MP3 Player - VERSION 2

By F*U*R*B*Y* on Aug 17, 2008



  • Added a mini mode
  • It askes when closing if you want to stop the song
  • custom settings of what to display when next song plays
  • uses $tip

See who else is using this:

Screenshot of Version 2:


; Script: Pauls MP3 Player         ;
; Version: 2                       ;
;                                  ;
; Beta Testers: Typo and H_M       ;
; Feedback to                      ;
;           ;
; Thank You                        ;

alias mpn { if ($dialog(mpnew)) dialog -v mpnew | else dialog -md mpnew mpnew }
alias mp_mini { if ($dialog(mini_mpnew)) dialog -v mini_mpnew | else dialog -md mini_mpnew mini_mpnew | set %mini_mode 1 }
alias mp_settings { if ($dialog(settings_mpnew)) dialog -v settings_mpnew | else dialog -md settings_mpnew settings_mpnew }
alias mp_lyrics { if ($dialog(lyrics_mpnew)) dialog -v lyrics_mpnew | else dialog -md lyrics_mpnew lyrics_mpnew }

dialog mpnew {
  title "MP3 Player - Beta"
  size -1 -1 236 159
  option dbu
  box "Playlist", 1, 1 1 159 62
  list 2, 4 8 152 50, sort size extsel
  box "Controls", 3, 1 100 85 56
  scroll "", 4, 4 137 77 8, range 1 500 horizontal
  button "Play", 5, 5 109 37 12
  button "Stop", 6, 44 109 37 12
  text "Rewind or Fastforward", 7, 4 146 77 8, center
  box "Tunes Found", 8, 90 124 39 21
  edit "", 9, 95 132 28 10, read
  button "Shoutcast", 10, 187 7 35 12
  button "Close", 11, 187 20 35 12
  box "Volume", 12, 162 1 23 62
  scroll "", 13, 170 10 8 49, range 0 65535
  box "Message Settings.", 14, 90 65 144 35
  edit "04Is now playing: <song> 03Total Playing Length: <length>", 15, 93 73 138 23, multi autohs autovs
  box "Browse.", 18, 90 101 144 22
  button "MP3 Dir", 19, 92 108 37 12
  edit "", 20, 133 109 97 10, read
  button "Refresh.", 21, 187 33 35 12
  link "X-Static Codes", 22, 186 60 37 8
  check "Random Play", 23, 4 75 43 10
  button "Next Song", 24, 5 122 37 12
  button "Previous Song", 25, 44 122 37 12
  text "Made by Paul - F*U*R*B*Y* - Beta Testers: Typo, H_M", 26, 91 147 136 8
  check "Continuous Play", 27, 4 85 50 10
  box "Play Modes", 28, 1 66 85 33
  box "Extras", 29, 131 124 103 21
  link "Check for Upgrades", 30, 135 132 49 8
  link "Bug Reports", 31, 195 132 31 8
  text "+", 32, 165 51 5 8
  text "-", 33, 166 10 4 8
  button "Mini Mode", 34, 187 46 35 12
  menu "File", 35
  item "Set Directory", 36, 35
  item break, 37, 35
  item "Exit", 38, 35
  menu "Window", 39
  item "Mini-Mode", 40, 39
  item "Settings", 41, 39
  menu "Help", 42
  item "IRC", 43, 42
  item "E-Mail", 44, 42
  item "MSN", 45, 42

dialog mini_mpnew {
  title "Mini - MP3 Player"
  size -1 -1 146 27
  option dbu
  list 1, 31 3 82 11, size vsbar
  button "Play", 2, 114 2 16 12
  button "Next", 3, 130 2 16 12
  button "Stop", 4, 17 2 16 12
  button "Prev", 5, 2 2 15 12
  button "MP3 Player", 6, 50 16 37 10

dialog settings_mpnew {
  title "MP3 Player - Settings"
  size -1 -1 136 117
  option dbu
  check "Use $tip when playing songs", 1, 4 2 79 10
  list 2, 2 67 126 32, size vsbar
  text "Please select which type of format you want used when playing a song.", 3, 2 51 126 15
  button "Save && Return", 4, 46 102 39 12, flat
  check "Activate Messages", 5, 4 39 78 10
  check "Post info online", 6, 4 14 78 10
  check "Use Ascii Characters", 7, 4 27 61 10

dialog lyrics_mpnew {
  title "MP3 Player - Lyrics"
  size -1 -1 236 176
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 2 26 230 148, read multi return autohs autovs
  text "Lyrics Page using for lyrics. Any wrong lyrics or missing lyrics have nothing to do with the actual MP3 Player", 2, 10 4 216 16

