!torrent search - UPDATED

By NIGathan on Sep 03, 2008


Another update!
-Added s and b switches. The s switch will also show the seeds and leechers for displayed torrents. The b switch lets you sort by either: Seeds, leechers/peers, date, or size.
Example: '!torrent -rsb 2 seeds something' will give you the torrent with the second most seeds for "Something".
-Added a right click screen which lets you set options, user friendly search, and advertise.
-Added an options dialog. At the moment it only has the options to always show seeds and leechers. (So you dont always have to use the s switch) And you can set a default sorting method, with this if you always want it to sort by most seeds or date etc... You can set that.

Update: Now you can use the -r switch to find a specific result. For example:

!torrent -r 13 titties
^Would give you the 13th result for "titties"
Or you can do it with the alias if your not using a bot:
/torrentsearch -r 13 titties
^Will give the same results.

This is my first script to do anything with sockets and I think it turned out quite well :D

Just load in a bot, or yourself, and when someone types "!torrent " The script will search thepiratebay.org for torrents related to your query and msg the channel something similar to this:

[4:42:19][NIGathan] !torrent test
[4:42:27][~DOOM_BOT] Approx. 1000 Results found for "test" at http://thepiratebay.org/search/test/0/99/0.
[4:42:27][~DOOM_BOT] Result 1: Cat: Audio > Audio books Title: test (http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4377021/test)
[4:42:27][~DOOM_BOT] Result 2: Cat: Video > Movies Title: Heath Ledger Movie Collection 14+1 movies (http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4377484/Heath_Ledger_Movie_Collection_14_1_movies)
[4:42:27][~DOOM_BOT] Result 3: Cat: Audio > Sound clips Title: The Mancow Show 03 Sept 2008 NOT CF (http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4377459/The_Mancow_Show_03_Sept_2008_NOT_CF)

I originally tried to write this searching http://isohunt.com but after seeing the sockread it wasnt possible D:

Some searches may take longer than others... Ive seen it take close to two minutes for the results so be patient.

Menu * {
  NIGathan's !Torrent
  .Search TPB:torrentseard
  .Advertise:describe $active is using NIGathan's !Torrent search. (http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/5061/)

alias torrentseard {
  unset %t.*
  if (%to.optsp != 1) {
    if ($?!="Show seeds and leechers?" == $true) set %t.switches -s
  set %t.resu $?="Find a specific result? $crlf $+ Cancel or leave blank to get the first 3."
  if (%t.resu != $null && %t.resu !isnum) { set %t.resu $?="Invalid input. Must be a number. $crlf $+ Find a specific result? $crlf $+ Cancel or leave blank to get the first 3." | goto one }
  if (%t.resu) {
    if (%t.switches) { set %t.switches %t.switches $+ r }
    else { set %t.switches -r }
  set %t.search $?="What would you like to search for? $crlf $+ Leave blank or click cancel to cancel."
  if (%t.search == $null) { unset %t.* | halt }
  echo -a torrentsearch: %t.switches %t.resu %t.search
  torrentsearch %t.switches %t.resu %t.search

alias torrentopt {
  dialog -m torrentopts torrentopts
  if (%to.optsp == 1) did -c torrentopts 1
  did -a torrentopts 5 Description
  did -a torrentopts 5 Seeds
  did -a torrentopts 5 Leechers/Peers
  did -a torrentopts 5 Size
  did -a torrentopts 5 Date 
  did -c torrentopts 5 %to.sort

dialog torrentopts {
  title "!Torrent Options"
  option dbu
  size 1 1 110 75
  check "Always display seeds/leechers?" 1, 2 1 85 10
  text "If this is checked the 's' switch will not be necessary. Although if the 's' switch is seen, it will do the opposite." 2, 2 10 110 20
  button "Apply", 3, 2 63 55 10, ok
  button "Cancel", 4, 58 63 50 10, cancel
  combo 5, 55 40 50 10, drop
  text "Default sort method:", 6, 3 42 50 10
  box "", 7, 1 35 108 18

on *:DIALOG:torrentopts:sclick:3: {
  if ($did(torrentopts,1).state == 1) set %to.optsp 1
  else set %to.optsp 0
  set %to.sort $replace($did(torrentopts,5).seltext,Description,1,Seeds,2,Leechers/Peers,3,Size,4,Date,5)

