[RS] dm script (With godswords)

By criminal on Apr 11, 2008

The "[RS] dm script", created by a 13 year old boy, allows you to fight other players on your channel in a RuneScape-based fighting mode.

To start a match type: !dm and wait till an other player accepts.
To end a dm type: !enddm (need to be one of the players or h+)

Commands are:


*NOTE: Yes, you're able to play over 2 channels but I highly recommend you not to.

NOTE: I'm not pretty sure the 'on :QUIT:' works.

*NOTE: If anythings not working correctly, please take time to leave a comment below, thank you.

; -------------- Read This First -------------- *~* 
; How to get:                                   *~*
; Copy the code ( Block it and press Ctrl+C )   *~*
; Open your mIRC screen and press Alt+R         *~*
; File - New (Options in the left above corner) *~* 
; Click on Remote.                              *~*
; And press Ctrl+V in the screen.               *~*
; You now have successfully copied this code.   *~*
; -------------- Read This First -------------- *~*  

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dmcommands/si:#: {
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!specwhip -- !whip 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!specags -- !ags  4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!specbgs -- !bgs 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!specdds -- !dds 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!specdbow -- !dbow 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!cbow 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!dh 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!tele 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!stopdm 4]
  msg $nick 04� 1D14m 4[ 5!eat 4]

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dm/si:#: {
  if (%duel2 == active) {
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[ 5Sorry 4][14 A dm is already active between3 %player1 14and3 %player2 4]
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[ 14Please wait for it to end. 4]
  if (%duel == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) { notice $nick You are already part of a DM... | halt }
    set %player2 $nick
    set %duel2 active
    set %HPplayer1 99
    set %HPplayer2 99
    set %specPLAYER1 0
    set %specPLAYER2 0
    set %foodPLAYER1 0
    set %foodPLAYER2 0
    set %turn 1
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 The match is set! 4]
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 7vs3 %player2 4]
  else {
    set %duel active
    set %player1 $nick
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 $nick 14has started a 4DM14! 4]

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]eat/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if (%HPplayer1 == 99) {
      .notice $nick Sorry $nick $+ , you have 99 hp left.. There is no reason to eat a shark. Please choose another command.
    elseif ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%foodPLAYER1 == 20) { notice $nick You are out of food! please choose another command. | halt }
      if (%foodPLAYER1 < 20) {
        .inc %foodPLAYER1 
        .set %turn 2 
        .inc %HPplayer1 20
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14eats a shark. 4]
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4]
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 1) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 19 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 18 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 17 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 16 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 5) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 15 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 6) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 14 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 7) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 13 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 8) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 12 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 9) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 11 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 10) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 10 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 11) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 9 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 12) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 8 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 13) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 7 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 14) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 6 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 15) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 5 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 16) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 4 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 17) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 3 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 18) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 19) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER1 == 20) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last shark! }
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if (%HPplayer2 == 99) {
      .notice $nick Sorry $nick $+ , you have 99 hp left.. There is no reason to eat a shark. Please choose another command.
    elseif ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%foodPLAYER2 == 20) { notice $nick You are out of food! Please choose another command. | halt }
      if (%foodPLAYER2 < 20) {
        .inc %foodPLAYER2
        .set %turn 1
        .inc %HPplayer2 20
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14eats a shark. 4]
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14 has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4]
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 1) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 19 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 18 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 17 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 16 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 5) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 15 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 6) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 14 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 7) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 13 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 8) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 12 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 9) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 11 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 10) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 10 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 11) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 9 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 12) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 8 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 13) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 7 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 14) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 6 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 15) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 5 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 16) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 4 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 17) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 3 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 18) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 19) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1 sharks remaining. }
        if (%foodPLAYER2 == 20) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last shark! }  

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]ddsspec/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%specPLAYER1 < 4) {
        .set %hit1 $rand(0,28)
        .set %hit2 $rand(0,28)
        .dec %HPplayer2 %hit1
        .dec %HPplayer2 %hit2
        .inc %specPLAYER1
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %hit1 14and7 %hit2 4]
        .set %turn 2
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 1) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 3/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 1/4 special attack remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 >= 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks.
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%specPLAYER2 < 4) {
        .set %hit1 $rand(0,28)
        .set %hit2 $rand(0,28)
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %hit1 14and7 %hit2 4]
        .dec %HPplayer1 %hit1
        .dec %HPplayer1 %hit2 
        .set %turn 1
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 1) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 3/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 1/4 special attack remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left.4 ] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4] 
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 >= 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks.