;Dialog Activated.
on *:dialog:mpnew:init:0: {
  if (%mp.pause == 1) {
    did -r mpnew 5
    did -a mpnew 5 Play
  if ($vol(master).mute == $true) { did -o mpnew 17 1 Unmute }
  set %mp.format $did(15)
  if (%mp.shuffle == On) { did -c mpnew 27 }
  if (%mp.rand == On) { did -c mpnew 23 }
  set %mp.chan $active
  did -o mpnew 20 1 %mp.dir
  set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,1,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-))
  did -o mpnew 9 1 %mp.found
  did -c mpnew 13 $vol(master)

;Double Clicking on play list
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:2: { set %mp.file $did(2).seltext | set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file | set %mp.bitrate $mp3(%mp.temp).bitrate | set %mp.size $round($calc($lof(%mp.temp) / 1048576),2) }
on *:dialog:mpnew:dclick:2: { set %mp.file $did(2).seltext | set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file | set %mp.bitrate $mp3(%mp.temp).bitrate | set %mp.length $mplength | set %mp.size $round($calc($lof(%mp.temp) / 1048576),2) | splay %mp.dir $+ %mp.file | set 1 | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mpnew 5 | did -a mpnew 5 Pause | set %mp.format $did(15) | mpmsg }

;Rewind & Fastforward
on *:dialog:mpnew:scroll:4: { 
  .timermp3tseek -m 1 500 splay seek $int($calc(($did(4).sel / 500) * $inmp3.length)) | .timerpos.update -r
;Play Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:5: {
  if ($did(mpnew,5).text == Play) {
    set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file
    splay %mp.temp
    set 1
    set %mp.pause 0
    did -r mpnew 5
    did -a mpnew 5 Pause
    set %mp.format $did(15)
    set %mp.length $mplength
  elseif ($did(mpnew,5).text == Resume) {
    if ( == 0) { halt }
    elseif (%mp.pause == 1) {
      splay resume
      set %mp.pause 0
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Pause
  elseif ($did(mpnew,5).text == Pause) {
    if (( == 1) && (%mp.pause == 0)) {
      splay pause
      set %mp.pause 1
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Resume

;Stop Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:6: { splay stop | set 0 | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mpnew 5 | did -a mpnew 5 Play }

;Shoutcast Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:10: { run }

;Close Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:11: { if ($input(Do you want the song to stop also?,n,End Song,,) == $true) { $mpclose | dialog -x mpnew mpnew } | else { dialog -x mpnew mpnew } }

;Volume Scroller
on *:dialog:mpnew:scroll:13: { vol -v $did(13).sel }

;MP3 Dir Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:19: { did -r mpnew 2 | set %mp.dir $sdir="Mp3 directory" c: | did -o mpnew 13 1 %mp.dir | set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,1,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-)) | did -o mpnew 9 1 %mp.found }

;Randomnize Playing
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:23: { if (%mp.rand == On) { set %mp.rand Off } | else { set %mp.rand On } }

;Next Song Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:24: { $mp3next }

;Previous Song Button
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:25: { $mp3previous }

;Shuffle Button is Ticked :)
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:27: { if ((%mp.shuffle == On) && (%mp.rand != On)) { set %mp.shuffle Off } | elseif ((%mp.shuffle == Off) && (%mp.rand != On)) { set %mp.shuffle On } }

;The 3 random Links
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:[22,30,31]: {
  if ($did == 22) { run }
  if ($did == 30) { echo -a "Website under Construction" }
  if ($did == 31) { run Problems }

;Call the Mini Mode up :)
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:34: { $mp_mini | dialog -x mpnew mpnew }

;Menu and its Items
;Set Directory
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:36: { did -r mpnew 2 | set %mp.dir $sdir="Mp3 directory" c: | did -o mpnew 13 1 %mp.dir | set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,1,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-)) | did -o mpnew 9 1 %mp.found }

;Exit MP3 Player
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:38: { dialog -x mpnew mpnew }

;Launch Mini Mode
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:40: { $mp_mini | dialog -x mpnew mpnew }

;Launch Setting Window
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:41: { $mp_settings }

; IRC Help
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:43: { server -m -j #x-static }

; E-Mail Help
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:44: { run Player Help }

; MSN Help
on *:dialog:mpnew:menu:45: { echo -a For MSN Help, please add }

;When MP3 Player Finishes, play new Song
on *:MP3END: { $mp3determine }

;When MP3 Player Exits, unset some stuff
on *:dialog:mpnew:close:*: { $mpclose }

;When the script is unloaded, auto unset all variables
on *:UNLOAD: unset %mp.*

;Now we start the coding for the mini MP3 Player Viewer
;When the dialog is opened
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:init:0: set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,1,did -a mini_mpnew 1 $nopath($1-))