alias torrentsearch {
  ;window -ak0 @Torrent
  set %t.search $1-
  set %t.page 0
  set %t.sort $replacex(%to.sort,1,99,2,7,3,9,4,5,5,3)
  if (%to.optsp == 1) { set %t.seeddis 1 }
  if ($left($1,1) == -) {
    set %t.switches $mid($1,2-)
    set %t.search $2-
    if (r isin %t.switches) {
      if ($calc($2 / 31) <= 1) { 
        set %t.tores $2
        set %t.resu $2
        set %t.search $3-
      else if ($calc($2 / 31) > 1) { 
        set %t.page $gettok($calc($2 / 31),1,46)
        set %t.tores $calc($2 - ( %t.page * 31))
        set %t.resu $2
        set %t.search $3-
    if (s isin %t.switches) {
      if (%to.optsp == 1) { set %t.seeddis 0 }
      else { set %t.seeddis 1 }
    if (b isin %t.switches) {
      if (r isin %t.switches && $2 isnum) {
        if (* $+ $3 $+ * iswm %to.sorts) { set %t.sort $replace($3,seeds,7,size,5,leechers,9,peers,9,date,3) | set %t.search $4- }
        else if (%t.chan) msg %t.chan I cannot sort by $3 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
        else echo -a  I cannot sort by $3 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
      else if (r isin %t.switches && $3 isnum) {
        if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %to.sorts) { set %t.sort $replace($2,seeds,7,size,5,leechers,9,peers,9,date,3) | set %t.search $4- }
        else if (%t.chan) msg %t.chan I cannot sort by $2 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
        else echo -a  I cannot sort by $2 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
        if ($calc($3 / 31) <= 1) { 
          set %t.tores $3
          set %t.resu $3
        else if ($calc($3 / 31) > 1) { 
          set %t.page $gettok($calc($3 / 31),1,46)
          set %t.tores $calc($3 - ( %t.page * 31))
          set %t.resu $3
      else if (r !isin %t.switches) {
        if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %to.sorts) {
          set %t.sort $replace($2,seeds,7,size,5,leechers,9,peers,9,date,3)
          set %t.search $3-
        else if (%t.chan) msg %t.chan I cannot sort by $2 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
        else echo -a  I cannot sort by $2 $+ . I can only sort by: %to.sorts $+ .
      else {
        if (%t.chan) msg %t.chan Invalid parameters.
        else echo -a Invalid parameters.
  set %t.tor 1
  set %t.acheck <h2><span>Search results: *
  set %t.catcheck <td class="vertTh"><a href="/browse/*
  set %t.torcheck <td><a href="/torrent/*
  set %t.link $+(http://thepiratebay.org/search/,$phex(%t.search),/,%t.page,/,%t.sort,/0)
  set %t.none No hits. Try adding an asterisk
  set %t.catr $+($chr(38),gt,$chr(59))
  set %t.spcheck <td align="right">
  sockopen tpb thepiratebay.org 80
  sockmark tpb %t.search

on *:TEXT:!torrent *:#: {
  set %t.chan $chan
  torrentsearch $2-

on *:SOCKOPEN:tpb: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/search/,$phex($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-,32)),/,%t.page,/,%t.sort,/0) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: thepiratebay.org
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf

