the password game

By pwnisher3 on Aug 17, 2008

hello this is the first pop-up that i fully made by myself. it is called the password game all you do is copy paste into remotes hit ok right click go to password_game set the password set a message then click send password and select a nick name to send it to. on next UPDATE i hope to add another button that picks a random person and sends it to them

dialog password_game {
  Title "password game"
  size 1 1 80 60
  option dbu
  button "send the password",1, 11 40 55 15
  button "set password",2, 18 2 40 15 
  button "set message",3, 18 21 40 15
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:1:{
  /notice $1 $?="Enter who you wouls like to send the password to" 4 %message 1 the password is 9 %password 1 to recieve your prize just go to the channel and say %password
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:2:{
  /set %password $$?="Enter a new password to be sent to a lucky person" | .scon -at1 newpassword |
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:3:{
  /set %message $$?="please enter a messsage to be sent with the password" | .scon -at1 newmessage |
alias newpassword {  
  code %password 
alias newmessage {  
  code %message 
alias PG {
  dialog -m password_game password_game
menu status,channel {


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pwnisher3   -  Aug 18, 2008

ok well this is pretty much a different version of yours with a few add-ons

dialog password_game {
  Title "password game"
  size 400 350 80 120
  option dbu
  button "send the password",1, 11 80 55 15
  button "set password",2, 18 2 40 15 
  button "set message",3, 18 41 40 15
  button "send to random person",4, 9 100 60 15
  box "The password is set as",5, 9 19 60 20
  box "the message is set as",6, 10 59 60 20 
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:1:{
  notice $1 $?="Enter who you wouls like to send the password to" 4 %message 1 the password is 9 %password 1 to recieve your prize just go to the channel and say 9%password
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:2:{
  set %password $$?="Enter a new password to be sent to a lucky person" | .scon -at1 newpassword |
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:3:{
  set %message $$?="please enter a messsage to be sent with the password" | .scon -at1 newmessage |
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:4:{
   var %nick = $nick(#,$r(1,$nick(#,0))) | msg %nick 4 %message 1 the password is 9 %password 1 to recieve your prize just go to the channel and say %password

alias newpassword {  
  code %password 
alias newmessage {  
  code %message 
alias PG {
  dialog -m password_game password_game
menu status,channel {

there are a few things wrong with it (before anyone says "FAIL!!") i can't get it to send it to a ramdom person it just sends it back to me. i don't know hw to get the password and message to appear in the text box. i don't have alot of experiance with dialog snippets. and well the main thing of this since it is a game i can't get it to say something when you say the password. i don't know how to set that up is it sopposed to be like this?

on *:text:%password:*:{ /notice $nick you have won a beer
Jamiie   -  Aug 17, 2008

First I'm picky.. get rid of the /'s in the code.. makes it look messy..

Anyways, in your introduction you said:

on next UPDATE i hope to add another button that picks a random person and sends it to them

Use this to choose a random nick in a chan.

var %nick = $nick(#,$r(1,$nick(#,0)))

Now.. this doesn't work exactly the same as you may think it does(it doesn't show a window upon action to the user being noticed in $1)

/notice $1 $?="Enter who you wouls like to send the password to"

$$?="text" and $?="text" is used for windows via the mIRC running the identifiers. It doesn't let other mIRC client's run off the identifier.

The new code will look like this with the random nick part added.

dialog password_game {
  Title "password game"
  size 1 1 80 60
  option dbu
  button "send the password",1, 11 40 55 15
  button "set password",2, 18 2 40 15 
  button "set message",3, 18 21 40 15
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:1:{
   var %nick = $nick(#,$r(1,$nick(#,0))) | msg %nick 4 %message 1 the password is 9 %password 1 to recieve your prize just go to the channel and say %password
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:2:{
  set %password $$?="Enter a new password to be sent to a lucky person" | .scon -at1 newpassword |
on *:DIALOG:password_game:sclick:3:{
  set %message $$?="please enter a messsage to be sent with the password" | .scon -at1 newmessage |
alias newpassword {  
  code %password 
alias newmessage {  
  code %message 
alias PG {
  dialog -m password_game password_game
menu status,channel {

That should work, if you have any questions. Feel free to ask.

2/10 for now.

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