;Single Click a Song - Set stuff, don't play although
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:1: {
  set %mp.file $did(1).seltext 
  set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file
  set %mp.bitrate $mp3(%mp.temp).bitrate
  set %mp.size $round($calc($lof(%mp.temp) / 1048576),2)
;Double click a song - set stuff, play song
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:dclick:1: {
  set %mp.file $did(1).seltext
  set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file
  set %mp.bitrate $mp3(%mp.temp).bitrate
  set %mp.length $mplength
  set %mp.size $round($calc($lof(%mp.temp) / 1048576),2)
  splay %mp.dir $+ %mp.file
  set 1
  set %mp.pause 0

;Play Song.
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:2: {
  set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file
  splay %mp.temp
  set 1
  set %mp.pause 0
  set %mp.length $mplength

;New Song
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:3: { $mp3next }

;Stop Song
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:4: { splay stop }

;Previous Song
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:5: { $mp3previous }

;Return to Full MP3 Player
on *:dialog:mini_mpnew:sclick:6: { $mpn | dialog -x mini_mpnew mini_mpnew }

on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:init:0: {
  if (%mp.tip == On) { did -c settings_mpnew 1 }
  if (%mp.msg == On) { did -c settings_mpnew 5 }
  if ( == On) { did -c settings_mpnew 6 }
  if (%mp.ascii == On) { did -c settings_mpnew 7 }
  tokenize 44 echo,msg,me,amsg,ame
  did -a settings_mpnew 2 $*

on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:1: { if (%mp.tip == On) { set %mp.tip Off } | else set %mp.tip On }
on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:2: { set %mp.mfor $did(2).seltext }
on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:4: { dialog -x settings_mpnew settings_mpnew }
on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:5: { if (%mp.msg == On) { set %mp.msg Off } | else { set %mp.msg On } }
on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:6: { if ( == On) { set Off } | else { set On } }
on *:dialog:settings_mpnew:sclick:7: { if (%mp.ascii == On) { set %mp.ascii Off } | else { set %mp.ascii On } }

alias -l mpclose {
  set 0
  .timermp3Update Off
  splay stop
alias -l mplength {
  var %mp.len $int($calc($mp3(%mp.temp).length / 1000))
  var %mp.min $int($calc(%mp.len / 60))
  var %mp.sec $calc(%mp.len - (%mp.min * 60))
  if (%mp.min < 10) { set %mp.min 0 $+ %mp.min }
  if (%mp.sec < 10) { set %mp.sec 0 $+ %mp.sec }
  set %mp.len %mp.min $+ : $+ %mp.sec
  return %mp.len

alias F3 { $mp3determine }

alias -l mp3determine {
  if ((%mp.shuffle == On) && (%mp.rand == Off)) { $mp3shuffle }
  elseif ((%mp.shuffle == Off) && (%mp.rand == On)) { $randplay }
  elseif ((%mp.shuffle == Off) && (%mp.rand == Off)) { halt }

alias -l randplay {
  if ( == 0) { halt }
  elseif ( == 1) {
    if (($dialog(mpnew)) && (!$dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mpnew,2).lines, %play $r(1,%line)
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mpnew,2, %play))
      did -c mpnew 2 $did(mpnew,2,%play)
      set %mp.file $did(mpnew,2, %play)
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Pause
      set %mp.format $did(mpnew,15)
    elseif ((!$dialog(mpnew)) && ($dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mini_mpnew,1).lines, %play $r(1,%line)
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mpnew,2, %play))
      did -c mpnew 2 $did(mpnew,2,%play)
      set %mp.file $did(mpnew,2, %play)
    set 1
    set %mp.pause 0
    set %mp.length $mplength

alias -l mp3next {
  if ( == 0) { halt }
  elseif ( == 1) {
    if (($dialog(mpnew)) && (!$dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mpnew,2).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line + 1)))
      did -c mpnew 2 $calc(%line + 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line + 1))
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Pause
      set %mp.format $did(mpnew,15)
    elseif ((!$dialog(mpnew)) && ($dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mini_mpnew,1).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line + 1)))
      did -c mini_mpnew 1 $calc(%line + 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line + 1))
    set 1
    set %mp.pause 0
    set %mp.length $mplength