on *:SOCKREAD:tpb: {
  if ($sockerr) { msg %t.chan Error reading socket info. Please try again. | halt }
  var %t.sockshit
  sockread %t.sockshit
  if (%t.acheck iswm %t.sockshit) {
    if (%t.none isin %t.sockshit) { msg %t.chan No results found for " $+ %t.search $+ ". Try adding an asterisk to your search phrase. | unset %t.* | halt }
    set %t.ares $gettok(%t.sockshit,$calc($findtok(%t.sockshit,$chr(40) $+ approx,32)+1),32)
  if (%t.ares < 1) { msg %t.chan Thepiratebay.org returned no results for: " $+ %t.search $+ ". | unset %t.* | halt }
  if (%t.tores == $null) {
    if ((%t.catcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 3) { set %t.cat3 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),%t.catr,$chr(62),</a, ) }
    if ((%t.torcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && (title="Details isin %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 3) {
      set %t.tor3 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),&gt;,$chr(62),</a, )
      set %t.link3 http://thepiratebay.org $+ $gettok(%t.sockshit,2,34)
      if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
        set %t.spc 1
        set %t.upc 0
      else { inc %t.tor }
    if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 2) && %t.tor == 3) {
        set %t.leech3 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        unset %t.spc
        unset %t.upc
        inc %t.tor
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 1) && %t.tor == 3) {
        set %t.seed3 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        inc %t.upc
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 0) && %t.tor == 3) { inc %t.upc }
    if ((%t.catcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 2) { set %t.cat2 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),%t.catr,$chr(62),</a, ) }
    if ((%t.torcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && (title="Details isin %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 2) {
      set %t.tor2 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),&gt;,$chr(62),</a, )
      set %t.link2 http://thepiratebay.org $+ $gettok(%t.sockshit,2,34)
      if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
        set %t.spc 1
        set %t.upc 0
      else { inc %t.tor }
    if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 2) && %t.tor == 2) {
        set %t.leech2 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        unset %t.spc
        unset %t.upc
        inc %t.tor
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 1) && %t.tor == 2) {
        set %t.seed2 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        inc %t.upc
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 0) && %t.tor == 2) { inc %t.upc }
    if ((%t.catcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 1) { set %t.cat1 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),%t.catr,$chr(62),</a, ) }
    if ((%t.torcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && (title="Details isin %t.sockshit) && %t.tor == 1) {
      set %t.tor1 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),&gt;,$chr(62),</a, )
      set %t.link1 http://thepiratebay.org $+ $gettok(%t.sockshit,2,34)
      if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
        set %t.spc 1
        set %t.upc 0
      else { inc %t.tor }
    if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 2) && %t.tor == 1) {
        set %t.leech1 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        unset %t.spc
        unset %t.upc
        inc %t.tor
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 1) && %t.tor == 1) {
        set %t.seed1 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
        inc %t.upc
      if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 0) && %t.tor == 1) { inc %t.upc }
    if (%t.tor == 4 || (%t.sockshit == </html> && %t.tor)) {
      if (%t.chan != $null) {
        msg %t.chan Approx. %t.ares $+  Results found for " $+ %t.search $+ " at %t.link $+ .
        if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
          if (%t.link1) msg %t.chan Result 1: Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 Seeds: %t.seed1 Leechers: %t.leech1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ )
          if (%t.link2) msg %t.chan Result 2: Cat: %t.cat2 Title: %t.tor2 Seeds: %t.seed2 Leechers: %t.leech2 ( $+ %t.link2 $+ )
          if (%t.link3) msg %t.chan Result 3: Cat: %t.cat3 Title: %t.tor3 Seeds: %t.seed3 Leechers: %t.leech3 ( $+ %t.link3 $+ )
        else {
          if (%t.link1) msg %t.chan Result 1: Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ )
          if (%t.link2) msg %t.chan Result 2: Cat: %t.cat2 Title: %t.tor2 ( $+ %t.link2 $+ )
          if (%t.link3) msg %t.chan Result 3: Cat: %t.cat3 Title: %t.tor3 ( $+ %t.link3 $+ )
      else {
        echo -a Approx. %t.ares $+  Results found for " $+ %t.search $+ " at %t.link $+ .
        if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
          if (%t.link1) echo -a Result 1: Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 Seeds: %t.seed1 Leechers: %t.leech1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ )
          if (%t.link2) echo -a Result 2: Cat: %t.cat2 Title: %t.tor2 Seeds: %t.seed2 Leechers: %t.leech2 ( $+ %t.link2 $+ )
          if (%t.link3) echo -a Result 3: Cat: %t.cat3 Title: %t.tor3 Seeds: %t.seed3 Leechers: %t.leech3 ( $+ %t.link3 $+ )
        else {
          if (%t.link1) echo -a Result 1: Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ )
          if (%t.link2) echo -a Result 2: Cat: %t.cat2 Title: %t.tor2 ( $+ %t.link2 $+ )
          if (%t.link3) echo -a Result 3: Cat: %t.cat3 Title: %t.tor3 ( $+ %t.link3 $+ )
      unset %t.*
  else {
    if (%t.resu > %t.ares) {
      if (%t.chan) { msg %t.chan There were only approx. %t.ares $+  results. Please don't try to search beyond that. }
      else { linesep | echo -a There were only approx. %t.ares $+  results. Please don't try to search beyond that. | linesep }
      unset %t.*
    if (%t.tor > %t.tores) {
      if (%t.chan) {
        msg %t.chan Approx. %t.ares $+  Results found for " $+ %t.search $+ " at %t.link $+ .
        if (%t.seeddis == 1 && %t.link1) { msg %t.chan Result  $+ %t.resu $+ : Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 Seeds: %t.seed1 Leechers: %t.leech1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ ) }
        else if (%t.link1) { msg %t.chan Result  $+ %t.resu $+ : Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ ) }
      else {
        echo -a Approx. %t.ares $+  Results found for " $+ %t.search $+ " at %t.link $+ .
        if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
          if (%t.link1) { echo -a Result  $+ %t.resu $+ : Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 Seeds: %t.seed1 Leechers: %t.leech1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ ) }
        else if (%t.link1) { echo -a Result  $+ %t.resu $+ : Cat: %t.cat1 Title: %t.tor1 ( $+ %t.link1 $+ ) }
      unset %t.*
    if (%t.tor == %t.tores) {
      if (%t.catcheck iswm %t.sockshit) { set %t.cat1 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),%t.catr,$chr(62),</a, ) }
      if ((%t.torcheck iswm %t.sockshit) && (title="Details isin %t.sockshit)) {
        set %t.tor1 $replacex($gettok(%t.sockshit,3,62),&gt;,$chr(62),</a, )
        set %t.link1 http://thepiratebay.org $+ $gettok(%t.sockshit,2,34)
        if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
          set %t.spc 1
          set %t.upc 0
        else { inc %t.tor }
      if (%t.seeddis == 1) {
        if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 2)) {
          set %t.leech1 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
          unset %t.spc
          unset %t.upc
          inc %t.tor
        if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 1)) {
          set %t.seed1 $remove(%t.sockshit,%t.spcheck,</td>)
          inc %t.upc
        if ((%t.spcheck isin %t.sockshit) && (%t.spc == 1 && %t.upc == 0)) { inc %t.upc }
    else if (%t.torcheck iswm %t.sockshit) { inc %t.tor }

