escape & unescape aliases

By IFHTT on Sep 04, 2008

I was asked by a friend if mIRC had both Escape and Unescape aliases similar to the VB/Javascript functions.

Seeing as there is no native aliases to complete the task I decided to just write a couple aliases to do the same thing, with the exception of returning output with %u prefixed four digit (%uxxxx) UTF escape sequences (It does however process UTF (en|de)codes if they are %xx%xx form).

So in this case it's actually more of a mix of the (Un)Escape/(En|De)codeURI functions. Due to this fact, /Escape input can be URL encoded by specifying url as the first parameter. You don't need to specify url to Unescape/decode a URL, only to Escape/encode

tl;dr: Basically an input of $escape(Hello World!) would return "Hello%20World%21".

and an input of $Unescape(Hello%20World%21) would return "Hello World!".

To install, just copy the code into your remotes tab.

To use, type /Escape or /Unescape or use as an identifier.


/escape String to be encoded here
$escape(String to be encoded here)
/escape url with spaces or special chars.ext
$escape(url, with spaces or special chars.ext)
/unescape String%20to%20be%20decoded%20here
/unescape $unescape(
alias escape {
  if (!$1) { echo $color(info) * /escape: insufficient parameters | halt }
  var %str = $iif($1 = url,$2-,$1-), %noesc = @*-_+./, %urlesc = %noesc $+ ?,:&=$#, %escset = $iif($1 == url,%urlesc,%noesc), %i = 1, %escstr
  while (%i <= $len(%str)) {
    var %c = $mid(%str,%i,1)
    if (%c !isalnum) && (%c !isin %escset) { var %escstr = $+(%escstr,$chr(37),$base($asc(%c),10,16)) }
    else { var %escstr = $+(%escstr,%c) }
    inc %i
  $iif($isid,return,echo -a) %escstr

alias unescape {
  if (!$1) { echo $color(info) * /unescape: insufficient parameters | halt }
  var %i = 1, %unescstr
  while (%i <= $len($1-)) {
    var %c = $mid($1-,%i,1)
    if (%c = $chr(37)) { var %c = $remove($mid($1-,%i,3),$chr(37)), %unescstr = $+(%unescstr,$replace($chr($base(%c,16,10)),$chr(32),;spce;)) | inc %i 3 }
    else { var %unescstr = $+(%unescstr,$replace(%c,$chr(32),;spce;)) | inc %i }
  $iif($isid,return,echo -a) $replace(%unescstr,;spce;,$chr(32))


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