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dds/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %hit $rand(0,20)  
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %hit 4]
      .dec %HPplayer2 %hit 
      .set %turn 2
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %hit $rand(0,20) 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %hit 4]
      .dec %HPplayer1 %hit
      .set %turn 1
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
        .describe $chan hands over a trohpee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dharok/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%HPplayer1 >= 50) {
        .set %dharokhit $rand(0,45) 
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %dharokhit 4]
        .dec %HPplayer2 %dharokhit 
        .set %turn 2
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 50) {
        .set %dharokunder $rand(0,70) 
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %dharokunder 4]
        .dec %HPplayer2 %dharokunder
        .set %turn 2
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%HPplayer2 >= 50) {
        .set %spelertweedharok $rand(0,45) 
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %spelertweedharok 4]
        .dec %HPplayer1 %spelertweedharok 
        .set %turn 1
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 50) {
        .set %dharokunder2 $rand(0,70) 
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %dharokunder2 4]
        .dec %HPplayer1 %dharokunder2
        .set %turn 1
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]agsspec/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%specPLAYER1 < 3) {
        .set %armaspechit $rand(10,65)
        .dec %HPplayer2 %armaspechit
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .set %turn 2
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %armaspechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 == 3) {
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 2 for agsspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 == 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks!
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%specPLAYER2 < 3) {
        .set %speler2armaspechit $rand(10,65)
        .dec %HPplayer1 %speler2armaspechit
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .inc %specPLAYER2 
        .set %turn 1
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %speler2armaspechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 == 3) {
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 2 for agsspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 == 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks!

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]ags/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %agshit $rand(10,50)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %agshit
      .set %turn 2 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %agshit 4]
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %player2agshit $rand(10,50)
      .dec %HPplayer1 %player2agshit
      .set %turn 1 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %player2agshit 4]
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]bgsspec/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 0) {
        .set %bandospechit $rand(0,70)
        .dec %HPplayer2 %bandospechit
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .inc %specPLAYER1
        .inc %specPLAYER1
        .set %turn 2
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %bandospechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) {
        notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) {
        notice $nick You have 2/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 1) {
        notice $nick You have 3/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) {
        notice $nick You are out of special attacks!
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%specPLAYER2 = 0) {
        .set %speler2bandospechit $rand(0,70)
        .dec %HPplayer1 %speler2bandospechit
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .inc %specPLAYER2 
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .set %turn 1
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %speler2bandospechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) {
        notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) {
        notice $nick You have 2/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 1) {
        notice $nick You have 3/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 4 for bgsspec!
      if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) {
        notice $nick You are out of special attacks!

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]bgs/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %bgshit $rand(0,50)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %bgshit
      .set %turn 2 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %bgshit 4]
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %player2agshit $rand(10,50) 
      .dec %HPplayer1 %player2agshit
      .set %turn 1 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %player2agshit 4]
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]whipspec/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%specPLAYER1 < 3) {
        .set %whipspechit $rand(5,40)
        .dec %HPplayer2 %whipspechit
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .set %turn 2
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %whipspechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 == 3) {
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 2 for whipspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 == 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks!
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%specPLAYER2 < 3) {
        .set %speler2whipspechit $rand(5,40)
        .dec %HPplayer1 %speler2whipspechit
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .inc %specPLAYER2 
        .set %turn 1
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %speler2whipspechit 4]
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick you have 1/4 special attacks remaining! }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 == 3) {
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining, you need atleast 2 for whipspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 == 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks!

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]whip/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %whiphit $rand(0,35)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %whiphit
      .set %turn 2 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %whiphit 4]
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %player2whiphit $rand(0,30)
      .dec %HPplayer1 %player2whiphit
      .set %turn 1 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %player2whiphit 4]
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]cbow/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %chit $rand(0,27)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %chit
      .set %turn 2 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %chit 4]
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %player2chit $rand(0,27)
      .dec %HPplayer1 %player2chit
      .set %turn 1 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %player2chit 4]
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dbowspec/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      if (%specPLAYER1 < 3) {
        .set %dhit1 $rand(0,28)
        .set %dhit2 $rand(0,28)
        .dec %HPplayer2 %dhit1
        .dec %HPplayer2 %dhit2
        .inc %specPLAYER1 
        .inc %specPLAYER1
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %dhit1 14and7 %dhit2 4]
        .set %turn 2
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 1/4 special attack remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER1 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 == 3) { 
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining. You need atleast 2 for dbowspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER1 >= 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks.
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      if (%specPLAYER2 < 3) {
        .set %whit1 $rand(0,28)
        .set %whit2 $rand(0,28)
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .inc %specPLAYER2
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %whit1 14and7 %whit2 4]
        .dec %HPplayer1 %whit1
        .dec %HPplayer1 %whit2 
        .set %turn 1
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 2) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 2/4 special attacks remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick you have 1/4 special attack remaining. }
        if (%specPLAYER2 == 4) { timer 1 0.5 .notice $nick that was your last special attack! }
        if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left.4 ] | halt }
        if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
          .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4] 
          .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
          .timer? off
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 == 3) { 
        .notice $nick You have 1/4 special attacks remaining. You need atleast 2 for dbowspec!
      elseif (%specPLAYER2 >= 4) {
        .notice $nick You are out of special attacks.