alias -l mp3previous {
  if ( == 0) { halt }
  elseif ( == 1) {
    if (($dialog(mpnew)) && (!$dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mpnew,2).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line - 1)))
      did -c mpnew 2 $calc(%line - 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line - 1))
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Pause
      set %mp.format $did(mpnew,15)
    elseif ((!$dialog(mpnew)) && ($dialog(mini_mpnew))) {
      var %line $did(mini_mpnew,1).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line - 1)))
      did -c mini_mpnew 1 $calc(%line - 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line - 1))
    set 1
    set %mp.pause 0
    set %mp.length $mplength

alias -l mp3shuffle {
  if ( == 0) { halt }
  elseif ( == 1) {
    if ($dialog(mpnew)) {
      var %line $did(mpnew,2).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line + 1)))
      did -c mpnew 2 $calc(%line + 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mpnew,2, $calc(%line + 1))
      did -r mpnew 5
      did -a mpnew 5 Pause
      set %mp.format $did(mpnew,15)
    elseif ($dialog(mini_mpnew)) {
      var %line $did(mini_mpnew,1).sel
      splay $+(%mp.dir,$did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line + 1)))
      did -c mini_mpnew 1 $calc(%line + 1)
      set %mp.file $did(mini_mpnew,1, $calc(%line + 1))
    set 1
    set %mp.pause 0
    set %mp.length $mplength

alias -l mp3update {
  if ($dialog(mpnew)) {
    if ( == 1) { did -c mpnew 4 $calc(($inmp3.pos / $inmp3.length)*500) }
    else { timermp3Update off }

alias -l mpmsg {
  if ( == On) { $mp3write_online }
  if (!$dialog(mini_mpnew)) { .timermp3Update 10000 1 $!mp3update }
  if (%mp.mfor == $null) { echo -a Please select which type of format you want to use | $mp_settings }
  else {
    if (%mp.format != $null) {
      set $remove(%mp.file,.mp3)
      set $replace(%mp.format,<song>,,<length>,%mp.length)
      if (%mp.ascii == On) { set $replacecs(,a,?,A,?,b,?,B,?,c,?,C,?,d,?,D,?,e,?,E,?,f,?,F,?,i,?,I,?,l,?,L,?,n,?,N,?,o,?,O,?,p,?,P,?,q,?,Q,?,r,?,R,?,s,?,S,?,u,?,U,?,x,?,X,?,y,?,Y,?,!,?,?,?,>,?,<,?,2,?,3,?,half,?,fourth,?,/,?,.,?,ae,?,tm,?,TM,?) }
      if (%mp.msg == On) {
        if (%mp.mfor == echo) { echo %mp.chan }
        elseif (%mp.mfor == say) { msg %mp.chan }
        elseif (%mp.mfor == me) { describe %mp.chan }
        elseif (%mp.mfor == amsg) { amsg }
        elseif (%mp.mfor == ame) { ame }
    else {
      set $remove(%mp.file,.mp3)
      set $replace(%mp.format,<song>,,<length>,%mp.length)
      if (%mp.ascii == On) { set $replacecs(,a,?,A,?,b,?,B,?,c,?,C,?,d,?,D,?,e,?,E,?,f,?,F,?,i,?,I,?,l,?,L,?,n,?,N,?,o,?,O,?,p,?,P,?,q,?,Q,?,r,?,R,?,s,?,S,?,u,?,U,?,x,?,X,?,y,?,Y,?,!,?,?,?,>,?,<,?,2,?,3,?,half,?,fourth,?,/,?,.,?,ae,?,tm,?,TM,?) }
      if (%mp.mfor == echo) { echo %mp.chan }
      elseif (%mp.mfor == say) { msg %mp.chan }
      elseif (%mp.mfor == me) { describe %mp.chan }
      elseif (%mp.mfor == amsg) { amsg }
      elseif (%mp.mfor == ame) { ame }
  if (%mp.tip == On) { $tip(Paul's MP3 Player,Paul's MP3 Player,Now Playing: $replace(%mp.format,<song>,$remove(%mp.file,.mp3),<length>,%mp.length),5,,,,) }

alias -l mp3write_online { 
  sockopen abc 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:abc: {
  var %data = $+(d=,add,&nick=,$me,&address=,$address($me,2),&channel=,%mp.chan,&server=,$server,&song=,%mp.file,&length=,%mp.length,&network=,$network)
  sockwrite -nt $sockname POST /shoutcast.php HTTP/1.1 $crlf
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $crlf
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded $crlf
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Length: $len(%data) $crlf
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf %data $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:abc: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    aline @abc-debug Socket Error: $sockname $+ . Error code: $sockerr Please inform $me of this error message.

menu channel,menubar {
  MP3 Player (NEW):/mpn


Sign in to comment.
DashRipr0ck   -  Aug 02, 2017

FURBY -> This is still a good script.

ryu.dragonryder   -  Aug 04, 2010
  • /splay: no such file 'seek'
miniCruzer   -  Sep 05, 2009

lmao i have that windows xp theme too xD ChaNinja!

