Timer Wizard

By Zmodem on Aug 24, 2008


(This is the SNIPPET version of the Timer Wizard, hence the ReadMe file and About icon are not available. However, the snippet/addon will run JUST FINE without them!)

This addon is called 'Timer Wizard'. As you may already know, the
basic feature of this addon is the ability to view all of the currently
loaded timers within your mIRC sessions. The Timer Wizard will list
numerous amounts of information regarding each timer, including:
id, duration, repeats and so forth.

There is also a feature within this addon called 'Create New Timer',
which will be a dialog that allows you to input a few basic values to
create your own, brand new timer.

alias -l err return $input($1-,wok10,Create Timer Error)
alias -l do_about dialog - $+ $iif($dialog(about),a,m about) about
alias twizard dialog - $+ $iif($dialog(twizard),a,m twizard) twizard
alias -l newtimer dialog - $+ $iif($dialog(newtimer),a,m newtimer) newtimer
alias -l does_not_exist return This timer no longer exists. Please refresh the timers list. (Hotkey: ALT+R)
alias -l do_readme var %f = " $+ $scriptdirreadme.txt $+ " | $iif($isfile(%f),run %f,return $input(ReadMe.txt file not found!,wo,File Not Found))
alias -l a_timers var %i = $timer(0), %l | while (%i) { %l = %l $+ $timer(%i) $+ $crlf | dec %i } | $iif(%l,return %l,return There are no timers loaded at this time.)
alias -l twizard_unload {
  .timerTwizard* off
  .timerTwizard 1 0 return $input(Timer Wizard Unloaded Successfully! $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Thank you for using!,io,Unload Complete)
  .unload -rs $nopath($script)
alias -l btnDelete {
  var %t = $timer($1), %d = did -ra twizard 4
  if (!%t) { %d $does_not_exist | return }
  .timer $+ %t off
  gather_timers %d %t $+ : Timer successfully deleted...
alias -l gather_timers {
  var %d = twizard, %i = 1, %t = $timer(0)
  did -r %d 2
  did -b %d 7,8
  did -ra %d 1 Loaded &Timers ( $+ %t $+ )
  while (%i <= %t) {
    did -a %d 2 $timer(%i)
    inc %i
  did -r %d 4
  if ($1-) $1-
alias -l create_new_timer {
  var %d = newtimer, %tName = $did(%d,2), %tCmd = $did(%d,4), %tRep = $did(%d,6), %tDel = $did(%d,9), %r = return, %c = $chr(44), %b = $crlf $+ $crlf, %tDelType = $iif($did(%d,10).state,0,1), %tSpec = $did(%d,12).state, %tSpecTime = $did(%d,13), %tMM = $did(%d,14).state, %tForce = $did(%d,15).state
  if ($chr(32) isin %tName) %r $err(Your timer name contains spaces $+ %c please remove them.)
  if (!$mid(%tCmd,0,0)) %r $err(Your timer needs some sort of command. Please enter one.)
  if (%tRep !isnum) %r $err(Your repeats contain errors. $+ %b $+ Note: Make sure you set it as a number only!)
  if (%tDel !isnum) %r $err(Your delay contains errors. $+ %b $+ Note: Make sure you set it as a number only!)
  if (%tSpec) $iif(($gettok(%tSpecTime,1,58) !isnum) || ($gettok(%tSpecTime,2,58) !isnum),%r $err(Your specified start time contains errors. $+ %b $+ Note: Your start time must be in the format of: hh:mm. ie: 21:50 for 9:50pm))
  .timer $+ %tName - $+ $+($iif(%tDelType,m),$iif(%tMM,h),$iif(%tForce,o)) $iif(%tSpec,%tSpecTime) %tRep %tDel %tCmd
  if ($dialog(newtimer)) dialog -x newtimer
  if ($dialog(twizard)) gather_timers
  return $input(Timer ' $+ %tName $+ ' created successfully!,iok6,New Timer Created)
alias -l btnPause {
  var %t = $1, %d = did -ra twizard 7
  if ($timer(%t).pause) {
    %d Pause
    .timer $+ $timer(%t) -r
    goto end
  %d Resume
  .timer $+ $timer(%t) -p
  did -c twizard 2 %t
  get_timer_info %t
alias -l get_timer_info {
  var %t = $1, %d = twizard, %b = $crlf $+ $crlf, %a = did -a %d 4
  did -r %d 4
  %a ID: %t
  %a %b
  if ($timer(%t)) {
    %a Active: $iif($timer(%t).pause,Paused,Yes) $+ %b
    $iif($timer(%t).pause,did -ra %d 7 Resume,did -ra %d 7 Pause)
    %a Repetitions: $iif($timer(%t).reps,$timer(%t).reps,Unlimited) $+ %b
    %a Delay: $duration($timer(%t).delay) $+ %b
    %a Next Action Scheduled: $duration($timer(%t).secs) $+ %b
    %a Online/Offline Status: $timer(%t).type $+ %b
    %a Multimedia Timer: $iif($timer(%t).mmt,Yes,No) %+ %b
    %a Command: $timer(%t).com
    did -c %d 4 1
    did -e %d 7,8
  %a $does_not_exist

