mied) h3 h3 }
on *:dialog:h3:edit:10:{ did -r $dname 6,8 | did -e $dname 11 | didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 }
on *:dialog:h3:init:0:{ didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 | $spam.halo3 | did -b $dname 11 }
on *:dialog:h3:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 6) { did -r $dname 8,10 | did -b $dname 11 }
  if ($did == 3) {
    if (!$did(2).text || $istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) { 
      noop $iif(!$did(2).text,$input(Players Name Was Not Entered,udho,Error!),$iif($istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44),$input(Players Name Already Exists,udho,Error!),))
      did -r $dname 2
    else {
      set %players.halo3 $addtok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)
      did -r $dname 2,6
      didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 
  if ($did == 4) { 
    if (!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext || $did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) { 
      noop $iif(!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext,$input(Players Name Was Not Entered Or Selected,udho,Error!),$iif($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44),$input(Players Name Does Not Exists,udho,Error!),)) 
      did -r $dname 2
    elseif ($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && $istok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,44)) {
      set %players.halo3 $remtok(%players.halo3,$did(2).text,1,44)
      did -r $dname 2,6
      didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3
    elseif ($did(6).seltext && !$did(2).text) {
      set %players.halo3 $remtok(%players.halo3,$did(6).seltext,1,44)
      did -r $dname 2,6
      didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3
  if ($did == 11) { 
    if (!$did(10).text) { noop $input(Players Name Was Not Entered,udho,Error!) }
    else { 
      if ($sock(halo)) .sockclose halo
      set %halo.user $replace($did(10).text,$chr(32),$chr(43))
      sockopen halo www.bungie.net 80 
      did -zra $dname 8 Looking Up Halo3 Player Stats For $did(10).text Please Wait...
      .timer.halo 1 2 lHalo3
  if ($did == 13) {
    if (!$did(6).seltext) { noop $input(Players Name Was Not Selected,udho,Error!) }
    else { 
      if ($sock(halo)) .sockclose halo
      set %halo.user $replace($did(6).seltext,$chr(32),$chr(43))
      sockopen halo www.bungie.net 80 
      did -zra $dname 8 Looking Up Halo3 Player Stats For $did(6).seltext Please Wait...
      .timer.halo 1 2 lHalo3
  if ($did == 14) { var %^ = $did(8).lines, %@ = 1 | while (%@ <= %^) { | echo 12 -a $did(8,%@).text | inc %@ } }
  if ($did == 15) { var %^ = $did(8).lines, %@ = 1 | while (%@ <= %^) {  msg $active $did(8,%@).text | inc %@ } }
  if ($did == 16) { did -r $dname 8,10,2,6 | did -b $dname 11 | didtok $dname 6 44 %players.halo3 }
on *:SOCKOPEN:halo: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=,%halo.user) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: www.bungie.net
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:load: { echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Halo 3 Service Record Look Up... Made For Inprince | echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production | echo -a 14,1(14,1¯15,1¯0,1¯0,1º $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) º0,1¯15,1¯14,1¯) $+ $chr(153) }
on *:SOCKREAD:halo: {
  if ($sockerr) { did -rza h3 8 Socket Error: $sockname }
  else {
    var %f
    sockread %f
    if (*Halo 3 Service Record Not Found* iswm %f) { did -zra h3 8 Halo 3 Service Record For $+([,$replace(%halo.user,$chr(43),$chr(32)),]) Not Found | .sockclose halo | unset %halo.* }
    if (*Enemies* iswm %f) { set %halo.bat $afree(%f) }
    if (*Total Games* iswm %f) { set %halo.cat $afree(%f) }
    if (*Matchmade* iswm %f) { set %halo.sat $afree(%f) }
    if (*Player Since* iswm %f) { set %halo.dat $afree(%f) }
    if (*Custom Games* iswm %f) { set %halo.xat $afree(%f) }
    if (*Campaign Missions* iswm %f) { set %halo.pat $afree(%f) }
    if (*<li>Highest Skill:* iswm %f) { set %halo.wat $afree(%f)  }  


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Jamiie   -  Oct 24, 2008

Looks neat, I was going to make one for Call of Duty 4 on Xbox 360 a couple months back but never could find a site that had the service records. 9/10+like

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