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 18, 2009

Abtehi, i have no idea, it works for me, and your the only one to report that it isn't working..... perhaps try deleting your current code, and trying this one....

Firedragon222   -  Jan 18, 2009

^.^ Perfect

Abtehi   -  Jan 15, 2009

By the way, I want to ask why isnt the "Random" working when it used to worked in version 1? It suppose to change songs after one another finishes.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 14, 2009

the option you are looking for is in the settings window, then look for msg... and make sure "Activate Messages" is ticked...

should message the window that was active when you opened the MP3 Player

Jonesy44   -  Jan 13, 2009

Abtehi: i think there's an option to send to active only..

Abtehi   -  Jan 13, 2009

i want this to spam in active channel instead of all channel. I am on Undernet IRC. Sounds are working fine, Didnt see Volume Bar! ty

irchainscriptz   -  Nov 25, 2008

yup but have to know what your doing to make it not work...maybe your not placing it in the mIRC dir or your not extracting it right, many reasons tells us.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Nov 25, 2008

I'm sorry, but it seems every MP3 Player you try, doesn't work for you. Clearly your doing something wrong, so perhaps tell us what you are doing, in the correct order and I or we, other Users, will attempt to help you.

azteca4life   -  Nov 25, 2008

its not working for me wont play music idk why

BrAndo   -  Oct 20, 2008

version 2 gui looks nice

Artreju-99   -  Oct 20, 2008

hi, great -- i like it --
pls finish the playlist stuff :-)
then i love it :-)

Blitzjager   -  Oct 12, 2008

I tried it before and it would only play one song. Once it has the playlist added I'll try it again.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Oct 12, 2008

awww no comments about it :( (Excepts Jonesy44's which isn't worth it, as he'll do one better then mine shakes fist)

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Oct 11, 2008

And for thoses that want it, a complete screenshot of what the entire MP3 Player looks like


has everything that the MP3 Player has

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Oct 11, 2008

atm, adding a menu to the dialog so you can do more, and stuff like that but yeah :P

EL   -  Oct 11, 2008

Looks good furbs.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Oct 11, 2008


Theres a screenie of the PlayList Editor for those that want a sneaky peek

Jonesy44   -  Oct 11, 2008

Good luck with that one furbs! :D:D

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Oct 11, 2008

btw, FYI i'm still updating, atm, making a custom playlist profile... dunno what to call it, or how to describe it so i'll give it a shot anyways ;)

so you can have like

and when you select one, it gets all your music for that profile :)

hopefully it works great, but, atm, its still in the coding stages :)

cmitch1120   -  Sep 13, 2008

Cool script, I like it a lot. AMIP seemed to be freezing winamp and I like this better. =D



Uh yeah, I hit play and it announced to the channel like it's supposed to, but... I don't hear anything >.<
It's probably my mIRC or something, if AMIP has anything to do with the problem.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Sep 03, 2008

I wrote:

wo0t, would just like to thank everyone that gave this +4 likes, its been on the Homepage for about 2-3 Weeks and will be gone shortly, Also, planning on releasing next version in a few weeks

Awww, and there it goes, straight off the Homepage, for ANOTHER MP3 Player :( awww shucks :P hehehe

great to see others channeling MP3 Players :)

Would also like to add a note saying i've updated the socket data to make the website alot better :)

Jonesy44   -  Aug 30, 2008

lol yeah i meant the dialog .. bira dcx, ans mdx n shit :p

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Aug 30, 2008

water_dragon: glad you like it :)

Jonesy44: Stfu your gay and no one likes you.... just kidding ;) i thought you were talking of the cosmetics of the site, which i know looks like total crap, it was just a 20 second website, working on it still, but anyways

Yeah, if you redo it, I'll evaluate it and might use it ;)

Jonesy44   -  Aug 30, 2008

I love this script! but the cosmetics.. for me.. i dna hehe.

Tell you what Paul; i'll do an overhaul of the script looks (dialogs) and post them to see what ya think xD

  • for instance; im not a big fan of a lot of boxes :s
water_dragon   -  Aug 30, 2008

wicked just brilliant best mp3 player iv seen/used so Far 10/10

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Aug 30, 2008

Just copy the entire code, then in your mIRC press Control+R (Remotes should open up) then paste it in there. Once its in there, hit Ok/Save then Right click in any Window and Select: MP3 Player (NEW)

Abtehi   -  Aug 30, 2008

Is the player ready for use, anything I need to know about how to use the player..? thank you.

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