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]dbow/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %dhit $rand(0,25)
      .set %dhit3 $rand(0,25)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %dhit
      .dec %HPplayer2 %dhit3
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %dhit 14and7 %dhit3 4]
      .set %turn 2
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %whit $rand(0,25)
      .set %whit3 $rand(0,25)
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has hit7 %whit 14and7 %whit3 4]
      .dec %HPplayer1 %whit
      .dec %HPplayer1 %whit3 
      .set %turn 1
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left.4 ] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4] 
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]barrage/si:#: {
  if (%turn == 1) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      .set %bhit $rand(0,30)
      .dec %HPplayer2 %bhit
      .set %turn 2 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %bhit 4]
      if (%HPplayer2 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14has7 %HPplayer2 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer2 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 4DEFEATED3 %player2 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player1 $+ !
        .timer? off
  elseif (%turn == 2) {
    if ($nick == %player2) {
      .set %player2bhit $rand(0,30)
      .dec %HPplayer1 %player2bhit
      .set %turn 1 
      .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has hit7 %player2bhit 4]
      if (%HPplayer1 > 0) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14has7 %HPplayer1 14hp left. 4] | halt }
      if (%HPplayer1 <= 0) {
        .msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 4DEFEATED3 %player1 4]  
        .describe $chan hands over a trophee too %player2 $+ !
        .timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]tele|teleport/si:#: {
  if (%duel2 == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14teleported away! 4] | msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14is the winner! 4] | unsetall | timer? off }
    if ($nick == %player2) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14teleported away! 4] | msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14is the winner! 4] | unsetall | timer? off }
  else {
    notice $nick There is no one fighting.

on 1:QUIT: {
  if (%duel2 == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14is the winner! 4]
      timer? off
    elseif ($nick == %player2) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14is the winner! 4]
      timer? off
  elseif (%duel == active) {
    msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 Halted3 %player1 $+ 's 14request. 4]
    timer? off

on $*:TEXT:/^[!.@]enddm|stopdm|haltdm/si:#: {
  if (%duel2 == active) { 
    if ($nick isop $chan) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][14 There was no winner. 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt}
    if ($nick ishop $chan) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][14 There was no winner. 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt }
    if ($nick == %player1) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][3 %player2 14is the winner! 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt }
    if ($nick == %player2) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][3 %player1 14is the winner! 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt }
  if (%duel == active) {
    if ($nick isop $chan) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 Halted3 %player1 $+ 's 14request 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt }
    if ($nick ishop $chan) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 Halted3 %player1 $+ 's 14request 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt }
    if ($nick == %player1) { msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 Halted your request,3 %player1 4] | unsetall | timer? off | halt}
  if (%duel2 != active) { 
    notice $nick There is no one fighting! 
  if (%duel != active) {
    notice $nick There is no one requesting a fight!

on *:KICK:#: {
  if (%duel2 == active) {
    if ($knick == %player1) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14got kicked! 4][14 There is no winner 4]
      timer? off
    elseif ($knick == %player2) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player2 14got kicked! 4][14 There is no winner 4]
      timer? off
  if (%duel == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 %player1 14got kicked! 4][14 Halted he's request. 4]
      timer? off

on 1:start: {
  echo ..:: 7Thanks for using this script! 12::.. 
  echo ..:: 7Thanks for using this script! 12::.. 
  echo 12 ..:: 7The following commands can be used while dm-ing 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!ddsspec - !dds 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!whipspec - !whip 12::.. 
  echo 12 ..:: 3!agsspec - !ags 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!bgsspec - !bgs 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!dbowspec - !dbow 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!cbow 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!barrage 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!guthan 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!tele 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!enddm 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!dharok 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 3!eat 12::..
  echo 12 ..:: 7 That's all 12::..

on *:PART:#: {
  if (%duel2 == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][3 %player2 14is the winner! 4]
      timer? off
    elseif ($nick == %player2) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[3 Ended The Fight 4][3 %player1 14is the winner! 4]
      timer? off
  elseif (%duel == active) {
    if ($nick == %player1) {
      msg $chan 04� 1D14m 4[14 halted3 %player1 $+ 's 14request. 4]  4]
      timer? off

  timer? off

; Thank you for checking/using this script. If you found an error
; please post it on: http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/4274/  
; � Criminal AKA Fireworm999


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