dialog -l twizard {
  title "Timer Wizard"
  size -1 -1 237 126
  option dbu
  box "Loaded &Timers", 1, 3 2 87 98
  list 2, 7 10 78 85, size hsbar vsbar
  box "Ti&mer Details", 3, 93 2 141 98
  edit "", 4, 97 10 132 85, read multi return vsbar
  button "", 5, -4 102 243 25, disable
  button "&New...", 6, 3 107 30 15
  button "&Pause", 7, 37 107 30 15
  button "&Delete", 8, 71 107 30 15
  box "", 9, 107 104 1 19
  button "&Refresh", 10, 115 107 30 15
  button "E&xit", 14, 207 107 27 15, cancel
ON *:DIALOG:twizard:*:*: {

  var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did

  if (%e == init) {

  if (%e == sclick) {
    var %l = $did(2).sel
    if ((%i == 2) && (%l)) get_timer_info %l
    if (%i == 6) newtimer
    if (%i == 7) btnPause %l
    if (%i == 8) btnDelete %l
    if (%i == 10) gather_timers


dialog -l newtimer {
  title "Create New Timer"
  size -1 -1 138 111
  option dbu
  text "Timer Name:", 1, 4 5 33 9
  edit "MyCustomerTimer1", 2, 40 3 96 12, multi return autohs
  text "Command:", 3, 4 19 33 9
  edit "", 4, 40 17 96 12, multi return autohs
  text "Repeats:", 5, 4 33 33 9
  edit "1", 6, 40 31 21 12, multi return autohs
  text "times (0 = Infinite)", 7, 65 33 45 9
  text "Delay:", 8, 4 47 33 9
  edit "1", 9, 40 45 21 12, multi return autohs
  radio "&Seconds", 10, 65 46 30 9, group
  radio "M&illiseconds", 11, 97 46 39 9
  check "Specify Start &Time:", 12, 4 61 57 9
  edit "hh:mm", 13, 65 60 27 12, multi return autohs
  check "&Multimedia Timer", 14, 4 76 51 9
  check "&Force as offline timer", 15, 65 76 63 9
  box "", 16, 1 86 135 4
  button "&Create", 17, 34 94 30 12, flat
  button "C&ancel", 18, 74 94 30 12, flat, cancel
;;EVENTS FOR 'newtimer' DIALOG
ON *:DIALOG:newtimer:*:*: {
  var %d = newtimer, %e = $devent, %i = $did
  if (%e == init) { did -c %d 10 | did -b %d 13,17 }
  if (%e == edit) {
    did - $+ $iif(($did(2) != $null) && ($did(4) != $null) && ($did(6) != $null) && ($did(9) != $null) && ($did(13) != $null),e,b) %d 17
  if (%e == sclick) {
    if (%i == 12) did - $+ $iif($did(12).state,e,b) %d 13
    if (%i == 17) create_new_timer

dialog -l about {
  title "About Timer Wizard"
  size -1 -1 138 78
  option dbu
  icon 1, 5 9 40 40
  text "Addon:", 2, 52 16 30 9
  text "Timer Wizard v1.00", 3, 84 16 51 9
  text "Created by:", 4, 52 33 30 9
  text "Zmodem", 5, 84 33 51 9
  box "", 6, -4 53 145 4
  link "http://www.hawkee.com/", 7, 6 63 63 9
  button "&Close", 8, 102 61 30 12, cancel
  text "Icon Not Found!", 9, 5 25 44 9
on *:DIALOG:about:init:0:var %f = " $+ $scriptdirtimer.png $+ " | if ($exists(%f)) { did -h about 9 | did -g about 1 %f | return } | did -h about 1
on *:DIALOG:about:sclick:7:run http://www.hawkee.com/

menu status,menubar {
  Timer Wizard
  .Create Timer:newtimer
  .Basic Timer List:return $input(Here is a basic list of the currently active timers: $+ $str($crlf,2) $+ $a_timers,io,QuickView Timers)
  .Unload:$iif($input(Are you sure you want to unload the Timer Wizard addon?,wy,Confirm Unload),twizard_unload)

ON *:LOAD:var %q = $input(Timer Wizard Successfully Loaded! $+ $crlf $+ $crlf Would you like to run it now?,iyvk6,Addon Loaded!) | $iif((%q != $no) && (%q != $timeout),twizard,return $input(You can run the wizard at any time by typing: /twizard,iok6,Additional Help))


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Dani_l11   -  May 12, 2011

Good, but hasn't really an use. So much code, for all which can be done with /timer(s) :P

guest598594   -  Oct 08, 2008

/amsg [something] --> sends [something] to all the channels you're on.

AdamRock   -  Oct 08, 2008

for command i want to send a msg to all the chats im in so do i type "/msg # " ???
what format do i have to put for command

EL   -  Aug 24, 2008

So restart?
your not really releasin this full anyways.
can still edit it;p

Zmodem   -  Aug 24, 2008

Oh my God, you read my mind. I was thinking of adding that originally lol. The problem here is stopping the timer and starting it all over. It's sorta difficult to change the features and start over again. Anyways, perhaps ;)

Eugenio   -  Aug 24, 2008

;o good code, no errors for me T_T
but I wish there was an edit feature -.-
/me rates 8

Zmodem   -  Aug 24, 2008

Thank you, Dodge!

Dodge   -  Aug 24, 2008

I like It. Just what I needed. Seems to work fine.

EL   -  Aug 24, 2008

Only asked cause of the way the description is worded.Guess i 'll wait to test wen the add on is uploaded.I'll look out for it.`-.-´

Zmodem   -  Aug 24, 2008

No, this is 100% mine. I made it from scratch. It will be submitted as an add-on as soon as Hawkee gets the upload feature working.

EL   -  Aug 24, 2008

Looks good is it not yours tho im unaware of this add on?

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