;;$phex borrowed from tye's !google script: http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/14/
alias phex {
  var %x = 1, %s = $len($1), %r, %w
  while (%x <= %s) {
    %w = $mid($1,%x,1)
    if ($asc(%w) = 32) {
      %r = $+(%r,+)
    elseif ($asc(%w) !isnum 65-90) && ($asc(%w) !isnum 97-122) && ($asc(%w) !isnum 48-57) {
      %r = $+(%r,%,$base($asc(%w),10,16,2))
    else {
      %r = $+(%r,%w)
    inc %x
  return %r


Sign in to comment.
napalm`   -  Apr 10, 2013

Still cba

ovelayer  -  Apr 11, 2013

what does that mean?

Sign in to comment

ovelayer   -  Apr 10, 2013

could anyone find the time to make this script work?
big asset for mirc users!
ford..jethro...anyone..please.. =D

NIGathan   -  Apr 21, 2012

I often find myself doing exactly that, napalm.

napalm`   -  Apr 21, 2012

To lol at.

cptpan   -  Apr 21, 2012

then why the fuck does this kunt site have so many broken useless old pieces of sh1t scripts on it

NIGathan   -  Feb 28, 2012

^ that exactly.
Sorry, but maybe one day when I get back into irc like I used to be I'll worry about it.

napalm`   -  Feb 21, 2012

I could fix it, but cba.

napa182   -  Jan 31, 2012

cptpan this snippet is over 3 years old an they prob have updated the site a few times since then so the socket part wont work anymore. NIGathan would have to update it, an seeing that he hasnt been on since june of last year who knows.

cptpan   -  Jan 13, 2012


VinX   -  Feb 19, 2011

any updates ? can this be tweaked for a private tracker ? maybe one using gazelle ?

MashhitDK   -  Nov 23, 2010

Not working here

A update would be much appreciated :D

GrimReefer   -  Feb 06, 2010

lol i know its been awhile.. but any chance of updating this

NIGathan   -  Sep 06, 2008

Big update, see description for details.

NIGathan   -  Sep 05, 2008

Viper: I started learning with this script, it took me less than two hours to learn AND make it. http://www.mirc.net/projects.php?go=1057960975&get_desc=1 and a few other snippets I had helped.

Thanks greenlanter420 :D

greenlanter420   -  Sep 04, 2008

Figured it out works great was my version of mirc haha I didn't rate it till I figured it out obviously :P 9/10

guest598594   -  Sep 04, 2008

It's easy once you get the hang of it viper, basically all you do is loop through each html line and grab data.

;open the socket with /sockopen [sockname] [www.site.com] 80
on *:sockopen:[sockname]:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET [/directory/file.html] HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: [www.site.com]
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:[sockname]:{
  var %x
  sockread %x
  ;%x represents the html line
  [if (something isin %x) { ;parse the line to get data }]
Viper01   -  Sep 04, 2008

yet another bit i need to learn.

Those ive talked to say sockets can be easy but theyve also been using them for longer and know wtf theyre doing ;x

as of right now ive yet to make a working socket script ;-;

Fuzion   -  Sep 04, 2008


NIGathan   -  Sep 04, 2008

Updated! See top of description for details.

NIGathan   -  Sep 04, 2008

mountaindew: Oh lol, I use $ for all the triggers for my bot because ! is overused, yet most people prefer it for themselves. I could have sworn I changed it before I posted it... Guess I missed it... Anyway, its ! now.

Thanks DragonFlare

DragonFlare   -  Sep 03, 2008

very Neat NiGathan, And Very good script
and keep the good work up
/me rates 6/10 for neatness

NIGathan   -  Sep 03, 2008

Thanks for pointing that out to me, now when you just use /torrentsearch alone it will echo the results to the active window.

SuPeRFlY   -  Sep 03, 2008

Thanks for the quick responce mountiandew. I didn't notice it had $torrent. I was just going off the example at the top. That seemed to fix it. Thanks for the help, and NIGathan nice script. I don't use torrents but i know people who do so this will be nice for them.

guest598594   -  Sep 03, 2008

SuPeRFlY, it seems to be "$torrent [search]", dono if it's a typo or not.

on *:TEXT:$torrent *:#: {

But if it's on your own mIRC you do /torrentsearch [search]

SuPeRFlY   -  Sep 03, 2008

The command is just !torrent (search) correct? Because i did !torrent test, and nothing seems to happen. No errors or anything. Am i missing something? I copy/paste in remotes and loaded it.

NIGathan   -  Sep 03, 2008

Ya, thanks for that, I'll add it now.


Fixed bug causing nothing to be msg'd when less than three results are found.

Hmm, someone just got my bot to try to msg to Approx. but all the msg's were still sent to the channel... Ill try to figure out whats causing it.

And... Fixed.

guest598594   -  Sep 03, 2008

It happened twice in a row; might be a problem at my end then...

To check for no results, you just have to check for this line:

Search results: asdfsadf No hits. Try adding an asterisk in you search phrase.

NIGathan   -  Sep 03, 2008

mountaindew: Hmm, thats strange. It happens every time? Or just some of the time?

It always works fine for me, Ill add some checks for it though and see if I can fix it.

greenlanter: I dont think it says anything, as of yet, if there arent any results. When I was writing it I didnt think to search for something that wouldnt have any results. So in other words, Im not exactly sure what to look for to check for that, but Ill add it here pretty soon when I get a chance.

guest598594   -  Sep 03, 2008

Works for me greenlanter.

NIGathan, for some reason %t.chan is $null when it msg's the Approx...line, it does "msg Approx. ..." and then says Approx. Unkown nick.

    msg %t.chan Approx. %t.ares $+  Results found for " $+ %t.search $+ " at %t.link $+ .

Not sure why it works for the lines under it though :/

greenlanter420   -  Sep 03, 2008

I can't seem to get any results when I try to use it.

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